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- Gun-Britt Wärvik
Gun-Britt Wärvik
Institutionen för pedagogik och specialpedagogikOm Gun-Britt Wärvik
Mitt forskningsintresse är inriktat mot det politiska i pedagogiska fenomen. Det forskningsmässiga spår jag har följt berör frågor om förändrade krav på yrkeskunnande, oftast kopplat till kunskapspolitiska aspekter. Jag har studerat såväl industriarbetare som sjuksköterskor, lärare i grundskolan och lärare inom vuxenutbildningen. Ett gemensamt drag när det gäller frågeställningarna är samhällets och organisationers styrning och försök att åstadkomma förändring, hur sådana ambitioner ges en konkret form och hur de därigenom griper in i människors liv och arbete genom att ställa krav på nya kompetenser. Utgångspunkten är underifrånperspektivet, det vill säga dem som förändringsanspråken och styrningen riktas mot samt de hierarkier, gränser och skillnader som därigenom skapas och/eller återskapas.
Jag undervisar främst inom forskarutbildningen.
Livslångt lärande, formering av utbildningssystem, profession, forskarutbildning, kvinnors yrkesutbildnings historia Länk till forskningsmiljö
Teacher education between academy and profession: A review of research on relations between teacher education and doctoral
Sverker Lindblad, Gun-Britt Wärvik
ECER conference in Nicosia, Cyprus, August 27-30 - 2024 -
Domestic education and technology. Historical development of women´s (T)VET 1930
Åsa Broberg, Viveca Lindberg, Gun-Britt Wärvik
Stockholm International Conference of Research in Vocational Education and Training - 2024 -
Beyond labels: Working out contradictions in Swedish for immigrants (SFI)
Dimitrios Papadopoulos, Karin Lumsden Wass, Monica Reichenberg, Gun-Britt Wärvik
EARLI SIG 10, 21 & 25 Conference 2024, Walking the Talk: Co-constructing the politics of meaning, diversity and learning 11th - 13th September 2024, Bari, Italy - 2024 -
Women in male-dominated technical and vocational education and training in Ethiopia - PPDP and the making of gender
Eskindir Asrat, Samson Melesse, Aimee Haley, Alebachew Haybano, Gun-Britt Wärvik
Stockholm International Conference of Research in Vocational Education and Training - 2024 -
Education in a Societal Crisis—A Swedish Exception in Mitigating the COVID-19
Gun-Britt Wärvik, Sverker Lindblad, Caroline Runesdotter, Anders Lindqvist
Pädagogik des gesellschaftlichen Ausnahmezustandes. Erziehung Erwachsener in der Corona-Pandemie, Eds. Denise Klinge, Arnd-Michael Nohl & Burkhard Schäffer - 2023 -
Bridging the skills gap in TVET: a study on private-public development partnership in
Samson Melesse, Aimee Haley, Gun-Britt Wärvik
International Journal of Training Research - 2023 -
The reconstruction of Swedish doctoral education over the past 50
Britt Marie Apelgren, Sverker Lindblad, Gun-Britt Wärvik
Society for Reserach in Higher Education 2023 - 2023 -
Individualising processes in the making: policy complexities and tensions of municipal adult education in Swedish for
Dimitrios Papadopoulos, Karin Lumsden Wass, Gun-Britt Wärvik
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research - 2023 -
Domestic education and technology – historical development of women´s
Åsa Broberg , Viveca Lindberg , Gun-Britt Wärvik
Paper presented at the JVET conference, Oxford University, 13 - 15 July 2023 - 2023 -
Doctoral Education as Paradigmatic Formation or Education of a Professional Workforce? An International Research
Sverker Lindblad, Gun-Britt Wärvik
Paper presented at the NERA conference, Oslo, 15 -17 March, 2023 - 2023 -
Vocational Education for Women. An Invisible
Åsa Broberg, Viveca Lindberg, Gun-Britt Wärvik
Marianne Teräs, Lázaro Moreno Herrera, Janne Kontio & Emma West (Eds.), VIII Stockholm International Conference & Research Workshop on VET May 11–13, 2022: Book of Abstracts - 2022 -
Kvinnors yrkesutbildning: en osynlig
Åsa Broberg, Viveca Lindberg, Gun-Britt Wärvik
Å. Broberg, V. Lindberg & G-B. Wärvik (red). Kunskapstraditioner och yrkeskunnande: Kvinnors yrkesutbildning i historisk belysning - 2022 -
Introduktion. Om kvinnors yrkesutbildning i samhällshistoriska
Åsa Broberg, Viveca Lindberg, Gun-Britt Wärvik
Å. Broberg, V. Lindberg & G-B. Wärvik (red). Kunskapstraditioner och yrkeskunnande. Kvinnors yrkesutbildning i historisk belysning. - 2022 -
Restructuring Doctoral Education in
Britt Marie Apelgren, Sverker Lindblad, Gun-Britt Wärvik
Doctoral Education as If People Matter: Critical Issues for the Future - 2022 -
Curriculum Theorizing the Reforming of Doctoral Education: Reflections on Paradigmatic Changes in Educational Research
Sverker Lindblad, Gun-Britt Wärvik
Paper presented at Nordic Curriculum Theory Conference: Education between Hope and Happening. Linneus University. Oct 20-21, 2022 - 2022 -
Kunskapstraditioner och yrkeskunnande. Kvinnors yrkesutbildning i historisk
Åsa Broberg, Viveca Lindberg, Gun-Britt Wärvik
2022 -
Interventions for Inclusion in TVET through Private-Public Development Partnership in Ethiopia and
Samson Melesse, Aimee Haley, Gun-Britt Wärvik
Nordic Journal of Comparative and International Education (NJCIE) - 2022 -
School lockdown? Comparative analyses of responses to the COVID-19 pandemic in European
Sverker Lindblad, Gun-Britt Wärvik, Inger Berndtsson, Elsi-Brith Jodal, Anders Lindqvist, Giulia Messina Dahlberg, Dimitrios Papadopoulos, Caroline Runesdotter, Katarina Samuelsson, Jonas Udd, Martina Wyszynska Johansson
European Educational Research Journal - 2021 -
North-South collaboration: On the making of a Center for Comparative Education and Policy Studies at Addis Ababa
Alebachew Kemisso Haybano, Aimee Haley, Sverker Lindblad, Gun-Britt Wärvik
Nordic Journal of Comparative and International Education - 2021 -
On the Making of International Competition as Governing Principle: Studies of the Interplay Between Science and Society in
Gun-Britt Wärvik, Daniel Pettersson , Sverker Lindblad
ECER conference, Geneva, online September 6-10, 2021 - 2021 -
In education we trust: on handling the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Swedish welfare
Sverker Lindblad, Anders Lindqvist, Caroline Runesdotter, Gun-Britt Wärvik
Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft - 2021 -
Women’s vocational education 1890–1990 in Finland and Sweden: the example of vocational home economics
Åsa Broberg , Viveca Lindberg, Gun-Britt Wärvik
Journal of Vocational Education and Training - 2021 -
On Knowledge Organization and Recognition of Research in and on Teacher Education: Views from
Sverker Lindblad, Gustaf Nelhans, Daniel Pettersson, Thomas Popkewitz, Katarina Samuelsson, Gun-Britt Wärvik
ECER conference, Geneva, online September 6-10, 2021 - 2021 -
The Comparativistic Turn: Making Use of the Agora Concept within Comparative
Daniel Pettersson, Gun-Britt Wärvik
At the panel On Educational Research in Sweden, WERA Virtual Focal Meeting, July 7-9 2021 - 2021 -
Doctoral education making researchers or teaching professionals? Findings from a systematic research
Sverker Lindblad, Anna-Carin Jonsson, Gun-Britt Wärvik
At the panel On Educational Research in Sweden, WERA Virtual Focal Meeting, July 7-9 2021 - 2021 -
Teaching as pedagogical
Stephen Kemmis, Christine Edward-Groves, Rachel Jakhelln, Sarojni Choy, Gun-Britt Wärvik, Lisbeth Gyllander Torkildsen, Charlotte Arkenback-Sundström
Pedagogy, Education, and Praxis in Critical Times. Mahon, K., Edwards-Groves, C., Francisco, S., Kaukko, M., Kemmis, S., Petrie, K. (Eds.) - 2020 -
School differentiation and re-forming human kinds in Swedish welfare state education after the second world
Gun-Britt Wärvik, Sverker Lindblad, Daniel Pettersson, Caroline Runesdotter
The international emergence of educational sciences in the post-world war two years: Quantification, visualization, and making kinds of people. Popkewitz, T.S., Pettersson, D. & Hsiao, K. (Eds.) - 2020 -
Dokumentation och utvärdering som
Ann-Charlotte Lindgren, Gun-Britt Wärvik
Förskollärares egen forskning. I. N. Pramling & I. Pramling Samuelsson (red.) - 2020 -
Integration of learning for refugee and migrant students: VET teachers’ practices through practice theory
Sarojni Choy, Gun-Britt Wärvik
Journal of Vocational Education and Training - 2019 -
Vocationalising Specialized Concepts: Appropriating Meanings Through
Martina Wyszynska Johansson, Gun-Britt Wärvik, Sarojni Choy
Vocations and Learning - 2019 -
Co-production of knowledge on the educational Agora. Media acivities and
Gun-Britt Wärvik, Caroline Runesdotter, Daniel Pettersson
New practices of comparison, quantification and expertise in education. Conducting Empirically Based Research. C. Elde Mølstad & D. Pettersson (red.) - 2019 -
On Doctoral Education Research - Paradigms and Politics of Knowledge: A Research
Sverker Lindblad, Gun-Britt Wärvik
ECER conference, 3-6 September 2019 in Hamburg - 2019 -
Individualisation in the making: policy complexities and tensions of the Municipal Adult Education in Swedish for
Dimitrios Papadopoulos, Karin Lumsden Wass, Gun-Britt Wärvik
ESREA 9th Triennial European Research Conference, 19-22 September 2019, Belgrade, Serbia - 2019 -
Joint supervision: Perspectives from Swedish and Ethiopian PhD
Aimee Haley, Gun-Britt Wärvik, Alebachew Kemisso
Paper presenterat vid Högskolepedagogisk konferens, okt 2019 Göteborgs universitet - 2019 -
Co-production of knowledge on the educational Agora. Media acivities and
Gun-Britt Wärvik, Caroline Runesdotter, Daniel Pettersson
New practices of comparison, quantification and expertise in education. Conducting Empirically Based Research. C. Elde Mølstad & D. Pettersson (red.) - 2019 -
Att integrera skola och arbete - Utmaningar i vårdlärares möte med
Karin Lumsden Wass, Gun-Britt Wärvik, Sarojni Choy
Att utveckla utbildningspraktiker. Analys, förståelse och förändring genom teorin om praktikarkitekturer. I. Henning Loeb, L. Langelotz & K. Rönnerman. (red) - 2019 -
Teaching as Professional Practice. At the symposium: Pedagogy, Education and Praxis: An eleven-year progress report from an international research network. At the ECER conference, September 2019 in
Kemmis Stephen, Rachel Jekhelln, Charlotte Arkenback-Sundström, Gun-Britt Wärvik
At the symposium: Pedagogy, Education and Praxis: An eleven-year progress report from an international research network. At the ECER conference, September 2019 in Hamburg. - 2019 -
Policy Making and Positioning at the Education
Gun-Britt Wärvik
At the panel "International large-scale assessments meeting educational policy-making in a restructuring Nordic welfare state", CIES annual meeting in San Fransisco, April 14-18 - 2019 -
Actors and Policy-Making on the Education Agora in the Context of Sweden
Gun-Britt Wärvik
Paper presented at the NERA conference in Uppsala, March 6-8 - 2019 -
International Large-Scale Assessments in Political and Professional Decision Making in a Nordic Welfare
Daniel Pettersson, Gun-Britt Wärvik
At the panel "Educational Facts in the Making? International Large-Scale Assessments in Research, Mass Media, and Policy Discourses", AERA Annual Meeting in Toronto, April 5-9. - 2019 -
Co-production of comparative education research and welfare state education
Rita Foss Lindblad, Sverker Lindblad, Daniel Pettersson, Gun-Britt Wärvik
The program for the Comparative and International Education Society Conference 2018 in Mexico City. - 2018 -
How the Media in the Post World War Years was Giving Intelligibility to the Co‐Production of the Educational ‘Failure’/‘Success'.
At the symposium How Nature is Given Names: The International Emergence of Educational Sciences in The Post World War Two Years.
(Chair: Thomas S. Popkewitz (University of Wisconsin‐Madison)
Discussants: Lynn Fendler (Michigan State University), Noah W. Sobe (Loyola
Gun-Britt Wärvik, Caroline Runesdotter, Daniel Pettersson
ISCHE, August 2018 in Berlin - 2018 -
Considerations for the Integration of Students’
Sarojni Choy, Gun-Britt Wärvik, Viveca Lindberg
S.Choy, G-B. Wärvik, V. Lindberg (Eds.). Integration of Vocational Education and Training Experiences. Purposes, Practices and Principles - 2018 -
Integration between school and work: developments, conceptions and
Sarojni Choy, Gun-Britt Wärvik, Viveca Lindberg
S. Choy, G-B. Wärvik and V. Lindberg (eds.). Integration of vocational education and training experiences. Purposes, practises and principles - 2018 -
Concepts, purposes and practices of integration across national
Stephen Billett, Gun-Britt Wärvik, Sarojni Choy
S. Choy, G-B. Wärvik and V. Lindberg (eds.). Integration of vocational education and training experiences. Purposes, practises and principles - 2018 -
Integration Between School and Work: Changes and Challenges in the Swedish VET
Gun-Britt Wärvik, Viveca Lindberg
Integration of Vocational Education and Training Experiences Purposes, Practices and Principles - 2018 -
Integration of Vocational Education and Training Experiences
Purposes, Practices and
Sarojni Choy, Gun-Britt Wärvik, Viveca Lindberg
2018 -
Welfare state education in change: A historical analysis focusing on a research-policy agora and globalization in the politics of knowledge. At the Panel Session Comparative Education Research at the Education Policy Agora: On Globalizing Tandem Processes in Nordic Welfare State Education Policy and
Gun-Britt Wärvik
CIES, March 2018 in Mexico City. - 2018 -
PISA, Communicative Acts and the Media: The Discourse of “Failure” and “Success”. At the symposium "The language of quantity": Educational knowledge, activities and legitimacy. NERA March 2018 in
Gun-Britt Wärvik, Caroline Runesdotter, Daniel Petterson
NERA March 2018 in Oslo - 2018 -
International Comparisons and Dynamics at the Education Policy
Bernard Schneuwly, Thomas S Popkewitz, Gun-Britt Wärvik, Caroline Runesdotter, Daniel Pettersson, Tine S Prøitz, Sølvi Mausethagen , Rita Foss Lindblad, Sverker Lindblad
EERA. Emerging Researchers' Conference. Copenhagen, August 2017 - 2017 -
Andreas Fejes, Viveca Lindberg, Gun-Britt Wärvik
2017 -
Samverkan skola – arbetsliv i svensk yrkesutbildning
Viveca Lindberg, Gun-Britt Wärvik
7de Nordiska Läroplansteoretiska Konferensen - 2017 -
Vad är ett
Viveca Lindberg, Gun-Britt Wärvik
A. Fejes, V. Lindberg & G-B Wärvik (red). Yrkesdidaktikens mångfald - 2017 -
Yrkesdidaktisk forskning in i
A. Fejes, Viveca Lindberg, Gun-Britt Wärvik
A. Fejes, V. Lindberg & G-B Wärvik (red). Yrkesdidaktikens mångfald - 2017 -
The "Agora project": International comparisons and the re-modelling of welfare
Sverker Lindblad, Daniel Pettersson, Gun-Britt Wärvik
NOCIES (Research in Comparative and International Education in the Nordic Countries) in Copenhagen, March 2017 - 2017 -
International comparisons in Swedish mass
Gun-Britt Wärvik, Caroline Runesdotter, Daniel Pettersson
Presented at the symposium International Comparisons and Dynamics at the Education Policy Agora. At the ECER conference in Copenhagen August 2017 - 2017 -
VET Teachers’ Practices of Integration for Migrant and Refugee
Sarojni Choy, Gun-Britt Wärvik, Karin Lumsden Wass, Tasha Riley
At the ECER conference in Copenhagen August 2017 - 2017 -
VET teachers’ practices of integration for refugee and migrant students – through a practice theory
Choy Sarojni, Gun-Britt Wärvik
At the AVETRA conference in Melbourne, April 2017 - 2017 -
Adult education in a workplace context: recognising production workers’ responses and partnership
Gun-Britt Wärvik
Educational Action Research - 2016 -
Marketisation of adult education: principals as business leaders, standardised teachers and responsibilised
Andreas Fejes, Caroline Runesdotter, Gun-Britt Wärvik
International Journal of Lifelong Education - 2016 -
On VET Students´ Ways of Discerning Vocational Knowing as
Martina Wyszynska Johansson, Gun-Britt Wärvik
Presented at ECER conference in Dublin August 2016 - 2016 -
Integration between school and work: Changes and challenges in two Swedish VET-programmes
Viveca Lindberg, Gun-Britt Wärvik
V International Conference & Research Workshop Vocational Education & Training – Emerging Issues? Voices from research. Stockholm, May 09-10, 2016 - 2016 -
Skolrankning som medial
Caroline Runesdotter, Gun-Britt Wärvik, Eva Andersson, Martin Harling
G-B. Wärvik, C. Runesdotter, E. Forsberg, B. Hasselgren & F. Sahlström (red). Skola, lärare, samhälle. Vänbok till Sverker Lindblad - 2016 -
Skola, lärare, samhälle. Vänbok till Sverker
Gun-Britt Wärvik, Caroline Runesdotter, Eva Forsberg, Biörn Hasselgren, Fritjof Sahlström
2016 -
Vocational education for the future? Contradictions in Swedish policy and
Viveca Lindberg, Gun-Britt Wärvik
NERA 44th congress in Helsinki, 9-11 Marsch 2016 - 2016 -
Reglering och formering i
Annika Bergviken Rensfeldt, Gun-Britt Wärvik, Eva Forsberg
Swedish Educational Research Association, October 7-8 2015, Stockholm, Sweden. - 2015 -
Media attention and representations of national and international ranking lists in
Caroline Runesdotter, Gun-Britt Wärvik, Eva Andersson, Martin Harling
ECER, 8-11 Sept 2015 in Budapest - 2015 -
Vocational education for the future. Contradictions in policy and
Viveca Lindberg, Gun-Britt Wärvik
11th JVET Conference. Researching Policy and Practice in Vocational Education and Training. Worcester College, Oxford, 3rd–5th July 2015. - 2015 -
Adult education in a workplace context – recognizing production workers’ responses and partnership
Gun-Britt Wärvik
Vocational Education & Training Emerging Issues? VOICES FROM RESEARCH IV International Conference & Research Workshop. Stockholm, May 11-12, 2015 - 2015 -
Formation of Apprenticeships in the Swedish Education System: Different Stakeholder
Ingela Andersson, Gun-Britt Wärvik, Per-Olof Thång
International Journal for Research in Vocational Education and Training - 2015 -
Marketization of adult
Andreas Fejes, Caroline Runesdotter, Gun-Britt Wärvik
Paper presented at the NERA Congress in Gothenburg 4-6 March. - 2015 -
Doctoral Education in Educational Sciences - Current trends in historical
Annika Bergviken Rensfeldt, Gun-Britt Wärvik, Maria Rubin
Think-piece for the Symposium Criticism and Collegiality in the Field of Educational Sciences: The Case of Sweden in Nordic Perspectives. (S. Lindblad chair). Nordic Educational Research Association, March 4-6 2015 Gothenburg - 2015 -
Pedagogik och
Martin Harling, Elsi-Brith Jodal, Sverker Lindblad, Caroline Runesdotter, Gun-Britt Wärvik
Lindblad, S. & Lundahl, L. (red): Utbildning - makt och politik - 2015 -
Genomlysning av
Annika Bergviken Rensfeldt, Gun-Britt Wärvik, Maria Rubin
Swedish Educational Research Association October 6-7, 2014, Växjö, Sweden. - 2014 -
Preconditions For Apprenticeship in the Swedish Upper Secondary School – Exploring Tensions Between Educational Policy and Stakeholders
Ingela Andersson, Gun-Britt Wärvik
At the symposium Early Career Researchers - Swedish PhD Programmes in Vocational Pedagogy, ECER Porto Sept 2014 - 2014 -
Nygamla ideal i yrkesutbildning för
Gun-Britt Wärvik
Keynote, NORDYRKs konferens, Högskolan i Oslo och Akershus juni 2014 - 2014 -
Two Swedish PhD programmes in vocational
Andreas Fejes, Signild Lemar, Viveca Lindberg, Gun-Britt Wärvik
Symposium at the European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), September 2014, Porto - 2014 -
Adult education policy in flux. Vocational teachers’ responses to pressures for professional
Gun-Britt Wärvik
Vocational Education & Training, Emerging Issues. VOICES FROM RESEARCH III International Conference & Research Workshop Stockholm, May 12-‐13, 2014 - 2014 -
School Ranking in Media: the Application of Performative Technologies to Education and Schooling in Sweden and
Caroline Runesdotter, Gun-Britt Wärvik, Eva Andersson, Ros Bennan Kemmis
Paper presented at the European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), September 2014, Porto - 2014 -
Pedagogik och politik under
Caroline Runesdotter, Gun-Britt Wärvik
Differentieringens janusansikte. En antologi från Institutionen för pedagogik och specialpedagogik vid Göteborgs universitet. Inga Wernersson & Ingemar Gerrbo (red) - 2013 -
Partnership for learning on the production
Gun-Britt Wärvik
Presented at the symposium Partnerships for practicebased learning and development: Challenges for adult and vocational education practitioners, CARN conference November 7-9 2013, Tromsø - 2013 -
Vocational Education – the Tension between Educational Flexibility and
Eva Andersson, Gun-Britt Wärvik
G. K. Zarifis & M. Gravani (eds.) Challenging the 'European Area of Lifelong Learning’: a critical response - 2013 -
On the Values of Educational Comparisons: On Marketized Education and Post-politics in
Martin Harling, Elsi-Brith Jodal, Sverker Lindblad, Caroline Runesdotter, Gun-Britt Wärvik
European Conference on Educational Research 2013 Istanbul - 2013 -
The reconfiguration of adult education VET teachers: Tensions amongst organisational imperatives, vocational ideals and the needs of the
Gun-Britt Wärvik
International Journal of Training Research - 2013 -
Editorial: Conflicting interests, tensions and contradictions in VET and adult education reform: An international perspective. Special
Ros Brennan Kemmis, Gun-Britt Wärvik
International Journal of Training Research - 2013 -
Livslångt lärande och det nya utbildningslandskapet för unga och
Eva Andersson, Gun-Britt Wärvik
Paper presenterat vid möte med Nordiskt yrkespedagogiskt och yrkesdidaktiskt nätverk i Karlstad 2013 - 2013 -
School ranking in media as performative
Eva Andersson, Caroline Runesdotter, Gun-Britt Wärvik
NERA´s 41st Congress in Reykjavik, March 7-9 - 2013 -
Nygamla pedagogiska ideal inom yrkesutbildning för
Gun-Britt Wärvik, Per-Olof Thång
Lärandets mångfald. Om vuxenpedagogik och folkbildning - 2013 -
Swedish adult education in transistion? Implications of the work first
Eva Andersson, Gun-Britt Wärvik
Journal of Adult and Continuing Education - 2012 -
New adult education initiatives - in tension between labour market policy and adult education
Eva Andersson, Gun-Britt Wärvik
Paper presented at NERA´s 40th Congress, March 8-10, in Copenhagen, Denmark - 2012 -
Effektive strategier for livslang læring i de nordiske
Sören Ehlers, Gun-Britt Wärvik, Anne Larsen, Tinne Geiger, Per-Olof Thång
2011 -
Tvingande styrningsideal i en marknadsutsatt utbildning för
Gun-Britt Wärvik
Nordic Journal of Vocational Education and Training - 2011 -
On work placement in vocational education and the integration between school and
Ingemar Andersson, Gun-Britt Wärvik
Paper presented at the symposium Looking into the Mirror. International alignments and differences. At the EERA annual meeting in Berlin, september 2011 - 2011 -
Looking into the mirror. Interntional alignments and
Gun-Britt Wärvik
Symposium at the EERA annual meeting in Berlin, September 2011 - 2011 -
Constructing Teacher Professionalism between Organizational Decision-making and Work-life
Rita Foss Lindblad, Sverker Lindblad, Gun-Britt Wärvik
AERA 2011 meeting program: Inciting the Social Imagination - 2011 -
En komparativ analyse af de nordiske landes indsatser for at gennemføre effektive strategier for LLL for alle. Keynote
Sören Ehlers, Gun-Britt Wärvik
Nordisk konferens om motivation i Köpenhamn den 3 – 4 juni. Arrangör: Nordiska Ministerrådet och Nordiskt nätverk för vuxnas lärande - 2010 -
Mellan marknad, bransch och deltagare – organisering av yrkeslärares kompetenser inom utbildning för
Gun-Britt Wärvik
möte med Nordiskt yrkespedagogiskt och yrkesdidaktiskt nätverk. Bodö 1-2 juni 2010 - 2010 -
VET Teachers and Restructuring of Swedish Adult Education – between market-orientation and student-orientation,, presented at the symposium Shaping New Forms of Vocational Education & Training in Sweden and
Gun-Britt Wärvik
AARE annual meeting in Melbourne Australia - 2010 -
Professionell legitimitet under utmaning av kvalitetsstyrning? En studie av styrformer inom
Monica Nyvaller, Gun-Britt Wärvik
Paper presenterat på: Svenska nätverket för professionsforskning, konferens den 30 september -1 oktober, 2010, i Göteborg: Den reglera[n]de professionen – professioner och politik. - 2010 -
Omstrukturering inom vården och sjuksköterskors patientorientering – en internationellt jämförande
Gun-Britt Wärvik, Rita Foss Lindblad
Paper presenterat vid konferens anordnad av Svenska Nätverket för Professionsforskning, den 17 – 18 september 2009 i Malmö - 2009 -
Patient orientation of nurses and restructuring of health
Gun-Britt Wärvik, Rita Foss Lindblad, Maeve Dupont
Jarmo Houtsonen & Gun-Britt Wärvik (eds). European Nurses' Work and Life under Restructuring - 2009 -
Konsten att styra genom ett
Karin Lumsden Wass, Gun-Britt Wärvik, Rita Foss Lindblad
Foss Lindblad, Rita & Lander, Rolf (red). Att säkra det osäkra. Reflektion och makt i skolans utvärdering - 2009 -
European Nurses Work and Life under
Jarmo Houtsonen, Gun-Britt Wärvik
2009 -
Jarmo Houtsonen, Gun-Britt Wärvik
Jarmo Houtsonen & Gun-Britt Wärvik (eds). European Nurses' Work and Life under Restructuring - 2009 -
Restructuring Policies and Politics of Expertise. Comparing Nurses’ Work in seven European
Gun-Britt Wärvik
at the NERA annual meeting in Copenhagen, Denmark. March 2008 - 2008 -
Comparing Discourses of Professionalism in Teaching and Nursing. A contribution to the symposium Unpacking the Backstage of a European Educational Research Project: Profknow – Professional Knowledge in Education and
Gun-Britt Wärvik, Ewa Pilhammar Andersson
at the EERA annual meeting in Gothenburg, September 2008 - 2008 -
The Swedish contribution to workpackage 6 in the Profknow project. In Ivor Goodson and Sverker Lindblad (Eds). Crossprofessional studies in teaching and nursing in Europe, Workpackage 6 of the Profknow
Gun-Britt Wärvik
2008 -
Peter Sohlberg, Magdalena Czaplicka, Sverker Lindblad, Mark Morgan, Gun-Britt Wärvik, Maeve Dupont
2008 -
On knowledge societies and epistemic cultures of teaching. A contribution to the symposium “Atlantic Crossings: Comparative Conversations on Professional Cultures of Teaching and Institutional Restructuring as a World Movement” at the AERA 2007 meeting in Chicago, April
Sverker Lindblad, Rita Foss Lindblad, Gun-Britt Wärvik
AERA 2007 meeting in Chicago - 2007 -
Teachers’ and Nurses’ Knowledge at Work. Traditions, Trajectories & Tentative Trends in Seven Countries. A contribution to the symposium ”Professional Work and Life under Restructuring. Comparative Studies of Teachers and Nurses in Different European Political
C Sugrue, Maeve Dupont, Evie Zambeta, Gun-Britt Wärvik, Peter Sohlberg, Magdalena Czaplicka
at the EERA annual meeting in Ghent, September 2007. - 2007 -
Expansion och kontraktion. Utmaningar för högskolesystemet och utbildningsforskare. (Vetenskapsrådets rapportserie
Berit Askling, Rita Foss Lindblad, Gun-Britt Wärvik
2007 -
E som i
Karin Lumsden Wass, Gun-Britt Wärvik
I A. Björnsson & B. Rombach (red.) Tidens tecken. Svenska Humanistiska Förbundets skriftserie 121 - 2007 -
Best Practice - The Dynamics of Knowledge Production and Education Restructuring. Paper Presented at European Education Policy Network conference, "Defining the European Education Agenda", 11 January, 2007, Cambridge, United
Karin Lumsden Wass, Gun-Britt Wärvik, Rita Foss Lindblad
http://keelingruth.googlepages.com/onlineworkingpapers - 2007 -
On the political and politics of expertise in transition: Paper presented at the symposium “Recent trends and challenges in policy and politics of education” at the NERA 2007 meeting in Turku, March 15-17
Rita Foss Lindblad, Michael Hansen, Sverker Lindblad, Monica Nyvaller, Gun-Britt Wärvik
NERA Annual Meeting in Turku - 2007 -
“Best Practice” – The Dynamics of Knowledge Production and Education
Rita Foss Lindblad, Karin Lumsden Wass, Gun-Britt Wärvik
at the NERA annual meeting in Örebro, Sweden. March 2006 - 2006 -
Discoursing Health Care Restructuring and Nurses Professional Expertise in
Rita Foss Lindblad, Sverker Lindblad, Gun-Britt Wärvik
at the NERA annual meeting in Örebro, Sweden. March 2006 - 2006 -
On the Politics of Knowledge in the Reconfiguring of the Teaching and Nursing Profession. A contribution to the symposium “Comparative Studies on Professional Expertise, Authority and Work Life Organisation in Education and
Rita Foss Lindblad, Sverker Lindblad, Gun-Britt Wärvik
EERA meeting in Geneva, September 13-15, 2006 - 2006 -
WP 5 Nurses’ Life Histories: the Swedish case. The Swedish contribution to workpackage 5. In. T. Kosonen and J. Houtsonen (eds). European Nurses’ Life and Work under Restructuring: Professional Experiences, Knowledge and Expertise in Changing Contexts. Report No 5 from the Profknow
Gun-Britt Wärvik
2006 -
WP 4 Teachers’ Life Histories. The Swedish contribution to workpackage 4. In. J. Müller, F. Hernández, J. Sancho, A. Creus, M. Muntadas, V. Larrain & X. Giro. (eds.). European Schoolteachers work and life under restructuring: Professional experiences, knowledge and expertise in changing context. Report No 4 from the Profknow
Gun-Britt Wärvik
2006 -
Discoursing Working Life and Professional Expertise in Education and Health Care in Sweden. A contribution to the symposium “National case studies of restructuring in professional work and professional education in health and education
Rita Foss Lindblad, Sverker Lindblad, Gun-Britt Wärvik
at the EERA annual meeting in Dublin, September 2005. - 2005 -
Best Practice” and the Adult Education
Karin Lumsden Wass, Gun-Britt Wärvik
at the NERA annual meeting in Oslo, Norway. March 2005 - 2005 -
Discoursing working life and professional expertise in Education and Health Care in Sweden. The Swedish contribution to workpackage 2. In D. Beach(Ed). Welfare State Restructuring in Education and Health Care:Implications for the Teaching and Nursing Professions and their Professional Knowledge. Report No 2 from the Profknow
Rita Foss Lindblad, Gun-Britt Wärvik
2005 -
Profknow, Work Package 1: the Swedish Report. The Swedish contribution to Workpackage 1. In C.Norrie & I. Goodson. (eds.). A literature review of welfare state restructuring in education and health care in European contexts. Report 1 from the Profknow
Gun-Britt Wärvik
2005 -
Conditions for Learning During a Period of Change. Dilemmas and Disturbances on the Production
Gun-Britt Wärvik, Per-Olof Thång
In E. Antonacopoulou, Jarvis, P., Andersen, V., Elkjaer, B. & Hoeyrup, S. (eds). Learning, Working and Living. Mapping the Terrain of Working Life Learning - 2005 -
Omvandlingstryck och redskap för förändring. (I Rita Foss Fridlizius (red) Vuxenutbildning i omvandling- Arbetsrapport 1 : Förändrade incitament i den svenska
Gun-Britt Wärvik
2005 -
Kompetensutveckling för yrkesverksamma: organiserandet av projekt för
Per-Olof Thång, Gun-Britt Wärvik
Pedagogisk forskning i Sverige - 2005 -
Arbeijdspladslæring med ikt-støtte i svensk
Per-Olof Thång, Gun-Britt Wärvik
I A. Kamstrup (red). E-læring på arbejde - 2004 -
Ambitioner att förändra och artefakters verkan : gränsskapande och stabiliserande praktiker på
Gun-Britt Wärvik
2004 -
Conditions for Learning During a Period of
Gun-Britt Wärvik
ESREA, the European Society for Research on the Education of Adults. ESREA Conference. Wroclaw, Polen - 2004 -
Villkor för den nya arbetsordningen. Om gränsobjekt, motsägelser och artefakters skilda
Gun-Britt Wärvik
Nfps konferens i Köpenhamn, mars 2003 - 2003 -
Conditions for Learning during a Period of
Gun-Britt Wärvik
at the ESREA meeting in Wroclaw, Poland, September 2004 - 2003 -
”Problemet“ med arbetsgruppen i produktionen – en nygammal fråga? I Jan Ch Karlsson (ed).. Klassiska Arbetsvetenskapliga undersökningar. Rapport från en
Gun-Britt Wärvik
2002 -
Kompetensutveckling för yrkesverksamma inom den västsvenska verkstadsindustrin – är det
Per-Olof Thång, Gun-Britt Wärvik
2001 -
Worked-Based Learning Centres in Manufacturing Industry. Some notes on conditions and
Per-Olof Thång, Gun-Britt Wärvik
at the ESREA conference in Lisbon, September 2000 - 2001 -
Vem är folkhögskolans studieomdömen bra
Eva Andersson, Monica Larson, Gun-Britt Wärvik
Paper presenterat vid Mimers årliga forskarkonferens, Eskilstuna, 7-8 november 2000. - 2000 -
Kunskapslyftet på
Eva Andersson, Monica Larson, Gun-Britt Wärvik
2000 -
Interest and motivation to participate in adult education. A study within the Adult Education
Per-Olof Thång, Gun-Britt Wärvik
Social Change and Adult Education - 2000 -
Adult Education in Sweden. Possibilities for the Middel Aged and Old
Per-Olof Thång, Gun-Britt Wärvik
Education and Ageing - 2000 -
Research education in Vilinius University and Vilinius Pedagogical University – a peer-review form doctoral students’ point of
Marie Bliding, Eva Hjörne, Gun-Britt Wärvik
Rapport presenterad vid konferens “Education in the Era of change” , 20-24 maj, Vilnius 1999 - 1999