CARe Webinar

CARe-webinar - “The Natural History of Antibiotic Resistance” by Professor Gerry Wright

We are honored to have Professor Gerry Wright presenting an open lecture on “The Natural History of Antibiotic Resistance” at a CARe-organised zoom webinar June 7th at 15.00h Swedish time.

Professor G. Wright
Foto: The Gerry Wright lab

Dr. Gerry Wright has done research on antibiotic resistance since the early 1990’s. His research group is devoted the direct study of the molecular mechanisms and evolution of bacterial antibiotic resistance using chemical biology and chemical genetics. Another line of their research aims to identify new antibiotics and new antimicrobial treatment strategies. You can read more about their research here:

Gerry Wright is the Director of the Michael G. DeGroote Institute for Infectious Disease Research, McMaster University, Canada. He is also a Professor in the Department of Biochemistry and Biomedical Sciences, an Associate member in the Departments of Chemistry and Chemical Biology and of Pathology and Molecular Medicine. He has authored over 240 scientific papers and is a member of the editorial boards of several journals.

We strongly recommend anyone interested in antibiotic resistance to take the opportunity to attend the lecture by Professor Wright.

Zoom link to the meeting:

Time and date: June 7th at 15.00h Swedish time

Please mark the time and date in your calendars

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