
Eva Ferket went on an exchange semester to Gothenburg

Eva Ferket is a Master’s student at Wageningen University & Research and is studying Management, Economics and Consumerstudies. During her exchange semester at the School she studied four different business courses.

How did you prepare for your exchange semester in Gothenburg?
-I contacted a student  from my home university who spent an exchange semester at Handels a year before me. Most of all I arranged all the practical things, such as student accommodation and course application. Besides that, I informed myself a bit about life in Sweden and Gothenburg in general and I thought about all things I wanted to do while having an exchange semester in Gothenburg.

How would you describe the introduction and the start of your semester here?
-This was super good, as IntU organised events which made it really easy to meet other exchange students and to get to know Handels and the city. According to my experiences, IntU does this way better compared to other GU faculties.

My classrooms were really international and I had no trouble integrating with my classmates, also the Swedes, and finding good people to work with on the group projects.

What is the School like?
-The atmosphere was good! My classrooms were really international and I had no trouble integrating with my classmates, also the Swedes, and finding good people to work with on the group projects.

How was your social life as an exchange student at the School?
-Three of my best friends from my exchange period I got to know via IntU, so I thank Handels! However, I had no classes with them. During my classes I spent time with the students I had group work with, and they were really nice. However, I would say that I spend my social life with people I met at my student accommodation and people I met at IntU, not the people I had classes with. Still I could go along with my group mates as well, which made the time during classes at Handels good.

What are the teachers like?
-Personally, I really like the relationship between teachers and students at Handelshögskolan. In Sweden everything is so personal! This is also the case in the Netherlands, but in Sweden it is even more. No hierarchy at all! 

Gothenburg's location makes it so easy to travel around and see more of Sweden, but also Norway and Denmark.


If you could give any tips to future exchange students, what would you share?
-Try to be open for all the adventures and new people from the beginning of your time here. You easily make friends then and have the best times. School is of course really important as well, but in my experience it is super doable to focus on study during the day and have amazing free weekend and evenings with your friends! Exchange is about the whole picture, so don't skip trips, evening with friends or so for studying, because you need both!! And try to connect with Swedes, I really love them and they are not so introvert as a lot of people say they are.

How did you solve your housing situation?
-For my application I could check the box that I wanted help for housing via SGS. Applying for a room went really easy then.

How would you say you experienced life in Gothenburg?
-As the best time in my life! For me Gothenburg is the perfect city. It is big, but feels small and it is has so much nature in and around it. Therefore, it is a perfect combination of nature and city life. And Gothenburg's architecture is so pretty! Besides, Sweden itself is also beautiful and Gothenburg's location makes it so easy to travel around and see more of Sweden, but also Norway and Denmark. Moreover, Sweden has Fika, and Gothenburg has Haga. Do I need to say anything more? Even though I spend only 6 months in Gothenburg, it really feels like home to me. 

I really like the relationship between teachers and students at Handelshögskolan. In Sweden everything is so personal.

How was it to live here and not speak Swedish?
-No problem at all. The level of English is so high. Not only at GU, but also from the locals. Even though this is also in line with the English level in the Netherlands, I feel like in Sweden even the elderly are able to start a conversation in English.

However I would always try to learn some basic Swedish words and sentences, as it is just really fun to understand it a bit when you hear Swedes speaking.

Your favourite memory from your time as an exchange student?
-I don't have one specific favourite memory as the whole 6 months were amazing! But let's say that I really enjoyed the fika's with friends in the many cozy cafees. This cultural thing is the most important aspect of Swedish life I brought back to my life at home.

Eva Ferket thinks Gothenburg offers the perfect combination of nature and city life
Eva Ferket thinks Gothenburg offers the perfect combination of nature and city life
Eva Ferket from The Netherlands spent an exchange semester at the School of Business, Economics and Law
Eva Ferket from The Netherlands spent an exchange semester at the School of Business, Economics and Law