
Seminarium om teoretisk fysik - Jeff Maki

Naturvetenskap & IT

Detta är en del av seminarieserien för studenter och forskare som är intresserade av teoretisk fysik och tillämpad matematik. Jeff Maki (Università di Trento) håller i ett seminarium med titeln "Anomalous decay and collective modes in lossy one-dimensional Bose gasess".

18 apr 2024
15:15 - 16:15
Von Bahr, Soliden 1 and via Zoom

Anomalous decay and collective modes in lossy one-dimensional Bose gases


Historically dissipation in quantum systems was considered to be only parasitic, as it would destroy quantum coherences. This picture has become more and more challenged in recent years with new works showing dissipation can be used as a resource to produce strongly correlated quantum states. One primary example is the 1D Bose gas, where fermionization can be achieved not only by strong elastic two-body interactions, but by strong two-body losses. In this talk we explore how two-body losses can excite coherent oscillations in harmonically trapped 1D Bose gas with strong two-body losses. Using a dissipative kinetic theory, we find that dissipation induces a new collective mode. We characterize this dissipation induced collective mode, and show that although it has the same frequency as the coherent oscillations in the absence of loss, they are in fact distinct.

Seminariet hålls i hybridform

Det går både att delta i seminariet på plats eller via Zoom.

Plats: Von Bahr, Soliden 1
Zoom-länk: https://gu-se.zoom.us/j/64681043702

Läs mer om seminarieserien

Seminarium om teoretisk fysik