
Gone fishing: a roundtable on ongoing research around sustainable fisheries (co-hosted with Sea & Society

Hållbarhet & miljö
Samhälle & ekonomi

Forskningsseminarium i samhällsvetenskapliga miljöstudier.

18 apr 2024
10:00 - 12:00
Rum C417, Institutionen för globala studier, Konstepideminsväg 2.

Julie Bennett, Maris Gillette, Sebastian Linke, Milena Arias Schreiber, Viktor Vesterberg (Institutionen för globala studier, Göteborgs universitet)
Institutionen för globala studier och Centrum fö hav och samhälle

In his celebrated book Ålevangeliet (The Gospel of the Eel, 2019), Patrik Svensson asks, "how much can you know about an eel?" His answer is that we now quite a lot – but also very little. The eel is only one of many fish that have gone from staples on the dinner table to critically endangered species. Fishing starts with the livelihoods and the embodied experiences of fishers, before via heavily regulated seas and foodways, more than 50 percent of all seafood worldwide is internationally traded. Today, the planet's largest ecosystem, the ocean, is at risk. In this roundtable, five environmental social scientists in the School of Global Studies share their ongoing work around sustainable fisheries and engage in critical discussion.