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- Kjell Torén
Kjell Torén
Senior Researcher
School of Public Health and Community Medicine-
The more smoking the more cataract: A study on smoking, snus use and cataract in a Swedish
Moa Nordström, Madeleine Zetterberg, Kjell Torén, Linus Schiöler, Mathias Holm
Comparison of associations between alcohol consumption and metabolic syndrome according to three definitions: The Swedish INTERGENE
Alina Skultecka, Fredrik Nyberg, Lauren Lissner, Maria Rosvall, Dag S. Thelle, Anna-Carin Olin, Kjell Torén, Lena Björck, Annika Rosengren, Kirsten Mehlig
Metabolism Open - 2024 -
Factors most strongly associated with breathlessness in a population aged 50–64
Max Olsson, Anders J. Björkelund, Jacob Sandberg, Anders Blomberg, Mats Börjesson, David Currow, Andrei Malinovschi, Magnus Sköld, Per Wollmer, Kjell Torén, Carl Johan Östgren, Gunnar Engström, Magnus Ekström
European Respiratory Journal Open Research (ERJ Open Research) - 2024 -
Occupational groups and risk of suicidal behavior in men: a Swedish national cohort study during
Jenny Nyberg, Catrin Wessman, Mia Söderberg, Anthony D LaMontagne, Kjell Torén, Margda Waern, Maria A I Åberg
BMC public health - 2024 -
Occupational exposure to inhalable agents is associated with reduced work ability: A prospective cohort study in
Geir Klepaker, Kjell Torén, Paul Keefer Henneberger, Johny Kongerud, Anne Kristin Møller Fell
Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine - 2024 -
Women suffering from chronic rhinosinusitis in Norway are more likely to take sick
Ulrika Clarhed, Linus Schiöler, Kjell Torén, Anne Kristin M. Fell, Johan Hellgren
PLOS ONE - 2024 -
Occupational exposure and new-onset asthma in the population-based Telemark study: a 5-year
Nikola Zivadinovic, Keson Jaoiun, Geir Klepaker, Anthony Wagstaff, Kjell Torén, Paul K. Henneberger, Johny Kongerud, Regine Abrahamsen, Anne Kristin Moeller Fell
BMJ OPEN - 2024 -
Issue 3—The occupational burden of respiratory diseases, an
N. Murgia, M. Akgun, P. D. Blanc, J. T. Costa, S. Moitra, X. Muñoz, Kjell Torén, A. J. Ferreira
Pulmonology - 2024 -
Influence of stress resilience in adolescence on long-term risk of psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis among men: A prospective register-based cohort study in
Marta Laskowski, Linus Schiöler, Maria A I Åberg, K. Abuabara, Ann-Marie Wennberg, Helena Gustafsson, Kjell Torén
Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology - 2024 -
Changing smoking habits and the occurrence of lung cancer in Sweden-a population
Bengt Jarvholm, Linnea Hedman, Marene Landstrom, Per Liv, Alex Burdorf, Kjell Torén
Occupational particle exposure and chronic kidney disease: a cohort study in Swedish construction
Karl Kilbo Edlund, Eva M. Andersson, Martin Andersson, Lars Barregård, Anders Christensson, Sandra Johannesson, Florencia Harari, Nicola Murgia, Kjell Torén, Leo Stockfelt
Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine - 2024 -
Association between physical activity over a 10-year period and current insomnia symptoms, sleep duration and daytime sleepiness: a European population-based
Erla Bjornsdottir, Elin Helga Thorarinsdottir, Eva Lindberg, Bryndis Benediktsdottir, Karl Franklin, Debbie Jarvis, Pascal Demoly, Jennifer L. Perret, Judith Garcia Aymerich, Sandra Dorado-Arenas, Joachim Heinrich, Kjell Torén, Vanessa Garcia Larsen, Rain Joegi, Thorarinn Gislason, Christer Janson
BMJ OPEN - 2024 -
Occupation-specific risk estimates for suicide and non-fatal self-harm from a Swedish cohort of male construction workers followed
Kirsten Mehlig, Kjell Torén, Anthony D. LaMontagne, Viktoria Wahlstrom, Jenny Nyberg, Margda Waern, Maria A I Åberg
Spirometric patterns in young and middle-aged adults: a 20-year European
A. E. Carsin, J. Garcia-Aymerich, S. Accordini, S. Dharmage, B. Leynaert, M. de las Heras, L. Casas, S. Caviezel, P. Demoly, B. Forsberg, T. Gislason, A. G. Corsico, C. Janson, R. Jogi, J. Martínez-Moratalla, D. Nowak, L. P. Gómez, I. Pin, N. Probst-Hensch, C. Raherison-Semjen, G. Squillacioti, C. Svanes, Kjell Torén, I. Urrutia, I. Huerta, J. M. Anto, D. Jarvis, S. Guerra
Thorax - 2024 -
Cancer incidence among workers in soft paper mills: A cohort
Kjell Torén, Richard L. Neitzel, Helena Eriksson, Eva Andersson
American Journal of Industrial Medicine - 2023 -
Occupational risks for infection with influenza A and B: a national case-control study covering 1 July 2006-31 December
Kjell Torén, M. Albin, Tomas Bergström, M. Alderling, Linus Schiöler, Maria A I Åberg
Occupational and Environmental Medicine - 2023 -
Translation and validation of the Self-Assessment Psoriasis Area Severity Index
Marta Laskowski, Linus Schiöler, Ann-Marie Wennberg, Kjell Torén, Helena Gustafsson
Dermatology (Basel, Switzerland) - 2023 -
Loss to 5-year follow-up in the population-based Telemark Study: risk factors and potential for
Nikola Zivadinovic, Regine Abrahamsen, Maiju Pesonen, Anthony Wagstaff, Kjell Torén, Paul K. Henneberger, Johny Kongerud, Anne Kristin Moeller Fell
BMJ OPEN - 2023 -
Consequences of Using Post- or Prebronchodilator Reference Values in Interpreting
Andrei Malinovschi, Xingwu Zhou, Anders Andersson, Helena Backman, Björn Bake, Anders Blomberg, Kenneth Caidahl, Maria J. Eriksson, Jonas Eriksson Strom, Viktor Hamrefors, Ola Hjelmgren, Christer Janson, Reza Karimi, David Kylhammar, Anne Lindberg, Eva Lindberg, Per Liv, Anna-Carin Olin, Adel Shalabi, C. Magnus Skold, Johan Sundstrom, Hanan Tanash, Kjell Torén, Per Wollmer, Suneela Zaigham, Carl Johan Ostgren, Jan E. Engvall
Occupational risks associated with severe COVID-19 disease and SARS-CoV-2 infection-a Swedish national case-control study conducted from October 2020 to December
Kjell Torén, M. Albin, Tomas Bergström, N. Murgia, M. Alderling, Linus Schiöler, Maria A I Åberg
Scandinavian Journal of Work Environment & Health - 2023 -
Ever Smoking is Not Associated with Performed Spirometry while Occupational Exposure and Respiratory Symptoms
Linnea Carlsson, M. Holm, M. Edlund, M. Ekstrom, Kjell Torén
International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease - 2023 -
Psychosocial job conditions and biomarkers of cardiovascular disease: A cross-sectional study in the Swedish CArdioPulmonary bioImage Study
Mia Söderberg, Helena Eriksson, Kjell Torén, Göran Bergström, Eva Andersson, Annika Rosengren
Scandinavian journal of public health - 2023 -
Body weight at age 20 and in midlife is more important than weight gain for coronary atherosclerosis: Results from
Göran Bergström, Annika Rosengren, Elin Bacsovics Brolin, John Brandberg, Kerstin Cederlund, Gunnar Engström, Jan E Engvall, Maria J Eriksson, Isabel Gonçalves, Emil Hagström, Stefan K James, Tomas Jernberg, Mikael Lilja, Martin Magnusson, Anders Persson, Margaretha Persson, Anette Sandström, Caroline Schmidt, Linn Skoglund Larsson, Johan Sundström, Eva Swahn, Stefan Söderberg, Kjell Torén, Carl Johan Östgren, Erik Lampa, Lars Lind
Atherosclerosis - 2023 -
Occupational exposure to noise and dust in Swedish soft paper mills and mortality from ischemic heart disease and ischemic stroke: a cohort
Kjell Torén, Richard L. Neitzel, Helena P. Eriksson, Eva Andersson
International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health - 2023 -
High prevalence of interstitial lung abnormalities in middle-aged
I. Pesonen, F. Johansson, Åse (Allansdotter) Johnsson, A. Blomberg, Marianne Boijsen, John Brandberg, K. Cederlund, A. Egesten, ÖI Emilsson, J. E. Engvall, A. Frolich, E. Hagström, E. Lindberg, A. Malinovschi, N. Stenfors, E. Swahn, H. Tanash, R. Themudo, Kjell Torén, Lowie E G W Vanfleteren, P. Wollmer, S. Zaigham, C. J. Östgren, C. M. Sköld
European Respiratory Journal Open Research (ERJ Open Research) - 2023 -
Dust Exposures in Swedish Soft Tissue Paper
Richard L Neitzel, Marianne Andersson, Susanna Lohman, Gerd Sällsten, Kjell Torén, Eva Andersson
Annals of work exposures and health - 2022 -
Health-related quality of life as associated with asthma control, psychological status and
A. Rask-Andersen, M. Leander, F. Sundbom, E. Lampa, A. Oudin, B. Leynaert, C. Svanes, T. Gislason, Kjell Torén, C. Janson
Upsala journal of medical sciences - 2022 -
Psychosocial job stressors and risk of suicidal behavior – an observational study among Swedish
Maria A I Åberg, Elisabeth Staats, Josefina Robertson, Linus Schiöler, Kjell Thorén, Anthony LaMontagne, Mia Söderberg, Margda Waern, Jenny Nyberg
Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health - 2022 -
Transmission factors and exposure to infections at work and invasive pneumococcal
Kjell Torén, M. Albin, M. Alderling, Linus Schiöler, Maria A I Åberg
American Journal of Industrial Medicine - 2022 -
Determinants of lifejacket use among boaters on Lake Albert, Uganda: a qualitative
F. Oporia, S. P. S. Kibira, J. Jagnoor, F. Nuwaha, F. E. Makumbi, T. Muwonge, L. R. Ninsiima, Kjell Torén, J. B. Isunju, O. Kobusingye
Injury Prevention - 2022 -
Pneumococcal pneumonia on the job: Uncovering the past story of occupational exposure to metal fumes and
Kjell Torén, R. N. Naidoo, P. D. Blanc
American Journal of Industrial Medicine - 2022 -
Cumulative occupational exposure to inorganic dust and fumes and invasive pneumococcal disease with
Kjell Torén, P. D. Blanc, R. Naidoo, N. Murgia, Leo Stockfelt, Linus Schiöler
International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health - 2022 -
Association of respiratory symptoms with body mass index and occupational exposure comparing sexes and subjects with and without asthma: follow-up of a Norwegian population study (the Telemark
G. Klepaker, P. K. Henneberger, Kjell Torén, C. Brunborg, J. Kongerud, A. K. M. Fell
Bmj Open Respiratory Research - 2022 -
Maternal preconception occupational exposure to cleaning products and disinfectants and offspring
G. Tjalvin, O. Svanes, J. Igland, R. J. Bertelsen, B. Benediktsdottir, S. Dharmage, B. Forsberg, Mathias Holm, C. Janson, N. O. Jogi, A. Johannessen, A. Malinovschi, K. Pape, F. G. Real, T. Sigsgaard, Kjell Torén, H. K. Vindenes, J. P. Zock, V. Schlunssen, C. Svanes
Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology - 2022 -
BMI as a risk factor for the development of chronic rhinosinusitis: a prospective population-based
Ulrika Clarhed, Linus Schiöler, Kjell Torén, A. K. M. Fell, Johan Hellgren
European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology - 2022 -
Psychosocial job exposure and risk of coronary artery
Helena Eriksson, Kjell Torén, Annika Rosengren, Eva Andersson, Mia Söderberg
Plos One - 2021 -
A prospective study on the role of smoking, environmental tobacco smoke, indoor painting and living in old or new buildings on asthma, rhinitis and respiratory
J. Wang, C. Janson, R. Jogi, B. Forsberg, T. Gislason, Mathias Holm, Kjell Torén, A. Malinovschi, T. Sigsgaard, V. Schlünssen, C. Svanes, A. Johannessen, R. J. Bertelsen, K. A. Franklin, D. Norbäck
Environmental Research - 2021 -
The erythrocyte sedimentation rate in male adolescents and subsequent risk of Parkinson’s disease: an observational
Camilla Fardell, Linus Schiöler, Hans Nissbrandt, Kjell Torén, Maria A I Åberg
Journal of Neurology - 2021 -
Prenatal and prepubertal exposures to tobacco smoke in men may cause lower lung function in future offspring: a three-generation study using a causal modelling
S. Accordini, L. Calciano, A. Johannessen, B. Benediktsdottir, R. J. Bertelsen, L. Braback, S. C. Dharmage, B. Forsberg, F. G. Real, J. W. Holloway, Mathias Holm, C. Janson, N. O. Jogi, R. Jogi, A. Malinovschi, A. Marcon, J. M. M. Rovira, J. L. Sanchez-Ramos, V. Schlunssen, Kjell Torén, D. Jarvis, C. Svanes, Article, Article,
European Respiratory Journal - 2021 -
Risk factors for norovirus infection in healthcare workers during nosocomial outbreaks: a cross-sectional
Kjell Torén, Linus Schiöler, Nancy P Nenonen, Charles Hannoun, Anette Roth, Lars-Magnus Andersson, Johan Westin, Tomas Bergström
Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Control - 2021 -
The coexistence of asthma and COPD: risk factors, clinical history and lung function
A. Marcon, F. Locatelli, S. C. Dharmage, C. Svanes, J. Heinrich, B. Leynaert, P. Burney, A. Corsico, G. Caliskan, L. Calciano, T. Gislason, C. Janson, D. Jarvis, R. Jogi, T. Lytras, A. Malinovschi, N. Probst-Hensch, Kjell Torén, L. Casas, G. Verlato, J. Garcia-Aymerich, S. Accordini
European Respiratory Journal - 2021 -
Occupational risk factors for airway obstruction in a population-based study in Northern
Nicola Murgia, Jonas Brisman, Anna-Carin Olin, Anna Dahlman-Höglund, Eva Andersson, Kjell Torén
American Journal of Industrial Medicine - 2021 -
Cumulative Occupational Exposures and Lung-Function Decline in Two Large General-Population
T. Lytras, A. Beckmeyer-Borowko, M. Kogevinas, H. Kromhout, A. E. Carsin, J. M. Anto, H. Bentouhami, J. Weyler, J. Heinrich, D. Nowak, I. Urrutia, J. Martinez-Moratalla, J. A. Gullon, A. P. Vega, C. R. Semjen, I. Pin, P. Demoly, B. Leynaert, S. Villani, T. Gislason, O. Svanes, M. Holm, B. Forsberg, D. Norback, A. J. Mehta, D. Keidel, D. Vernez, G. Benke, R. Jogi, Kjell Torén, T. Sigsgaard, V. Schlunssen, M. Olivieri, P. D. Blanc, J. Watkins, R. Bono, G. Squillacioti, A. S. Buist, R. Vermeulen, D. Jarvis, N. Probst-Hensch, J. P. Zock
Annals of the American Thoracic Society - 2021 -
The ratio FEV1/FVC and its association to respiratory symptoms-A Swedish general population
Kjell Torén, Linus Schiöler, A. Lindberg, Anders Andersson, A. F. Behndig, Göran Bergström, A. Blomberg, K. Caidahl, J. E. Engvall, M. J. Eriksson, V. Hamrefors, C. Janson, D. Kylhammar, E. Lindberg, A. Linden, A. Malinovschi, H. L. Persson, M. Sandelin, J. E. Strom, H. Tanash, Jenny Vikgren, C. J. Ostgren, P. Wollmer, C. M. Skold
Clinical Physiology and Functional Imaging - 2021 -
Cardiorespiratory fitness in late adolescence and long-term risk of psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis among Swedish
Marta Laskowski, Linus Schiöler, Helena Gustafsson, Ann-Marie Wennberg, Maria A I Åberg, Kjell Torén
Plos One - 2021 -
Occupational exposure to respirable crystalline silica and risk of autoimmune rheumatic diseases: a nationwide cohort
S. H. Boudigaard, V. Schlunssen, J. M. Vestergaard, K. Sondergaard, Kjell Torén, S. Peters, H. Kromhout, H. A. Kolstad
International Journal of Epidemiology - 2021 -
Impact of bariatric surgery on moderate to severe psoriasis: A retrospective nationwide registry
Marta Laskowski, Linus Schiöler, J. Ottosson, M. Schmitt-Egenolf, Ann-Marie Wennberg Larkö, Torsten Olbers, Kjell Torén, Helena Gustafsson
Acta Dermato-Venereologica - 2021 -
Smoking, occupational exposures, and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis among Swedish construction
M. Andersson, P. D. Blanc, Kjell Torén, B. Jarvholm
American Journal of Industrial Medicine - 2021 -
COVID-19 as an occupational
C. Carlsten, M. Gulati, S. Hines, C. Rose, K. Scott, S. M. Tarlo, Kjell Torén, A. Sood, R. E. de la Hoz
American Journal of Industrial Medicine - 2021 -
Tändstickan som gav arbetarna
Kjell Torén, Kerstin Landin-Wilhelmsen, Björn Torén Krusell, Johan Hellgren
Läkartidningen - 2021 -
Cardiorespiratory fitness and the incidence of psoriasis and psoriatic
Marta Laskowski, Linus Schiöler, Helena Gustafsson, Ann-Marie Wennberg Larkö, Maria A I Åberg, Kjell Torén
PLoS ONE - 2021 -
High IQ in Early Adulthood is Associated with Parkinson´s
Camilla Fardell, Kjell Torén, Linus Schiöler, Hans Nissbrandt, Maria A I Åberg
Journal of Parkinson's Disease - 2020 -
Visual and Quantitative Evaluation of Emphysema: A Case-Control Study of 1111 Participants in the Pilot Swedish CArdioPulmonary BioImage Study
Jenny Vikgren, Mohammad Khalil, K. Cederlund, K. Sörensen, Marianne Boijsen, John Brandberg, E. Lampa, M. C. Sköld, P. Wollmer, E. Lindberg, J. E. Engvall, Göran Bergström, Kjell Torén, Åse (Allansdotter) Johnsson
Academic Radiology - 2020 -
Low serum DHEA-S is associated with impaired lung function in
G. Pesce, K. Triebner, D. A. van der Plaat, D. Courbon, S. Hustad, T. Sigsgaard, D. Nowak, J. Heinrich, J. M. Anto, S. Dorado-Arenas, J. Martinez-Moratalla, J. A. Gullon-Blanco, J. L. Sanchez-Ramos, C. Raherison, I. Pin, P. Demoly, T. Gislason, Kjell Torén, B. Forsberg, E. Lindberg, E. Zemp, R. Jogi, N. Probst-Hensch, S. C. Dharmage, D. Jarvis, J. Garcia-Aymerich, A. Marcon, F. Gómez-Real, B. Leynaert
EClinicalMedicine - 2020 -
Inhaled corticosteroids use and risk of invasive pneumococcal disease in a population-based
Kjell Torén, P. D. Blanc, I. Qvarfordt, O. Aspevall, Linus Schiöler
Annals of the American Thoracic Society - 2020 -
Occupational exposure to inorganic dust and risk of gout: A population-based
Valgerdur Sigurdardottir, Lennart T. H. Jacobsson, Linus Schiöler, A. Svärd, Mats Dehlin, Kjell Torén
RMD Open - 2020 -
Metabolic syndrome - a risk factor for all-cause disability pension: a prospective study based on the Swedish WOLF
Edvard Lidén, Berndt Karlsson, Kjell Torén, Eva Andersson
Scandinavian journal of work, environment & health - 2020 -
A sustainable working life in the car manufacturing industry: The role of psychosocial factors, gender and
Kristina Gyllensten, Kjell Torén, Mats Hagberg, Mia Söderberg
PloS one - 2020 -
Elevated resting heart rate in adolescent men and risk of heart failure and
Martin Lindgren, Josefina Robertson, Martin Adiels, Maria Schaufelberger, Maria A I Åberg, Kjell Torén, Margda Waern, N David Åberg, Annika Rosengren
ESC heart failure - 2020 -
Obesity in adolescent men increases the risk of venous thromboembolism in adult
Katarina Glise Sandblad, Sverker Jern, Maria A I Åberg, Josefina Robertson, Kjell Torén, Martin Lindgren, Martin Adiels, Per-Olof Hansson, Annika Rosengren
Journal of Internal Medicine - 2020 -
Weight gain and blood
Johan Sundström, Lars Lind, Erik Lampa, Oskar Angerås, Erasmus Bachus, Göran Bergström, Bo Carlberg, Gunnar Engström, Jan E Engvall, Mats Eriksson, Bruna Gigante, Emil Hagström, Ola Hjelmgren, Jan-Håkan Jansson, Tomas Jernberg, Maria Mannila, Fredrik H Nyström, Jonas Oldgren, Margaretha Persson, Anette Sandström, Eva Swahn, Stefan Söderberg, Kjell Torén, Carl Johan Östgren, Annika Rosengren
Journal of hypertension - 2020 -
Occupational exposure to soft paper dust and
Kjell Torén, Richard Neitzel, Gerd Sällsten, Eva Andersson
Occupational and Environmental Medicine - 2020 -
Differences in Health: The Influence of Gender and Institutional Settings on Sickness Claims in Gothenburg, Sweden
H. Castenbrandt, B. A. Revuelta-Eugercios, Kjell Torén
Social History of Medicine - 2020 -
Underlying contributing conditions to breathlessness among middle-aged individuals in the general population: a cross-sectional
J. Sandberg, M. Ekstrom, Mats Börjesson, Göran Bergström, Annika Rosengren, Oskar Angerås, Kjell Torén
Bmj Open Respiratory Research - 2020 -
Assessment of Global Lung Function Initiative (GLI) reference equations for diffusing capacity in relation to respiratory burden in the Swedish CArdioPulmonary bioImage Study
A. Malinovschi, X. W. Zhou, Björn Bake, Göran Bergström, A. Blomberg, Jonas Brisman, Kenneth Caidahl, G. Engstrom, M. J. Eriksson, A. Frolich, C. Janson, K. Jansson, Jenny Vikgren, A. Lindberg, R. Linder, M. Mannila, H. L. Persson, C. M. Skold, Kjell Torén, C. J. Ostgren, P. Wollmer, J. E. Engvall
European Respiratory Journal - 2020 -
Chronic airflow limitation and its relation to respiratory symptoms among ever-smokers and never-smokers: a cross-sectional
Kjell Torén, Linus Schiöler, A. Lindberg, Anders Andersson, A. F. Behndig, Göran Bergström, A. Blomberg, K. Caidahl, J. Engvall, M. Eriksson, V. Hamrefors, C. Janson, D. Kylhammar, E. Lindberg, A. Linden, A. Malinovschi, H. L. Persson, M. Sandelin, J. E. Strom, H. A. Tanash, J. Vikgren, C. J. Ostgren, P. Wollmer, C. M. Skold
Bmj Open Respiratory Research - 2020 -
Restrictive spirometric pattern and true pulmonary restriction in a general population sample aged 50-64
Kjell Torén, Linus Schiöler, J. Brisman, A. Malinovschi, Anna-Carin Olin, Göran Bergström, Björn Bake
BMC Pulmonary Medicine - 2020 -
A semi-quantitative job exposure matrix for dust exposures in Swedish soft tissue paper
R. L. Neitzel, Marianne Andersson, Susanna Lohman, Gerd Sällsten, Kjell Torén, Eva Andersson
American Journal of Industrial Medicine - 2020 -
Occupational exposure to dust and to fumes, work as a welder and invasive pneumococcal disease
Kjell Torén, P. D. Blanc, R. N. Naidoo, N. Murgia, I. Qvarfordt, O. Aspevall, A. Dahlman-Hoglund, Linus Schiöler
Occupational and Environmental Medicine - 2020 -
Occupation versus environmental factors in hypersensitivity pneumonitis: population attributable
H. Barnes, Anna-Carin Olin, Kjell Torén, C. McSharry, I. Donnelly, Mona Lärstad, C. Iribarren, P. Quinlan, P. D. Blanc
Erj Open Research - 2020 -
Social Support and Subclinical Coronary Artery Disease in Middle-Aged Men and Women: Findings from the Pilot of Swedish CArdioPulmonary bioImage
D. Djekic, Erika Fagman, Oskar Angerås, Georgios Lappas, Kjell Torén, Göran Bergström, Annika Rosengren
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health - 2020 -
A follow-up study of occupational styrene exposure and risk of autoimmune rheumatic
S. H. Boudigaard, Z. A. Stokholm, J. M. Vestergaard, M. S. Mohr, K. Sondergaard, Kjell Torén, V. Schlunssen, H. A. Kolstad
Occupational and Environmental Medicine - 2020 -
Lung function and paper dust exposure among workers in a soft tissue paper
Eva Andersson, Gerd Sällsten, Susanna Lohman, Richard Neitzel, Kjell Torén
International archives of occupational and environmental health - 2020 -
Rökning av e-cigaretter kan ligga bakom oklar lungsjukdom - Arbetare som tillverkade popcorn med smörsmak har tidigare uppvisat liknande
Kjell Torén
Läkartidningen - 2020 -
Parental occupational exposure pre- and post-conception and development of asthma in
K. Pape, C. Svanes, C. S. Sejbaek, A. Malinovschi, B. Benediktsdottir, B. Forsberg, C. Janson, G. Benke, G. Tjalvin, J. L. Sanchez-Ramos, J. P. Zock, Kjell Torén, L. Braback, M. Holm, R. Jogi, R. J. Bertelsen, T. Gislason, T. Sigsgaard, X. Q. Liu, K. S. Hougaard, A. Johannessen, C. Lodge, S. C. Dharmage, V. Schlunssen
International journal of epidemiology - 2020 -
Exposure to traffic-related particle matter and effects on lung function and potential interactions in a cross-sectional analysis of a cohort study in west
Hanne Krage Carlsen, Fredrik Nyberg, Kjell Torén, David Segersson, Anna-Carin Olin
BMJ open - 2020 -
Snoring and nocturnal reflux: association with lung function decline and respiratory
Ossur Ingi Emilsson, Shadi Amid Hagg, Eva Lindberg, Karl A. Franklin, Kjell Torén, Bryndis Benediktsdottir, Thor Aspelund, Francisco Gomez Real, Benedicte Leynaert, Pascal Demoly, Torben Sigsgaard, Jennifer Perret, Andrei Malinovschi, Deborah Jarvis, Judith Garcia-Aymerich, Thorarinn Gislason, Christer Janson
Doctoral students' perceived working environment, obstacles and opportunities at a Swedish medical faculty: a qualitative
Lena Ljungcrona Falk, Hanna Augustin, Kjell Torén, M. Magnusson
Bmc Medical Education - 2019 -
The Occupational Burden of Nonmalignant Respiratory Diseases An Official American Thoracic Society and European Respiratory Society
P. D. Blanc, I. Annesi-Maesano, J. R. Balmes, K. J. Cummings, D. Fishwick, D. Miedinger, N. Murgia, R. N. Naidoo, C. J. Reynolds, T. Sigsgaard, Kjell Torén, D. Vinnikov, C. A. Redlich
American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine - 2019 -
Bronchodilator reversibility in asthma and COPD: findings from three large population
C. Janson, A. Malinovschi, A. F. S. Amaral, S. Accordini, J. Bousquet, A. S. Buist, G. W. Canonica, B. Dahlen, J. Garcia-Aymerich, L. Gnatiuc, M. L. Kowalski, J. Patel, W. Tan, Kjell Torén, T. Zuberbier, P. Burney, D. Jarvis
European Respiratory Journal - 2019 -
Higher Body Mass Index in Adolescence Predicts Cardiomyopathy Risk in Midlife Long-Term Follow-Up Among Swedish
Josefina Robertson, Maria Schaufelberger, Martin Lindgren, Martin Adiels, Linus Schiöler, Kjell Torén, J. McMurray, N. Sattar, Maria A I Åberg, Annika Rosengren
Circulation - 2019 -
The association between cadmium exposure and chronic airflow limitation and emphysema: the Swedish CArdioPulmonary BioImage Study (SCAPIS
Kjell Torén, Anna-Carin Olin, Åse (Allansdotter) Johnsson, Jenny Vikgren, Niklas Forsgard, Göran Bergström, Gerd Sällsten, Lars Barregård
The European respiratory journal - 2019 -
Working in preschool increases the risk of hearing-related symptoms: a cohort study among Swedish
Sofie Fredriksson, Jeong-Lim Kim, Kjell Torén, Kim R. Kähäri, Mia Söderberg, Kerstin Persson Waye
International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health - 2019 -
Insomnia and cardiorespiratory fitness in a middle-aged population: the SCAPIS pilot
Ding Zou, Heini Wennman, Örjan Ekblom, Ludger Grote, Daniel Arvidsson, Anders Blomberg, Kjell Torén, Göran Bergström, Mats Börjesson, Jan A Hedner
Sleep & breathing - 2019 -
Asthma and treatment with inhaled corticosteroids: associations with hospitalisations with
E. Ekbom, J. Quint, Linus Schiöler, A. Malinovschi, K. Franklin, Mathias Holm, Kjell Torén, E. Lindberg, D. Jarvis, C. Janson
Bmc Pulmonary Medicine - 2019 -
The association of body mass index, weight gain and central obesity with activity-related breathlessness: the Swedish Cardiopulmonary Bioimage
Magnus Pär Ekström, Anders Blomberg, Göran Bergström, John Brandberg, Kenneth Caidahl, Gunnar Engström, Jan Engvall, Maria Eriksson, Klas Gränsbo, Tomas Hansen, Tomas Jernberg, Lars Nilsson, Ulf Nilsson, Anna-Carin Olin, Lennart Persson, Annika Rosengren, Martin Sandelin, Magnus Sköld, Johan Sundström, Eva Swahn, Stefan Söderberg, Hanan A Tanash, Kjell Torén, Carl Johan Östgren, Eva Lindberg
Thorax - 2019 -
Effects of smoking bans on passive smoking exposure at work and at home. The European Community respiratory health
M. Olivieri, N. Murgia, A. E. Carsin, J. Heinrich, G. Benke, R. Bono, A. G. Corsico, P. Demoly, B. Forsberg, T. Gislason, C. Janson, R. Jogi, B. Leynaert, J. M. M. Rovira, D. Narback, D. Nowak, S. Pascual, I. Pin, N. Probst-Hensch, C. Raherison, T. Sigsgaard, C. Svanes, Kjell Torén, I. Urrutia, J. Weyler, D. Jarvis, J. P. Zock, G. Verlato
Indoor Air - 2019 -
A Growing Social Divide in Body Mass Index, Strength, and Fitness of Swedish Male
Lauren Lissner, Kirsten Mehlig, Annika Rosengren, Kjell Torén, Maria A I Åberg
Journal of Adolescent Health - 2019 -
Risk factors for subarachnoid haemorrhage: a nationwide cohort of 950 000
J Sundström, M Söderholm, S Söderberg, L Alfredsson, M Andersson, R Belloco, M Björck, P Broberg, M Eriksson, M Eriksson, B Forsberg, E I Fransson, V Giedratis, J Theorell-Haglöw, J Hallqvist, Per-Olof Hansson, S Heller, N Håkansson, M Ingelsson, C Jansson, B Järvholm, P Khalili, A Knutsson, A Lager, Y Trolle Lagerros, S C Larsson, K Leander, J Leppert, L Lind, E Lindberg, C Magnusson, P K E Magnusson, M Malfert, k Michaëlsson, P Nilsson, H Olsson, N L Pedersen, J Pennlert, A Rosenblad, Annika Rosengren, Kjell Torén, A Wanhainen, A Wolk, G Engström, B Svennblad, B Wiberg
International journal of epidemiology - 2019 -
Occupational exposures should be considered in all patients with non-malignant respiratory
Kjell Torén
Läkartidningen - 2019 -
Occupational exposures and incidence of chronic bronchitis and related symptoms over two decades: The European Community Respiratory Health
T. Lytras, M. Kogevinas, H. Kromhout, A. E. Carsin, J. M. Antó, H. Bentouhami, J. Weyler, J. Heinrich, D. Nowak, I. Urrutia, J. Martínez-Moratalla, J. A. Gullón, A. P. Vega, C. Raherison Semjen, I. Pin, P. Demoly, B. Leynaert, S. Villani, T. Gíslason, Ø Svanes, M. Holm, B. Forsberg, D. Norbäck, A. J. Mehta, N. Probst-Hensch, G. Benke, R. Jogi, Kjell Torén, T. Sigsgaard, V. Schlünssen, M. Olivieri, P. D. Blanc, J. Watkins, R. Bono, A. S. Buist, R. Vermeulen, D. Jarvis, J. P. Zock
Occupational and environmental medicine - 2019 -
Airflow limitation classified with the fixed ratio or the lower limit of normal and cause-specific mortality - A prospective
Kjell Torén, M. Andersson, Anna-Carin Olin, P. D. Blanc, B. Jarvholm
Respiratory Medicine - 2018 -
Development of a Job Exposure Matrix for Noise in the Swedish Soft Tissue Paper
R. L. Neitzel, Marianne Andersson, Helena Eriksson, Kjell Torén, Eva Andersson
Annals of Work Exposures and Health - 2018 -
Cause-specific mortality in Swedish males diagnosed with non-psychotic mental disorders in late adolescence: a prospective population-based
Malin Henriksson, Jenny Nyberg, Linus Schiöler, Gunnel Hensing, Hans-Georg Kuhn, Mia Söderberg, Kjell Torén, Jesper Löve, Margda Waern, Maria A I Åberg
Journal of epidemiology and community health - 2018 -
Longitudinal study of occupational noise exposure and joint effects with job strain and risk for coronary heart disease and stroke in Swedish
Helena Eriksson, Eva Andersson, Linus Schiöler, Mia Söderberg, Mattias Sjöström, Annika Rosengren, Kjell Thorén
BMJ open - 2018 -
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is a strong predictor of coronary artery calcification in metabolically healthy subjects: A cross-sectional, population-based study in middle-aged
Anders Gummesson, Ulf Strömberg, Caroline Schmidt, J. Kullberg, Oskar Angerås, S. Lindgren, Ola Hjelmgren, Kjell Torén, Annika Rosengren, Björn Fagerberg, J. Brandberg, Göran Bergström
Plos One - 2018 -
Cognitive performance in late adolescence and long-term risk of early heart failure in Swedish
Martin Lindgren, Peter J Eriksson, Annika Rosengren, Josefina Robertson, Linus Schiöler, Maria Schaufelberger, N David Åberg, Kjell Torén, Margda Waern, Maria A I Åberg
European journal of heart failure - 2018 -
Absolute lung size and the sex difference in breathlessness in the general
M. Ekstrom, J. Sundh, Linus Schiöler, E. Lindberg, Annika Rosengren, Göran Bergström, Oskar Angerås, Jan A Hedner, John Brandberg, Björn Bake, Kjell Torén
Plos One - 2018 -
Risk factors in Swedish young men for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis in
Maria A I Åberg, Jenny Nyberg, Josefina Robertson, Hans-Georg Kuhn, Linus Schiöler, Hans Nissbrandt, Margda Waern, Kjell Torén
Journal of Neurology - 2018 -
Resting heart rate in late adolescence and long term risk of cardiovascular disease in Swedish
Martin Lindgren, Josefina Robertson, Martin Adiels, Maria Schaufelberger, Maria A I Åberg, Kjell Torén, Margda Waern, N David Åberg, Annika Rosengren
International Journal of Cardiology - 2018 -
Pain could negatively affect school grades - Swedish middle school students with low school grades most
Anna Grimby-Ekman, Maria A I Åberg, Kjell Torén, Jonas Brisman, Mats Hagberg, Jeong-Lim Kim
PLoS ONE - 2018 -
Occupational exposures and 20-year incidence of COPD: the European Community Respiratory Health
T. Lytras, M. Kogevinas, H. Kromhout, A. E. Carsin, J. M. Anto, H. Bentouhami, J. Weyler, J. Heinrich, D. Nowak, I. Urrutia, J. Martinez-Moratalla, J. A. Gullon, A. Pereira-Vega, C. Raherison-Semjen, I. Pin, P. Demoly, B. Leynaert, S. Villani, T. Gislason, C. Svanes, M. Holm, B. Forsberg, D. Norback, A. J. Mehta, N. Probst-Hensch, G. Benke, R. Jogi, Kjell Torén, T. Sigsgaard, V. Schlunssen, M. Olivieri, P. D. Blanc, R. Vermeulen, J. Garcia-Aymerich, D. Jarvis, J. P. Zock
Thorax - 2018 -
Exposure to second-hand tobacco smoke and respiratory symptoms in non-smoking adults: cross-sectional data from the general population of Telemark,
A. K. M. Fell, M. V. Svendsen, Jeong-Lim Kim, R. Abrahamsen, P. K. Henneberger, Kjell Torén, P. D. Blanc, J. Kongerud
Bmc Public Health - 2018 -
Dietary intake of flavonoids and ventilatory function in european adults: A GA2LEN
V. Garcia-Larsen, N. Thawer, D. Charles, A. Cassidy, T. Van Zele, T. Thilsing, M. Ahlström, T. Haahtela, T. Keil, P. M. Matricardi, G. Brożek, M. L. Kowalski, J. Makowska, E. Niżankowska-Mogilnicka, B. Rymarczyk, C. Loureiro, A. T. Bom, C. Bachert, B. Forsberg, C. Janson, Kjell Torén, J. F. Potts, P. G. Burney
Nutrients - 2018 -
Measures of bronchodilator response of FEV1, FVC and SVC in a Swedish general population sample aged 50-64 years, the SCAPIS Pilot
Kjell Torén, Björn Bake, Anna-Carin Olin, G. Engstrom, A. Blomberg, J. Vikgren, Jan A Hedner, J. Brandberg, H. L. Persson, C. M. Skold, Annika Rosengren, Göran Bergström, C. Janson
International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease - 2017 -
Occupational exposure to vapor, gas, dust, or fumes and chronic airflow limitation, COPD, and emphysema: the Swedish CArdioPulmonary BioImage Study (SCAPIS
Kjell Torén, Jenny Vikgren, Anna-Carin Olin, Annika Rosengren, Göran Bergström, John Brandberg
International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease - 2017 -
Validity of physician-diagnosed COPD in relation to spirometric definitions of COPD in a general population aged 50-64 years - the SCAPIS pilot
Kjell Torén, Nicola Murgia, Anna-Carin Olin, Jan A Hedner, John Brandberg, Annika Rosengren, Göran Bergström
International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease - 2017 -
Predictors of smoking cessation: A longitudinal study in a large cohort of
Mathias Holm, Linus Schiöler, Eva Andersson, Bertil Forsberg, Thorarinn Gislason, Christer Janson, Rain Jogi, Vivi Schlünssen, Cecilie Svanes, Kjell Torén
Respiratory medicine - 2017 -
Absolute values of lung function explain the sex difference in breathlessness in the general
Magnus Ekström, Linus Schiöler, Rune Grønseth, Ane Johannessen, Cecilie Svanes, Benedicte Leynaert, Deborah Jarvis, Thorarinn Gislason, Pascal Demoly, Nicole Probst-Hensch, Isabelle Pin, Angelo G Corsico, Bertil Forsberg, Joachim Heinrich, Dennis Nowak, Chantal Raherison-Semjen, Shyamali C Dharmage, Giulia Trucco, Isabel Urrutia, Jesús Martinez-Moratalla Rovira, José Luis Sánchez-Ramos, Christer Janson, Kjell Torén
The European respiratory journal - 2017 -
Father's environment before conception and asthma risk in his children: a multi-generation analysis of the Respiratory Health In Northern Europe
C. Svanes, J. Koplin, S. M. Skulstad, A. Johannessen, R. J. Bertelsen, B. Benediktsdottir, L. Braback, A. E. Carsin, S. Dharmage, J. Dratva, B. Forsberg, T. Gislason, J. Heinrich, Mathias Holm, C. Janson, D. Jarvis, R. Jogi, S. Krauss-Etschmann, E. Lindberg, F. Macsali, A. Malinovschi, L. Modig, D. Norback, E. Omenaas, E. W. Saure, T. Sigsgaard, T. D. Skorge, O. Svanes, Kjell Torén, C. Torres, V. Schlunssen, F. G. Real
International Journal of Epidemiology - 2017 -
Mental disorders and stress resilience in adolescence and long-term risk of early heart failure among Swedish
Josefina Robertson, Linus Schiöler, Kjell Torén, Mia Söderberg, Jesper Löve, Margda Waern, Annika Rosengren, Maria A I Åberg
International journal of cardiology - 2017 -
Cardiorespiratory fitness and muscle strength in late adolescence and long-term risk of early heart failure in Swedish
Martin Lindgren, Maria A I Åberg, Maria Schaufelberger, N David Åberg, Linus Schiöler, Kjell Torén, Annika Rosengren
European journal of preventive cardiology - 2017 -
Association of respiratory symptoms and asthma with occupational exposures: findings from a population-based cross-sectional survey in Telemark,
R. Abrahamsen, A. K. M. Fell, M. V. Svendsen, Eva Andersson, Kjell Torén, P. K. Henneberger, J. Kongerud
Bmj Open - 2017 -
Is fruit and vegetable intake associated with asthma or chronic rhino-sinusitis in European adults? Results from the Global Allergy and Asthma Network of Excellence (GA2LEN)
V. Garcia-Larsen, R. Arthur, J. F. Potts, P. H. Howarth, M. Ahlström, T. Haahtela, C. Loureiro, A. T. Bom, G. Brozek, J. Makowska, M. L. Kowalski, T. Thilsing, T. Keil, P. M. Matricardi, Kjell Torén, T. Van Zele, C. Bachert, B. Rymarczyk, C. Janson, B. Forsberg, E. Nizankowska-Mogilnicka, P. G. J. Burney
Clinical and Translational Allergy - 2017 -
Spirometric reference equations for Swedish
Jonas Brisman, Jeong-Lim Kim, Anna-Carin Olin, Kjell Torén, Björn Bake
Clinical Physiology and Functional Imaging - 2017 -
Body weight in adolescence and long-term risk of early heart failure in adulthood among men in
Annika Rosengren, Maria A I Åberg, Josefina Robertson, Margda Waern, Maria Schaufelberger, Hans-Georg Kuhn, N David Åberg, Linus Schiöler, Kjell Torén
European heart journal - 2017 -
Cohort Profile: The INTERGENE
Kirsten Mehlig, Christina Berg, Lena Björck, Fredrik Nyberg, Anna-Carin Olin, Annika Rosengren, Elisabeth Strandhagen, Kjell Torén, Dag Thelle, Lauren Lissner
International journal of epidemiology - 2017 -
En rapport om studiemiljö, stress och hälsa bland Sahlgrenska akademins
Reference values of fractional excretion of exhaled nitric oxide among non-smokers and current
Kjell Torén, Nicola Murgia, Linus Schiöler, Björn Bake, Anna-Carin Olin
BMC Pulmonary Medicine - 2017 -
Respiratory symptoms are more common among short sleepers independent of
E. Bjornsdottir, C. Janson, E. Lindberg, E. S. Arnardottir, B. Benediktsdottir, J. Garcia-Aymerich, A. E. Carsin, F. G. Real, Kjell Torén, J. Heinrich, D. Nowak, J. L. Sanchez-Ramos, P. Demoly, S. D. Arenas, R. C. Navarro, V. Schlunssen, C. Raherison, D. L. Jarvis, T. Gislason
Bmj Open Respiratory Research - 2017 -
Impact of occupational exposures on exacerbation of asthma: a population-based asthma cohort
Jeong-Lim Kim, Paul K Henneberger, Susanna Lohman, Anna-Carin Olin, Anna Dahlman-Höglund, Eva Andersson, Kjell Torén, Mathias Holm
BMC pulmonary medicine - 2016 -
Validation of self-reported figural drawing scales against anthropometric measurements in
J. Dratva, R. Bertelsen, C. Janson, A. Johannessen, B. Benediktsdottir, L. Braback, S. C. Dharmage, B. Forsberg, T. Gislason, D. Jarvis, R. Jogi, E. Lindberg, D. Norback, E. Omenaas, T. D. Skorge, T. Sigsgaard, Kjell Torén, M. Waatevik, G. Wieslander, V. Schlunssen, C. Svanes, F. G. Real
Public Health Nutrition - 2016 -
Vital capacity and COPD: the Swedish CArdioPulmonary bioImage Study
Kjell Torén, Anna-Carin Olin, A. Lindberg, Jenny Vikgren, Linus Schiöler, John Brandberg, Åse (Allansdotter) Johnsson, G. Engstrom, H. L. Persson, M. Skold, Jan A Hedner, E. Lindberg, A. Malinovschi, E. Piitulainen, P. Wollmer, Annika Rosengren, C. Janson, A. Blomberg, Göran Bergström
International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease - 2016 -
Incidental Findings and Their Handling in the Swedish CArdioPulmonary bioImage Study
Åse (Allansdotter) Johnsson, Oskar Angerås, Anders Blomberg, David Erlinge, Agneta Flinck, Christer Janson, Hanna Markstad, Jonas Persson, Eva Swahn, Kjell Torén, Jenny Vikgren, Mats G. Hansson, Göran Bergström
Incidental Radiological Findings. (Series: Medical Radiology) - 2016 -
Future marginalisation and mortality in young Swedish men with non-psychotic psychiatric disorders and the resilience effect of cognitive ability: a prospective, population-based
Jesper Löve, Gunnel Hensing, Mia Söderberg, Kjell Torén, Margda Waern, Maria A I Åberg
BMJ Open - 2016 -
The APOE Genotype in Idiopathic Normal Pressure
Yi Yang, Mats Tullberg, Kirsten Mehlig, Annika Rosengren, Kjell Torén, Henrik Zetterberg, Carsten Wikkelsö
PloS one - 2016 -
Breath-taking jobs: a case-control study of respiratory work disability by occupation in
A. K. M. Fell, R. Abrahamsen, P. K. Henneberger, M. V. Svendsen, Eva Andersson, Kjell Torén, J. Kongerud
Occupational and Environmental Medicine - 2016 -
Job strain and resting heart rate: a cross-sectional study in a Swedish random working
Peter Eriksson, Linus Schiöler, Mia Söderberg, Annika Rosengren, Kjell Torén
BMC Public Health - 2016 -
Non-response in a cross-sectional study of respiratory health in
R. Abrahamsen, M. V. Svendsen, P. K. Henneberger, G. F. Gundersen, Kjell Torén, J. Kongerud, A. K. M. Fell
Bmj Open - 2016 -
Trends in risk of recurrence after the first ischemic stroke in adults younger than 55 years of age in
Kok Wai Giang, Lena Björck, Christina Hedén Ståhl, Susanne Nielsen, Tatiana Zverkova Sandström, Christina Jern, Kjell Torén, Annika Rosengren
International Journal of Stroke - 2016 -
Increase in pollen sensitization in Swedish adults and protective effect of keeping animals in
Anders Bjerg, Linda Ekerljung, Jonas Eriksson, Jonas Näslund, Sigrid Sjölander, Eva Rönmark, Åslög Dahl, Kenneth Holmberg, Göran Wennergren, Kjell Torén, Magnus P Borres, Jan Lötvall, Bo Lundbäck
Clinical and experimental allergy : journal of the British Society for Allergy and Clinical Immunology - 2016 -
Preschool teachers have an increased risk of hearing-related symptoms and report more occupational noise exposure compared to randomly selected
Sofie Fredriksson, Jeong-Lim Kim, Kjell Torén, Kim R. Kähäri, Lennart Magnusson, Kerstin Persson Waye
Occupational Health: Think Globally, Act Locally, EPICOH 2016, September 4–7, 2016, Barcelona, Spain. Occupational & Environmental Medicine - 2016 -
Nonpsychotic Mental Disorders in Teenage Males and Risk of Early Stroke A Population-Based
Maria A I Åberg, Kjell Torén, Michael Nilsson, M. Henriksson, Hans-Georg Kuhn, Jenny Nyberg, Annika Rosengren, N David Åberg, Margda Waern
Stroke - 2016 -
Dietary intake, leisure time activities and obesity among adolescents in Western Sweden: a cross-sectional
Anna Winkvist, Bodil Hultén, Jeong-Lim Kim, I. Johansson, Kjell Torén, Jonas Brisman, Helene Berteus Forslund
Nutrition Journal - 2016 -
Ökad risk för hörselsymtom bland
Sofie Fredriksson, Kjell Torén, Kim R. Kähäri, Lennart Magnusson, Jeong-Lim Kim, Kerstin Persson Waye
Forte Talks, 8-9 mars 2016, Stockholm - 2016 -
Exposure to traffic and lung function in adults: A general population cohort
Hanne Krage Carlsen, L. Modig, Anna Levinsson, Jeong-Lim Kim, Kjell Torén, Fredrik Nyberg, Anna-Carin Olin
BMJ Open - 2015 -
Prevalence and risk factors of COPD among never-smokers in two areas of Sweden - Occupational exposure to gas, dust or fumes is an important risk
Stig Hagstad, Helena Backman, Anders Bjerg, Linda Ekerljung, Xiong Ye, Linnea Hedman, Anne Lindberg, Kjell Torén, Jan Lötvall, Eva Rönmark, Bo Lundbäck
Respiratory medicine - 2015 -
Incidence of new-onset wheeze: a prospective study in a large middle-aged general
Mathias Holm, Kjell Torén, Eva Andersson
Bmc Pulmonary Medicine - 2015 -
The effect of occupational noise exposure on tinnitus and sound-induced auditory fatigue among obstetrics personnel: a cross-sectional
Sofie Fredriksson, Oscar Hammar, Kjell Torén, Artur Tenenbaum, Kerstin Persson Waye
BMJ Open - 2015 -
Psychosocial job conditions, fear avoidance beliefs and expected return to work following acute coronary syndrome: a cross-sectional study of fear-avoidance as a potential
Mia Söderberg, Annika Rosengren, Sara Gustavsson, Linus Schiöler, Annika Härenstam, Kjell Torén
BMC Public Health - 2015 -
Gas, dust, and fumes exposure is associated with mite sensitization and with asthma in mite-sensitized
Anders Bjerg, Erik P Rönmark, Stig Hagstad, Jonas Eriksson, M Andersson, Göran Wennergren, Kjell Torén, Linda Ekerljung
Allergy. European Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology - 2015 -
The Swedish CArdioPulmonary BioImage Study: objectives and
Göran Bergström, G Berglund, A. Blomberg, John Brandberg, Gustav Engström, J Engvall, Marica Ericson, U de Faire, Agneta Flinck, M G Hansson, B Hedblad, Ola Hjelmgren, Carl-Erik Janson, T Jernberg, Åse (Allansdotter) Johnsson, L Johansson, L Lind, C-G Löfdahl, O Melander, C J Östgren, A Persson, M Persson, A Sandström, Caroline Schmidt, S Söderberg, J Sundström, Kjell Torén, Ann-Charlotte Waldenström, Hans Wedel, Jenny Vikgren, Björn Fagerberg, Annika Rosengren
Journal of internal medicine - 2015 -
Prospective Risk of Rheumatologic Disease Associated with Occupational Exposure in a Cohort of Male Construction
P. D. Blanc, B. Jarvholm, Kjell Torén
American Journal of Medicine - 2015 -
Influence of Cardiovascular Fitness and Muscle Strength in Early Adulthood on Long-Term Risk of Stroke in Swedish
N David Åberg, Hans-Georg Kuhn, Jenny Nyberg, Margda Waern, Peter Friberg, Johan Svensson, Kjell Torén, Annika Rosengren, Maria A I Åberg, Michael Nilsson
Stroke - 2015 -
Role of sleep disturbances in occupational accidents among
S. A. Hagg, Kjell Torén, E. Lindberg
Scandinavian Journal of Work Environment & Health - 2015 -
Nocturnal GERD - a risk factor for rhinitis/rhinosinusitis: the RHINE
Linus Schiöler, Magnus Ruth, R Jõgi, T Gislason, T Storaas, C Janson, B Forsberg, T Sigsgaard, Kjell Torén, Johan Hellgren
Allergy. European Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology - 2015 -
Occupational exposures associated with severe exacerbation of
P K Henneberger, X Liang, Linnea Lillienberg, Anna Dahlman-Höglund, Kjell Torén, Eva Andersson
The international journal of tuberculosis and lung disease : the official journal of the International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease - 2015 -
Psychosocial work environment and risk of ischemic stroke and coronary heart disease: a prospective longitudinal study of 75 236 construction
Linus Schiöler, Mia Söderberg, Annika Rosengren, Bengt Järvholm, Kjell Torén
Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health - 2015 -
The association between asthma and rhinitis is stable over time despite diverging trends in
Anders Bjerg, Jonas Eriksson, I. S. Olafsdottir, R. Middelveld, K. Franklin, B. Forsberg, K. Larsson, Kjell Torén, S. E. Dahlen, C. Janson
Respiratory Medicine - 2015 -
Aspirin-intolerant asthma in the population: prevalence and important
Jonas Eriksson, Linda Ekerljung, Apostolos Bossios, Anders Bjerg, Göran Wennergren, Eva Rönmark, Kjell Torén, Jan Lötvall, Bo Lundbäck
Clinical and experimental allergy : journal of the British Society for Allergy and Clinical Immunology - 2015 -
The association between job strain and atrial fibrillation in Swedish
Kjell Torén, Linus Schiöler, Mia Söderberg, Kok Wai Giang, Annika Rosengren
Occupational and Environmental Medicine - 2015 -
A longitudinal general population-based study of job strain and risk for coronary heart disease and stroke in Swedish
Kjell Torén, Linus Schiöler, Kok Wai Giang, Masuma Novak, Mia Söderberg, Annika Rosengren
Bmj Open - 2014 -
Förändring krävs om fler ska jobba
Roland Kadefors, Kjell Torén, Albin. Maria
Svenska Dagbladet - 2014 -
Longterm follow-up in European respiratory health studies : patterns and
Ane Johannessen, Giuseppe Verlato, Bryndis Benediktsdottir, Bertil Forsberg, Karl Franklin, Thorsteinn Gislason, Mathias Holm, Christer Janson, Rain Jögi, Eva Lindberg, Ferenc Macsali, Ernst Omenaas, Francisco G Real, Eirunn W Saure, Vivi Schlünssen, Torben Sigsgaard, Trude D Skorge, Cecilie Svanes, Kjell Torén, Marie Waatevik, Roy M Nilsen, Roberto de Marco
BMC Pulmonary Medicine - 2014 -
Incidence of chronic bronchitis: a prospective study in a large general
Mathias Holm, Kjell Torén, Eva Andersson
The international journal of tuberculosis and lung disease : the official journal of the International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease - 2014 -
First-time decisions regarding work injury annuity due to occupational disease: A gender
O. Leijon, E. Lindahl, Kjell Torén, E. Vingar̊d, M. Josephson
Occupational and Environmental Medicine - 2014 -
Psychosocial work environment, job mobility and gender differences in turnover behaviour: a prospective study among the Swedish general
Mia Söderberg, Annika Härenstam, Annika Rosengren, Linus Schiöler, Anna-Carin Olin, Lauren Lissner, Margda Waern, Kjell Torén
BMC Public Health - 2014 -
Impact of anxiety and depression on respiratory
M. Leander, E. Lampa, A. Rask-Andersen, K. Franklin, T. Gislason, A. Oudin, C. Svanes, Kjell Torén, C. Janson
Respiratory Medicine - 2014 -
Can an airway challenge test predict respiratory diseases? A population-based international
A. Marcon, I. Cerveri, M. Wjst, J. Antó, J. Heinrich, C. Janson, D. Jarvis, B. Leynaert, N. Probst-Hensch, C. Svanes, Kjell Torén, P. Burney, R. de Marco
Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology - 2014 -
CETP TaqIB genotype modifies the association between alcohol and coronary heart disease: The INTERGENE case-control
Kirsten Mehlig, Elisabeth Strandhagen, Per-Arne Svensson, Annika Rosengren, Kjell Torén, Dag Thelle, Lauren Lissner
Alcohol - 2014 -
The relation of airway obstruction to asthma, chronic rhinosinusitis and age: results from a population survey of
D. Obaseki, J. Potts, G. Joos, J. Baelum, T. Haahtela, M. Ahlstrom, P. Matricardi, U. Kramer, M. Gjomarkaj, W. Fokkens, J. Makowska, A. Todo-Bom, Kjell Torén, C. Janson, S. E. Dahlen, B. Forsberg, D. Jarvis, P. Howarth, G. Brozek, J. Minov, C. Bachert, P. Burney
Allergy - 2014 -
Norovirus GII.4 Detection in Environmental Samples from Patient Rooms during Nosocomial
Nancy P Nenonen, Charles Hannoun, L. Svensson, Kjell Torén, Lars-Magnus Andersson, Johan Westin, Tomas Bergström
Journal of Clinical Microbiology - 2014 -
Place of upbringing in early childhood as related to inflammatory bowel diseases in adulthood: a population-based cohort study in Northern
S. Timm, C. Svanes, C. Janson, T. Sigsgaard, A. Johannessen, T. Gislason, R. Jogi, E. Omenaas, B. Forsberg, Kjell Torén, Mathias Holm, L. Braback, V. Schlunssen
European Journal of Epidemiology - 2014 -
Effects of smoking, gender and occupational exposure on the risk of severe pulmonary fibrosis: A population-based case-control
M. Ekström, T. Gustafson, K. Boman, K. Nilsson, G. Tornling, N. Murgia, Kjell Torén
BMJ Open - 2014 -
Effect of Occupational Exposure to Vapors, Gases, Dusts, and Fumes on COPD Mortality Risk Among Swedish Construction Workers A Longitudinal Cohort
Kjell Torén, Bengt Järvholm
Chest - 2014 -
Five-fold increase in use of inhaled corticosteroids over 18 years in the general adult population in West
Linda Ekerljung, Anders Bjerg, Apostolos Bossios, Malin Axelsson, Kjell Torén, Göran Wennergren, Jan Lötvall, Bo Lundbäck
Respiratory medicine - 2014 -
Cardiovascular and cognitive fitness at age 18 and risk of early-onset
Jenny Nyberg, Maria A I Åberg, Linus Schiöler, Michael Nilsson, Anders Wallin, Kjell Torén, Hans-Georg Kuhn
Brain : a journal of neurology - 2014 -
Trends in the prevalence of asthma, rhinitis, and eczema in 15 year old adolescents over an 8 year
Jeong-Lim Kim, Jonas Brisman, Maria A I Åberg, Helene Berteus Forslund, Anna Winkvist, Kjell Torén
Respiratory Medicine - 2014 -
Increased risk of rhinitis symptoms in subjects with gastroesophageal
Johan Hellgren, Anna-Carin Olin, Kjell Torén
Acta oto-laryngologica - 2014 -
Validity of a questionnaire-based diagnosis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in a general population-based
Nicola Murgia, Jonas Brisman, Annika Claesson, Giacomo Muzi, Anna-Carin Olin, Kjell Torén
BMC Pulmonary Medicine - 2014 -
Exposures and Asthma Outcomes Using Two Different Job Exposure Matrices in a General Population Study in Northern
Linnea Lillienberg, Anna Dahlman-Höglund, Linus Schiöler, Kjell Torén, Eva Andersson
Annals of Occupational Hygiene - 2014 -
Cardiovascular fitness in early adulthood and future suicidal behaviour in men followed for up to 42
Maria A I Åberg, Jenny Nyberg, Kjell Torén, A Sörberg, Hans-Georg Kuhn, Margda Waern
Psychological medicine - 2014 -
Occupational exposures and uncontrolled adult-onset asthma in the European Community Respiratory Health Survey
Nicole Le Moual, Anne-Elie Carsin, Valérie Siroux, Katja Radon, Dan Norback, Kjell Torén, Mario Olivieri, Isabel Urrutia, Lucia Cazzoletti, Bénédicte Jacquemin, Geza Benke, Hans Kromhout, Maria C Mirabelli, Amar J Mehta, Vivi Schlünssen, Torben Sigsgaard, Paul D Blanc, Manolis Kogevinas, Josep M Antó, Jan-Paul Zock
The European respiratory journal - 2014 -
Natural History of Perceived Food Hypersensitivity and IgE Sensitisation to Food Allergens in a Cohort of
A. Patelis, M. Gunnbjornsdottir, M. P. Borres, P. Burney, T. Gislason, Kjell Torén, B. Forsberg, K. Alving, A. Malinovschi, C. Janson
Plos One - 2014 -
Questionnaire layout and wording influence prevalence and risk estimates of respiratory symptoms in a population
Linda Ekerljung, Eva Rönmark, Jan Lötvall, Göran Wennergren, Kjell Torén, Bo Lundbäck
The clinical respiratory journal - 2013 -
Dissociation of dysfunctional breathing and odour intolerance among adults in a general-population
Ellen Bonde, Eva Andersson, Jonas Brisman, Mats Eklöf, Karin C. Ringsberg, Kjell Torén
The clinical respiratory journal - 2013 -
Predictors of respiratory sickness absence: An international population-based
Jeong-Lim Kim, Paul D. Blanc, S. Villani, M. Olivieri, I. Urrutia, M. Van Sprundel, T. Storaas, N. Le Moual, J. P. Zock, Kjell Torén
American Journal of Industrial Medicine - 2013 -
Occupational status and incidences of ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke in Swedish men: a population-based 35-year prospective follow-up
Masuma Novak, Kjell Torén, Georg Lappas, Kok Wai Giang, Christina Jern, Lars Wilhelmsen, Annika Rosengren
European Journal of Epidemiology - 2013 -
Twenty-Four-Year Trends in the Incidence of Ischemic Stroke in Sweden From 1987 to
Annika Rosengren, Kok Wai Giang, Georg Lappas, Christina Jern, Kjell Torén, Lena Björck
Stroke - 2013 -
Genetic Variation of the Ghrelin Signalling System in Individuals with Amphetamine
Petra Suchankova, Elisabeth Jerlhag, N. Jayaram-Lindström, Staffan Nilsson, Kjell Torén, Annika Rosengren, Jörgen Engel, J. Franck
PLoS ONE - 2013 -
Hans-Georg Kuhn, Maria A I Åberg, Margda Waern, Jenny Nyberg, Michael Nilsson, Nancy L Pedersen, Ylva Bergh, N David Åberg, Kjell Torén
British journal of psychiatry - 2013 -
Cardiovascular fitness and later risk of epilepsy A Swedish population-based cohort
Jenny Nyberg, Maria A I Åberg, Kjell Torén, Michael Nilsson, Elinor Ben-Menachem, Hans-Georg Kuhn
Neurology - 2013 -
The association between plasma homocysteine and coronary heart disease is modified by the MTHFR 677C>T
Kirsten Mehlig, K Leander, U de Faire, Fredrik Nyberg, Christina Berg, Annika Rosengren, Lena Björck, Henrik Zetterberg, Kaj Blennow, Gianluca Tognon, Kjell Torén, Elisabeth Strandhagen, Lauren Lissner, Dag Thelle
Heart (British Cardiac Society) - 2013 -
Incidence of chronic bronchitis in a cohort of pulp mill workers with repeated gassings to sulphur dioxide and other irritant
Eva Andersson, Nicola Murgia, Tohr Nilsson, Berndt Karlsson, Kjell Torén
Environmental health : a global access science source - 2013 -
Occupational Exposure and New-onset Asthma in a Population-based Study in Northern Europe
Linnea Lillienberg, Eva Andersson, Christer Janson, Anna Dahlman-Höglund, Bertil Forsberg, Mathias Holm, Thorarinn Glslason, Rain Jögi, Ernst Omenaas, Vivi Schlünssen, Torben Sigsgaard, Cecilie Svanes, Kjell Torén
Annals of Occupational Hygiene - 2013 -
Twenty-year trends in long-term mortality risk in 17 149 survivors of ischemic stroke less than 55 years of
Kok Wai Giang, Lena Björck, Susanne Nielsen, Masuma Novak, Tatiana Zverkova Sandström, Christina Jern, Kjell Torén, Annika Rosengren
Stroke; a journal of cerebral circulation - 2013 -
Nocturnal gastro-oesophageal reflux, asthma and symptoms of OSA: a longitudinal, general population
O. I. Emilsson, A. Bengtsson, K. A. Franklin, Kjell Torén, B. Benediktsdottir, A. Farkhooy, J. Weyler, S. Dom, W. De Backer, T. Gislason, C. Janson
European Respiratory Journal - 2013 -
The influence of sensitisation to pollens and moulds on seasonal variations in asthma
C. Canova, J. Heinrich, J. M. Anto, B. Leynaert, M. Smith, N. Kuenzli, J. P. Zock, C. Janson, I. Cerveri, R. de Marco, Kjell Torén, Thorsteinn Gislason, D. Nowak, I. Pin, M. Wjst, J. Manfreda, C. Svanes, J. Crane, M. Abramson, M. Burr, P. Burney, D. Jarvis
European Respiratory Journal - 2013 -
Explaining the social gradient in sickness absence: a study of a general working population in
Jesper Löve, Gunnel Hensing, Kristina Holmgren, Kjell Torén
BMC Public Health - 2013 -
Stroke and coronary heart disease: predictive power of standard risk factors into old age-long-term cumulative risk study among men in Gothenburg,
Kok Wai Giang, Lena Björck, Masuma Novak, Georg Lappas, Lars Wilhelmsen, Kjell Torén, Annika Rosengren
European Heart Journal - 2013 -
Multi-symptom asthma as an indication of disease severity in
Linda Ekerljung, Apostolos Bossios, Jan Lötvall, Anna-Carin Olin, Eva Rönmark, Göran Wennergren, Kjell Torén, Bo Lundbäck
Clinical and Translational Allergy - 2013 -
Cigarette smoking is associated with high prevalence of chronic rhinitis and low prevalence of allergic rhinitis in
Jonas Eriksson, Linda Ekerljung, B. M. Sundblad, Jan Lötvall, Kjell Torén, Eva Rönmark, K. Larsson, Bo Lundbäck
Allergy - 2013 -
Respiratory Symptoms and Respiratory-Related Absence from Work among Health Care Workers in
Jeong-Lim Kim, Kjell Torén, Susanna Lohman, Linda Ekerljung, Jan Lötvall, Bo Lundbäck, Eva Andersson
Journal of Asthma - 2013 -
Higher Risk of Wheeze in Female than Male Smokers. Results from the Swedish GA(2)LEN
Anders Bjerg, Linda Ekerljung, Jonas Eriksson, Inga S. Olafsdottir, R. Middelveld, K. A. Franklin, B. Forsberg, K. Larsson, Jan Lötvall, Kjell Torén, S. E. Dahlen, Bo Lundbäck, C. Janson
Plos One - 2013 -
Asthma symptoms and nasal congestion as independent risk factors for insomnia in a general population: results from the GA(2)LEN
F. Sundbom, E. Lindberg, Anders Bjerg, B. Forsberg, K. Franklin, M. Gunnbjornsdottir, R. Middelveld, Kjell Torén, C. Janson
Allergy - 2013 -
Serum Total Immunoglobulin E Is a Surrogate of Atopy in Adult-Onset Asthma: A Longitudinal
A. E. Carsin, J. P. Zock, D. Jarvis, X. Basagana, J. Heinrich, Kjell Torén, C. Janson, J. M. Anto, J. Sunyer
International Archives of Allergy and Immunology - 2013 -
Nasal nitric oxide in a random sample of adults and its relationship to sensitization, cat allergen, rhinitis, and ambient nitric
Anna-Carin Olin, Anna Dahlman-Höglund, Caterina Finizia, Kjell Torén
American journal of rhinology & allergy - 2012 -
Can work ability explain the social gradient in sickness absence: a study of a general population in
Jesper Löve, Kristina Holmgren, Kjell Torén, Gunnel Hensing
BMC public health - 2012 -
Eczema among adults: prevalence, risk factors and relation to airway diseases. Results from a large-scale population survey in
Erik P Rönmark, Linda Ekerljung, Jan Lötvall, Göran Wennergren, Eva Rönmark, Kjell Torén, Bo Lundbäck
British Journal of Dermatology - 2012 -
Incidence and prevalence of chronic bronchitis: impact of smoking and welding. The RHINE
Mathias Holm, Jeong-Lim Kim, Linnea Lillienberg, T Storaas, R Jögi, C Svanes, V Schlünssen, B Forsberg, T Gíslason, C Janson, Kjell Torén
The international journal of tuberculosis and lung disease : the official journal of the International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease - 2012 -
A cross-sectional study of the relationship between job demand-control, effort-reward imbalance and cardiovascular heart disease risk
Mia Söderberg, Annika Rosengren, Jenny Hillström, Lauren Lissner, Kjell Torén
BMC public health - 2012 -
Cardiovascular fitness in males at age 18 and risk of serious depression in adulthood: Swedish prospective population-based
Maria A I Åberg, Margda Waern, Jenny Nyberg, N. L. Pedersen, Ylva Bergh, N David Åberg, Michael Nilsson, Hans-Georg Kuhn, Kjell Torén
British Journal of Psychiatry - 2012 -
Respiratory health among Korean pupils in relation to home, school and outdoor
Jeong-Lim Kim, Lena Elfman, Gunilla Wieslander, Martin Ferm, Kjell Torén, Dan Norbäck
Journal of Korean Medical Science - 2011 -
Risk factors for respiratory work disability in a cohort of pulp mill workers exposed to irritant
Nicola Murgia, Kjell Torén, Jeong-Lim Kim, Eva Andersson
BMC public health - 2011 -
Respiratory health effects and exposure to superabsorbent polymer and paper dust - an epidemiological
Mathias Holm, Anna Dahlman-Höglund, Kjell Torén
BMC public health - 2011 -
Increased mortality from infectious pneumonia after occupational exposure to inorganic dust, metal fumes and
Kjell Torén, Ingemar Qvarfordt, IA Bergdahl, B Jarvholm
Thorax - 2011 -
Subjects in a population study with high levels of FENO have associated eosinophil airway
Gerdt C. Riise, Kjell Torén, Anna-Carin Olin
ISRN Allergy - 2011 -
Increased prevalence of symptoms of rhinitis but not of asthma between 1990 and 2008 in Swedish adults: comparisons of the ECRHS and GA²LEN
A Bjerg, Linda Ekerljung, R Middelveld, SE Dahlén, B Forsberg, K Franklin, K Larsson, Jan Lötvall, Inga S. Olafsdottir, Kjell Torén, Bo Lundbäck, C Janson
PLoS One - 2011 -
Rhinitis phenotypes correlate with different symptom presentation and risk factor patterns of
Jonas Eriksson, Anders Bjerg, Jan Lötvall, Göran Wennergren, Eva Rönmark, Kjell Torén, Bo Lundbäck
Respiratory medicine - 2011 -
Decreased exhaled nitric oxide (FENO) in obese with asthma symptoms: Data from the population study
Christina Berg, Dag Thelle, Annika Rosengren, Lauren Lissner, Anna-Carin Olin, Kjell Torén
Chest - 2011 -
Adult-onset asthma in west Sweden - Incidence, sex differences and impact of occupational
Kjell Torén, Linda Ekerljung, Jeong-Lim Kim, Jenny Hillström, Göran Wennergren, Eva Rönmark, Jan Lötvall, Bo Lundbäck
Respiratory medicine - 2011 -
Genome-wide association study identifies five loci associated with lung
Emmanouela Repapi, Ian Sayers, Louise V Wain, Paul R Burton, Toby Johnson, Ma'en Obeidat, Jing Hua Zhao, Adaikalavan Ramasamy, Guangju Zhai, Veronique Vitart, Jennifer E Huffman, Wilmar Igl, Eva Albrecht, Panos Deloukas, John Henderson, Raquel Granell, Wendy L McArdle, Alicja R Rudnicka, Inês Barroso, Ruth J F Loos, Nicholas J Wareham, Linda Mustelin, Taina Rantanen, Ida Surakka, Medea Imboden, H Erich Wichmann, Ivica Grkovic, Stipan Jankovic, Lina Zgaga, Anna-Liisa Hartikainen, Leena Peltonen, Ulf Gyllensten, Asa Johansson, Ghazal Zaboli, Harry Campbell, Sarah H Wild, James F Wilson, Sven Gläser, Georg Homuth, Henry Völzke, Massimo Mangino, Nicole Soranzo, Tim D Spector, Ozren Polasek, Igor Rudan, Alan F Wright, Markku Heliövaara, Samuli Ripatti, Anneli Pouta, Åsa Torinsson Naluai, Anna-Carin Olin, Kjell Torén, Matthew N Cooper, Alan L James, Lyle J Palmer, Aroon D Hingorani, S Goya Wannamethee, Peter H Whincup, George Davey Smith, Shah Ebrahim, Tricia M McKeever, Ian D Pavord, Andrew K MacLeod, Andrew D Morris, David J Porteous, Cyrus Cooper, Elaine Dennison, Seif Shaheen, Stefan Karrasch, Eva Schnabel, Holger Schulz, Harald Grallert, Nabila Bouatia-Naji, Jérôme Delplanque, Philippe Froguel, John D Blakey, NSHD Respiratory Study Team, John R Britton, Richard W Morris, John W Holloway, Debbie A Lawlor, Jennie Hui, Fredrik Nyberg, Marjo-Riitta Jarvelin, Cathy Jackson, Mika Kähönen, Jaakko Kaprio, Nicole M Probst-Hensch, Beate Koch, Caroline Hayward, David M Evans, Paul Elliott, David P Strachan, Ian P Hall, Martin D Tobin
Nature genetics - 2010 -
Growing up on a farm leads to lifelong protection against allergic
Jonas Eriksson, Linda Ekerljung, Jan Lötvall, Teet Pullerits, Göran Wennergren, Eva Rönmark, Kjell Torén, Bo Lundbäck
Allergy - 2010 -
Asthma in men and women: Treatment adherence, anxiety, and quality of
Rosita Sundberg, Kjell Torén, Karl A Franklin, Thorsteinn Gislason, Ernst Omenaas, Cecilie Svanes, Christer Janson
Respiratory medicine - 2010 -
The occupational contribution to severe exacerbation of
P K Henneberger, M C Mirabelli, M Kogevinas, J M Antó, E Plana, Anna Dahlman-Höglund, D L Jarvis, H Kromhout, Linnea Lillienberg, D Norbäck, M Olivieri, K Radon, Kjell Torén, I Urrutia, S Villani, J P Zock
The European respiratory journal : official journal of the European Society for Clinical Respiratory Physiology - 2010 -
Fish consumption and school grades in Swedish adolescents: a study of the large general
Jeong-Lim Kim, Anna Winkvist, Maria A I Åberg, Nils Åberg, Rosita Sundberg, Kjell Torén, Jonas Brisman
Acta Paediatrica - 2010 -
ERS position paper: work-related respiratory diseases in the
T Sigsgaard, D Nowak, I Annesi-Maesano, B Nemery, Kjell Torén, G Viegi, K Radon, S Burge, D Heederik, The ERS EOH group 6.2
The European respiratory journal - 2010 -
Selection bias in a population study with registry linkage – potential effect on social gradient in cardiovascular
Elisabeth Strandhagen, Christina Berg, Lauren Lissner, Leyla Nunez, Annika Rosengren, Kjell Torén, Dag Thelle
European Journal of Epidemiology - 2010 -
Increased fraction of exhaled nitric oxide predicts new-onset wheeze in a general
Anna-Carin Olin, Annika Rosengren, Dag Thelle, Lauren Lissner, Kjell Torén
American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine - 2010 -
Respiratory Symptoms and Exposure-Response Relations in Workers exposed to Metalworking Fluid
Linnea Lillienberg, Eva M. Andersson, Bengt Järvholm, Kjell Torén
The Annals of occupational hygiene - 2010 -
Multiple sclerosis incidence in the era of measles-mumps-rubella mass
Cecilia Ahlgren, Anders Odén, Kjell Torén, Oluf Andersen
Acta neurologica Scandinavica - 2009 -
A population-based case-control study on viral infections and vaccinations and subsequent multiple sclerosis
Cecilia Ahlgren, Kjell Torén, Anders Odén, Oluf Andersen
European journal of epidemiology - 2009 -
West Sweden Asthma Study: Prevalence trends over the last 18 years argue no recent increase in
Jan Lötvall, Linda Ekerljung, Erik P Rönmark, Göran Wennergren, Anders Lindén, Eva Rönmark, Kjell Torén, Bo Lundbäck
Respiratory research - 2009 -
Asthma caused by occupational exposures is common - a systematic analysis of estimates of the population-attributable
Kjell Torén, Paul D Blanc
BMC pulmonary medicine - 2009 -
Large scale questionnaire survey on respiratory health in Sweden: effects of late- and
Erik P Rönmark, Linda Ekerljung, Jan Lötvall, Kjell Torén, Eva Rönmark, Bo Lundbäck
Respiratory medicine - 2009 -
Personality, adherence, asthma control and health-related quality of life in young adult
Malin Axelsson, M Emilsson, Eva Brink, Jesper Lundgren, Kjell Torén, Jan Lötvall
Respiratory medicine - 2009 -
Is asthma in obese not associated with allergy and airway
Christina Berg, Kjell Torén, Annika Rosengren, Dag Thelle, Lauren Lissner, Anna-Carin Olin
17th European Congress on Obesity (ECO2009), Amsterdam, the Netherlands, May 6-9 - 2009 -
Eating patterns and portion size associated with obesity in a Swedish
Christina Berg, Georg Lappas, Alicja Wolk, Elisabeth Strandhagen, Kjell Torén, Annika Rosengren, Dag Thelle, Lauren Lissner
Appetite - 2009 -
Cardiovascular fitness is associated with cognition in young
Maria A I Åberg, Nancy L Pedersen, Kjell Torén, Magnus Svartengren, Björn Bäckstrand, Tommy Johnsson, Christiana M Cooper-Kuhn, N David Åberg, Michael Nilsson, Hans-Georg Kuhn
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America - 2009 -
Klinisk diagnostik av astma hos barn och
Kjell Torén, Per M. Gustafsson
Allergi och astma. Hedlin G & Larsson K, red. Studentlitteratur - 2009 -
Fish intake of Swedish male adolescents is a predictor of cognitive
Maria A I Åberg, Nils Åberg, Jonas Brisman, Rosita Sundberg, Anna Winkvist, Kjell Torén
Acta paediatrica (Oslo, Norway : 1992) - 2009 -
Occupational exposures and COPD: an ecological analysis of international
P D Blanc, A M B Menezes, E Plana, D M Mannino, P C Hallal, Kjell Torén, M D Eisner, J-P Zock
The European respiratory journal : official journal of the European Society for Clinical Respiratory Physiology - 2009 -
Both allergic and nonallergic asthma are associated with increased FE(NO) levels, but only in
A Malinovschi, C Janson, M Högman, G Rolla, Kjell Torén, D Norbäck, Anna-Carin Olin
Allergy - 2009 -
Domestic use of hypochlorite bleach, atopic sensitization, and respiratory symptoms in
Jan-Paul Zock, Estel Plana, Josep M Antó, Geza Benke, Paul D Blanc, Aurelia Carosso, Anna Dahlman-Höglund, Joachim Heinrich, Deborah Jarvis, Hans Kromhout, Linnea Lillienberg, Maria C Mirabelli, Dan Norbäck, Mario Olivieri, Michela Ponzio, Katja Radon, Argo Soon, Marc van Sprundel, Jordi Sunyer, Cecilie Svanes, Kjell Torén, Giuseppe Verlato, Simona Villani, Manolis Kogevinas
The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology - 2009 -
Health-related quality of life in young adults with
Rosita Sundberg, Mona Palmqvist, Alf Tunsäter, Kjell Torén
Respiratory medicine - 2009 -
Acute effects after occupational endotoxin exposure at a
Mathias Holm, Sandra Johannesson, Kjell Torén, Anna Dahlman-Höglund
Scandinavian journal of work, environment & health - 2009 -
Vehicle exhaust outside the home and onset of asthma among
Modig, Kjell Torén, Janson, Jarvholm, Forsberg
The European respiratory journal : official journal of the European Society for Clinical Respiratory Physiology - 2009 -
An international prospective general population-based study of respiratory work
Kjell Torén, J-P Zock, M Kogevinas, E Plana, J Sunyer, K Radon, D Jarvis, H Kromhout, A d'Errico, F Payo, J M Antó, P D Blanc
Thorax - 2009 -
Yrkesastma och andra
Kjell Torén
Lungmedicin. Kap. 27. Sandström T & Eklund A red. - 2009 -
Metalworking exposures and persistent skin symptoms in the ECRHS II and SAPALDIA 2
Maria C Mirabelli, Jan-Paul Zock, Andreas J Bircher, Debbie Jarvis, Dirk Keidel, Hans Kromhout, Dan Norbäck, Mario Olivieri, Estel Plana, Katja Radon, Christian Schindler, Peter Schmid-Grendelmeier, Kjell Torén, Simona Villani, Manolis Kogevinas
Contact dermatitis - 2009 -
Association between annoyance and individuals' values of nitrogen dioxide in a European
B Jacquemin, J Sunyer, B Forsberg, I Aguilera, D Briggs, T Götschi, J Heinrich, Kjell Torén, D Vienneau, N Künzli
Journal of epidemiology and community health - 2008 -
Food patterns and cardiovascular disease risk factors: the Swedish INTERGENE research
Christina Berg, Georg Lappas, Elisabeth Strandhagen, Alicja Wolk, Kjell Torén, Annika Rosengren, Nibia Aires, Dag Thelle, Lauren Lissner
The American journal of clinical nutrition - 2008 -
Occupation and adult onset of rhinitis in the general
K Radon, U Gerhardinger, A Schulze, J-P Zock, D Norback, Kjell Torén, D Jarvis, L Held, J Heinrich, B Leynaert, D Nowak, M Kogevinas, The occupational group of the ECRHS study
Occupational and environmental medicine - 2008 -
A population-based study on welding exposures at work and respiratory
Linnea Lillienberg, J-P Zock, H Kromhout, E Plana, D Jarvis, Kjell Torén, M Kogevinas
The Annals of occupational hygiene - 2008 -
Early life environment and snoring in
Karl A Franklin, Christer Janson, Thórarinn Gíslason, Amund Gulsvik, Maria Gunnbjörnsdottir, Birger N Laerum, Eva Lindberg, Eva Norrman, Lennarth Nyström, Ernst Omenaas, Kjell Torén, Cecilie Svanes
Respiratory research - 2008 -
Inhalation incidents and respiratory health: results from the European Community respiratory health
Mirabelli, Olivieri, Kromhout, D. Norbäck, Radon, Kjell Torén, van Sprundel, Villani, Zock
American journal of industrial medicine - 2008 -
The use of household cleaning sprays and adult asthma: an international longitudinal
J. P. Zock, E. Plana, D. Jarvis, J. M. Anto, H. Kromhout, S. M. Kennedy, N. Kunzli, S. Villani, M. Olivieri, Kjell Torén, K. Radon, Jordi Sunyer, Anna Dahlman-Höglund, D. Norback, M. Kogevinas
Am J Respir Crit Care Med - 2007 -
Cardiovascular mortality among Swedish pulp and paper mill
B. Persson, A. Magnusson, H. Westberg, Eva Andersson, Kjell Torén, G. Wingren, O. Axelson
Am J Ind Med - 2007 -
Perennial non-infectious rhinitis-an independent risk factor for sleep disturbances in
Johan Hellgren, E. Omenaas, T. Gislason, R. Jogi, K. A. Franklin, E. Lindberg, C. Janson, Kjell Torén
Respir Med - 2007 -
[COPD also an occupational
Kjell Torén, Jonas Brisman
Läkartidningen - 2007 -
Incidence of hand eczema in female Swedish
M. L. Lind, M. Albin, Jonas Brisman, K. Kronholm Diab, Linnea Lillienberg, Z. Mikoczy, J. Nielsen, L. Rylander, Kjell Torén, B. Meding
Occup Environ Med - 2007 -
Nasal symptoms are associated with school performance in
Rosita Sundberg, Kjell Torén, D. Höglund, Nils Åberg, Jonas Brisman
J Adolesc Health - 2007 -
Determination of ethane, pentane and isoprene in exhaled air--effects of breath-holding, flow rate and purified
Mona Lärstad, Kjell Torén, Björn Bake, Anna-Carin Olin
Acta Physiol (Oxf) - 2007 -
Fraction of exhaled nitric oxide at 50 mL/s: reference values for adult lifelong
Anna-Carin Olin, Björn Bake, Kjell Torén
Chest - 2007 -
Annoyance due to air pollution in
B. Jacquemin, Jordi Sunyer, B. Forsberg, T. Götschi, L. Bayer-Oglesby, U. Ackermann-Liebrich, R. de Marco, J. Heinrich, D. Jarvis, Kjell Torén, N. Kunzli
Int J Epidemiol - 2007 -
Occupational exposure to particulate air pollution and mortality due to ischaemic heart disease and cerebrovascular
Kjell Torén, I. A. Bergdahl, T. Nilsson, B. Järvholm
Occup Environ Med - 2007 -
Occupation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and chronic bronchitis: an
Paul D. Blanc, Kjell Torén
Int J Tuberc Lung Dis - 2007 -
Nonallergic occupational
Johan Hellgren, Kjell Torén
Clin Allergy Immunol - 2007 -
Urban background particulate matter and allergic sensitization in adults of ECRHS
G. B. Bedada, J. Heinrich, T. Götschi, S. H. Downs, B. Forsberg, D. Jarvis, C. Luczynska, A. Soon, Jordi Sunyer, Kjell Torén, N. Kunzli
Int J Hyg Environ Health - 2007 -
Young maternal age at delivery is associated with asthma in adult
B. N. Laerum, C. Svanes, T. Wentzel-Larsen, A. Gulsvik, Kjell Torén, E. Norrman, T. Gislason, C. Janson, E. Omenaas
Respir Med - 2007 -
Occupational exposure and severe pulmonary
T. Gustafson, Anna Dahlman-Höglund, K. Nilsson, K. Ström, G. Tornling, Kjell Torén
Respir Med - 2007 -
Exposure to substances in the workplace and new-onset asthma: an international prospective population-based study
M. Kogevinas, J. P. Zock, D. Jarvis, H. Kromhout, Linnea Lillienberg, E. Plana, K. Radon, Kjell Torén, A. Alliksoo, G. Benke, Paul D. Blanc, Anna Dahlman-Höglund, A. d'Errico, M. Hery, S. Kennedy, N. Kunzli, B. Leynaert, M. C. Mirabelli, N. Muniozguren, D. Norback, M. Olivieri, F. Payo, S. Villani, M. Van Sprundel, I. Urrutia, G. Wieslander, Jordi Sunyer, J. M. Anto
Lancet - 2007 -
Remission of asthma: a prospective longitudinal study from northern Europe (RHINE
Mathias Holm, E. Omenaas, T. Gislason, C. Svanes, R. Jogi, E. Norrman, C. Janson, Kjell Torén
Eur Respir J - 2007 -
Occupational risk factors for asthma among nurses and related healthcare professionals in an international
M. C. Mirabelli, J. P. Zock, E. Plana, J. M. Anto, G. Benke, Paul D. Blanc, Anna Dahlman-Höglund, D. L. Jarvis, H. Kromhout, Linnea Lillienberg, D. Norbäck, M. Olivieri, K. Radon, Jordi Sunyer, Kjell Torén, M. Van Sprundel, S. Villani, M. Kogevinas
Occup Environ Med - 2007 -
[Work, environment and health--a 100-year
Kjell Torén, Maria Albin
Läkartidningen - 2007 -
Cohort mortality study of Swedish pulp and paper mill workers-nonmalignant
Eva Andersson, Bodil Persson, Ing-Liss Bryngelsson, Anders Magnuson, Kjell Torén, Gun Wingren, Håkan Westberg
Scandinavian journal of work, environment & health - 2007 -
Height, age, and atopy are associated with fraction of exhaled nitric oxide in a large adult general population
Anna-Carin Olin, Annika Rosengren, Dag Thelle, Lauren Lissner, Björn Bake, Kjell Torén
Chest - 2006 -
Self-reported asthma was biased in relation to disease severity while reported year of asthma onset was
Kjell Torén, Mona Palmqvist, Olle Löwhagen, Barbro Balder, A. Tunsäter
J Clin Epidemiol. - 2006 -
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