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- Tomas Bergström
Tomas Bergström
Senior Researcher
Department of Infectious Diseases-
Identification of Three Novel O-Linked Glycans in the Envelope Protein of Tick-Borne Encephalitis
Ebba Könighofer, Ekaterina Mirgorodskaya, Kristina Nyström, Karin Stiasny, Ambjörn Kärmander, Tomas Bergström, Rickard Nordén
Serologic immunogenicity and safety of herpes zoster subunit vaccine in patients with rheumatoid arthritis receiving Janus kinase
H. Källmark, Tomas Bergström, J. Nagel, B. Gullstrand, J. T. Einarsson, A. A. Bengtsson, M. C. Kapetanovic
Rheumatology - 2024 -
Human Antibodies against Herpes Simplex Virus 2 Glycoprotein G Do Not Neutralize but Mediate Antibody-Dependent Cellular
Jan-Åke Liljeqvist, Karin Önnheim, Petra Tunbäck, Kristina Eriksson, Staffan Görander, Malin Bäckström, Tomas Bergström
No detection of tick-borne encephalitis virus RNA in blood, urine or saliva of hospitalised immunocompetent tick-borne encephalitis
Hanne Quarsten, Ashild K. Andreassen, Katrine M. Paulsen, Maria J. Diekmann, Randi Eikeland, Rita Helleren, Tomas Bergström, Solvi Noraas, Aslaug R. Lorentzen
PLOS ONE - 2024 -
Interactions between High Seroreactivity to Human Herpes Virus 6A and Epstein-Barr Virus in MS Development: A Presymptomatic Case-Control
Viktor Grut, Martin Bistrom, Jonatan Salzer, Pernilla Stridh, Daniel Jons, Rasmus Gustafsson, Jesse Huang, Tomas Bergström, Ingrid Kockum, Tim Waterboer, Tomas Olsson, Peter Sundstrom
Identification of epidermal growth factor receptor-tyrosine kinase inhibitor targeting the VP1 pocket of human
Masum Miah, Andrew M. Davis, Charles Hannoun, Joanna Said, Martina Fitzek, Marian Preston, Dave Smith, Colores Uwamariya, Ambjörn Kärmander, Thomas Lundback, Tomas Bergström, Edward Trybala
Incidence and Burden of Herpes Zoster in Sweden: A Regional Population-Based Register
Emma Sodergren, Kristina Mardberg, Marie Nishimwe, Amit Bhavsar, Alen Marijam, Tomas Bergström, Patrik Stack
Seroreactivity against lytic, latent and possible cross-reactive EBV antigens appears on average 10 years before MS induced preclinical neuroaxonal
Daniel Jons, Viktor Grut, Tomas Bergström, Henrik Zetterberg, Martin Biström, Martin Gunnarsson, Magnus Vrethem, Nicole Brenner, Julia Butt, Kaj Blennow, Staffan Nilsson, Ingrid Kockum, Tomas Olsson, Tim Waterboer, Peter Sundström, Oluf Andersen
Journal of neurology, neurosurgery, and psychiatry - 2024 -
Seroprevalence of tick-borne encephalitis virus and vaccination coverage of tick-borne encephalitis, Sweden, 2018 to
Bo Albinsson, Tove Hoffman, Linda Kolstad, Tomas Bergström, Gordana Bogdanovic, Anna Heydecke, Mirja Hägg, Torbjörn Kjerstadius, Ylva Lindroth, Annika Petersson, Marie Stenberg, Sirkka Vene, Patrik Ellström, Bengt Rönnberg, Åke Lundkvist
Euro surveillance : bulletin Europeen sur les maladies transmissibles = European communicable disease bulletin - 2024 -
Antiviral Rotenoids and Isoflavones Isolated from Millettia oblata ssp.
Ivan Kiganda, Jonathan Bogaerts, Lianne H.E. Wieske, Tsegaye Deyou, Yoseph Atilaw, Colores Uwamariya, Masum Miah, Joanna Said, Albert Ndakala, Hoseah M. Akala, Wouter Herrebout, Edward Trybala, Tomas Bergström, Abiy Yenesew, Mate Erdelyi
Journal of Natural Products - 2023 -
Occupational risks for infection with influenza A and B: a national case-control study covering 1 July 2006-31 December
Kjell Torén, M. Albin, Tomas Bergström, M. Alderling, Linus Schiöler, Maria A I Åberg
Occupational and Environmental Medicine - 2023 -
Glycoengineered keratinocyte library reveals essential functions of specific glycans for all stages of HSV-1
Ieva Bagdonaite, Irina N. Marinova, Asha M. Rudjord-Levann, Emil M.H. Pallesen, Sarah L. King-Smith, Richard Karlsson, Troels B. Rømer, Yen Hsi Chen, Rebecca L. Miller, Sigvard Olofsson, Rickard Nordén, Tomas Bergström, Sally Dabelsteen, Hans H. Wandall
Nature Communications - 2023 -
Occupational risks associated with severe COVID-19 disease and SARS-CoV-2 infection-a Swedish national case-control study conducted from October 2020 to December
Kjell Torén, M. Albin, Tomas Bergström, N. Murgia, M. Alderling, Linus Schiöler, Maria A I Åberg
Scandinavian Journal of Work Environment & Health - 2023 -
Crotofolane Diterpenoids and Other Constituents Isolated from Croton
Emanuel T Mahambo, Colores Uwamariya, Masum Miah, Leandro da Costa Clementino, Luis Carlos Salazar Alvarez, Gabriela Paula Di Santo Metzler, Edward Trybala, Joanna Said, Lianne H E Wieske, Jas S Ward, Kari Rissanen, Joan J E Munissi, Fabio T M Costa, Per Sunnerhagen, Tomas Bergström, Stephen S Nyandoro, Mate Erdelyi
Journal of Natural Products - 2023 -
Structure and Role of O-Linked Glycans in Viral Envelope
Sigvard Olofsson, M. Bally, Edward Trybala, Tomas Bergström
Annual Review of Virology - 2023 -
Long-Term Immunity Against Tetanus and Diphtheria after Vaccination of Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation
Sigrun Einarsdottir, Ingigerdur Sverrisdottir, Krista Vaht, Tomas Bergström, Mats Brune, Per-Ola Andersson, C. Wenneras, P. Ljungman
Transplantation and Cellular Therapy - 2023 -
Absence of Herpesvirus DNA in Aqueous Humor from Asymptomatic
Joanna von Hofsten, Tomas Bergström, Madeleine Zetterberg
Clinical Ophthalmology - 2022 -
Reduced immunogenicity of a third COVID-19 vaccination among recipients of allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell
Sigrun Einarsdottir, Anna Martner, Malin Nicklasson, Hanna Grauers Wiktorin, Mohammad Arabpour, Andreas Törnell, Krista Vaht, Jesper Waldenström, Johan Ringlander, Tomas Bergström, Mats Brune, Kristoffer Hellstrand, Per Ljungman, Martin Lagging
Haematologica - 2022 -
Synthetic Heparan Sulfate Mimetic Pixatimod (PG545) Potently Inhibits SARS-CoV-2 by Disrupting the Spike-ACE2
S. E. Guimond, C. J. Mycroft-West, N. S. Gandhi, J. A. Tree, T. T. Le, C. M. Spalluto, M. V. Humbert, K. R. Buttigieg, N. Coombes, M. J. Elmore, M. Wand, Kristina Nyström, Joanna Said, Y. X. Setoh, A. A. Amarilla, N. Modhiran, J. D. J. Sng, M. Chhabra, P. R. Young, D. J. Rawle, M. A. Lima, E. A. Yates, R. Karlsson, R. L. Miller, Y. H. Chen, I. Bagdonaite, Z. Yang, J. Stewart, D. Nguyen, S. Laidlaw, E. Hammond, K. Dredge, T. M. A. Wilkinson, D. Watterson, A. A. Khromykh, A. Suhrbier, M. W. Carroll, Edward Trybala, Tomas Bergström, V. Ferro, M. A. Skidmore, J. E. Turnbull
ACS Central Science - 2022 -
Modified ent-Abietane Diterpenoids from the Leaves of Suregada
T. M. Kalenga, J. T. Mollel, Joanna Said, A. Orthaber, J. S. Ward, Y. Atilaw, D. Umereweneza, M. M. Ndoile, J. J. E. Munissi, K. Rissanen, Edward Trybala, Tomas Bergström, S. S. Nyandoro, M. Erdelyi
Journal of Natural Products - 2022 -
Deficiency of SARS-CoV-2 T-cell responses after vaccination in long-term allo-HSCT survivors translates into abated humoral
Sigrun Einarsdottir, Anna Martner, Jesper Waldenström, Malin Nicklasson, Johan Ringlander, Mohammad Arabpour, Andreas Törnell, Hanna Grauers Wiktorin, Staffan Nilsson, Rudy Bittar, Malin Nilsson, Mikael Lisak, Malin Veje, Vanda Friman, Samer Al-Dury, Tomas Bergström, Per Ljungman, Mats Brune, Kristoffer Hellstrand, Martin Lagging
Blood advances - 2022 -
Cellular Chondroitin Sulfate and the Mucin-like Domain of Viral Glycoprotein C Promote Diffusion of Herpes Simplex Virus 1 While Heparan Sulfate Restricts
Y. Abidine, L. F. Liu, O. Wallen, Edward Trybala, Sigvard Olofsson, Tomas Bergström, M. Bally
Viruses - 2022 -
Serum IgG levels to Epstein-Barr and measles viruses in patients with multiple sclerosis during natalizumab and interferon beta
Linn Persson Berg, Marcus Eriksson, S. Longhi, I. Kockum, C. Warnke, Elisabeth Thomsson, Malin Bäckström, T. Olsson, A. Fogdell-Hahn, Tomas Bergström
Bmj Neurology Open - 2022 -
Anti-respiratory syncytial virus and anti-herpes simplex virus activity of six Tanzanian medicinal plants with extended studies of Erythrina abyssinica stem
Jackson T. Mollel, Joanna Said, R. J. Masalu, Charles Hannoun, M. V. N. Mbunde, R. S. O. Nondo, Tomas Bergström, Edward Trybala
Journal of Ethnopharmacology - 2022 -
Antiviral iridoid glycosides from Clerodendrum
D. Umereweneza, Jackson T. Molel, Joanna Said, Y. Atilaw, T. Muhizi, Edward Trybala, Tomas Bergström, A. Gogoll, M. Erdelyi
Fitoterapia - 2021 -
A truncated glycoprotein G vaccine formulated with Advax-CpG adjuvant provides protection of mice against genital herpes simplex virus 2
Staffan Görander, Y. Honda-Okubo, Malin Bäckström, J. Baldwin, Tomas Bergström, N. Petrovsky, Jan-Åke Liljeqvist
Vaccine - 2021 -
Follow-up after infectious mononucleosis in search of serological similarities with presymptomatic multiple
Daniel Jons, Linn Persson Berg, P. Sundstrom, Sara Haghighi, Markus Axelsson, M. Thulin, Tomas Bergström, Oluf Andersen
Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders - 2021 -
Risk factors for norovirus infection in healthcare workers during nosocomial outbreaks: a cross-sectional
Kjell Torén, Linus Schiöler, Nancy P Nenonen, Charles Hannoun, Anette Roth, Lars-Magnus Andersson, Johan Westin, Tomas Bergström
Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Control - 2021 -
Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2 Mucin-Like Glycoprotein mgG Promotes Virus Release from the Surface of Infected
Edward Trybala, N. Peerboom, Beata Adamiak, Malgorzata Krzyzowska, Jan-Åke Liljeqvist, M. Bally, Tomas Bergström
Viruses - 2021 -
Comparable endemic coronavirus nucleoprotein-specific antibodies in mild and severe Covid-19
Susannah Leach, Ali M Harandi, Tomas Bergström, Lars-Magnus Andersson, Staffan Nilsson, L. van der Hoek, Magnus Gisslén
Journal of Medical Virology - 2021 -
Vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) after autologous and allogeneic stem cell
Sigrun Einarsdottir, Malin Nicklasson, Malin Veje, Tomas Bergström, Marie Studahl, Mikael Lisak, M. Olsson, B. Johansson, B. Andreasson, Bénédicte Piauger, Anette Roth, Vanda Friman, P. Ljungman, Mats Brune
Vaccine - 2021 -
Antibiotics should not be used for back/leg
P. Fritzell, Tomas Bergström, B. Jonsson, S. G. E. Andersson, M. Skorpil, P. M. Udby, M. Andersen, O. Hagg
Acta Orthopaedica - 2021 -
Herpes Simplex Virus 1 and 2 Infections during Differentiation of Human Cortical
Petra Bergström, Edward Trybala, Charlotta Eriksson, Maria Johansson, Tugce Munise Satir, Sibylle Widehn, Stefanie Fruhwürth, W. Michno, Faisal Hayat Nazir, Jörg Hanrieder, Sören R Paludan, Lotta Agholme, Henrik Zetterberg, Tomas Bergström
Viruses-Basel - 2021 -
Deep Sequencing of Varicella-Zoster Virus in Aqueous Humor From a Patient With Acute Retinal Necrosis Presenting With Acute
Joanna von Hofsten, Johan Ringlander, Peter Norberg, Madeleine Zetterberg, Maria Andersson, Magnus Lindh, Tomas Bergström
Open Forum Infectious Diseases - 2020 -
Intrathecal immunoreactivity in people with or without previous infectious
Daniel Jons, Henrik Zetterberg, Clas Malmeström, Tomas Bergström, Markus Axelsson, Kaj Blennow, Måns Thulin, Peter Sundström, Oluf Andersen
Acta neurologica Scandinavica - 2020 -
Antibiotics should not be used to treat patients with back/leg
P. Fritzell, Tomas Bergström, B. Jönsson, S. Andersson, M. Skorpil, P. Muhareb Udby, M. Andersen, O. Hägg
Läkartidningen - 2020 -
Tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV) infection in pregnancy: Absence of virus transmission to the fetuses despite severe maternal disease - A case
Iris Divé, Malin Veje, Gerhard Dobler, Tomas Bergström, Horst Buxmann, Bettina Paul, Frank Louwen, Annemarie Berger, Kolja Jahnke, Adam Strzelczyk, Marie Studahl, Elisabet Hentz, Lucas Nürnberger
Ticks and tick-borne diseases - 2020 -
Recombinant Epstein-Barr virus glycoprotein 350 as a serological
Linn Persson Berg, Elisabeth Thomsson, Gentiana Hasi, Malin Bäckström, Tomas Bergström
Journal of Virological Methods - 2020 -
Rätt hanterade IgG-test viktig resurs i kampen mot
Tomas Bergström
Läkartidningen - 2020 -
Regulatory Mechanisms of the Mucin-Like Region on Herpes Simplex Virus during Cellular
Martin Delguste, Nadia Peerboom, Gregoire Le Brun, Edward Trybala, Sigvard Olofsson, Tomas Bergström, David Alsteens, Marta Bally
Recombinant Glycoprotein E of Varicella Zoster Virus Contains Glycan-Peptide Motifs That Modulate B Cell Epitopes into Discrete Immunological
Rickard Nordén, Jonas Nilsson, Ebba Samuelsson, C. Risinger, C. Sihlbom, O. Blixt, Göran Larson, Sigvard Olofsson, Tomas Bergström
International Journal of Molecular Sciences - 2019 -
Measles outbreak in Gothenburg urban area, Sweden, 2017 to 2018: low viral load in breakthrough
Nicklas Sundell, L. Dotevall, Martina Sansone, Maria Andersson, Magnus Lindh, T. Wahlberg, Tobias Tyrberg, Johan Westin, Jan-Åke Liljeqvist, Tomas Bergström, Marie Studahl, Lars-Magnus Andersson
Eurosurveillance - 2019 -
Seroreactivity to Chikungunya and West Nile Viruses in Rwandan Blood
Eric Seruyange, K. Ljungberg, C. M. Muvunyi, J. B. Gahutu, S. Katare, J. Nyamusore, Y. D. Gwon, M. Evander, Helene Norder, P. Liljestr?m, Tomas Bergström
Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases - 2019 -
Intrathecal complement activation by the classical pathway in tick-borne
Malin Veje, Marie Studahl, Tomas Bergström
Journal of neurovirology - 2019 -
Authors' response: Measles outbreak in Gothenburg urban area, Sweden, 2017/18: lower viral load in breakthrough
Nicklas Sundell, Leif Dotevall, Magnus Lindh, Johan Westin, Jan-Åke Liljeqvist, Tomas Bergström, Marie Studahl, Lars-Magnus Andersson
Euro surveillance : bulletin Europeen sur les maladies transmissibles = European communicable disease bulletin - 2019 -
Bacteria: back pain, leg pain and Modic sign-a surgical multicentre comparative
P. Fritzell, C. Welinder-Olsson, B. Jonsson, A. Melhus, S. Andersson, Tomas Bergström, H. Tropp, P. Gerdhem, O. Hagg, H. Laestander, B. Knutsson, A. Lundin, P. Ekman, E. Rydman, M. Skorpil
European Spine Journal - 2019 -
Hepatitis A and E virus infections have different epidemiological patterns in
T. Twagirumugabe, Fredy Saguti, S. Habarurema, J. B. Gahutu, Tomas Bergström, Helene Norder
International Journal of Infectious Diseases - 2019 -
Alpha herpes virus type and viral load in intraocular fluids in patients with acute retinal
Joanna von Hofsten, Tomas Bergström, Madeleine Zetterberg
Bmj Open Ophthalmology - 2019 -
Increased level of compleasomes in cerebrospinal fluid of patients with herpes simplex
Ewa Johansson, Stefan Lange, Tomas Bergström, Merna Oshalim, Ivar Lönnroth, Marie Studahl
Journal of Neurovirology - 2018 -
Coinfection with Enteric Pathogens in East African Children with Acute Gastroenteritis-Associations and
Maria Andersson, J. C. Kabayiza, Kristina Elfving, S. Nilsson, M. I. Msellem, A. Martensson, A. Bjorkman, Tomas Bergström, Magnus Lindh
American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene - 2018 -
High Viral Diversity and Mixed Infections in Cerebral Spinal Fluid from Cases of Varicella Zoster Virus
D. P. Depledge, J. Cudini, S. Kundu, C. Atkinson, J. R. Brown, T. Haque, C. J. Houldcroft, Evelyn S. Koay, F. McGill, R. Milne, T. Whitfield, J. W. Tang, G. Underhill, Tomas Bergström, Peter Norberg, R. Goldstein, T. Solomon, J. Breuer
Journal of Infectious Diseases - 2018 -
Seroprevalence of Zika virus and Rubella virus IgG among blood donors in Rwanda and in
Eric Seruyange, J. B. Gahutu, C. M. Muvunyi, S. Katare, V. Ndahindwa, H. Sibomana, J. Nyamusore, F. Rutagarama, Charles Hannoun, Helene Norder, Tomas Bergström
Journal of Medical Virology - 2018 -
Diagnosing tick-borne encephalitis: a re-evaluation of notified
Malin Veje, Marie Studahl, Maja Johansson, Patrik Johansson, Peter Nolskog, Tomas Bergström
European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases - 2018 -
Hepatitis B virus strains from Rwandan blood donors are genetically similar and form one clade within subgenotype
Theogene Twagirumugabe, G. Swaibu, T. D. Walker, Magnus Lindh, J. B. Gahutu, Tomas Bergström, Helene Norder
Bmc Infectious Diseases - 2017 -
Low prevalence of hepatitis C virus RNA in blood donors with anti-hepatitis C virus reactivity in
Theogene Twagirumugabe, G. Swaibu, Tomas Bergström, T. D. Walker, J. B. Gahutu, Helene Norder
Transfusion - 2017 -
Identification of a Genetic Variation in ERAP1 Aminopeptidase that Prevents Human Cytomegalovirus miR-UL112-5p-Mediated
P. Romania, L. Cifaldi, B. Pignoloni, N. Starc, V. D'Alicandro, O. Melaiu, G. L. Pira, E. Giorda, R. Carrozzo, M. Bergvall, Tomas Bergström, L. Alfredsson, T. Olsson, I. Kockum, I. Seppala, T. Lehtimaki, M. A. Hurme, H. Hengel, A. Santoni, C. Cerboni, F. Locatelli, M. D'Amato, D. Fruci
Cell Reports - 2017 -
Linear Multiepitope (Glyco)peptides for Type-Specific Serology of Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV)
C. Risinger, K. K. Sorensen, K. J. Jensen, Sigvard Olofsson, Tomas Bergström, O. Blixt
Acs Infectious Diseases - 2017 -
Herpes simplex virus specific T cell response in a cohort with primary genital infection correlates inversely with frequency of subsequent
E. Franzen-Rohl, D. Schepis, F. Atterfelt, K. Franck, A. Wikstrom, Jan-Åke Liljeqvist, Tomas Bergström, E. Aurelius, K. Karre, L. Berg, H. Gaines
Sexually Transmitted Infections - 2017 -
Reaction of complement factors and proteasomes in experimental
Stefan Lange, Tomas Bergström, Ewa Johansson, Merna Oshalim, Ivar Lönnroth
Journal of neurovirology - 2017 -
Binding Kinetics and Lateral Mobility of HSV-1 on End-Grafted Sulfated
N. Peerboom, S. Block, N. Altgarde, O. Wahlsten, S. Moller, M. Schnabelrauch, Edward Trybala, Tomas Bergström, M. Bally
Biophysical Journal - 2017 -
Complement Opsonization Promotes Herpes Simplex Virus 2 Infection of Human Dendritic
E. Crisci, R. Ellegard, S. Nystrom, E. Rondahl, L. Serrander, Tomas Bergström, C. Sjowall, Kristina Eriksson, M. Larsson
Journal of Virology - 2016 -
Human tick-borne encephalitis and characterization of virus from biting
A. J. Henningsson, R. Lindqvist, Peter Norberg, P. Lindblom, Anette Roth, P. Forsberg, Tomas Bergström, A. K. Överby, P. E. Lindgren
Emerging Infectious Diseases - 2016 -
Varicella-zoster virus (VZV) DNA in serum of patients with VZV central nervous system
Anna Grahn, Tomas Bergström, J. Runesson, Marie Studahl
Journal of Infection - 2016 -
Measles seroprevalence, outbreaks, and vaccine coverage in
Eric Seruyange, J. B. Gahutu, C. M. Muvunyi, Z. G. Uwimana, M. Gatera, Theogene Twagirumugabe, S. Katare, B. Karenzi, Tomas Bergström
Infectious Diseases - 2016 -
Von Willebrand Factor Gene Variants Associate with Herpes simplex
N. Abdelmagid, B. Bereczky-Veress, S. Atanur, A. Musilova, V. Zidek, L. Saba, A. Warnecke, M. Khademi, Marie Studahl, E. Aurelius, A. Hjalmarsson, A. Garcia-Diaz, C. V. Denis, Tomas Bergström, B. Skoldenberg, I. Kockum, T. Aitman, N. Hubner, T. Olsson, M. Pravenec, M. Diez
Plos One - 2016 -
Acute and prolonged complement activation in the central nervous system during herpes simplex
Charlotta Eriksson, Marie Studahl, Tomas Bergström
Journal of Neuroimmunology - 2016 -
Tick-Borne Encephalitis sequelae at long-term follow-up: a self-reported case-control
Malin Veje, P Nolskog, Max Petzold, Tomas Bergström, Thomas Lindén, Yüksel Peker, Marie Studahl
Acta neurologica Scandinavica - 2016 -
The Cholestanol-Conjugated Sulfated Oligosaccharide PG545 Disrupts the Lipid Envelope of Herpes Simplex Virus
Joanna Said, Edward Trybala, Staffan Görander, Maria Ekblad, Jan-Åke Liljeqvist, Eva Jennische, Stefan Lange, Tomas Bergström
Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy - 2016 -
Dags att diskutera subventionerad
Tomas Bergström, Peter Norberg, Daniel Slunge
Läkartidningen - 2016 -
Vaccination with the Secreted Glycoprotein G of Herpes Simplex Virus 2 Induces Protective Immunity after Genital
Karin Önnheim, Maria Ekblad, Staffan Görander, Tomas Bergström, Jan-Åke Liljeqvist
Viruses-Basel - 2016 -
Viral O-GalNAc peptide epitopes: a novel potential target in viral envelope
Sigvard Olofsson, Ola Blixt, Tomas Bergström, Martin Frank, Hans H Wandall
Reviews in medical virology - 2016 -
Mucin-like region of herpes simplex virus type 1 attachment protein gC modulates the virus-glycosaminoglycan
Noomi Altgärde, Charlotta Eriksson, Nadia Peerboom, Tuan Phan-Xuan, Stephanie Möller, Matthias Schnabelrauch, Sofia Svedhem, Edward Trybala, Tomas Bergström, Marta Bally
Journal of Biological Chemistry - 2015 -
Highly Pathogenic Leptospira Found in Urban Brown Rats (Rattus norvegicus) in the Largest Cities of
T. M. Strand, M. Lohmus, T. P. Vinnersten, T. Rasback, K. Sundstrom, Tomas Bergström, A. Lundkvist
Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases - 2015 -
Incidence of herpes zoster and associated events including stroke-a population-based cohort
K. Sundstrom, C. E. Weibull, K. Soderberg-Lofdal, Tomas Bergström, P. Sparen, L. Arnheim-Dahlstrom
Bmc Infectious Diseases - 2015 -
Role of noroviruses as aetiological agents of diarrhoea in developing
James Ayukekbong, H. N. Mesumbe, O. G. Oyero, Magnus Lindh, Tomas Bergström
Journal of General Virology - 2015 -
Recombination of Globally Circulating Varicella-Zoster
Peter Norberg, D. P. Depledge, S. Kundu, C. Atkinson, J. Brown, T. Haque, Y. Hussaini, E. MacMahon, P. Molyneaux, V. Papaevangelou, N. Sengupta, E. S. C. Koay, J. W. Tang, G. S. Underhill, Anna Grahn, Marie Studahl, J. Breuer, Tomas Bergström
Journal of Virology - 2015 -
The anterior commissure is a pathway for contralateral spread of herpes simplex virus type 1 after olfactory tract
Eva Jennische, Charlotta Eriksson, Stefan Lange, Edward Trybala, Tomas Bergström
Journal of Neurovirology - 2015 -
Novel rat models to study primary genital herpes simplex virus-2
Karin Önnheim, Maria Ekblad, Staffan Görander, Stefan Lange, Eva Jennische, Tomas Bergström, S. Wildt, Jan-Åke Liljeqvist
Archives of Virology - 2015 -
Detection of tick-borne encephalitis virus RNA in
Malin Veje, Marie Studahl, Peter Norberg, Anette Roth, Ulrike Möbius, Magnus Brink, Tomas Bergström
Journal of clinical microbiology - 2014 -
Elevated antibody reactivity to measles virus Ncore protein among patients with multiple sclerosis and their healthy siblings with intrathecal oligoclonal immunoglobulin G
Linn Persson, Sonia Longhi, Johanna Enarsson, Oluf Andersen, Sara Haghighi, Staffan Nilsson, Martin Lagging, Maria Johansson, Tomas Bergström
Journal of Clinical Virology - 2014 -
Monitoring of seasonality of norovirus and other enteric viruses in Cameroon by real-time PCR: an exploratory
James Ayukekbong, E. M. Andersson, G. Vansarla, F. Tah, T. Nkuo-Akenji, Magnus Lindh, Tomas Bergström
Epidemiology and Infection - 2014 -
Diarrhoeagenic microbes by real-time PCR in Rwandan children under 5 years of age with acute
Jean-Claude Kabayiza, E. M. Andersson, Staffan Nilsson, C Baribwira, G Muhirwa, Tomas Bergström, Magnus Lindh
Clinical microbiology and infection : the official publication of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases - 2014 -
Cytomegalovirus seropositivity is negatively associated with multiple
E. Sundqvist, Tomas Bergström, Hadi Daialhosein, M. Nyström, P. Sundström, J. Hillert, L. Alfredsson, I. Kockum, T. Olsson
Multiple Sclerosis - 2014 -
Real-time PCR Identification of Agents Causing Diarrhea in Rwandan Children Less Than 5 Years of
Jean-Claude Kabayiza, Maria Andersson, Staffan Nilsson, Tomas Bergström, Gregoire Muhirwa, Magnus Lindh
Anti-Glycoprotein G Antibodies of Herpes Simplex Virus 2 Contribute to Complete Protection after Vaccination in Mice and Induce Antibody-Dependent Cellular Cytotoxicity and Complement-Mediated
Staffan Görander, Maria Ekblad, Tomas Bergström, Jan-Åke Liljeqvist
Viruses-Basel - 2014 -
Pattern of Circulation of Norovirus GII Strains during Natural
James Ayukekbong, C. Fobisong, F. Tah, Magnus Lindh, T. Nkuo-Akenji, Tomas Bergström
Journal of Clinical Microbiology - 2014 -
Detection of Pathogenic Viruses in Sewage Provided Early Warnings of Hepatitis A Virus and Norovirus
Maria Hellmér, N. Paxeus, L. Magnius, L. Enache, B. Arnholm, A. Johansson, Tomas Bergström, Helene Norder
Applied and Environmental Microbiology - 2014 -
Molecular Analysis of Enterovirus in Cameroon by Partial 50UTR-VP4 Gene Sequencing Reveals a High Genetic Diversity and Frequency of
James Ayukekbong, C. Fobisong, Magnus Lindh, T. Nkuo-Akenji, Tomas Bergström, Helene Norder
Journal of Medical Virology - 2014 -
Norovirus GII.4 Detection in Environmental Samples from Patient Rooms during Nosocomial
Nancy P Nenonen, Charles Hannoun, L. Svensson, Kjell Torén, Lars-Magnus Andersson, Johan Westin, Tomas Bergström
Journal of Clinical Microbiology - 2014 -
Targeting Membrane-Bound Viral RNA Synthesis Reveals Potent Inhibition of Diverse Coronaviruses Including the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome
Anna Lundin, R. Dijkman, Tomas Bergström, Nina Kann, Beata Adamiak, Charles Hannoun, E. Kindler, H. R. Jonsdottir, D. Muth, J. Kint, M. Forlenza, M. A. Muller, C. Drosten, V. Thiel, Edward Trybala
Plos Pathogens - 2014 -
Performance of a multiplexed serological microarray for the detection of antibodies against central nervous system
A. J. Jaaskelainen, S. M. Viitala, S. Kurkela, S. Hepojold, H. Sillanpaa, H. Kallio-Kokko, Tomas Bergström, J. Suni, A. Narvanen, I. Vapalahti, A. Vaheri
Journal of Microbiological Methods - 2014 -
Frequent detection of cytomegalovirus and Epstein-Barr virus in cervical secretions from healthy young
Matilda Berntsson, Lejla Dubicanac, Petra Tunbäck, Agneta Ellström, Gun-Britt Löwhagen, Tomas Bergström
Acta obstetricia et gynecologica Scandinavica - 2013 -
Comparison of rectal swabs and faeces for real-time PCR detection of enteric agents in Rwandan children with
Jean-Claude Kabayiza, Maria Andersson, Christina Welinder-Olsson, Tomas Bergström, Gregoire Muhirwa, Magnus Lindh
BMC Infectious Diseases - 2013 -
HIV-1 variants with reduced sensitivity to sulfated oligosaccharide muparfostat contain mutations in the envelope glycoproteins gp120 and
Joanna Said, Elin Andersson, Edward Trybala, Tomas Bergström
Journal of Antivirals and Antiretrovirals - 2013 -
Changes to anti-JCV antibody levels in a Swedish national MS
C. Warnke, R. Ramanujam, T. Plavina, Tomas Bergström, S. Goelz, M. Subramanyam, I. Kockum, A. Rahbar, B. C. Kieseier, C. Holmen, T. Olsson, J. Hillert, A. Fogdell-Hahn
Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry - 2013 -
Screening and evaluation of anti-respiratory syncytial virus compounds in cultured
Anna Lundin, Tomas Bergström, Edward Trybala
Antiviral Methods and Protocols. Ed. Edwin Yunhao Gong. (Methods in molecular biology, 1030) - 2013 -
Diverse IgG serum response to novel glycopeptide epitopes detected within immunodominant stretches of Epstein-Barr virus glycoprotein 350/220: diagnostic potential of O-glycopeptide
I. D'Arrigo, E. Clo, Tomas Bergström, Sigvard Olofsson, O. Blixt
Glycoconjugate Journal - 2013 -
Shift of Enterovirus species among children in Cameroon - Identification of a new enterovirus,
James Ayukekbong, Jean-Claude Kabayiza, Magnus Lindh, T. Nkuo-Akenji, F. Tah, Tomas Bergström, Helene Norder
Journal of Clinical Virology - 2013 -
Genetic recombination of tick-borne flaviviruses among wild-type
Peter Norberg, Anette Roth, Tomas Bergström
Virology - 2013 -
Acute viral infections of the central nervous system in immunocompetent adults: diagnosis and
Marie Studahl, Lars Lindquist, Britt-Marie Eriksson, Göran Günther, Malin Bengner, Elisabeth Franzen-Röhl, Jan Fohlman, Tomas Bergström, Elisabeth Aurelius
Drugs - 2013 -
Serum and CSF measles antibody levels increase over time in patients with multiple sclerosis or clinically isolated
Cecilia Ahlgren, Anders Odén, Tomas Bergström, Jan Lycke
Journal of Neuroimmunology - 2012 -
Characterization of the Viral O-Glycopeptidome: a Novel Tool of Relevance for Vaccine Design and
E. Clo, S. K. Kracun, A. S. Nudelman, K. J. Jensen, Jan-Åke Liljeqvist, Sigvard Olofsson, Tomas Bergström, O. Blixt
Journal of Virology - 2012 -
The recurrent Guillain-Barre syndrome: a long-term population-based
Natalia Mossberg, Magnus Nordin, Charlotta Movitz, Staffan Nilsson, Kristoffer Hellstrand, Tomas Bergström, B. Andersson, Oluf Andersen
Acta Neurologica Scandinavica - 2012 -
Enveloped virus but not bacteria block IL-13 responses in human cord blood T cells in
Alexandra Svensson, Inger Nordström, Anna Rudin, Tomas Bergström, Kristina Eriksson
Scandinavian journal of immunology - 2012 -
Marked genomic diversity of norovirus genogroup I strains in a waterborne
Nancy P Nenonen, Charles Hannoun, Charlotte U Larsson, Tomas Bergström
Applied and environmental microbiology - 2012 -
2- 4,5-Difluoro-2-(2-Fluorobenzoylamino)-Benzoylamino Benzoic Acid, an Antiviral Compound with Activity against Acyclovir-Resistant Isolates of Herpes Simplex Virus Types 1 and
M. Strand, K. Islam, K. Edlund, C. T. Oberg, A. Allard, Tomas Bergström, Y. F. Mei, M. Elofsson, G. Wadell
Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy - 2012 -
Why is tick-borne encephalitis increasing? A review of the key factors causing the increasing incidence of human TBE in
Thomas Jaenson, Marika Hjertqvist, Tomas Bergström, Åke Lundkvist
Parasites & Vectors - 2012 -
Glycoprotein G of Herpes Simplex Virus 2 as a Novel Vaccine Antigen for Immunity to Genital and Neurological
Staffan Görander, Ali M Harandi, Madelene Lindqvist, Tomas Bergström, Jan-Åke Liljeqvist
Journal of Virology - 2012 -
The Calcitonin Receptor Gene Is a Candidate for Regulation of Susceptibility to Herpes simplex Type 1 Neuronal Infection Leading to Encephalitis in
N. Abdelmagid, B. Bereczky-Veress, A. O. Guerreiro-Cacais, P. Bergman, K. M. Luhr, Tomas Bergström, B. Skoldenberg, F. Piehl, T. Olsson, M. Diez
Plos Pathogens - 2012 -
Potent anti-respiratory syncytial virus activity of a cholestanol-sulfated tetrasaccharide
Anna Lundin, Tomas Bergström, Carla Regina Andrighetti-Fröhner, Loubna Bendrioua, Vito Ferro, Edward Trybala
Antiviral research - 2012 -
The evolution of infectious agents in relation to sex in animals and humans: brief discussions of some individual
Russell W Currier, Shelley F Walton, Melissa Conrad, Steven A Sullivan, Jane M Carlton, Timothy D Read, Alberto Severini, Shaun Tyler, R Eberle, Welkin E Johnson, Guido Silvestri, Ian N Clarke, Sheila A Lukehart, Magnus Unemo, Teresa Lagergård, William M Shafer, R Palmer Beasley, Tomas Bergström, Peter Norberg, Andrew J Davison, Paul M Sharp, Beatrice H Hahn, Jonas Blomberg
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences - 2011 -
Varicella-Zoster Virus (VZV) Glycoprotein E Is a Serological Antigen for Detection of Intrathecal Antibodies to VZV in Central Nervous System Infections, without Cross-Reaction to Herpes Simplex Virus
Anna Grahn, Marie Studahl, Staffan Nilsson, Elisabeth Thomsson, Malin Bäckström, Tomas Bergström
Clinical and Vaccine Immunology - 2011 -
Affinity apheresis for treatment of bacteremia caused by Staphylococcus aureus and/or methicillin-resistant S. aureus
Inger Mattsby-Baltzer, Tomas Bergström, Keith McCrea, Robert Ward, Lars Adolfsson, Olle Larm
Journal of microbiology and biotechnology - 2011 -
Recombinant glycoprotein E produced in mammalian cells in large-scale as an antigen for
Elisabeth Thomsson, L. Persson, Ammi Grahn, Johanna Snäll, Maria Ekblad, Eva Brunhage, Frida Svensson, Gunnar C. Hansson, Malin Bäckström, Tomas Bergström
J. Virol. Methods - 2011 -
Enteric viruses in healthy children in Cameroon: viral load and genotyping of norovirus
James Ayukekbong, Magnus Lindh, Nancy P Nenonen, Ferdinand Tah, Theresa Nkuo-Akenji, Tomas Bergström
Journal of medical virology - 2011 -
The effect of live, attenuated measles vaccine and measles infection on measles antibody levels in serum and CSF of patients with multiple sclerosis or clinically isolated
Cecilia Ahlgren, Anders Odén, Sara Haghighi, Oluf Andersen, Tomas Bergström, Jan Lycke
Journal of neuroimmunology - 2011 -
Increased cell-mediated immune responses in patients with recurrent herpes simplex virus type 2
Elisabeth Franzen-Röhl, Danika Schepis, Maria Lagrelius, Kristina Franck, Petra Jones, Jan-Åke Liljeqvist, Tomas Bergström, Elisabeth Aurelius, Klas Kärre, Louise Berg, Hans Gaines
Clinical and vaccine immunology : CVI - 2011 -
A genome-wide comparative evolutionary analysis of herpes simplex virus type 1 and varicella zoster
Peter Norberg, Shaun Tyler, Alberto Severini, Rich Whitley, Jan-Åke Liljeqvist, Tomas Bergström
PloS one - 2011 -
Recombinant glycoprotein E produced in mammalian cells in large-scale as an antigen for varicella-zoster-virus
Elisabeth Thomsson, Linn Persson, Anna Grahn, Johanna Snäll, Maria Ekblad, Eva Brunhage, Frida Svensson, Christina Jern, Gunnar C. Hansson, Malin Bäckström, Tomas Bergström
Journal of virological methods - 2011 -
Leukocyte oxygen radical production determines disease severity in the recurrent
Natalia Mossberg, Oluf Andersen, Magnus Nordin, Staffan Nilsson, Åke Svedhem, Tomas Bergström, Kristoffer Hellstrand, Charlotta Movitz
Journal of Inflammation - 2010 -
Human antibodies to herpes simplex virus type 1 glycoprotein C are neutralizing and target the heparan sulfate-binding
Beata Adamiak, Edward Trybala, K. Mardberg, M. Johansson, Jan-Åke Liljeqvist, Sigvard Olofsson, A. Grabowska, K. Bienkowska-Szewczyk, B. Szewczyk, Tomas Bergström
Virology - 2010 -
Two novel fusion inhibitors of human respiratory syncytial
Anna Lundin, Tomas Bergström, Loubna Bendrioua, Nina Kann, Beata Adamiak, Edward Trybala
Antiviral Research - 2010 -
Leukocyte myeloperoxidase and pathogenesis of the post-polio
Charlotta Movitz, Tomas Bergström, Kristian Borg, Kristoffer Hellstrand, Erik Lycke, Jan Lycke
Viral and bacterial aetiologies of male urethritis: findings of a high prevalence of Epstein-Barr
Matilda Berntsson, Gun-Britt Löwhagen, Tomas Bergström, Lejla Dubicanac, Christina Welinder-Olsson, G Alvengren, Petra Tunbäck
International Journal of STD & AIDS - 2010 -
Lipophile-conjugated sulfated oligosaccharides as novel microbicides against
Joanna Said, Edward Trybala, Elin Andersson, Ken Johnstone, Ligong Liu, Norbert Wimmer, Vito Ferro, Tomas Bergström
Antiviral research - 2010 -
Influence of Perineurial Cells and Toll-Like Receptors 2 and 9 on Herpes simplex Type 1 Entry to the Central Nervous System in Rat
Biborka Bereczky-Veress, Nada Abdelmagid, Fredrik Piehl, Tomas Bergström, Tomas Olsson, Birgit Skoldenberg, Margarita Diez
PLOS ONE - 2010 -
A highly lipophilic sulfated tetrasaccharide glycoside related to muparfostat (PI-88) exhibits virucidal activity against herpes simplex
Maria Ekblad, Beata Adamiak, Tomas Bergström, Ken D Johnstone, Tomislav Karoli, Ligong Liu, Vito Ferro, Edward Trybala
Antiviral research - 2010 -
Varicella-zoster virus CNS disease--viral load, clinical manifestations and
Anna Persson, Tomas Bergström, Magnus Lindh, Lilly Namvar, Marie Studahl
Journal of clinical virology : the official publication of the Pan American Society for Clinical Virology - 2009 -
Sequence analysis of human rhinovirus aspirated from the nasopharynx of patients with relapsing-remitting
Maria Kneider, Tomas Bergström, C Gustafsson, Nancy P Nenonen, Cecilia Ahlgren, Staffan Nilsson, Oluf Andersen
Multiple sclerosis (Houndmills, Basingstoke, England) - 2009 -
Oxygen radical production in leukocytes and disease severity in multiple
Natalia Mossberg, Charlotta Movitz, Kristoffer Hellstrand, Tomas Bergström, Staffan Nilsson, Oluf Andersen
Journal of neuroimmunology - 2009 -
Herpes simplex virus infection downmodulates NKG2D ligand
D Schepis, M D'Amato, Marie Studahl, Tomas Bergström, K Kärre, L Berg
Scandinavian journal of immunology - 2009 -
Molecular analysis of an oyster-related norovirus
Nancy P Nenonen, Charles Hannoun, Margareta B Olsson, Tomas Bergström
Journal of clinical virology : the official publication of the Pan American Society for Clinical Virology - 2009 -
[Irrelevant about Ljungan
Tomas Bergström, Jan-Åke Liljeqvist
Läkartidningen - 2009 -
The peptide AF-16 abolishes sickness and death at experimental encephalitis by reducing increase of intracranial
Eva Jennische, Tomas Bergström, Maria Johansson, Kristina Nyström, Andrej Tarkowski, Hans-Arne Hansson, Stefan Lange
Brain research - 2008 -
Evaluation of anti-HSV-2 activity of gallic acid and pentyl
Jadel Müller Kratz, Carla Regina Andrighetti-Fröhner, Paulo César Leal, Ricardo José Nunes, Rosendo Augusto Yunes, Edward Trybala, Tomas Bergström, Célia Regina Barardi Monte, Cláudia Maria Oliveira Simões
Biological & pharmaceutical bulletin - 2008 -
Tracing of norovirus outbreak strains in mussels collected near sewage
Nancy P Nenonen, Charles Hannoun, Peter Horal, Bodil Hernroth, Tomas Bergström
Applied and environmental microbiology - 2008 -
Oxygen Radical Production and MS Severity. ECTRIMS, Montreal
N Mossberg, C Movitz, Kristoffer Hellstrand, Tomas Bergström, S Nilsson, Oluf Andersen
Mult Scler. - 2008 -
Host strain-dependent difference in susceptibility in a rat model of herpes simplex type 1
Biborka Bereczky-Veress, Olle Lidman, Farideh Sabri, Ivan Bednar, Fredrik Granath, Tomas Bergström, Christian Spenger, Alf Grandien, Tomas Olsson, Fredrik Piehl, Margarita Diez, Birgit Sk?ldenberg
Journal of neurovirology - 2008 -
From princeps to president? Comparing local political leadership
Kristof Steyvers, Tomas Bergström, Henry Bäck, Marcel Boogers, Jose Manuel Ruano De La Fuente, Linze Schaap
Local Government Studies - 2008 -
Oxygen radical production and severity of the Guillain--Barré
Natalia Mossberg, Oluf Andersen, Staffan Nilsson, Claes Dahlgren, Kristoffer Hellstrand, Magnus Lindh, Åke Svedhem, Tomas Bergström, Charlotta Movitz
Journal of neuroimmunology - 2007 -
Divergence and recombination of clinical herpes simplex virus type 2
Peter Norberg, Mabula J Kasubi, Lars Haarr, Tomas Bergström, Jan-Åke Liljeqvist
Journal of virology - 2007 -
Glycoprotein I of herpes simplex virus type 1 contains a unique polymorphic tandem-repeated mucin
Peter Norberg, Sigvard Olofsson, Mads Tarp Agervig, Henrik Clausen, Tomas Bergström, Jan-Åke Liljeqvist
The Journal of general virology - 2007 -
Herpes simplex virus type 2 glycoprotein g is targeted by the sulfated oligo- and polysaccharide inhibitors of virus attachment to
Beata Adamiak, Maria Ekblad, Tomas Bergström, Vito Ferro, Edward Trybala
Journal of Virology - 2007 -
Molecular basis for resistance of herpes simplex virus type 1 mutants to the sulfated oligosaccharide inhibitor
Maria Ekblad, Beata Adamiak, Kicki Bergefall, Hannah Nenonen, Anette Roth, Tomas Bergström, Vito Ferro, Edward Trybala
Virology - 2007 -
Microglial GLT-1 is upregulated in response to herpes simplex virus infection to provide an antiviral defence via
Mikael Persson, Mona Brantefjord, Jan-Åke Liljeqvist, Tomas Bergström, Elisabeth Hansson, Lars Rönnbäck
Glia - 2007 -
Increased expression of leukocyte Ig-like receptor-1 and activating role of UL18 in the response to cytomegalovirus
C. S. Wagner, Gerdt C. Riise, Tomas Bergström, K. Kärre, E. Carbone, L. Berg
J Immunol - 2007 -
Early acquisition of herpes simplex virus type 1 antibodies in children--a longitudinal serological
Petra Tunbäck, Tomas Bergström, Bo A Claesson, Rose-Marie Carlsson, Gun-Britt Löwhagen
Journal of clinical virology : the official publication of the Pan American Society for Clinical Virology - 2007 -
Fatal intrauterine infection by herpes simplex virus type 2 in an infant from a mother lacking seroreactivity to glycoprotein
Carl-Johan Törnhage, Pavel Burian, Tomas Bergström
Scandinavian journal of infectious diseases - 2007 -
Complete-genome phylogenetic approach to varicella-zoster virus evolution: genetic divergence and evidence for
Peter Norberg, Jan-Åke Liljeqvist, Tomas Bergström, Scott Sammons, D Scott Schmid, Vladimir N Loparev
Journal of virology - 2006 -
Genotyping of clinical herpes simplex virus type 1 isolates by use of restriction
Peter Norberg, Tomas Bergström, Jan-Åke Liljeqvist
Journal of clinical microbiology - 2006 -
Anti-herpes simplex virus activities of two novel disulphated
Maria Ekblad, Tomas Bergström, Martin G Banwell, Muriel Bonnet, Jens Renner, Vito Ferro, Edward Trybala
Antiviral chemistry & chemotherapy - 2006 -
Chondroitin 4-O-sulfotransferase-1 regulates E disaccharide expression of chondroitin sulfate required for herpes simplex virus
Toru Uyama, Miho Ishida, Tomomi Izumikawa, Edward Trybala, Frank Tufaro, Tomas Bergström, Kazuyuki Sugahara, Hiroshi Kitagawa
The Journal of biological chemistry - 2006 -
Uric acid, a nucleic acid degradation product, down-regulates dsRNA-triggered
Fariba Zare, Mattias Magnusson, Tomas Bergström, Mikael Brisslert, Elisabet Josefsson, Anna Karlsson, Andrej Tarkowski
J Leukoc Biol - 2006 -
Detection of hepatitis A virus genotype IB variants in clams from Maputo Bay,
Nancy P Nenonen, Bodil Hernroth, Arlindo A Chauque, Charles Hannoun, Tomas Bergström
Journal of medical virology - 2006 -
Prevalence of antibodies against herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2 in children and young people in an urban region in
Mabula Joseph Kasubi, Arvid Nilsen, Howard S Marsden, Tomas Bergström, Nina Langeland, Lars Haarr
Journal of clinical microbiology - 2006 -
Multiphasic encephalomyelitis in a patient with recurrent herpes simplex type 2
Staffan Görander, Oluf Andersen, Birgitta Leiram, Christer Franzén, Tomas Bergström
Scandinavian journal of infectious diseases - 2006 -
[Eradication treatment of ulcer disease--a dangerous
Tomas Bergström
Läkartidningen - 2006 -
Chondroitin sulfate characterized by the E-disaccharide unit is a potent inhibitor of herpes simplex virus infectivity and provides the virus binding sites on gro2C
Kicki Bergefall, Edward Trybala, Maria Johansson, Toru Uyama, Satomi Naito, Shuhei Yamada, Hiroshi Kitagawa, Kazuyuki Sugahara, Tomas Bergström
The Journal of biological chemistry - 2005 -
Detection and typing of Herpes Simplex virus (HSV) in mucocutaneous samples by TaqMan PCR targeting a gB segment homologous for HSV types 1 and
Lilly Namvar, Sigvard Olofsson, Tomas Bergström, Magnus Lindh
Journal of clinical microbiology - 2005 -
Glycoconjugate glycans as viral
Sigvard Olofsson, Tomas Bergström
Annals of medicine - 2005 -
Type-specific reactivity of anti-glycoprotein G antibodies from herpes simplex virus-infected individuals is maintained by single or dual type-specific
Petra Tunbäck, Tomas Bergström, Gun-Britt Löwhagen, Johan Hoebeke, Jan-Åke Liljeqvist
The Journal of general virology - 2005 -
A branched, synthetic oligopeptide corresponding to a region of glycoprotein G of HSV-1 reacts sensitively and specifically with HSV-1 antibodies in an
Mabula Joseph Kasubi, Arvid Nilsen, Howard S Marsden, Tomas Bergström, Nina Langeland, Lars Haarr
Journal of virological methods - 2005 -
Varicella-zoster virus reactivation is an important cause of acute peripheral facial paralysis in
Yasushi Furuta, Fumio Ohtani, Hiroshi Aizawa, Satoshi Fukuda, Hiroki Kawabata, Tomas Bergström
The Pediatric infectious disease journal - 2005 -
Phylogenetic analysis of clinical herpes simplex virus type 1 isolates identified three genetic groups and recombinant
Peter Norberg, Tomas Bergström, Elham Rekabdar, Magnus Lindh, Jan-Åke Liljeqvist
Journal of virology - 2004 -
Detection of bacterial DNA in painful degenerated spinal discs in patients without signs of clinical
Peter Fritzell, Tomas Bergström, Christina Welinder-Olsson
European spine journal : official publication of the European Spine Society, the European Spinal Deformity Society, and the European Section of the Cervical Spine Research Society - 2004 -
Structural and functional features of the polycationic peptide required for inhibition of herpes simplex virus invasion of
Edward Trybala, Sigvard Olofsson, Kristina Mårdberg, Bo Svennerholm, Kimiko Umemoto, Joseph C Glorioso, Tomas Bergström
Antiviral research - 2004 -
Inhibition of herpes simplex virus infection by lactoferrin is dependent on interference with the virus binding to
Magda Marchetti, Edward Trybala, Fabiana Superti, Maria Johansson, Tomas Bergström
Virology - 2004 -
The low molecular weight heparan sulfate-mimetic, PI-88, inhibits cell-to-cell spread of herpes simplex
Kicki Nyberg, Maria Ekblad, Tomas Bergström, Craig Freeman, Christopher R Parish, Vito Ferro, Edward Trybala
Antiviral research - 2004 -
Basic amino acids as modulators of an O-linked glycosylation signal of the herpes simplex virus type 1 glycoprotein gC: functional roles in viral
Kristina Mårdberg, Kristina Nyström, Mads Tarp Agervig, Edward Trybala, Henrik Clausen, Tomas Bergström, Sigvard Olofsson
Glycobiology - 2004 -
Arthritogenic properties of double-stranded (viral)
Fariba Zare, Maria Bokarewa, Nancy P Nenonen, Tomas Bergström, L. Alexopoulou, R. A. Flavell, Andrej Tarkowski
J Immunol - 2004 -
Herpesviral DNA in brain tissue from patients with temporal lobe
O Eeg-Olofsson, Tomas Bergström, F Andermann, E Andermann, A Olivier, Bertil Rydenhag
Acta neurologica Scandinavica - 2004 -
Prevalence of herpes simplex virus antibodies in childhood and adolescence: a cross-sectional
Petra Tunbäck, Tomas Bergström, Ann-Sofi Andersson, Per Nordin, Ingela Krantz, Gun-Britt Löwhagen
Scandinavian journal of infectious diseases - 2003 -
LIR-1 expression on lymphocytes, and cytomegalovirus disease in lung-transplant
L. Berg, Gerdt C. Riise, D. Cosman, Tomas Bergström, Sigvard Olofsson, K. Karre, E. Carbone
Lancet - 2003 -
Proportion of herpes simplex virus (HSV) type 1 and type 2 among genital and extragenital HSV
Gun-Britt Löwhagen, Petra Tunbäck, Tomas Bergström
Acta dermato-venereologica - 2002 -
Dichotomy of glycoprotein g gene in herpes simplex virus type 1
Elham Rekabdar, Petra Tunbäck, Jan-Åke Liljeqvist, Magnus Lindh, Tomas Bergström
Journal of clinical microbiology - 2002 -
Neonatal herpes simplex virus type 1 brain infection affects the development of sensorimotor gating in
Jörgen Engel, Jianhua Zhang, Tomas Bergström, Nils Conradi, C Forkstam, A Liljeroth, Lennart Svensson
Brain research - 2000 -
Incidence of CSF abnormalities in siblings of multiple sclerosis patients and unrelated
Sara Haghighi, Oluf Andersen, Lars Rosengren, Tomas Bergström, Jan Wahlström, Staffan Nilsson
Journal of neurology - 2000 -
Glycoprotein G of herpes simplex virus type 1: identification of type-specific epitopes by human
Petra Tunbäck, Jan-Åke Liljeqvist, Gun-Britt Löwhagen, Tomas Bergström
The Journal of general virology - 2000 -
First episodes of genital herpes in a Swedish STD population: a study of epidemiology and transmission by the use of herpes simplex virus (HSV) typing and specific
Gun-Britt Löwhagen, Petra Tunbäck, K Andersson, Tomas Bergström, G Johannisson
Sexually transmitted infections - 2000 -
Quantification of cytomegalovirus DNA in BAL fluid: a longitudinal study in lung transplant
Gerdt C. Riise, Rune Andersson, Tomas Bergström, Agnete Lundmark, Folke Nilsson, Sigvard Olofsson
Chest - 2000 -
Hematogenously spread herpesviruses are detected as frequently as neuronally spread herpesviruses in cerebrospinal fluid by polymerase chain reaction
Marie Studahl, Lars Hagberg, E Rekabdar, Tomas Bergström
Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America - 1999 -
Variability of the glycoprotein G gene in clinical isolates of herpes simplex virus type
Elham Rekabdar, Petra Tunbäck, Jan-Åke Liljeqvist, Tomas Bergström
Clinical and diagnostic laboratory immunology - 1999 -
Acute viral encephalitis in adults--a prospective
Marie Studahl, Tomas Bergström, Lars Hagberg
Scandinavian journal of infectious diseases - 1998 -
Detection of cytomegalovirus DNA in cerebrospinal fluid in immunocompetent patients as a sign of active
Marie Studahl, Tomas Bergström, Kerstin Ekeland-Sjöberg, Anne Ricksten
Journal of medical virology - 1995