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- Anna-Carin Olin
Anna-Carin Olin
Professor/ Chief Physician
School of Public Health and Community Medicine-
Comparison of associations between alcohol consumption and metabolic syndrome according to three definitions: The Swedish INTERGENE
Alina Skultecka, Fredrik Nyberg, Lauren Lissner, Maria Rosvall, Dag S. Thelle, Anna-Carin Olin, Kjell Torén, Lena Björck, Annika Rosengren, Kirsten Mehlig
Metabolism Open - 2024 -
Detailed characterization and impact of small airway dysfunction in school-age
Sanna Kjellberg, Anna-Carin Olin, Linus Schiöler, Paul D. Robinson
Journal of Asthma - 2024 -
Respiratory function after 30+years following sulfur mustard exposure in survivors in
Faraidoun Moradi, Sanna Kjellberg, Ying Li, Bledar Daka, Anna-Carin Olin
Impaired function in the lung periphery following COVID-19 is associated with lingering breathing
Sanna Kjellberg, Alexander Holm, Nicolas Berguerand, Helena Sandén, Linus Schiöler, Monika Fagevik Olsén, Anna-Carin Olin
Occupational exposure and health surveys at metal additive manufacturing
Maria Assenhöj, Ann-Charlotte Almstrand, Spela Kokelj, Stefan A Ljunggren, Anna-Carin Olin, Helen Karlsson
Frontiers in public health - 2023 -
Consequences of Using Post- or Prebronchodilator Reference Values in Interpreting
Andrei Malinovschi, Xingwu Zhou, Anders Andersson, Helena Backman, Björn Bake, Anders Blomberg, Kenneth Caidahl, Maria J. Eriksson, Jonas Eriksson Strom, Viktor Hamrefors, Ola Hjelmgren, Christer Janson, Reza Karimi, David Kylhammar, Anne Lindberg, Eva Lindberg, Per Liv, Anna-Carin Olin, Adel Shalabi, C. Magnus Skold, Johan Sundstrom, Hanan Tanash, Kjell Torén, Per Wollmer, Suneela Zaigham, Carl Johan Ostgren, Jan E. Engvall
Airway and systemic biomarkers of health effects after short-term exposure to indoor ultrafine particles from cooking and candles - A randomized controlled double-blind crossover study among mild asthmatic
K. R. Laursen, N. V. Christensen, F. A. A. Mulder, J. Schullehner, H. J. Hoffmann, A. Jensen, P. Moller, S. Loft, Anna-Carin Olin, B. B. Rasmussen, B. Rosati, B. Strandberg, M. Glasius, M. Bilde, T. Sigsgaard
Particle and Fibre Toxicology - 2023 -
Genetic susceptibility to airway inflammation and exposure to short-term outdoor air
F. Bouma, Fredrik Nyberg, Anna-Carin Olin, Hanne Krage Carlsen
Environmental health - 2023 -
Exhaled biomarkers in adults with non-productive
Össur Ingi Emilsson, Spela Kokelj, Jörgen Östling, Anna-Carin Olin
Respiratory research - 2023 -
Exhaled breath particles as a novel tool to study lipid composition of epithelial lining fluid from the distal
Per Larsson, O. Holz, G. Koster, A. Postle, Anna-Carin Olin, J. M. Hohlfeld
Bmc Pulmonary Medicine - 2023 -
Activation of the Complement and Coagulation Systems in the Small Airways in
Spela Kokelj, J. Ostling, K. Fromell, Lowie E G W Vanfleteren, H. K. Olsson, K. N. Ekdahl, B. Nilsson, Anna-Carin Olin
Respiration - 2023 -
An explorative study on respiratory health among operators working in polymer additive
Ann-Charlotte Almstrand, A. Bredberg, Gunilla Runström Eden, H. Karlsson, M. Assenhoj, Hatice Koca Akdeva, Anna-Carin Olin, Håkan Tinnerberg
Frontiers in Public Health - 2023 -
The impact of sulfur mustard on quality of life and mental health in Kurdish survivors in Sweden, thirty years after
Faraidoun Moradi, F. Moradi, Ying Li, Anna-Carin Olin, Bledar Daka
Health and Quality of Life Outcomes - 2022 -
Birch pollen, air pollution and their interactive effects on airway symptoms and peak expiratory flow in allergic asthma during pollen season - a panel study in Northern and Southern
Hanne Krage Carlsen, Susanna Lohman Haga, D. Olsson, A. F. Behndig, L. Modig, K. Meister, B. Forsberg, Anna-Carin Olin
Environmental health - 2022 -
Inflammatory cytokines can be monitored in exhaled breath particles following segmental and inhalation endotoxin challenge in healthy
O. Holz, M. Muller, S. Carstensen, Anna-Carin Olin, J. M. Hohlfeld
Scientific Reports - 2022 -
Surfactant protein A in particles in exhaled air and
Hatice Koca Akdeva, Anne Farbrot, Anna-Carin Olin, O. I. Emilsson
Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology - 2022 -
Cross-sectional study on exhaled nitric oxide in relation to upper airway inflammatory disorders with regard to asthma and perennial
C. Krantz, S. Accordini, K. Alving, A. G. Corsico, P. Demoly, D. S. Ferreira, B. Forsberg, J. Garcia-Aymerich, T. Gislason, J. Heinrich, R. Jogi, A. Johannessen, B. Leynaert, A. Marcon, J. M. M. Rovira, E. Nerpin, D. Nowak, Anna-Carin Olin, M. Olivieri, A. Pereira-Vega, C. Raherison-Semjen, F. G. Real, T. Sigsgaard, G. Squillacioti, C. Janson, A. Malinovschi
Clinical and Experimental Allergy - 2022 -
A novel non-invasive method allowing for discovery of pathologically relevant proteins from small
Jörgen Östling, Marlene Van Geest, Henrik K. Olsson, Sven-Erik Dahlén, Emilia Viklund, Per M. Gustafsson, Ekaterina Mirgorodskaya, Anna-Carin Olin
Clinical Proteomics - 2022 -
Exploring a new method for the assessment of metal exposure by analysis of exhaled breath of
Göran Ljungkvist, Håkan Tinnerberg, J. Londahl, Therese Klang, Emilia Viklund, Jeong-Lim Kim, Linus Schiöler, N. Forsgard, Anna-Carin Olin
International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health - 2022 -
Novel non-invasive particles in exhaled air method to explore the lining fluid of small airways-a European population-based cohort
Laith Hussain-Alkhateeb, Björn Bake, Mathias Holm, Össur Emilsson, Ekaterina Mirgorodskaya, Anna-Carin Olin
BMJ open respiratory research - 2021 -
Association between lung function decline and obstructive sleep apnoea: the ALEC
O. I. Emilsson, F. Sundbom, M. Ljunggren, B. Benediktsdottir, J. Garcia-Aymerich, D. S. Bui, D. Jarvis, Anna-Carin Olin, K. A. Franklin, P. Demoly, E. Lindberg, C. Janson, T. Aspelund, T. Gislason
Sleep and Breathing - 2021 -
Smoking induces sex-specific changes in the small airway
Spela Kokelj, Jörgen Östling, Benjamin Georgi, Karin Fromell, Kristina Nilsson Ekdahl, Henric K. Olsson, Anna-Carin Olin
Respiratory Research - 2021 -
Small droplet emission in exhaled breath during different breathing manoeuvres: Implications for clinical lung function testing during
Neil J. Greening, Per Larsson, Evert Ljungström, Salman Siddiqui, Anna-Carin Olin
Allergy: European Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology - 2021 -
Measurement of Nasal Nitric Oxide in Chronic Rhinosinusitis and Its Relationship to Patient-Reported Outcome: A Longitudinal Pilot
Cecilia Alexandersson, Lisa Tuomi, Anna-Carin Olin
Ear, Nose and Throat Journal - 2021 -
Current smoking alters phospholipid- and surfactant protein A levels in small airway lining fluid: An explorative study on exhaled
Emilia Viklund, Björn Bake, Laith Hussain-Alkhateeb, Hatice Koca Akdeva, Per Larsson, Anna-Carin Olin
Plos One - 2021 -
Bronchodilator response and lung function decline: Associations with exhaled nitric oxide with regard to sex and smoking
E. Nerpin, D. S. Ferreira, J. Weyler, V. Schlunnsen, R. Jogi, C. R. Semjen, T. Gislasson, P. Demoly, J. Heinrich, D. Nowak, A. Corsico, S. Accordini, A. Marcon, G. Squillacioti, M. Olivieri, R. Nielsen, A. Johannessen, F. G. Real, J. Garcia-Aymerich, I. Urrutia, A. Pereira-Vega, J. A. Gullon, Anna-Carin Olin, B. Forsberg, O. I. Emilsson, I. Pin, D. Jarvis, C. Janson, A. Malinovschi
World Allergy Organization Journal - 2021 -
Occupational risk factors for airway obstruction in a population-based study in Northern
Nicola Murgia, Jonas Brisman, Anna-Carin Olin, Anna Dahlman-Höglund, Eva Andersson, Kjell Torén
American Journal of Industrial Medicine - 2021 -
An RCT of acute health effects in COPD-patients after passive vape exposure from
K. R. Laursen, J. H. Bonlokke, E. Bendstrup, M. Bilde, M. Glasius, V. H. Gutzke, S. P. Moosakutty, Anna-Carin Olin, P. Ravn, K. Ostergaard, T. Sigsgaard
European Clinical Respiratory Journal - 2021 -
Safe work environments: Target 8.8 and its indicators regarding inequalities in occupational disorders and rights of compensation for migrant
Lotta Dellve, Helena Olofsdotter Stensöta, Helena Sandén, Anna-Carin Olin
The 2021 Gothenburg International Research Conference on SDG 8 - 2021 -
Gendered lived experiences of marriage and family following exposure to chemical warfare agents: content analysis of qualitative interviews with survivors in Halabja,
Faraidoun Moradi, Fazil Moradi, Mia Söderberg, Anna-Carin Olin, Mona Lärstad
BMJ open - 2020 -
Intra-individual variation of particles in exhaled air and of the contents of Surfactant protein A and
Spela Kokelj, Jeong-Lim Kim, Marianne Andersson, Gunilla Runström Eden, Björn Bake, Anna-Carin Olin
PLoS ONE - 2020 -
Mechanically ventilated patients exhibit decreased particle flow in exhaled breath as compared to normal breathing
E. Broberg, J. Andreasson, M. Fakhro, Anna-Carin Olin, D. Wagner, S. Hyllen, S. Lindstedt
Erj Open Research - 2020 -
Smokers with insomnia symptoms are less likely to stop
S. A. Hagg, M. Ljunggren, C. Janson, Mathias Holm, K. A. Franklin, T. Gislason, A. Johannessen, R. Jogi, Anna-Carin Olin, V. Schlunssen, E. Lindberg
Respiratory Medicine - 2020 -
Restrictive spirometric pattern and true pulmonary restriction in a general population sample aged 50-64
Kjell Torén, Linus Schiöler, J. Brisman, A. Malinovschi, Anna-Carin Olin, Göran Bergström, Björn Bake
BMC Pulmonary Medicine - 2020 -
Non-infectious rhinitis is more strongly associated with early-rather than late-onset of COPD: data from the European Community Respiratory Health Survey
Joel Bergqvist, A. Andersson, Linus Schiöler, Anna-Carin Olin, Nicola Murgia, M. Bove, C. Janson, M. J. Abramson, B. Leynaert, D. Nowak, K. A. Franklin, I. Pin, T. Storaas, V. Schlunssen, J. Heinrich, Johan Hellgren
European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology - 2020 -
Occupation versus environmental factors in hypersensitivity pneumonitis: population attributable
H. Barnes, Anna-Carin Olin, Kjell Torén, C. McSharry, I. Donnelly, Mona Lärstad, C. Iribarren, P. Quinlan, P. D. Blanc
Erj Open Research - 2020 -
Exposure to traffic-related particle matter and effects on lung function and potential interactions in a cross-sectional analysis of a cohort study in west
Hanne Krage Carlsen, Fredrik Nyberg, Kjell Torén, David Segersson, Anna-Carin Olin
BMJ open - 2020 -
Determinants of fractional exhaled nitric oxide in healthy men and women from the European Community Respiratory Health Survey
E. Nerpin, M. Olivieri, T. Gislason, Anna-Carin Olin, R. Nielsen, A. Johannessen, D. S. Ferreira, A. Marcon, L. Cazzoletti, S. Accordini, I. Pin, A. Corsico, P. Demoly, J. Weyler, D. Nowak, R. Jogi, B. Forsberg, J. P. Zock, T. Sigsgaard, J. Heinric, R. Bono, B. Leynaert, D. Jarvis, C. Janson, A. Malinovschi, Surve European Community Resp Hlth
Clinical and Experimental Allergy - 2019 -
Surfactant Protein A in particles in exhaled air (PExA), bronchial lavage and bronchial wash - A methodological
A. F. Behndig, Ekaterina Mirgorodskaya, A. Blomberg, Anna-Carin Olin
Respiratory Research - 2019 -
The association between cadmium exposure and chronic airflow limitation and emphysema: the Swedish CArdioPulmonary BioImage Study (SCAPIS
Kjell Torén, Anna-Carin Olin, Åse (Allansdotter) Johnsson, Jenny Vikgren, Niklas Forsgard, Göran Bergström, Gerd Sällsten, Lars Barregård
The European respiratory journal - 2019 -
Toward clinically applicable biomarkers for asthma: An EAACI position
Z. Diamant, S. Vijverberg, K. Alving, A. Bakirtas, L. Bjermer, A. Custovic, S. E. Dahlen, M. Gaga, R. G. van Wijk, S. Del Giacco, E. Hamelmann, L. G. Heaney, E. Heffler, Kalayci, Kalayci,, K. Kostikas, R. Lutter, Anna-Carin Olin, S. Sergejeva, A. Simpson, P. J. Sterk, E. Tufvesson, I. Agache, S. F. Seys
Allergy - 2019 -
The association of body mass index, weight gain and central obesity with activity-related breathlessness: the Swedish Cardiopulmonary Bioimage
Magnus Pär Ekström, Anders Blomberg, Göran Bergström, John Brandberg, Kenneth Caidahl, Gunnar Engström, Jan Engvall, Maria Eriksson, Klas Gränsbo, Tomas Hansen, Tomas Jernberg, Lars Nilsson, Ulf Nilsson, Anna-Carin Olin, Lennart Persson, Annika Rosengren, Martin Sandelin, Magnus Sköld, Johan Sundström, Eva Swahn, Stefan Söderberg, Hanan A Tanash, Kjell Torén, Carl Johan Östgren, Eva Lindberg
Thorax - 2019 -
Exhaled particles and small
Björn Bake, Göran Ljungkvist, Evert Ljungström, Anna-Carin Olin
Respiratory Research - 2019 -
Health perspectives among Halabja’s civilian survivors of sulfur mustard exposure with respiratory symptoms—A qualitative
Faraidoun Moradi, Mia Söderberg, Fazil Moradi, Bledar Daka, Anna-Carin Olin, Mona Lärstad
PLoS ONE - 2019 -
Airflow limitation classified with the fixed ratio or the lower limit of normal and cause-specific mortality - A prospective
Kjell Torén, M. Andersson, Anna-Carin Olin, P. D. Blanc, B. Jarvholm
Respiratory Medicine - 2018 -
A new way of monitoring mechanical ventilation by measurement of particle flow from the airways using Pexa method in vivo and during ex vivo lung perfusion in DCD lung
E. Broberg, M. Wlosinska, L. Algotsson, Anna-Carin Olin, D. Wagner, L. Pierre, S. Lindstedt
Intensive Care Medicine Experimental - 2018 -
Particles in exhaled air (PExA): non-invasive phenotyping of small airways disease in adult
M. Soares, Ekaterina Mirgorodskaya, Hatice Koca Akdeva, Emilia Viklund, M. Richardson, P. Gustafsson, Anna-Carin Olin, S. Siddiqui
Journal of Breath Research - 2018 -
Utility of single versus multiple breath washout in adult
Sanna Kjellberg, Emilia Viklund, P. D. Robinson, O. Zetterstrom, Anna-Carin Olin, Per Magnus Gustafsson
Clinical Physiology and Functional Imaging - 2018 -
Two techniques to sample non-volatiles in breath-exemplified by
Göran Ljungkvist, Shahid Ullah, Åsa Tinglev, Karina Stein, Björn Bake, Per Larsson, Ann-Charlotte Almstrand, Emilia Viklund, Oscar Hammar, Sören Sandqvist, Olof Beck, Anna-Carin Olin
Journal of breath research - 2018 -
Measures of bronchodilator response of FEV1, FVC and SVC in a Swedish general population sample aged 50-64 years, the SCAPIS Pilot
Kjell Torén, Björn Bake, Anna-Carin Olin, G. Engstrom, A. Blomberg, J. Vikgren, Jan A Hedner, J. Brandberg, H. L. Persson, C. M. Skold, Annika Rosengren, Göran Bergström, C. Janson
International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease - 2017 -
Occupational exposure to vapor, gas, dust, or fumes and chronic airflow limitation, COPD, and emphysema: the Swedish CArdioPulmonary BioImage Study (SCAPIS
Kjell Torén, Jenny Vikgren, Anna-Carin Olin, Annika Rosengren, Göran Bergström, John Brandberg
International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease - 2017 -
Validity of physician-diagnosed COPD in relation to spirometric definitions of COPD in a general population aged 50-64 years - the SCAPIS pilot
Kjell Torén, Nicola Murgia, Anna-Carin Olin, Jan A Hedner, John Brandberg, Annika Rosengren, Göran Bergström
International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease - 2017 -
Exhaled Particles After a Standardized Breathing
Björn Bake, Evert Ljungström, Annika Claesson, Hanne Krage Carlsen, Mathias Holm, Anna-Carin Olin
Journal of Aerosol Medicine and Pulmonary Drug Delivery - 2017 -
A European Respiratory Society technical standard: exhaled biomarkers in lung
I. Horvath, P. J. Barnes, S. Loukides, P. J. Sterk, M. Hogman, Anna-Carin Olin, A. Amann, B. Antus, E. Baraldi, A. Bikov, A. W. Boots, L. D. Bos, P. Brinkman, C. Bucca, G. E. Carpagnano, M. Corradi, S. Cristescu, J. C. de Jongste, A. T. Dinh-Xuan, E. Dompeling, N. Fens, S. Fowler, J. M. Hohlfeld, O. Holz, Q. Jobsis, K. V. Van De Kant, H. H. Knobel, K. Kostikas, L. Lehtimaki, J. Lundberg, P. Montuschi, A. Van Muylem, G. Pennazza, P. Reinhold, F. L. M. Ricciardolo, P. Rosias, M. Santonico, M. P. van der Schee, F. J. van Schooten, A. Spanevello, T. Tonia, T. J. Vink
European Respiratory Journal - 2017 -
The effect of exhalation flow on endogenous particle emission and phospholipid
Per Larsson, Björn Bake, Anita Wallin, O. Hammar, Ann-Charlotte Almstrand, Mona Lärstad, Evert Ljungström, Ekaterina Mirgorodskaya, Anna-Carin Olin
Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology - 2017 -
Spirometric reference equations for Swedish
Jonas Brisman, Jeong-Lim Kim, Anna-Carin Olin, Kjell Torén, Björn Bake
Clinical Physiology and Functional Imaging - 2017 -
Exhaled particles as markers of small airway inflammation in subjects with
Per Larsson, Mona Lärstad, Björn Bake, Oscar Hammar, Anna Bredberg, Ann-Charlotte Almstrand, Ekaterina Mirgorodskaya, Anna-Carin Olin
Clinical Physiology and Functional Imaging - 2017 -
Cohort Profile: The INTERGENE
Kirsten Mehlig, Christina Berg, Lena Björck, Fredrik Nyberg, Anna-Carin Olin, Annika Rosengren, Elisabeth Strandhagen, Kjell Torén, Dag Thelle, Lauren Lissner
International journal of epidemiology - 2017 -
Reference values of fractional excretion of exhaled nitric oxide among non-smokers and current
Kjell Torén, Nicola Murgia, Linus Schiöler, Björn Bake, Anna-Carin Olin
BMC Pulmonary Medicine - 2017 -
Impact of occupational exposures on exacerbation of asthma: a population-based asthma cohort
Jeong-Lim Kim, Paul K Henneberger, Susanna Lohman, Anna-Carin Olin, Anna Dahlman-Höglund, Eva Andersson, Kjell Torén, Mathias Holm
BMC pulmonary medicine - 2016 -
Low Levels of Exhaled Surfactant Protein A Associated With BOS After Lung
Petrea Ericson, Ekaterina Mirgorodskaya, Oscar Hammar, Emilia Viklund, Ann-Charlotte Almstrand, Per Larsson, Gerdt C. Riise, Anna-Carin Olin
Transplantation Direct - 2016 -
Coarse Fraction Particle Matter and Exhaled Nitric Oxide in Non-Asthmatic
Hanne Krage Carlsen, P. Boman, B. Bjor, Anna-Carin Olin, B. Forsberg
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health - 2016 -
Respiratory and Ocular Symptoms Among Employees at Swedish Indoor Swimming
H. Lofstedt, J. Westerlund, P. Graff, I. L. Bryngelsson, G. Molleby, Anna-Carin Olin, K. Eriksson, H. Westberg
Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine - 2016 -
Vital capacity and COPD: the Swedish CArdioPulmonary bioImage Study
Kjell Torén, Anna-Carin Olin, A. Lindberg, Jenny Vikgren, Linus Schiöler, John Brandberg, Åse (Allansdotter) Johnsson, G. Engstrom, H. L. Persson, M. Skold, Jan A Hedner, E. Lindberg, A. Malinovschi, E. Piitulainen, P. Wollmer, Annika Rosengren, C. Janson, A. Blomberg, Göran Bergström
International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease - 2016 -
New evidence of increased risk of rhinitis in subjects with COPD: a longitudinal population
Joel Bergqvist, Anders Andersson, Anna-Carin Olin, Nicola Murgia, Linus Schiöler, Mogens Bove, Johan Hellgren
The International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease - 2016 -
Respiratory symptoms, sleep-disordered breathing and biomarkers in nocturnal gastroesophageal
O. I. Emilsson, B. Benediktsdottir, I. Olafsson, E. Cook, S. Juliusson, E. S. Bjornsson, S. Gudlaugsdottir, A. S. Gudmundsdottir, Ekaterina Mirgorodskaya, Evert Ljungström, E. S. Arnardottir, P. Gislason, C. Janson, Anna-Carin Olin
Respiratory Research - 2016 -
Characterization of exhaled breath particles collected by an electret filter
A. D. Tinglev, S. Ullah, Göran Ljungkvist, Emilia Viklund, Anna-Carin Olin, O. Beck
Journal of Breath Research - 2016 -
Potential of Mass Spectrometry in Developing Clinical Laboratory Biomarkers of Nonvolatiles in Exhaled
O. Beck, Anna-Carin Olin, Ekaterina Mirgorodskaya
Clinical Chemistry - 2016 -
Lipid composition of particles in exhaled air (PEx) from workers exposed to welding
Göran Ljungqvist, Emilia Viklund, Fabian Taube, Jeong-Lim Kim, Niklas Forsgard, Anna-Carin Olin
The European respiratory journal. Vol. 48, Suppl 60. PA385 - 2016 -
Nicola Murgia, Lars Barregård, Gerd Sällsten, Ann-Charlotte Almstrand, P. Montuschi, G. Ciabattoni, Anna-Carin Olin
Journal of Biological Regulators and Homeostatic Agents - 2016 -
Exposure to traffic and lung function in adults: A general population cohort
Hanne Krage Carlsen, L. Modig, Anna Levinsson, Jeong-Lim Kim, Kjell Torén, Fredrik Nyberg, Anna-Carin Olin
BMJ Open - 2015 -
Surfactant Protein A in Exhaled Endogenous Particles Is Decreased in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Patients: A Pilot
Mona Lärstad, Ann-Charlotte Almstrand, Per Larsson, Björn Bake, Sven Larsson, Evert Ljungström, Ekaterina Mirgorodskaya, Anna-Carin Olin
Plos One - 2015 -
Biomarker for welding exposure in exhaled endogenous
Göran Ljungqvist, Anna Bredberg, Fabian Taube, Evert Ljungström, Per Larsson, Ekaterina Mirogorodskaya, Christina Isaxon, Niklas Forsgard, Jakob Löndahl, Anna-Carin Olin
The European respiratory journal. Supplement - 2014 -
Interaction Effects of Long-Term Air Pollution Exposure and Variants in the GSTP1, GSTT1 and GSTCD Genes on Risk of Acute Myocardial Infarction and Hypertension: A Case-Control
Anna Levinsson, Anna-Carin Olin, L. Modig, Santosh Dahgam, Lena Björck, Annika Rosengren, Fredrik Nyberg
PLoS ONE - 2014 -
Psychosocial work environment, job mobility and gender differences in turnover behaviour: a prospective study among the Swedish general
Mia Söderberg, Annika Härenstam, Annika Rosengren, Linus Schiöler, Anna-Carin Olin, Lauren Lissner, Margda Waern, Kjell Torén
BMC Public Health - 2014 -
Effects of pollen season on central and peripheral nitric oxide production in subjects with pollen
Björn Bake, Emilia Viklund, Anna-Carin Olin
Respiratory Medicine - 2014 -
Haplotypes of the inducible nitric oxide synthase gene are strongly associated with exhaled nitric oxide levels in adults: a population-based
Santosh Dahgam, L. Modig, Åsa Torinsson Naluai, Anna-Carin Olin, Fredrik Nyberg
Journal of Medical Genetics - 2014 -
Nitric oxide synthase (NOS) single nucleotide polymorphisms are associated with coronary heart disease and hypertension in the INTERGENE
Anna Levinsson, Anna-Carin Olin, Lena Björck, Annika Rosengren, Fredrik Nyberg
Nitric oxide - 2014 -
Increased risk of rhinitis symptoms in subjects with gastroesophageal
Johan Hellgren, Anna-Carin Olin, Kjell Torén
Acta oto-laryngologica - 2014 -
Validity of a questionnaire-based diagnosis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in a general population-based
Nicola Murgia, Jonas Brisman, Annika Claesson, Giacomo Muzi, Anna-Carin Olin, Kjell Torén
BMC Pulmonary Medicine - 2014 -
Analysis of manganese and iron in exhaled endogenous
Anna Bredberg, Göran Ljungqvist, Fabian Taube, Evert Ljungström, Per Larsson, Ekaterina Mirgorodskaya, Christina Isaxon, Anders Gudmundsson, Niklas Forsgård, Anna-Carin Olin
Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry - 2014 -
Short-Term Exposure to Ozone and Levels of Exhaled Nitric
L. Modig, Santosh Dahgam, D. Olsson, Fredrik Nyberg, Kristina Wass, B. Forsberg, Anna-Carin Olin
Epidemiology - 2014 -
Analyses of Cadmium in particles in Exhaled Air (PEx) in smokers and
Fabian Taube, Anna Bredberg, Per Larsson, Magdalena Taube, Anna-Carin Olin
Svenska Läkarstämman - 2013 -
Comparison of Exhaled Endogenous Particles from Smokers and Non-Smokers Using Multivariate
Anna Bredberg, M. Josefson, Ann-Charlotte Almstrand, J. Lausmaa, P. Sjovall, Anna Levinsson, Per Larsson, Anna-Carin Olin
Respiration - 2013 -
Biomarkers for Gastroesophageal Reflux in Respiratory
O. I. Emilsson, P. Gislason, Anna-Carin Olin, C. Janson, I. Olafsson
Gastroenterology Research and Practice - 2013 -
Multi-symptom asthma as an indication of disease severity in
Linda Ekerljung, Apostolos Bossios, Jan Lötvall, Anna-Carin Olin, Eva Rönmark, Göran Wennergren, Kjell Torén, Bo Lundbäck
Clinical and Translational Allergy - 2013 -
Effects of breath holding at low and high lung volumes on amount of exhaled
Helene Holmgren, Emilie Gerth, Evert Ljungström, Per Larsson, Ann-Charlotte Almstrand, Björn Bake, Anna-Carin Olin
Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology - 2013 -
Nasal nitric oxide in a random sample of adults and its relationship to sensitization, cat allergen, rhinitis, and ambient nitric
Anna-Carin Olin, Anna Dahlman-Höglund, Caterina Finizia, Kjell Torén
American journal of rhinology & allergy - 2012 -
Exhaled Endogenous Particles Contain Lung
Anna Bredberg, Johan Gobom, Ann-Charlotte Almstrand, Per Larsson, Kaj Blennow, Anna-Carin Olin, Ekaterina Mirgorodskaya
Clinical Chemistry - 2012 -
Single nucleotide polymorphisms in the NOS2 and NOS3 genes are associated with exhaled nitric
Santosh Dahgam, Fredrik Nyberg, Modig L, Åsa Torinsson Naluai, Anna-Carin Olin
Journal of Medical Genetics - 2012 -
Effects on airways of short-term exposure to two kinds of wood smoke in a chamber study of healthy
Leo Stockfelt, Gerd Sällsten, Anna-Carin Olin, Pernilla Almerud, Lena Samuelsson, Sandra Johannesson, Peter Molnár, Bo Strandberg, Ann-Charlotte Almstrand, kerstin Bergemalm-Rynell, Lars Barregård
Inhalation toxicology - 2012 -
Induced Sputum, Exhaled Nitric Oxide, and Particles in Exhaled Air in Assessing Airways Inflammation in Occupational
Anna-Carin Olin
Clinics in Chest Medicine - 2012 -
Effects of wood smoke particles from wood-burning stoves on the respiratory health of atopic
Ingunn Skogstad Riddervold, Jakob Hjort Bønløkke, Anna-Carin Olin, Therese Koops Grønborg, Vivi Schlünssen, Kristin Skogstrand, David Hougaard, Andreas Massling, Torben Sigsgaard
Particle and fibre toxicology - 2012 -
TOF-SIMS analysis of exhaled particles from patients with asthma and healthy
Ann-Charlotte Almstrand, M Josefson, Anna Bredberg, Jukka Lausmaa, Peter Sjövall, Per Larsson, Anna-Carin Olin
The European respiratory journal: official journal of the European Society for Clinical Respiratory Physiology - 2012 -
Surfactant protein A and albumin in particles in exhaled
Per Larsson, Ekaterina Mirgorodskaya, Lena Samuelsson, Björn Bake, Ann-Charlotte Almstrand, Anna Bredberg, Anna-Carin Olin
Respiratory medicine - 2012 -
Genome-wide association and large-scale follow up identifies 16 new loci influencing lung
María Artigas Soler, Daan W Loth, Louise V Wain, Sina A Gharib, Ma'en Obeidat, Wenbo Tang, Guangju Zhai, Jing Hua Zhao, Albert Vernon Smith, Jennifer E Huffman, Eva Albrecht, Catherine M Jackson, David M Evans, Gemma Cadby, Myriam Fornage, Ani Manichaikul, Lorna M Lopez, Toby Johnson, Melinda C Aldrich, Thor Aspelund, Inês Barroso, Harry Campbell, Patricia A Cassano, David J Couper, Gudny Eiriksdottir, Nora Franceschini, Melissa Garcia, Christian Gieger, Gauti Kjartan Gislason, Ivica Grkovic, Christopher J Hammond, Dana B Hancock, Tamara B Harris, Adaikalavan Ramasamy, Susan R Heckbert, Markku Heliövaara, Georg Homuth, Pirro G Hysi, Alan L James, Stipan Jankovic, Bonnie R Joubert, Stefan Karrasch, Norman Klopp, Beate Koch, Stephen B Kritchevsky, Lenore J Launer, Yongmei Liu, Laura R Loehr, Kurt Lohman, Ruth J F Loos, Thomas Lumley, Khalid A Al Balushi, Wei Q Ang, R Graham Barr, John Beilby, John D Blakey, Mladen Boban, Vesna Boraska, Jonas Brisman, John R Britton, Guy G Brusselle, Cyrus Cooper, Ivan Curjuric, Santosh Dahgam, Ian J Deary, Shah Ebrahim, Mark Eijgelsheim, Clyde Francks, Darya Gaysina, Raquel Granell, Xiangjun Gu, John L Hankinson, Rebecca Hardy, Sarah E Harris, John Henderson, Amanda Henry, Aroon D Hingorani, Albert Hofman, Patrick G Holt, Jennie Hui, Michael L Hunter, Medea Imboden, Karen A Jameson, Shona M Kerr, Ivana Kolcic, Florian Kronenberg, Jason Z Liu, Jonathan Marchini, Tricia McKeever, Andrew D Morris, Anna-Carin Olin, David J Porteous, Dirkje S Postma, Stephen S Rich, Susan M Ring, Fernando Rivadeneira, Thierry Rochat, Avan Aihie Sayer, Ian Sayers, Peter D Sly, George Davey Smith, Akshay Sood, John M Starr, André G Uitterlinden, Judith M Vonk, S Goya Wannamethee, Peter H Whincup, Cisca Wijmenga, O Dale Williams, Andrew Wong, Massimo Mangino, Kristin D Marciante, Wendy L McArdle, Bernd Meibohm, Alanna C Morrison, Kari E North, Ernst Omenaas, Lyle J Palmer, Kirsi H Pietiläinen, Isabelle Pin, Ozren Pola Sbreve Ek, Anneli Pouta, Bruce M Psaty, Anna-Liisa Hartikainen, Taina Rantanen, Samuli Ripatti, Jerome I Rotter, Igor Rudan, Alicja R Rudnicka, Holger Schulz, So-Youn Shin, Tim D Spector, Ida Surakka, Veronique Vitart, Henry Völzke, Nicholas J Wareham, Nicole M Warrington, H-Erich Wichmann, Sarah H Wild, Jemma B Wilk, Matthias Wjst, Alan F Wright, Lina Zgaga, Tatijana Zemunik, Craig E Pennell, Fredrik Nyberg, Diana Kuh, John W Holloway, H Marike Boezen, Debbie A Lawlor, Richard W Morris, Nicole Probst-Hensch, Jaakko Kaprio, James F Wilson, Caroline Hayward, Mika Kähönen, Joachim Heinrich, Arthur W Musk, Deborah L Jarvis, Sven Gläser, Marjo-Riitta Järvelin, Bruno H Ch Stricker, Paul Elliott, George T O'Connor, David P Strachan, Stephanie J London, Ian P Hall, Vilmundur Gudnason, Martin D Tobin
Nature genetics - 2011 -
Exhaled nitric oxide and urinary EPX levels in infants: a pilot
Fredrik Carlstedt, Dagmara Lazowska, Carl-Gustaf Bornehag, Anna-Carin Olin, Mikael Hasselgren
Clinical and molecular allergy : CMA - 2011 -
Relation Between Humidity and Size of Exhaled
Helene Holmgren, Björn Bake, Anna-Carin Olin, Evert Ljungström
Journal of Aerosol Medicine and Pulmonary Drug Delivery - 2011 -
Subjects in a population study with high levels of FENO have associated eosinophil airway
Gerdt C. Riise, Kjell Torén, Anna-Carin Olin
ISRN Allergy - 2011 -
Decreased exhaled nitric oxide (FENO) in obese with asthma symptoms: Data from the population study
Christina Berg, Dag Thelle, Annika Rosengren, Lauren Lissner, Anna-Carin Olin, Kjell Torén
Chest - 2011 -
An official ATS clinical practice guideline: interpretation of exhaled nitric oxide levels (FENO) for clinical
Raed A Dweik, Peter B Boggs, Serpil C Erzurum, Charles G Irvin, Margaret W Leigh, Jon O Lundberg, Anna-Carin Olin, Alan L Plummer, D Robin Taylor
American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine - 2011 -
Effect of five genetic variants associated with lung function on the risk of chronic obstructive lung disease, and their joint effects on lung
María Soler Artigas, Louise V Wain, Emmanouela Repapi, Ma'en Obeidat, Ian Sayers, Paul R Burton, Toby Johnson, Jing Hua Zhao, Eva Albrecht, Anna F Dominiczak, Shona M Kerr, Blair H Smith, Gemma Cadby, Jennie Hui, Lyle J Palmer, Aroon D Hingorani, S Goya Wannamethee, Peter H Whincup, Shah Ebrahim, George Davey Smith, Inês Barroso, Ruth J F Loos, Nicholas J Wareham, Cyrus Cooper, Elaine Dennison, Seif O Shaheen, Jason Z Liu, Jonathan Marchini, Santosh Dahgam, Åsa Torinsson Naluai, Anna-Carin Olin, Stefan Karrasch, Joachim Heinrich, Holger Schulz, Tricia M McKeever, Ian D Pavord, Markku Heliövaara, Samuli Ripatti, Ida Surakka, John D Blakey, Mika Kähönen, John R Britton, Fredrik Nyberg, John W Holloway, Debbie A Lawlor, Richard W Morris, Alan L James, Cathy M Jackson, Ian P Hall, Martin D Tobin
American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine - 2011 -
Multi-symptom asthma as an indication of disease severity in
Linda Ekerljung, Apostolos Bossios, Jan Lötvall, Anna-Carin Olin, Eva Rönmark, Göran Wennergren, K Torén, Bo Lundbäck
The European respiratory journal : official journal of the European Society for Clinical Respiratory Physiology - 2011 -
Small airway function, exhaled NO and airway hyper-responsiveness in paediatric
Christina Keen, Anna-Carin Olin, Göran Wennergren, Per M. Gustafsson
Respiratory medicine - 2011 -
Genome-wide association study identifies five loci associated with lung
Emmanouela Repapi, Ian Sayers, Louise V Wain, Paul R Burton, Toby Johnson, Ma'en Obeidat, Jing Hua Zhao, Adaikalavan Ramasamy, Guangju Zhai, Veronique Vitart, Jennifer E Huffman, Wilmar Igl, Eva Albrecht, Panos Deloukas, John Henderson, Raquel Granell, Wendy L McArdle, Alicja R Rudnicka, Inês Barroso, Ruth J F Loos, Nicholas J Wareham, Linda Mustelin, Taina Rantanen, Ida Surakka, Medea Imboden, H Erich Wichmann, Ivica Grkovic, Stipan Jankovic, Lina Zgaga, Anna-Liisa Hartikainen, Leena Peltonen, Ulf Gyllensten, Asa Johansson, Ghazal Zaboli, Harry Campbell, Sarah H Wild, James F Wilson, Sven Gläser, Georg Homuth, Henry Völzke, Massimo Mangino, Nicole Soranzo, Tim D Spector, Ozren Polasek, Igor Rudan, Alan F Wright, Markku Heliövaara, Samuli Ripatti, Anneli Pouta, Åsa Torinsson Naluai, Anna-Carin Olin, Kjell Torén, Matthew N Cooper, Alan L James, Lyle J Palmer, Aroon D Hingorani, S Goya Wannamethee, Peter H Whincup, George Davey Smith, Shah Ebrahim, Tricia M McKeever, Ian D Pavord, Andrew K MacLeod, Andrew D Morris, David J Porteous, Cyrus Cooper, Elaine Dennison, Seif Shaheen, Stefan Karrasch, Eva Schnabel, Holger Schulz, Harald Grallert, Nabila Bouatia-Naji, Jérôme Delplanque, Philippe Froguel, John D Blakey, NSHD Respiratory Study Team, John R Britton, Richard W Morris, John W Holloway, Debbie A Lawlor, Jennie Hui, Fredrik Nyberg, Marjo-Riitta Jarvelin, Cathy Jackson, Mika Kähönen, Jaakko Kaprio, Nicole M Probst-Hensch, Beate Koch, Caroline Hayward, David M Evans, Paul Elliott, David P Strachan, Ian P Hall, Martin D Tobin
Nature genetics - 2010 -
Size Distribution of Exhaled Particles in the Range from 0.01 to 2.0
Helene Holmgren, Evert Ljungström, Ann-Charlotte Almstrand, Björn Bake, Anna-Carin Olin
Journal of Aerosol Science - 2010 -
Low levels of exhaled nitric oxide are associated with impaired lung function in cystic
Christina Keen, Per M. Gustafsson, Anders Lindblad, Göran Wennergren, Anna-Carin Olin
Pediatric pulmonology - 2010 -
Supplementation with fatty acids influences the airway nitric oxide and inflammatory markers in patients with cystic
Christina Keen, Anna-Carin Olin, Susanne Eriksson, Anders Lindblad, Samar Basu, Christopher Beermann, Birgitta Strandvik, Anna Ekman
Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology & Nutrition - 2010 -
Effect of Airway Opening on Production of Exhaled
Ann-Charlotte Almstrand, Björn Bake, Evert Ljungström, Per Larsson, Anna Bredberg, Ekaterina Mirgorodskaya, Anna-Carin Olin
Journal of applied physiology - 2010 -
Increased fraction of exhaled nitric oxide predicts new-onset wheeze in a general
Anna-Carin Olin, Annika Rosengren, Dag Thelle, Lauren Lissner, Kjell Torén
American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine - 2010 -
Is asthma in obese not associated with allergy and airway
Christina Berg, Kjell Torén, Annika Rosengren, Dag Thelle, Lauren Lissner, Anna-Carin Olin
17th European Congress on Obesity (ECO2009), Amsterdam, the Netherlands, May 6-9 - 2009 -
Airway monitoring by collection and mass spectrometric analysis of exhaled
Ann-Charlotte Almstrand, Evert Ljungström, Jukka Lausmaa, Björn Bake, Peter Sjövall, Anna-Carin Olin
Analytical chemistry - 2009 -
Both allergic and nonallergic asthma are associated with increased FE(NO) levels, but only in
A Malinovschi, C Janson, M Högman, G Rolla, Kjell Torén, D Norbäck, Anna-Carin Olin
Allergy - 2009 -
Experimental exposure to wood smoke: effects on airway inflammation and oxidative
Lars Barregård, Gerd Sällsten, L Andersson, Ann-Charlotte Almstrand, Pernilla Gustafson, Marianne Andersson, Anna-Carin Olin
Occupational and environmental medicine - 2008 -
Air pollution, airway inflammation, and lung function in a cohort study of Mexico City
Albino Barraza-Villarreal, Jordi Sunyer, Leticia Hernandez-Cadena, Maria Consuelo Escamilla-Nuñez, Juan Jose Sienra-Monge, Matiana Ramírez-Aguilar, Marlene Cortez-Lugo, Fernando Holguin, David Diaz-Sánchez, Anna-Carin Olin, Isabelle Romieu
Environmental health perspectives - 2008 -
Exhaled breath malondialdehyde as a marker of effect of exposure to air pollution in children with
Isabelle Romieu, Albino Barraza-Villarreal, Consuelo Escamilla-Nuñez, Ann-Charlotte Almstrand, David Diaz-Sanchez, Peter D Sly, Anna-Carin Olin
The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology - 2008 -
Airway nitric oxide in patients with cystic fibrosis is associated with pancreatic function, Pseudomonas infection, and polyunsaturated fatty
Christina Keen, Anna-Carin Olin, Åsa Edentoft, Eva Gronowitz, Birgitta Strandvik
Chest - 2007 -
Determination of ethane, pentane and isoprene in exhaled air--effects of breath-holding, flow rate and purified
Mona Lärstad, Kjell Torén, Björn Bake, Anna-Carin Olin
Acta Physiol (Oxf) - 2007 -
Fraction of exhaled nitric oxide at 50 mL/s: reference values for adult lifelong
Anna-Carin Olin, Björn Bake, Kjell Torén
Chest - 2007 -
Determination of aldehydes in human breath by on-fibre derivatization, solid-phase microextraction and
Sophie Svensson, Mona Lärstad, Klas Broo, Anna-Carin Olin
Journal of Chromatography B-Analytical Technologies in the Biomeical and Life Sciences - 2007 -
Increased net water loss by oral compared to nasal expiration in healthy
Sophie Svensson, Anna-Carin Olin, Johan Hellgren
Rhinology - 2006 -
Height, age, and atopy are associated with fraction of exhaled nitric oxide in a large adult general population
Anna-Carin Olin, Annika Rosengren, Dag Thelle, Lauren Lissner, Björn Bake, Kjell Torén
Chest - 2006 -
Single breath N2-test and exhaled nitric oxide in
Anna-Carin Olin, Kristina Andelid, Jenny Vikgren, Annika Rosengren, Sven Larsson, Björn Bake, Ann Ekberg-Jansson
Respiratory medicine - 2006 -
Factors influencing level of hydrogen peroxide in exhaled breath
Anna-Carin Olin, Sophie Svensson, Göran Ljungkvist, Mona Lärstad, Veronica Slabanja, Björn Bake, Kjell Torén
Selective quantification of free 3-nitrotyrosine in exhaled breath condensate in asthma using gas chromatography/tandem mass
Mona Lärstad, Ann-Sofi Söderling, Kenneth Caidahl, Anna-Carin Olin
Nitric oxide : biology and chemistry / official journal of the Nitric Oxide Society - 2005 -
The incidence of respiratory symptoms and diseases among pulp mill workers with peak exposures to ozone and other irritant
Paul K Henneberger, Anna-Carin Olin, Eva Andersson, Stig Hagberg, Kjell Torén
Chest - 2005 -
Optimization and validation of an ion chromatographic method for the simultaneous determination of sodium, ammonium and potassium in exhaled breath
Sophie Svensson, Ann-Charlotte Almstrand, Göran Ljungkvist, Kjell Torén, Anna-Carin Olin
J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci. - 2005 -
Luminal nitric oxide in ileal reservoirs for continent cutaneous diversion or orthotopic bladder
David Pazooki, Anders Kilander, Elisabet Lindholm, Anna-Carin Olin, Harriet Törnqvist, Kjell-Arne Ung, Olof Jonsson
Eur Urol - 2005 -
Airflow limitation and changes in pulmonary function among bleachery
A J Mehta, P K Henneberger, Kjell Torén, Anna-Carin Olin
The European respiratory journal : official journal of the European Society for Clinical Respiratory Physiology - 2005 -
The incidence of respiratory symptoms and diseases among pulp mill workers with peak exposures to ozone and other irritant
P. K. Henneberger, Anna-Carin Olin, E. Andersson, S. Hagberg, Kjell Torén
Chest - 2005 -
Optimization and validation of an ion chromatographic method for the simultaneous determination of sodium, ammonium and potassium in exhaled breath
Sophie Svensson, Ann-Charlotte Isacsson, G. Ljungkvist, Kjell Torén, Anna-Carin Olin
J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci - 2005 -
Exhaled breath condensate: methodological recommendations and unresolved
I. Horvath, J. Hunt, P. J. Barnes, K. Alving, A. Antczak, E. Baraldi, G. Becher, W. J. van Beurden, M. Corradi, R. Dekhuijzen, R. A. Dweik, T. Dwyer, R. Effros, S. Erzurum, B. Gaston, C. Gessner, A. Greening, L. P. Ho, J. Hohlfeld, Q. Jobsis, D. Laskowski, S. Loukides, D. Marlin, P. Montuschi, Anna-Carin Olin, A. E. Redington, P. Reinhold, E. L. van Rensen, I. Rubinstein, P. Silkoff, Kjell Torén, G. Vass, C. Vogelberg, H. Wirtz
Eur Respir J - 2005 -
Prevalence of asthma and exhaled nitric oxide are increased in bleachery workers exposed to
Anna-Carin Olin, Eva Andersson, Marianne Andersson, Gerd Granung, Stig Hagberg, Kjell Torén
The European respiratory journal : official journal of the European Society for Clinical Respiratory Physiology - 2004 -
Prevalence of asthma and exhaled nitric oxide are increased in bleachery workers exposed to
Anna-Carin Olin, E Andersson, M. Andersson, Gerd Granung, Stig Hagberg, Kjell Torén
European Respiratory Journal - 2004 -
Obesity and nocturnal gastro-oesophageal reflux are related to onset of asthma and respiratory
M. I. Gunnbjornsdottir, E. Omenaas, T. Gislason, E. Norrman, Anna-Carin Olin, R. Jogi, E. J. Jensen, E. Lindberg, E. Bjornsson, K. Franklin, C. Janson, A. Gulsvik, B. Laerum, C. Svanes, Kjell Torén, A. Tunsater, Linnea Lillienberg, D. Gislason, T. Blondal, U. S. Bjornsdottir, K. B. Jorundsdottir, R. Talvik, B. Forsberg, B. Lundback, M. Soderberg, M. C. Ledin, G. Boman, D. Norback, G. Wieslander, U. Spetz-Nystrom, K. S. Cashelunge, E. Ryden
Eur Respir J - 2004 -
Exhaled nitric oxide: relation to sensitization and respiratory
Anna-Carin Olin, K Alving, Kjell Torén
Clinical and experimental allergy : journal of the British Society for Allergy and Clinical Immunology - 2004 -
Exposure to ozone gases in pulp mills and the onset of
C. D. Hoffman, P. K. Henneberger, Anna-Carin Olin, A. Mehta, Kjell Torén
Scand J Work Environ Health - 2004 -
A prospective study of asthma incidence and its predictors: the RHINE
Kjell Torén, T. Gislason, E. Omenaas, R Jögi, B. Forsberg, L. Nyström, Anna-Carin Olin, C. Svanes, C. Janson
European Respiratory Journal - 2004 -
Determination of hydrogen peroxide in exhaled breath condensate by flow injection analysis with fluorescence
Sophie Svensson, Anna-Carin Olin, Mona Lärstad, G. Ljungkvist, Kjell Torén
J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci - 2004 -
Adult-onset asthma and wheeze among irritant-exposed bleachery
Eva Andersson, Anna-Carin Olin, Stig Hagberg, Ralph Nilsson, Tohr Nilsson, Kjell Torén
American journal of industrial medicine - 2003 -
Exhaled Nitric Oxide in epidemiological and experimental
Anna-Carin Olin
2002 -
Respiratory health among bleachery workers exposed to ozone and chlorine
Anna-Carin Olin, Gerd Granung, Stig Hagberg, M. Adriansson, Jonas Brisman, O. Dalander, B. Karlsson, Kjell Torén
Scand J Work Environ Health - 2002 -
Rhinitis increase the risk for adult-onset asthma - a Swedish population-based case-control study
Kjell Torén, Anna-Carin Olin, Johan Hellgren, Bengt-Arne Hermansson
Respiratory Medicine - 2002 -
Nitric oxide (NO) in exhaled air after experimental ozone exposure in
Anna-Carin Olin, N Stenfors, Kjell Torén, A. Blomberg, R Helleday, M C Ledin, G Ljungkvist, Anna Ekman, T Sandström
Respiratory medicine - 2001 -
Exhaled nitric oxide among pulpmill workers reporting gassing incidents involving ozone and chlorine
Anna-Carin Olin, G Ljungkvist, Björn Bake, S Hagberg, L Henriksson, Kjell Torén
The European respiratory journal : official journal of the European Society for Clinical Respiratory Physiology - 1999