
The everyday production of public space through gendered practices and encounters focusing on migrant women: The case of Kypseli and Metaxourgeio districts in Athens

Pågående forskning
2023 - 2027
Avdelningen för kulturgeografi, Institutionen för ekonomi och samhälle

Kort beskrivning

This project delves into the intricate dynamics of gendered practices and encounters in urban public spaces, with a focus on the experiences of migrant women in the Kypseli and Metaxourgeio districts of Athens, Greece. Through qualitative methods, the project aims to develop a deeper understanding of how intersecting identities shape individuals' experiences and interactions in public space. By examining the roles of gender, migration status, and various external factors, the research endeavors to provide valuable insights that can inform urban planning interventions aimed at fostering more inclusive urban public spaces.

Handledare: Kanchana N. Ruwanpura
Biträdande handledare: Jerry Olsson och Maria Jose Zapata Campos