
Inställt - QoG lunchseminarium med Karin Hilmer Pedersen

Samhälle & ekonomi

QoG-institutet arrangerar regelbundet seminarier på temat samhällsstyrningens kvalitet samt korruptionens orsaker och konsekvenser. På QoG lunchseminariet denna veckan presenterar Karin Hilmer Pedersen. Titel på seminariet är: "When corruption hits the judiciary …"

13 jan 2021
12:00 - 13:00
Digitalt via zoom

Karin Hilmer Pedersen, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Aarhus School of Business and Social Sciences
The Quality of Government Institute

Titel: "When corruption hits the judiciary …"


A judicial system based on justice, neutrality and quality is a core in democracies. Even though corruption in all places is detrimental to political decisions and proper government, it has wider consequences when corruption hits the judiciary because it jeopardizes equal access to justice.

Equal access to justice (AtJ) has been debated in an American judicial context since the beginning of the last century. The debate focuses on how the American system and in particular the importance of lawyers salaries create systematic inequality on who is getting their ‘right’ through the judicial system. In recent years, American lawyers have widened the perspective to developing countries, www.worldjusticeproject.org, also the question of AtJ is in the forefront for environmental and climate activists, www.clientearth.org, and AtJ is one of OECD’s sustainable development goals, www.oecd.org/dac/sustainable-development-goals.htm.