Göteborgs universitet

Pathways to inclusive and equitable quality education for people with disabilities: Cross context conversations and mutual learning

While the promise of education for all has been enshrined in international commitments, what remains unclear is how best this vision can be achieved in practice. Acknowledging the broader understanding of inclusive education for all, in this symposium we choose to forefront children with disabilities, a group that continues to face various forms of exclusion within education.

International symposium February 12-13, 2020


The conference is hosted by the Platform for Research in Inclusive Education and School Development (PRIS) and Cambridge Network for Disability and Education Research (CaNDER) with support from the Swedish Research Council.

This symposium aims to provide a space to forefront contextual complexities and dilemmas, but move the debates forward to critically examine where current hurdles exist, and how to better address the significant inequalities that exist in providing “inclusive and equitable quality education” (Sustainable Development Goal 4) for children and young people with disabilities across the globe. This cross-national dialogue, we hope, will enable sharing of practices and encourage learning from each other, given that there exist unique strengths in different systems.

The invited speakers have been selected to provide access to critical debates, discussion and approaches to education of children with disabilities from a wide international perspective. The event will have an interactive format with ample opportunities for presentations, dialogue, knowledge sharing and reflections.

The following themes will be covered:

  • Pedagogies in practice: teaching-learning processes and experiences in the classroom
  • Learner experiences: experiences of children and young people with disabilities in a range of educational settings
  • Educational spaces: where learning happens and fluidity of boundaries between these spaces
  • Disability intersectionality: how disability intersects with other important markers of exclusion such as gender, location, ethnicity, migration etc., and the varying impact on the educational pathways and experiences of these children.