University of Gothenburg
Close-up of Atlantic wolffish
Atlantic wolffish is one of the species that you can experience at Tjärnö Aquarium.
Photo: Anna-Lena Lundqvist

Tjärnö Aquarium - most species-rich in Sweden

Check out a large lobster, pat a sea cucumber, and look into a Swedish coral reef. In the Aquarium at Tjärnö Marine Laboratory there are over 200 different species of animals and algae. During the summer, the Aquarium is open to the public. The rest of the year, we welcome pre-booked school classes and groups.

What can you see at Tjärnö Aquarium?

Tjärnö Aquarium may not be very large, but it's Sweden's most species-rich aquarium. There are over 200 different species of fish, crabs, starfish, shrimps, red algae, and much more.

Small ecosystems

Showcasing small ecosystems is typical of the Tjärnö Aquarium. In one of the aquariums there is a small eelgrass bed with broad-nosed pipefish and brown shrimps, in another aquarium a Norway lobster lives in the muddy bottom, and in the "World of Red Algae" the visitor will find the largest number of species. There is also a small coral reef.

All the tanks have signs with pictures and text in Swedish to help visitors identify what's behind the glass.

Touch pool

Tjärnö Aquarium also has something as unusual as a touch pool, where visitors can really get to know the inhabitants of the sea. Here visitors can get up close and personal with the dead man's finger, red cushion star, and sea cucumber.

Visit Tjärnö Aquarium

During the summer, Tjärnö Aquarium is open to the public. Two marine biologists are available to answer questions. They also give Live presentations - mainly in Swedish - on topics such as oysters, lobsters, crabs and jellyfish.

You can also look at small living organisms under a stereomicroscope. In the auditorium, the film ”Liv I salt salt vatten - under ytan I Skagerrak” ("Life in salt water - below the surface in the Skagerrak") with Swedish speaker is shown. Tjärnö Aquarium has postcards, posters and publications for sale.
At other times of the year, the marine biologists at Tjärnö Aquarium arrange guided tours of the aquarium for school classes and other visitor groups. Contact us for more information!

touch tank
You can pet starfish and sea cucumbers in the touch pool at Tjärnö Aquarium.
Photo: Susanne Liljenström

Opening hours 2025

25 June, Wednesday, 14.00–17.00
30 June – 15 August, Monday–Friday, 14.00–17.00
20 August, Wednesday, 14.00–17.00

Entrance fee 2025

Adults (from 16 years): SEK 60
Children 7–15 years: SEK 30
Children up to 6 years: free entrance

blå anemon
Photo: Anna-Lena Lundqvist
lila anemon
Photo: Anna-Lena Lundqvist

Find us!

Tjärnö Akvarium, Tjärnö marina laboratorium, Laboratorievägen 10, 452 96 Strömstad. Tel: +46 31–786 96 00