University of Gothenburg

Student union

HHGS is the student union at the School of Business, Economics and Law. We live by the creed that together we shape our future. Being a student union means that what we do is regulated by Swedish law, namely monitoring the education at the school for all its students – members as well as non-members.

Monitoring the education is just one of very many things that the union does. HHGS is the mother-organisation of more than 30 associations, all of which organise several events during the year, ranging from inspirational lunch lectures to a full-blown musical. Furthermore, HHGS has three career-fairs during the year and owns 100% of seven companies that give meaningful work-experience to hundreds of members every year.

Introduction week

To start of your master's studies Graduate School Organization (GSO) will organize an Introduction week, a week and a half, full of events! Dinner, barbeque, boat trip, island trip, bowling, pub crawl etc. Don’t miss out on the chance to have fun and get to know your fellow students. The preliminary programme for the Introduction week will be published here, closer to the start of the semester.

Introduction week with GSO

- Monday 29 August 9:30-10:30

BBQ - Tuesdag 30 August 16:30-20:00

Day trip - Saturday 3 September 10:00-16:00