University of Gothenburg
Image of liverwort Tetralophozia setiformis
Photo: Anna Pielach

Biodiversity Education

Many GGBC members serve as teachers and guides at our public partner institutions, making the centre a hub of exciting educational activities. From preschool programs at the Gothenburg Natural History Museum to PhD courses at the University of Gothenburg, our initiatives cover all aspects of biodiversity—ranging from fundamental understanding to advanced tools for exploration.

Biodiversity Courses

The GGBC host a number of courses in biodiversity every year. The courses are aimed at PhD students undergrads and the general public. With these courses we aim to help train the new generation of biodiversity researchers and increase awareness around biodiversity. 

PhD level course: Spatial analysis in R
course leader: Søren Faurby
Oct. 3rd - Oct. 7th, 2022, Zoom, Registration closed

Evening graduate level course: Biodiversity in the 21st century 
course leader: Christine Bacon
1 Sep 2025 - 18 Jan 2026, Application opens 17th March

People at GGBC workshop
Participants at a Biodiversity Informatics Workshop in 2019

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Teachers' Network

The GGBC has a teachers' network where our educators can get together, share thoughts and ideas and collaborate around biodiversity education. Working with education and biodiversity? Interested in joining? Contact


Downloadable Educational Materials

Learn about Western Sweden's 500 common and cool animals

There are an estimated 50,000 different species of animals in Sweden and identifying them can be hard without knowing where to start. This material, however, may help. It contains information on 500 animals (some species, some groups of related species) selected as being the ones you are most likely to see. The material has been designed with Western Sweden (Västra Götaland and Halland) in mind but can with very few exceptions, which are clearly noted, be used throughout Sweden. The material does not require prior knowledge but it may at times seem complex so please have a look at the instructions on how to use the material. It is suited for high school students or as a solid starting point for amateur naturalists. 

The material consists of a short description file called "Guidelines" which is intended to be read before use, and eight additional files which each can be used in isolation once the guidelines file has been read. 

For any questions please contact

image of stereomicroscope used for identifying insects
Photo: Helene Aronsson

Read the guidelines for using the materials here

Guidelines (pdf)