University of Gothenburg
Cells of liverwort Porella
Photo: Anna Pielach

Activities for members

A number of activities focussed on biodiversity research is exclusive to GGBC members. This is where our researchers can present their ideas to each other, receive feedback and forge collaborations.

Monday Meetings

Every Monday at 08:45 GGBC members have the opportunity to meet in Natrium. These weekly meetups alternate between a presentation, and chats over coffee: both options give valuable opportunities to meet and discuss topics important to our work. 

The bi-monthly presentations are hybrid and enable GGBC members to present on a current project. Afterwards, we discuss and give feedback, using the various expertise within our network to help with any challenges the researcher maybe facing, or inspiration for new approaches. The topics of the presentations range from systematics to ecosystem services in urban environments, from elephants to bromeliads, but all with biodiversity as a common denominator.

Masters and PhD students are encouraged to present in the early stages of each paper/project they are developing. Post-docs and more senior researchers are likewise encouraged to present work that is in the early stages, including grant application ideas.

Please refer to the #mondaymeetings channel in the GGBC Slack workspace for dates, papers up for discussion and other information.

Are you a GGBC member and would you like to present? Let know. 


Upcoming talks:

Date: 17th February 2025
Speaker: Joachim Struve
Title: Ecotoxicology, meiofauna biodiversity and monitoring.

Date: 24th February 2025
Speaker: Oscar Jacobsson 
Title: Early modern meadows in Sweden - understanding pre-modern land use systems and potential values for biodiversity

Date: 3rd March 2025
Speaker: Katarina Cerna
Title: BIOACT: Co-designing a green future with young adults: Actionable solutions for biodiversity

Date: 24th March 2025
Speaker: Peter Lampert
Title: TBC

Date:7th April 2025
Speaker: Alexandra Dombrowski
Title: TBC


Past Presentations 2025

Date: 25th January 2025
Speaker: Justine Pagnier
Title: Large-scale detection of marine non-indigenous-species using genetic data

Journal Club

In this journal club, we focus on papers in biodiversity, ecology and systematics that have a broad application. Especially encouraged are methodological and conceptual papers that encourage discussions and allows for participants from different areas within biodiversity research to understand and get value from the journal club. Any organismal group can be covered in the paper but have in mind that the focus of the paper should be relevant for others working outside of that group.

The GGBC journal club meets every other week on Wednesday from 13:00 to 14:00. The meetings are in person and take place in Natrium, Medicinaregartan 7b, Gothenburg. Please refer to the #journal-club channel in the GGBC Slack workspace for dates, papers up for discussion and other information.

For whom?
All levels of researchers and students from MSc-students to professors at the GGBC are welcome. Have you never been to a journal club before? Don't hesitate to reach out and join us to see what it's like!

Presenter and participants roles
Each meeting a member is responsible for presenting a paper of their own choice. Dates for presenting are assigned by the organiser after agreement with the presenter. The presenter is expected to:

  • announce their choice of paper at least one week before the meeting.
  • present 2-3 slides focusing on: main figures, points or criticism, take home messages or questions they have

Participants are expected to:

  • have read the paper before the meeting
  • bring 1-2 questions or thoughts

Note that it might be possible for PhD-students to receive credits for participation in the Journal Club. The Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences at University of Gothenburg awards the students with 0.2 hec for each meeting but please confirm the terms for credits with your examinor.

To sign up or if you have questions, please contact William Tejler, PhD student at the Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences who is responsible for arranging the journal club. 

Annual Member Meetings

Photo: Kate Evans

Every year in December the members of the GGBC get together to network, establish new collaborations and present on the past year's achievements and findings. The meetings started in 2017 and on December 1 we will hold our annual meeting for 2025. 

The meetings take place at Natrium and in venues at our partner organisations.