University of Gothenburg
elephants around a waterhole
Photo: Kate Evans


GGBC members are the people working with biodiversity every day at our partner organisations. The GGBC has an active, constantly growing member base that is encouraged to collaborate across our partner organisations. Our members include students, researchers, educators, communicators, and curators, to name just a few of the positions that deal with biodiversity!

If you work for one of our partner organisations and are working with biodiversity in some capacity, we welcome you to apply for GGBC membership. 

View GGBC members by partner organisation

Honorary GGBC members

The GGBC has awarded “honorary membership” to a select group of individuals that have made significant contributions to biodiversity research or communication throughout their careers.

Prof. Edward O. Wilson (2018)

Sir David Attenborough (2018)

Prof. Rosemary Grant (2018)

Prof. Peter Grant (2018)

Prof. Susanne Åkesson (2019)

Marc Abrahams (2019)

Prof. Sandra Diaz (2020)

Dr Anne Larigauderie (2020)

Dr Paul Jepson (2021)

honorary GGBC member 2018 E.O. Wilson
E. O. Wilson receives honorary membership
honorary GGBC member 2018 Sir David Attenborough
Sir David Attenborough receives his honorary membership 2018
honorary GGBC members 2018 Prof. Rosemary Grant and Prof. Peter Grant
Prof. Rosemary Grant and Prof. Peter Grant receive their honorary GGBC membership at the GGBC Annual Biodiversity Lecture
Photo: GGBC
honorary GGBC members 2019
Prof. Susanne Åkesson and Marc Abrahams were awarded their honorary GGBC memberships in 2019
honorary members 2020
Prof. Sandra Diaz and Dr. Anne Larigauderie became honorary members in 2020 at the GGBC Annual Biodiversity Lecture
Dr Paul Jepson - honorary GGBC member 2021
Dr Paul Jepson received his honorary membership in 2021 at the Annual Biodiversity Lecture.