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- Kristina Berglund
Kristina Berglund
Psykologiska institutionenOm Kristina Berglund
Bakgrund och nuvarande arbets- och ledningsuppdrag
Filosofie doktor i psykologi 2009. Docent i psykologi 2013. Arbetar heltid som lektor och forskare vid Psykologiska institutionen, Göteborgs Universitet. Är föreståndare för centrumbildningen CERA (https://www.gu.se/cera) vid Göteborgs Universitet. Är också projektledare för det tvärvetenskapliga nationella forskningsnätverket NADAL (Nätverket för forskning om alkohol- och narkotikaprevention i arbetslivet)
Jag undervisar inom beroendepsykologi på grund- och avancerad nivå samt handleder studenter på kandidat, magister och mastersnivå. Jag undervisar också om utvärdering och kvalitetssäkring.
Mina egna specialområden inom området bruk, skadligt bruk och beroende är att öka kunskapen om hur personlighet, utvecklingspsykologi och psykisk hälsa interagerar med beroendeutveckling, behandlingsutfall men också framgångsfaktorer för prevention. En annan gren inom mitt forskningsområde gäller prevention av alkohol och narkotika, inom arbetslivet, både primär- och sekundärprevention.
Riskbruk, skadligt bruk och beroende är ett biopsykosocialt problem där, förutom de psykologiska, biologiska och social faktorerna, även organisation, ekonomi, ledning och kunskapsstyrning skapar förutsättningarna för prevention, vård, stöd och behandling. Därför är också en del av min forskning att både utveckla tvärvetenskaplig forskning och att bedriva tvärvetenskaplig forskning inom området bruk, riskbruk, skadligt bruk och beroende av alkohol, narkotika och spel.
Aktuella forskningsprojekt
Ø Alkoholprevention i arbetslivet (2023 - 2025) - ett tvärvetenskapligt projekt med Sahlgrenska Akademin, Handelshögskolan och Humanistiska fakulteten.
Ø Alkoholprevention arbetslivet – hur kan vi lära av de goda exemplen? (2023 - 2025) Tvärvetenskapligt forskningsprojekt Stockholms Universitet, Karolinska Institutet, Göteborgs Universitet.
Ø Craving hos olika populationer med spelproblematik ett samarbete med professor Anders Håkansson vid Lunds Universitet drar igång 2023 - 2025.
Ø Läkemedelsanvändning hos substansberoende personer (2023 - 2024) Tvärvetenskapligt projekt med Stockholms universitet, Karolinska Institutet, Göteborgs Universitet.
Ø Långtidsuppföljning via register (15-årsuppföljning) om morbiditet och mortalitet hos alkoholberoende personer med speciellt fokus på cancerrelaterade sjukdomar. (2023) Detta projekt görs bland annat med cancerforskare Kerstin H Rauwolf, Tyskland
Ø Föräldraskap och alkoholkonsumtion (2023) där vi studerar hur föräldrars attityder och att bjuda sina barn på alkohol påverkar alkoholkonsumtion och alkoholproblem. Studien är prospektiv.
Valda publikationer
Bok (monografi):
Alborn, S-E, Berglund K, Boson K, Gerdner, A. (2023). Utredning, stöd och behandling vid alkohol- och narkotikaproblem [Choosing a path: Assessment, support and treatment for alcohol and substance use problems] Studentlitteratur.
Peer-review granskade vetenskapliga artiklar:
Berglund K., Boson K., Wennberg P. & Gerdner, A. (2022). Impacts of alcohol consumption by mothers and fathers, parental monitoring, adolescent disclosure and novelty-seeking behavior on the likelihood of alcohol use and inebriation among adolescents. International Journal of Adolescence and Youth, 2022, 27:1, 582-596 https://doi.org/10.1080/02673843.2022.2156298
Wilson Martinez, M., Berglund, K., Hensing, G., & Sundqvist, K. (2022). Swedish Managers’ and HR-Officers’ Experiences and Perceptions of Participating in Alcohol Prevention Skills Training: A Qualitative Study. Frontiers In Psychology, 2022, Vol. 13 https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2022.756343
Schückher, F., Berglund, K., Engström, I., & Sellin, T. (2022). Predictors for Abstinence in Socially Stable Women Receiving Treatment for Alcohol Use Disorder. Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly, 40(2), 244-257. https://doi.org/10.1080/07347324.2021.2018957
Berglund, K. (2020). Commentary on Witkiewitz et al. (2020): WHO risk drinking classification system is promising in clinical trials, but needs to be tested in other patient groups. Addiction (Abingdon, England), 115(9), 1681-1682. https://doi.org/10.1111/add.15102
Berglund K, Rauwolf KK, Berggren U, Balldin J, Fahlke C (2019) Outcome in relation to drinking goals in alcohol-dependent individuals: a follow-up study 2.5 and 5 years after treatment entry. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 54, 439 – 445. https://doi.org/10.1093/alcalc/agz042
Boson K, Wennberg P, Fahlke C Berglund K (2019) Personality traits as predictors of early alcohol inebriation among young adolescents: mediating effects by mental health and gender-specific patterns Addictive Behaviors 95, 152 – 159. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.addbeh.2019.03.011
Schuckher F, Sellin T, Engström I, Berglund K (2019) History of childhood abuse is associated with less positive treatment outcomes in socially table women with alcohol use disorder. BMC women´s health, 19, https://doi.org/10.1186/s12905-019-0857-4
Balldin J, Berglund K, Berggren U Wennberg P, Fahlke C (2018) Taq1A1 allele of the DRD2 gene region contribute to shorter survival time in alcohol-dependent individuals when controlling for the influence of age and gender. A follow-up study of 18 years. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 53, 216 – 220. https://doi.org/10.1093/alcalc/agx089
Rauwolf KK, Berglund K, Berggren U, Balldin J, Fahlke C (2017) The Influence of Smoking and Smokeless Tobacco on the Progression, Severity and Treatment Outcome in Alcohol-Dependent Individuals. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 52, 477-482. https://doi.org/10.1093/alcalc/agx031
Berglund K, Svensson I, Berggren U, Balldin J, Fahlke C (2016) Is There a Need for Congruent Treatment Goals Between Alcohol-Dependent Patients and Caregivers? Alcoholism Clinical and Experimental Research, 40, 874-879. https://doi.org/10.1111/acer.13003
When a non-drinker continues to be a non-drinker during adolescence. A reply to Raninen et
Karin Boson, Sabina Vlasman, Kristina Berglund
Characteristics of non-drinking adolescents: a longitudinal Swedish
Karin Boson, Sabina Vlasman, Kristina Berglund
Can a History of Childhood Trauma Impact the Effectiveness of Treatment in Individuals with Alcohol Use Disorders? A 2.5- and 5-Year
Kristina Berglund, Sven Eric Alborn, Peter Wennberg
International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction - 2023 -
Välja väg: Utredning, stöd och behandling vid alkohol- och
Sven-Eric Alborn, Kristina Berglund, Karin Boson, Arne Gerdner
2023 -
Swedish Managers’ and HR-Officers’ Experiences and Perceptions of Participating in Alcohol Prevention Skills Training: A Qualitative
Martina Wilson Martinez, Kristina Berglund, Gunnel Hensing, Kristina Sundqvist
Frontiers in Psychology - 2022 -
Impacts of alcohol consumption by mothers and fathers, parental monitoring, adolescent disclosure and novelty-seeking behaviour on the likelihood of alcohol use and inebriation among
Kristina Berglund, Karin Boson, P. Wennberg, A. Gerdner
International Journal of Adolescence and Youth - 2022 -
Predictors for Abstinence in Socially Stable Women Receiving Treatment for Alcohol Use
F. Schuckher, Kristina Berglund, I. Engstrom, T. Sellin
Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly - 2022 -
Autistic Personality Traits and Treatment Outcome for Alcohol Use
Malin Hildebrand Karlén, Jonas Stålheim, Kristina Berglund, P. Wennberg
Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease - 2021 -
Commentary on Witkiewitz et al. (2020): WHO risk drinking classification system is promising in clinical trials, but needs to be tested in other patient
Kristina Berglund
Addiction (Abingdon, England) - 2020 -
Personality traits as predictors of early alcohol inebriation among young adolescents: Mediating effects by mental health and gender-specific
Karin Boson, Peter Wennberg, Claudia Fahlke, Kristina Berglund
Addictive Behaviors - 2019 -
Reply to: Outcome in relation to drinking goals: misleading conclusions in paper by Berglund et
Kristina Berglund, Ulf Berggren, Jan Balldin, Claudia Fahlke
Alcohol and Alcoholism - 2019 -
Outcome in Relation to Drinking Goals in Alcohol-Dependent Individuals: A Follow-up Study 2.5 and 5 Years After Treatment
Kristina Berglund, Kerstin K Rauwolf, Ulf Berggren, Jan Balldin, Claudia Fahlke
Alcohol and Alcoholism - 2019 -
History of childhood abuse is associated with less positive treatment outcomes in socially stable women with alcohol use
Fides Schückher, Tabita Sellin, Ingemar Engström, Kristina Berglund
BMC women's health - 2019 -
Clinical outcomes in the routine evaluation of psychotherapy given by trainees: Effects on clients’ inter-personal problems and psychological
Helene Ybrandt, Kristina Berglund, Catarina Strid, Marie Kivi, Jens Knutsson
International Journal of Psychotherapy - 2019 -
Psychotic Experiences, Childhood Trauma, and Alcohol-Related Self-Efficacy in a Nonpsychiatric Sample of Individuals in Alcohol Dependence Treatment: A Pilot
Jonas Stålheim, Kristina Berglund, Ulf Berggren, Jan Balldin, Claudia Fahlke
Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly - 2018 -
Evidence for a relationship between child maltreatment and absenteeism among high-school students in
Johan Melander Hagborg, Kristina Berglund, Claudia Fahlke
International Journal of Child Abuse & Neglect - 2018 -
Personality traits and mental health as predictors of alcohol inebriation among young adolescents: gender-specific
Karin Boson, Peter Wennberg, Claudia Fahlke, Kristina Berglund
European Association for Research on Adolescence. Ghent, Belgium. - 2018 -
TAQ1A1 Allele of the DRD2 Gene Region Contribute to Shorter Survival Time in Alcohol Dependent Individuals When Controlling for the Influence of Age and Gender. A Follow-up Study of 18
Jan Balldin, Kristina Berglund, Ulf Berggren, Peter Wennberg, Claudia Fahlke
Alcohol and Alcoholism - 2018 -
The Influence of Smoking and Smokeless Tobacco on the Progression, Severity and Treatment Outcome in Alcohol-Dependent
K. K. Rauwolf, Kristina Berglund, Ulf Berggren, Jan Balldin, Claudia Fahlke
Alcohol and Alcoholism - 2017 -
The Importance of Age at Onset of Excessive Alcohol Use with Regard to Psychiatric Symptoms and Personality
Fides Schückher, Tabita Sellin, Kristina Berglund, Ulf Berggren, Jan Balldin, Ingemar Engström, Claudia Fahlke
Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly - 2017 -
Is There a Need for Congruent Treatment Goals Between Alcohol-Dependent Patients and
Kristina Berglund, Ida Svensson, Ulf Berggren, Jan Balldin, Claudia Fahlke
Alcoholism-Clinical and Experimental Research - 2016 -
Well-being, mental health problems, and alcohol experiences among young Swedish adolescents: A general population
Karin Boson, Kristina Berglund, Peter Wennberg, Claudia Fahlke
Journal for Person-Oriented Research - 2016 -
Differences in psychiatric symptoms and personality characteristics appear to be more pronounced between early and late onset of excessive drinking than between
Fides Schückher, TAbita Björk, Kristina Berglund, Ulf Berggren, Jan Balldin, Ingemar Engström, Claudia Fahlke
International Society for Biomedical Alcohol Research ISBRA 2016. Berlin. - 2016 -
Predicting treatment outcome on the basis of temperament in patients who are socially stable and alcohol
P. Wennberg, Kristina Berglund, Ulf Berggren, Jan Balldin, Claudia Fahlke
Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly - 2016 -
The Taq1a polymorphism of the dopamine D2 receptor gene - a key for understanding relapse proneness into
Kristina Berglund, Jan Balldin, Ulf Berggren, Claudia Fahlke
Journal of Substance Abuse and Alcoholism - 2016 -
Personlighetens betydelse för missbruk och
Kristina Berglund, Claudia Fahlke
Beroendemedicin - 2015 -
The Cloninger Type I/Type II Typology: Configurations and Personality Profiles in Socially Stable Alcohol Dependent
Peter Wennberg, Kristina Berglund, Ulf Berggren, Jan Balldin, Claudia Fahlke
Advances in Psychiatry - 2014 -
Childhood Maltreatment Affects the Serotonergic System in Male Alcohol-Dependent
Kristina Berglund, Jan Balldin, Ulf Berggren, Arne Gerdner, Claudia Fahlke
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research - 2013 -
Varför visa återfaller i alkoholberoende. Relation finns till en genvariant i dopaminsystemet och till
Jan Balldin, Ulf Berggren, Kristina Berglund, Claudia Fahlke
Läkartidningen - 2013 -
Missbrukspsykologi i teori och
Kristina Berglund, Claudia Fahlke
Handbok i missbrukspsykologi : teori och tillämpning / Claudia Fahlke (red.) ; Sven-Eric Alborn [och 41 andra] - 2012 -
Neuroendocrine Assessment of Serotonergic, Dopaminergic, and Noradrenergic Functions in Alcohol-Dependent
Claudia Fahlke, Ulf Berggren, Kristina Berglund, Henrik Zetterberg, Kaj Blennow, Jörgen Engel, Jan Balldin
Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research - 2012 -
Reward-related genes and personality traits in alcohol-dependent individuals: a pilot case control
Sara Landgren, Kristina Berglund, Elisabeth Jerlhag, Claudia Fahlke, Jan Balldin, Ulf Berggren, Henrik Zetterberg, Kaj Blennow, Jörgen Engel
Neuropsychobiology - 2011 -
Serotonergic, dopaminergic and noradrenergic functions in alcohol-deependent
Kristina Berglund, Claudia Fahlke, Ulf Berggren, Jan Balldin
13th Congress of European Society for Biomedical Research on Alcoholism, Wien, Österrrike - 2011 -
Do men with excessive alcohol consumption and social stability have an addictive
Kristina Berglund, Erika Roman, Jan Balldin, Ulf Berggren, Matts Eriksson, Petter Gustavsson, Claudia Fahlke
Scandinavian journal of psychology - 2011 -
Do Alcohol-dependent individuals with DRD2 A1 allele have an increased risk of relapse? A pilot
Angelica Dahlgren, Hanna Linn Wargelius, Kristina Berglund, Claudia Fahlke, Kaj Blennow, Henrik Zetterberg, Lars Oreland, Ulf Berggren, Jan Balldin
Alcohol and Alcoholism - 2011 -
Personlighetens betydelse för missbruk och
Kristina Berglund, Claudia Fahlke
J. Franck & I. Nylander (red.), Beroendemedicin. Lund: Studentlitteratur - 2011 -
Gamma-glutamyltransferase in alcohol use disorders: Modification of decision limits in relation to treatment
Jan Balldin, Ulf Berggren, Kristina Berglund, Kaj Blennow, Claudia Fahlke, Henrik Zetterberg
Scandinavian journal of clinical and laboratory investigation - 2010 -
Dopamine D2 Receptor Genotype Is Associated with Increased Mortality at a 10-Year Follow-up of Alcohol-Dependent
Ulf Berggren, Claudia Fahlke, Kristina Berglund, Kathleen Wadell, Henrik Zetterberg, Kaj Blennow, Dag Thelle, Jan Balldin
Alcohol and alcoholism - 2010 -
Socially stable alcoholics: What characterises them? Drinking patterns, personality and health aspects of psychosocial and clinical
Kristina Berglund
2009 -
Thrombocytopenia in early alcohol withdrawal is associated with development of delirium tremens or
Ulf Berggren, Claudia Fahlke, Kristina Berglund, Kaj Blennow, Henrik Zetterberg, Jan Balldin
Alcohol and alcoholism (Oxford, Oxfordshire) - 2009 -
Self-reported health functioning in Swedish alcohol-dependent individuals: age and gender
Kristina Berglund, Ulf Berggren, Claudia Fahlke, Jan Balldin
Nordic journal of psychiatry - 2008 -
Personality profile in male type 1 alcoholics. Alcohol and
Kristina Berglund, E. Roman, Jan Balldin, Ulf Berggren, P. Gustavsson, Claudia Fahlke
(suppl 1) 42:64. 11th Congress of European Society for Biomedical Research on Alcoholism, Berlin, Tyskland, 2007 - 2007 -
Tobacco use is associated with more severe alcohol dependence, as assessed by the number of DSM-IV criteria, in Swedish male type 1
Ulf Berggren, Kristina Berglund, Claudia Fahlke, Erik Aronsson, Matts Eriksson, Jan Balldin
Alcohol and alcoholism (Oxford, Oxfordshire) - 2007 -
Demographic and clinical characteristics in groups of individual with exessive alcohol
Kristina Berglund
2007 -
Alkoholberoende individer i 12-stegsbehandling - finns det skillnader med avseende på hälsa och alkoholvanor i relation till ålder och
Kristina Berglund, Jan Balldin, Ulf Berggren, Claudia Fahlke
Svenska läkarsällskapets riksstämma, sektionen för beroendemedicin, Göteborg, 2006 - 2006 -
Personality profile in type 1 alcoholism: Long duration of alcohol intake and low serotonergic activity are predictive factors of anxiety
Kristina Berglund, Claudia Fahlke, Ulf Berggren, Matts Eriksson, Jan Balldin
Journal of Neural Transmission - 2006 -
Individuals with excessive alcohol intake recruited by advertisement: demographic and clinical
Kristina Berglund, Claudia Fahlke, Ulf Berggren, Matts Eriksson, Jan Balldin
Alcohol and Alcoholism - 2006 -
Personality profile in alcohol-dependent individuals with several years of excessive alcohol
Kristina Berglund, Claudia Fahlke, M. Eriksson, Jan Balldin
Alcohol Clin Exp Res 28:21.5, 2004. XII International Society of Biomedical Research on Alcoholism, Heidelberg, Germany. - 2004 -
Tobacco use is associated with more severe alcohol dependence, as assessed by the number of DSM-IV
Ulf Berggren, Kristina Berglund, Claudia Fahlke, Matts Eriksson, Jan Balldin
Tobacco use is associated with more severe alcohol dependence, as assessed by the number of DSM-IV criteria - 2004 -
Changes in mental well-being during Minnesota
Kristina Berglund, Ulf Berggren, Katarina Bokström, Matts Eriksson, Claudia Fahlke, Morgan Karlsson, Jan Balldin
Nordic journal of psychiatry - 2004 -
. Relationship between harm avoidance and serotonergic neurotransmission in alcohol-dependent
Ulf Berggren, Claudia Fahlke, Kristina Berglund, M. Eriksson, Jan Balldin
Alcohol Clin Exp Res 28:5.4, 2004. XII International Society of Biomedical Research on Alcoholism, Heidelberg, Germany. - 2004