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- Gabriela Arguello
Gabriela Arguello
Juridiska institutionenUniversitetslektor, biträdande
Juridiska institutionenOm Gabriela Arguello
Gabriela Argüello, BA, LLM, JD, is an Associate Senior Lecturer at the Law Department. She is also a research fellow financed by The Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities. She specializes in the law of the sea and is a member of the Centre for Collective Action Research (CeCAR) and the Centre for Sea and Society. Gabriela completed her JD in Maritime and Transport Law at the University of Gothenburg. She also holds a Master’s degree in Maritime Law from Lund University and completed her undergraduate law studies in Ecuador at Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador. Her research interests focus on interdisciplinary global environmental challenges related to the oceans and involving multi-scale actors (States, international organizations, industries, and civil society organizations). She has researched various topics, including waste management, pesticides, ship recycling, ship source pollution, ocean governance, and energy transitions.
Other Academic and Policy-Oriented positions:
- Member of the European Marine Board Working Group on Marine Carbon Dioxide Removal (2024-2026)
- Fulbright Arctic Initiative IV Scholar (2024-2026)
Ongoing Research Projects:
- Just Energy Transition for the Ocean: Offshore renewable energy and the legal construction of ocean multi-use spaces: 2023-2028 (6 250 000 SEK)
- Co-investigator: Legal governance of carbon dioxide transport and storage at sea: 2024-2029 (7 800 000 SEK)
Previous Research Projects
- Marine Governance in the Arctic Marine Environment: 2019-2022. To learn more about the Arctic Marine Environment, click on the following link.
- Smart Port Enforcement: The Prevention of Marine Pollution by Algorithm: 2022-2023 (500 000 SEK)
Gabriela has presented and published her work at various international conferences and international peer-reviewed journals. She is the sole author of the book Marine Pollution, Shipping Waste and International Law. Great Britain: Routledge, 2019. Here you can read the reviews of this book:
Jessen, Henning in The Journal of International Maritime Law, 25:6, November December 2019, 519.
Kirchner, Stefan in The Yearbook of Polar Law,12:1, December 2020, 477.
She also reviews articles from several academic journals, including Marine Pollution Bulletin, Ocean Development and International Law, RECIEL, Journal of Shipping and Trade, and The Ocean Yearbook.
Editorial work:
Gabriela is an editorial member of the Journal of Shipping and Trade.
På andra webbplatser
- sjörätt med annan transporträtt, miljörätt, internationell rätt
- internationell rätt, sjörätt, miljörätt
Utvalda publikationer
Argüello, G., & Bokareva, O. (2024). Transboundary transportation of CO2 streams by ships: regulatory barriers for scaling up carbon capture and sub-seabed storage. Frontiers in Marine Science, 11, 1-15, Article 1423962.
Westholm, Aron, and Gabriela Argüello. “Dynamic Ocean Management in Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction.” Ocean development and international law 54.4 (2023): 448–468.
Argüello, Gabriela. "Opportunities for Protecting Biological Diversity in the Arctic Ocean." The Yearbook of Polar Law 13, no. 1 (2022): 127-53.
Argüello, Gabriela. "The International Maritime Organization and Regime Interaction: Cooperation or Hegemony?". Cambridge International Law Journal, 10, no. 2 (2021): 255–79.
Argüello, Gabriela "Environmentally Sound Management of Ship Wastes: Challenges and Opportunities for European Ports." Journal of Shipping and Trade 5, no. 12 (2020): 1-21.
Argüello, Gabriela . "International Law on Ship Recycling and Its Interface with EU Law." Marine Pollution Bulletin (2016).
Offshore wind power and marine environmental protection: friends or
Gabriela Arguello
Sea and Society Talks - 2024 -
The Law of the Sea in the Age of Courts: From Negotiated Law to Adjudicated
Gabriela Arguello, Niels Krabbe
International Conference: Waves of change: nurturing ocean resilience & chartering sustainable futures - 2024 -
Transboundary transportation of CO2 streams by ships: regulatory barriers for scaling up carbon capture and sub-seabed
Gabriela Arguello, Olena Bokareva
Frontiers in Marine Science - 2024 -
Remissvar – promemorian ”Förbud mot utsläpp från skrubbrar till vatten inom svenskt
Claes Martinson, Niels Krabbe, Gabriela Argüello Moncayo, Aron Westholm
Remissvar till Landsbygds- och infrastrukturdepartementet - 2024 -
Climate Policy Dilemmas in Offshore Wind Power and Sub-Seabed Carbon Storage
Gabriela Arguello
47th Annual Conference on Oceans Law and Policy (COLP47) - 2024 -
Meshed Offshore Grids in the North Sea: Legal Opportunities and
Gabriela Arguello
Harnessing the Wind: Offshore Wind Power’s Regulatory Framework - 2024 -
Expanding Critical Maritime Infrastructure in the North Sea:
What are the legal
Gabriela Arguello
Securing infrastructure and the green transition in the North Sea: Symposium on Critical Maritime Infrastructure Protection - 2024 -
Conflicts at Sea: Coexistence Challenges with Offshore Wind
Gabriela Arguello
Innovations for the Blue Planet 2024 - International Conference - 2024 -
Transporting CO2 streams by ships: another threat for the marine
Gabriela Arguello, Olena Bokareva
Proceedings of the 25th International Transport and Air Pollution (TAP) and the 3rd Shipping and Environment (S&E) Conference - 2024 -
Innovating Ocean Governance
Lena Gipperth, Aron Westholm, Gabriela Arguello, Niels Krabbe
Towards a Sustainable World: Academic Insights and Perspectives - 2024 -
Dynamic Ocean Management in Areas Beyond National
Aron Westholm, Gabriela Arguello
Ocean Development and International Law - 2024 -
Havsmiljöinstitutets svar på remiss Dnr LI2023/02616 om
Gabriela Arguello, Kjell Larsson, Ida-Maja Hassellöv, Eva-Lotta Sundblad, Despoina Andrioti Bygvraa
Havsmiljöinstitutet - 2023 -
Ice Management Research and the Arctic Marine
Gabriela Arguello, Julia M. Johansson
in Basu Bal Abhinayan, Rajput Trisha, Argüello Gabriela, and Langlet David Regulation of Risk: Transport, Trade and Environment in Perspective - 2023 -
Fixing Lines in the Sea: Climate Change and Maritime
Gabriela Arguello
Maritime Law Perspectives Old and New: Volume II - 2023 -
Marine ecosystem bodies as entangled environments and entangled laws: drones and the marine
Gabriela Arguello, Matilda Arvidsson, Niels Krabbe
American Journal of International Law Unbound - 2023 -
Science diplomacy and Asian states: Transforming the governance landscape in the
Gabriela Arguello, Vonintsoa Rafaly
Polar Record - 2023 -
The Art of Balancing Interests at Sea: Due Regard and Large-Scale Offshore Wind
Gabriela Arguello
Cambridge International Law Journal Blog - 2023 -
Climate Policy Dilemmas in Offshore Wind Power and Sub-Seabed Carbon Storage
Gabriela Arguello
The Annual NCLOS Conference - 2023: Ocean Commons - 2023 -
Navigating Conflicts at Sea: Due Regard Obligations and Large-Scale Offshore Wind
Gabriela Arguello
2023 Bergen Energy and Climate Law Days - 2023 -
Multi-use ocean spaces and offshore wind
Gabriela Arguello
International Workshop “Developing Robust and Sustainable Ocean Regimes for Uncertain Futures” - 2023 -
Smart Port State Enforcement Through UAVs: New Horizons for the Prevention of Ship Source Marine
Gabriela Arguello
Johansson, T.M., Dalaklis, D., Fernández, J.E., Pastra, A., Lennan, M. (eds) Smart Ports and Robotic Systems: Navigating the Waves of Techno-Regulation and Governance - 2023 -
Regulation of Risk: Transport, Trade and Environment in
Abhinayan Basu Bal, Trisha Rajput, Gabriela Arguello, David Langlet
2023 -
Introduction to Regulation of
Gabriela Arguello, Abhinayan Basu Bal, Trisha Rajput, David Langlet
in Basu Bal, et al., Regulation of Risk: Transport, Trade and Environment in Perspective - 2023 -
Svar på remiss, dnr TSF 2020-75, föreskrifter och allmänna råd (TSFS 20xx:xx) om mottagning av avfall från
Eva-Lotta Sundblad, Gabriela Arguello, Kjell Larsson
Havsmiljöinstitutet - 2022 -
Svar på remiss, dnr TSF 2020-74, om förslag till ändring i Transportstyrelsens föreskrifter (TSFS 2010:96) om åtgärder mot förorening från
Eva-Lotta Sundblad, Gabriela Arguello
Havsmiljöinstitutet - 2022 -
Remiss gällande Promemorian Mottagningsanordningar i hamn för avfall från fartyg, diarienr
Eva-Lotta Sundblad, Gabriela Arguello, Johanna Gipperth
Havsmiljöinstitutet - 2022 -
The International Maritime Organization’s Contribution to Regime Interaction: Past, Present, and
Gabriela Arguello
Max Planck Yearbook of United Nations Law - 2022 -
Opportunities for Protecting Biological Diversity in the Arctic
Gabriela Arguello
The Yearbook of Polar Law - 2022 -
Justice for the Ocean: Dynamic management and the protection of marine
Gabriela Arguello
Oceans, Justice and Human Rights Conference - 2022 -
Rights of nature and the legal architecture of the
Gabriela Arguello, Vonintsoa Rafaly, Nkeiru Scotcher
Act! Sustainable Research Conference 2022 - 2022 -
Panel Discussion with Isabella Lövin: Protecting our Ocean – the mismatch between what we know and what we
Gabriela Arguello
Act! Sustainable Research Conference 2022 - 2022 -
Deadly bouquets: environmental (in)justice and the cut flower
Gabriela Argüello Moncayo, Julia M. Johansson
Rachel Carson Center: Silent Springs - Global Histories of Pesticides and Our Toxic World(s) - 2022 -
Port Reception Facilities and MARPOL – Annex II residues: An EU Law
Gabriela Argüello Moncayo
Miljövänligare sjöfart med all tankrengöring i hamn. 11 oktober 2022, Göteborg. - 2022 -
Regulation of ships at anchor: Safety and environmental
Gabriela Arguello, Niels Krabbe, David Langlet, Ida-Maja Hassellöv, Claes Martinson, Astrid Helmstad
Marine Policy - 2022 -
Asian States and the (Global) Arctic
Consequences for the environmental governance of the Arctic
Gabriela Arguello, Vonintsoa Rafaly
NESS - Nordic Environmental Social Science Conference: Emergency and transformation - 2022 -
The International Maritime Organization and regime interaction: cooperation or
Gabriela Argüello Moncayo
Cambridge International Law Journal - 2021 -
Capacity Assessment (institutional and infrastructure) in the implementation of MARPOL Annexes IV and V in Namibia commissioned by the Secretariat of the Benguela Current Convention
Johannes Iitembu, Gabriela Arguello, Theopolina Iita, Ignatius Kauvee
2021 -
Large-scale collective action in the Arctic Ocean: the role of international organizations in climate
Gabriela Arguello
Ocean and Coastal Management - 2021 -
América Latina y la negociación del Tratado sobre la conservación y el uso sostenible de la diversidad biológica marina de las zonas situadas fuera de la jurisdicción
Gabriela Arguello
Boletín de Actualidad Jurídica, Instituto Iberoamericano de Derecho Marítimo (IIDM), Rama Chilena - 2021 -
Governing Technological Climate Revolution: Geoengineering Research and the Arctic Marine
Gabriela Argüello Moncayo, Julia M. Johansson
Revisiting Trade, Transport, and Marine Law: Risk and Technology in Perspective - 2021 -
International Organizations and Regime Interaction: Friends or
Gabriela Arguello
10th Annual Cambridge International Law Conference: National Sovereignty and International Co-operation: The Challenges of Navigating Global Crises - 2021 -
The Marine Arctic: What Role For Law When The Ice
Gabriela Arguello
Ocean Governance Podcast - Episode 14 - 2021 -
Situationality of Global Risks: The Role of International Organizations in Climate
Gabriela Arguello
Ninth Annual Cambridge International Law Conference – 2020 Webinar Series - 2020 -
Re-imagining the Law of the Sea: Opportunities for the protection of biological diversity in the Arctic
Gabriela Argüello Moncayo
13th Polar Law Symposium Special Online Session - 2020 -
Environmentally sound Management of Ship Wastes: challenges and opportunities for European
Gabriela Arguello
Journal of Shipping and Trade - 2020 -
Online Panel: 'UNCLOS' evolution, common interests and collective action' a discussion for law and international relationships students' at the University San Francisco de Quito.
Gabriela Arguello
2020 -
Marine pollution, shipping waste and international
Regime Interaction and
Gabriela Arguello
Maritime Law in Motion - Editors, Proshanto Mukherkee, Maximo Mejia, Jingjing Xu - 2020 -
Environmentally Sound Management of ship wastes: challenges and opportunities for European
Gabriela Argüello Moncayo
World Conference on Transport Research - WCTR 2019 (Mumbai - India) - 2019 -
Let’s talk about the ocean and climate
Environmentally Sound Management – Its status and role in the sea-land interface regulation of
Testing the boundaries between the Basel and MARPOL regimes: are they complementary or mutually
Gabriela Argüello Moncayo
Transportation Research Procedia - 2017 -
International law on ship recycling and its interface with EU
Gabriela Argüello Moncayo
Marine Pollution Bulletin - 2016 -
European Regulation on Ship Recycling and its Interface with International Law: An Emerging Regime Beyond the Realm of
Gabriela Argüello Moncayo
The Sixth Maritime Law & Policy International Postgraduate Research Conference, City Law London - 2015 -
Hazardous Wastes' Trade: A Global
Gabriela Argüello Moncayo
The Maritime Law and Policy Postgraduate Research Conference 2012, City University London - 2012