
Gabriela Arguello


Juridiska institutionen
Vasagatan 1
41124 Göteborg
Box 650
40530 Göteborg

Universitetslektor, biträdande

Juridiska institutionen
Vasagatan 1
41124 Göteborg
Box 650
40530 Göteborg

Om Gabriela Arguello

Gabriela Argüello, BA, LLM, JD, is an Associate Senior Lecturer at the Law Department. She is also a research fellow financed by The Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities. She specializes in the law of the sea and is a member of the Centre for Collective Action Research (CeCAR) and the Centre for Sea and Society. Gabriela completed her JD in Maritime and Transport Law at the University of Gothenburg. She also holds a Master’s degree in Maritime Law from Lund University and completed her undergraduate law studies in Ecuador at Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador. Her research interests focus on interdisciplinary global environmental challenges related to the oceans and involving multi-scale actors (States, international organizations, industries, and civil society organizations). She has researched various topics, including waste management, pesticides, ship recycling, ship source pollution, ocean governance, and energy transitions.

Other Academic and Policy-Oriented positions:

Ongoing Research Projects:

Previous Research Projects

  • Marine Governance in the Arctic Marine Environment: 2019-2022. To learn more about the Arctic Marine Environment, click on the following link.
  • Smart Port Enforcement: The Prevention of Marine Pollution by Algorithm: 2022-2023 (500 000 SEK)

Gabriela has presented and published her work at various international conferences and international peer-reviewed journals. She is the sole author of the book Marine Pollution, Shipping Waste and International Law. Great Britain: Routledge, 2019. Here you can read the reviews of this book:

Jessen, Henning in The Journal of International Maritime Law, 25:6, November December 2019, 519.

Kirchner, Stefan in The Yearbook of Polar Law,12:1, December 2020, 477.

She also reviews articles from several academic journals, including Marine Pollution Bulletin, Ocean Development and International Law, RECIEL, Journal of Shipping and Trade, and The Ocean Yearbook.

Editorial work:

Gabriela is an editorial member of the Journal of Shipping and Trade.

På andra webbplatser


  • sjörätt med annan transporträtt, miljörätt, internationell rätt


  • internationell rätt, sjörätt, miljörätt

Utvalda publikationer

Westholm, Aron, and Gabriela Argüello. “Dynamic Ocean Management in Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction.” Ocean development and international law 54.4 (2023): 448–468.

Argüello, Gabriela. "Opportunities for Protecting Biological Diversity in the Arctic Ocean." The Yearbook of Polar Law 13, no. 1 (2022): 127-53.

Argüello, Gabriela. "The International Maritime Organization and Regime Interaction: Cooperation or Hegemony?". Cambridge International Law Journal, 10, no. 2 (2021): 255–79.

Argüello, Gabriela "Environmentally Sound Management of Ship Wastes: Challenges and Opportunities for European Ports." Journal of Shipping and Trade 5, no. 12 (2020): 1-21.

Argüello, Gabriela Marine Pollution, Shipping Waste and International Law. Routledge Research in International Environmental Law. Great Britain: Routledge, 2019.

Argüello, Gabriela . "International Law on Ship Recycling and Its Interface with EU Law." Marine Pollution Bulletin (2016).