University of Gothenburg

Section Accounting

We offer a wide range of courses, including professional training in accounting. The Section broadly conducts research in two fields: Financial accounting and reporting, and Management accounting.

We offer a wide range of courses, including professional training in accounting. The goal of all courses is to give students sound instruction in accounting that will be useful to them in their professional work or in their academic research. Most of the teachers have doctoral degrees and are actively engaged in research.

The Accounting Section  broadly conducts research in two fields: Financial accounting and reporting, and Management accounting. In addition, pedagogical research is conducted on the effects of teaching methods in accounting courses in higher education.

Research at the section is internationally oriented. The faculty collaborates with scholars at many international universities and business schools for joint research projects. The research findings of the section have been published in a range of leading international research journals.



Head of Section
Marita Blomkvist
+ 46 31 786 47 55

Administrative coordinator
Satenik Atanesyan
+46 31 786 29 18

Visiting address: Vasagatan 1

Postal adress: Department of Business Administration
PO Box 610
405 30 Gothenburg, Sweden

Faculty and Staff

Name Title Subgroup
Agndal, Henrik Professor Management accounting
Ax, Christian Professor Management accounting
Baldvinsdottir, Gudrun Senior lecturer, associate professor Management accounting
Bergevärn, Lars-Eric Lecturer Management accounting
Beusch, Peter Senior lecturer Management accounting
Blomkvist, Marita Senior lecturer Financial accounting
Brogeby, Marcus Doctoral student Financial accounting
Brus, Malin Doctoral student Financial accounting
Cäker, Mikael Senior lecturer, associate professor Management accounting
Elliot, Viktor Senior lecturer Management accounting
Eriksson, Jan-Olof Doctoral student Management accounting
Hartmann, Berit Senior lecturer, associate professor Financial accounting
Jóhannesson, Húni Doctoral student Management accounting
Jonäll, Kristina Senior lecturer Financial accounting
Karlsson, Malin Doctoral student Financial accounting
Lajevardi, Rozita Doctoral student Management accounting
Marton, Jan Senior lecturer, associate professor Financial accounting
Olofsson, Emma Doctoral student Management accounting
Paananen, Mari Senior lecturer, associate professor Financial accounting
Pettersson, Anna-Karin Senior lecturer Financial accounting
Runesson, Emmeli Senior lecturer, associate professor Financial accounting
Sabelfeld, Lana Senior lecturer, associate professor Financial accounting
Samani, Niuosha Senior lecturer Financial accounting
Taraj, Ismelda Doctoral student Financial accounting
Wahlberg, Joakim Doctoral student Management accounting
Åkesson, Johan Senior lecturer Management accounting

Associated members

Namn Titel                               
Nilsson, Ulf Associate professor, guest researcher

Management accounting

Polesie, Thomas Professor emeritus Financial accounting