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- Patrik Michaelsen
Patrik Michaelsen
Statsvetenskapliga institutionenOm Patrik Michaelsen
Doktorsexamen från Psykologiska institutionen, Göteborgs universitet. Postdoktor vid Statsvetenskapliga institutionen 2023-
Mina intresseområden kretsar kring behavioural public policy, miljöpolitik, och beteendeförändring. Jag är intresserad av hur individer fattar beslut och speciellt vad individer tycker om försök att påverka deras beslutsfattande. Exempel på fokusområden i min forskning är policyacceptans för miljöstyrmedel, hur individer upplever faktiska påverkansförsök (kopplat till frågor om etik och välbefinnande), och hur ökad transparens kring policyinterventioner påverkar effektivitet och individers omdömen om dem. Jag använder primärt experiment och surveymetodik, och är en en engagerad anhängare till den så kallade "open science"-metodreformrörelsen inom samhällsvetenskaperna.
Utvalda publikationer
Michaelsen, P. & Sunstein, C. R. (2023). Default nudges: From people’s experiences to policymaking implications. Palgrave Macmillan. Länk
Michaelsen, P. (2024). Transparency and nudging: An overview and methodological critique of empirical investigations. Behavioural Public Policy, 1–11. Länk
Conservation for nature and wildlife’s sake: the effects of (non-)anthropocentric ethical justifications on policy
Lauren Yehle, Patrik Michaelsen, Niklas Harring, Sverker C. Jagers
Journal of Public Policy - 2024 -
Mass support for conserving 30% of the Earth by 2030: Experimental evidence from five
Transparency and nudging: an overview and methodological critique of empirical
Patrik Michaelsen
Behavioural Public Policy - 2024 -
Non-professional versus professional investors’ trust in financial analysts’ recommendations and influences on
Magnus Jansson, Patrik Michaelsen, Doron Sonsino, Tommy Gärling
Review of Behavioral Finance - 2024 -
Experiencing default nudges: autonomy, manipulation, and choice-satisfaction as judged by people
Patrik Michaelsen, Lars-Olof Johansson, Martin Hedesström
Behavioural Public Policy - 2024 -
Default Nudges: From People's Experiences to Policymaking
Patrik Michaelsen, Cass R. Sunstein
2023 -
Overspending on smartphone purchases among Swedish young
Tommy Gärling, Patrik Michaelsen, Amelie Gamble
Nordic Psychology - 2023 -
Fast and slow investments in asset markets: Influences on risk
Tommy Gärling, Dawei Fang, Martin Holmén, Patrik Michaelsen
Journal of Behavioral Finance - 2021 -
Downstream consequences of disclosing defaults: influences on perceptions of choice architects and subsequent
Patrik Michaelsen, Lina Nyström, Timothy Luke, Martin Hedesström
Comprehensive Results in Social Psychology - 2021 -
Experiences and Perceptions of Default
Patrik Michaelsen
2021 -
Financial risk-taking related to individual risk preference, social comparison and
Tommy Gärling, Dawei Fang, Martin Holmén, Patrik Michaelsen
Review of Behavioral Finance - 2021 -
On Why We Should Care about People’s Experiences and Perceptions of Behavior Change
Patrik Michaelsen
6th Annual Center for Collective Action Research Conference. Gothenburg: 17-18 June 2021 - 2021 -
Can Nudging Green Behaviour Damage People's Motivation to Engage in
Ylva Andersson, Timothy Luke, Patrik Michaelsen
6th Annual Center for Collective Action Research Conference. Gothenburg: 17-18 June 2021 - 2021 -
In a future nudge dystopia, people may be perceived as less competent and accountable for their
Patrik Michaelsen, Ylva Andersson, Amanda Lindkvist, Lisa Olsson
41st Annual Conference of the Society for Judgment and Decision Making. Virtual: 9-12 December - 2020 -
Young adults’ borrowing to purchases of desired consumer products related to present‐biased temporal discounting, attitude towards borrowing and financial involvement and
Tommy Gärling, Patrik Michaelsen, Amelie Gamble
International Journal of Consumer Studies - 2020 -
Young Adults’ Consumption Desires, Feelings of Financial Scarcity and
Amelie Gamble, Tommy Gärling, Patrik Michaelsen
Indebtedness in Early Adulthood: Causes and Remedies - 2019 -
Young Adults’ Attitudes Toward
Amelie Gamble, Tommy Gärling, Patrik Michaelsen
Indebtedness in Early Adulthood: Causes and Remedies - 2019 -
The Claim that Confidence Can Predict Accuracy in Deception Detection is
Timothy Luke, Karl Ask, Patrik Michaelsen, Lina Nyström
40th Annual Conference of the Society for Judgment and Decision Making. Montreal: 15-18 November. - 2019 -
Downstream consequences of disclosing nudges: How increased transparency affects the effectiveness and perceptions of
Patrik Michaelsen, Lina Nyström, Timothy Luke, Lars-Olof Johansson, Martin Hedesström
40th Annual Conference of the Society for Judgment and Decision Making. Montreal: 15-18 November. - 2019 -
Increasing transparency may improve net effects of default
Lina Nyström, Patrik Michaelsen, Timothy Luke, Martin Hedesström
40th Annual Conference of the Society for Judgment and Decision Making. Montreal: 15-18 November 2019. - 2019 -
A demonstration of positive nudge-induced behavioral
Martin Hedesström, Patrik Michaelsen, Lina Nyström, Timothy Luke, Lars-Olof Johansson
40th Annual Conference of the Society for Judgment and Decision Making. Montreal: 15-18 November 2019. - 2019 -
Does transparency solve the ethical problems of subtle behavioral
Patrik Michaelsen
4th Annual Center for Collective Action Research Conference. Gothenburg: 18-19 June 2018. - 2019 -
Fast and Slow Investments in Asset Markets: Influences on Risk
Tommy Gärling, Dawei Fang, Martin Holmén, Patrik Michaelsen
Behavioral Finance Working Group Conference. London: 6-7 June 2019 - 2019 -
Do nudges respect autonomy? The people's
Patrik Michaelsen
3rd Annual Center for Collective Action Research Conference,. Gothenburg: 18-19 June 2018. - 2018 -
Influencing behavioral spillover from nudges through
Patrik Michaelsen, Magnus Bergquist, Andreas Nilsson, Lars-Olof Johansson, P. Wesley Schultz, Martin Hedesström
39th Annual Conference of the Society for Judgment and Decision Making. New Orleans: 16-19 November 2018. - 2018 -
Factors influencing young adults' choices of method of paying for
Tommy Gärling, Patrik Michaelsen, Amelie Gamble
SABE/IAREP Conference. London: 19-22 July 2018. - 2018 -
Financial risk taking related to individual risk preference, social comparison, and
Tommy Gärling, Dawei Fang, Martin Holmen, Patrik Michaelsen
Behavioral Finance Working Group Conference. London: 12-13 June 2017 - 2017 -
Experiencing Nudges: Choice Autonomy, Situational Intrusion and Choice Satisfaction as Judged by People
Patrik Michaelsen, Lars-Olof Johansson, Martin Hedesström
38th Annual Conference of the Society for Judgment and Decision Making. Vancouver: 10-13 November 2017. - 2017 -
Environmental, Autonomous and Satisfied: Experimental Evidence for Positive Experiences of Green
Patrik Michaelsen, Lars-Olof Johansson, Martin Hedesström
32nd annual meeting of the Swedish Area Group in Environmental Psychology (SAGEP). Uppsala: 6-7 November - 2017 -
From desire to despair: Scarcity mindset and young adults’ borrowing to purchases of consumer
Tommy Gärling, Patrik Michaelsen
SABE/IAREP Conference: Behavioural insights in research and policy making. Wageningen University, 8-10 July 2016 - 2016