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- Magnus Bergquist
Magnus Bergquist
Psykologiska institutionenOm Magnus Bergquist
Jag arbetar som forskare och universitetslektor.
Mina forskning handlar om beslutsfattande och beteende kopplat till klimatförändringen.
Tillämpade frågor är
1) Hur kan vi utveckla och utvärdera interventionstekniker för beteendeförändring
2) Hur påverkas människor av extrema väderhändelser
3) Vad får människor att acceptera miljöpolitiska styrmedel
Jag undervisar inom statistik, vetenskapteori/metod och miljöpsykologi.
Acceptability of plastic policies: Cross-cultural insights on social norms and
Lina Hertzberg, Magnus Bergquist, Olorondu Winner Obianuju, Andreas Nilsson
Limiting support for environmental policies: Unfairness is a more critical barrier than cost and
Magnus Bergquist
AMBIO - 2025 -
The Role of Perceived Fairness in Public Opinion on Sustainable Transportation Policy: A Meta-Analytic Structural Equation
Summer Isaacson, Sverker C. Jagers, Marvin Helferich, Magnus Bergquist
International Journal of Climate Change: Impacts and Responses - 2025 -
Hotels re-explored: Experience and influence of reciprocity and social normative
Malin Ekelund, Magnus Bergquist
PLOS ONE - 2023 -
Descriptive social norms and resource cues influence choice by additive and separate
Magnus Bergquist, Lars-Olof Johansson
Nordic Psychology - 2023 -
Field interventions for climate change mitigation behaviors: A second-order
Magnus Bergquist, Maximilian Thiel, M. H. Goldberg, S. V. Linden
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America - 2023 -
Are broken windows spreading? Evaluating the robustness and strengths of the cross-norm effect using replications and a
Magnus Bergquist, Marvin Helferich, Maximilian Thiel, Simon Hellquist, Sofiia Skipor, Winner Ubianuju, Emma Ejelöv
Journal of Environmental Psychology - 2023 -
Nudging green food: The effects of a hedonic cue, menu position, a warm-glow cue, and a descriptive
Tommy Reinholdsson, Martin Hedesström, E. Ejelov, André Hansla, Magnus Bergquist, A. Svenfelt, Andreas Nilsson
Journal of Consumer Behaviour - 2023 -
Direct and mediated impacts of social norms on pro-environmental
Marvin Helferich, J. Thogersen, Magnus Bergquist
Global Environmental Change-Human and Policy Dimensions - 2023 -
Why are they eco-friendly? Attributing eco-friendly descriptive norms to intrinsic motivation increases pro-environmental purchase
Emma Ejelöv, Magnus Bergquist, André Hansla, Andreas Nilsson
PloS one - 2022 -
The importance of perceived fairness to public opinion about climate change
Magnus Bergquist, Sverker C. Jagers
Nature Climate Change - 2022 -
Meta-analyses of fifteen determinants of public opinion about climate change taxes and
Magnus Bergquist, Andreas Nilsson, Niklas Harring, Sverker C. Jagers
Nature Climate Change - 2022 -
Self-persuading norms: Adding a self-persuasion technique strengthens the influence of descriptive social
Magnus Bergquist, Emma Ejelöv
Social Influence - 2022 -
Police decision-making in the absence of evidence-based guidelines: Assessment of alcohol-intoxicated
Daniel Pettersson, Magnus Bergquist, Angelica Hagsand
Frontiers in Psychology - 2022 -
Replicating the focus theory of normative conduct as tested by Cialdini et al.
Magnus Bergquist, Paula Blumenschein, Patrik Karinti, Jana Köhler, Érika Martins Silva Ramos, Joel Röström, Emma Ejelöv
Journal of Environmental Psychology - 2021 -
Feeling or following? A field-experiment comparing social norms-based and emotions-based motives encouraging pro-environmental
Magnus Bergquist, Lina Nyström, Andreas Nilsson
Journal of Consumer Behaviour - 2020 -
Most People Think They Are More Pro-Environmental than Others: A Demonstration of the Better-than-Average Effect in Perceived Pro-Environmental Behavioral
Magnus Bergquist
Basic and Applied Social Psychology - 2020 -
The DOs and DON'Ts in Social Norms: A descriptive Don't-norm increases
Magnus Bergquist, Andreas Nilsson
Journal of Theoretical Social Psychology - 2019 -
Experiencing a severe weather event increases concern about climate
Magnus Bergquist, Andreas Nilsson, P. Wesley Schultz
Frontiers in Psychology - 2019 -
Contest-based and norm-based interventions: (How) do they differ in attitudes, norms, and
Magnus Bergquist, Andreas Nilsson, Emma Ejelöv
Sustainability - 2019 -
Using social norms in smart meters: the norm distance
Magnus Bergquist, Andreas Nilsson
Energy Efficiency - 2018 -
Regulating Emotional Responses to Climate Change – A Construal Level
Emma Ejelöv, André Hansla, Magnus Bergquist, Andreas Nilsson
Frontiers in Psychology - 2018 -
Influencing behavioral spillover from nudges through
Patrik Michaelsen, Magnus Bergquist, Andreas Nilsson, Lars-Olof Johansson, P. Wesley Schultz, Martin Hedesström
39th Annual Conference of the Society for Judgment and Decision Making. New Orleans: 16-19 November 2018. - 2018 -
Using contest-based or norm-based
Magnus Bergquist, Andreas Nilsson, André Hansla
International Conference on Environmental Psychology (ICEP)At: A Coruna, Spain - 2017 -
Contests versus norms: Implications of contest-based and norm-based intervention
Magnus Bergquist, Andreas Nilsson, André Hansla
Frontiers in Psychology - 2017 -
Using social norms in energy conservation
Magnus Bergquist
2017 -
Spillover effects in environmental behaviors, across time and context: a review and research
Andreas Nilsson, Magnus Bergquist, P. Wesley Schultz
Environmental Education Research - 2017 -
Using social norms in energy conservation
Magnus Bergquist
2016 -
Minding the gap: Influence of distance between own behavior and social norms on energy conservation
Magnus Bergquist, Andreas Nilsson
11th Biennial Conference on Environmental Psychology, Groningen 2015 - 2015 -
Minding the Gap: Normative Influence on Energy Conservation
Magnus Bergquist, Andreas Nilsson
European Congress of Psychology 2015, Milan - 2015