Collaborate with us
We see collaboration and cooperation as a quality-driving activity that permeates our activities and is also part of the work for a better world. We contribute in various ways to the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), for example through seminars focusing on solutions to global challenges. We promote science-based decision-making in society.
Our interaction with society includes commissioned research, commissioned education, collaborative research projects and school collaboration. We actively participate in public debate and activities for the general public, such as the Vetenskapsfestivalen and Västerhavsveckan. We also work closely with industry and public authorities in various projects where we contribute with expertise.
Meeting places
Conversation series on YouTube
”Hur vet vi det? Forskare diskuterar.” is a popular science conversation series online, arranged by the Faculty of Science and Technology and Folkuniversitetet. Here we discuss issues that are current and important in our society. Furthermore we talk about how researchers work to produce the facts that form the basis for various research findings.
Read more about the series in our calendar (in Swedish)
Watch previous conversations on youtube (in Swedish)
A centre serve as a meeting place for students, researchers, business and the public sector. The centres are multidisciplinary and several subjects, faculty areas and higher education institutions can be included in the same centre. The centres highlight areas that are at the intersection of traditional disciplines.
List of Centres of expertise and research
Marine infrastructure
The marine infrastructure at the University of Gothenburg consists of two marine research stations and a larger vessel. The infrastructure welcomes researchers and students from all over the world and has good experience in assisting a variety of research directions. Kristineberg marine research station is located in Lysekil and Tjärnö marine laboratory outside Strömstad. Schools and members of the general public are also welcome to visit.
Botanical Garden in Gothenburg
Research and development is an important part of the Botanical Garden's activities. We work closely with the Botanical Garden. Researchers at the University of Gothenburg work on site in the garden.
Botanical Garden in Gothenburg
University Park in Mariestad
Residents in Mariestad and visitors can both utilize the University park in Mariestad, at the same time students and researchers conduct activities in different parts of the park. In the park there are, among other things, a building area, a mortar area and a green house for gardening and crafts education.
Universeum is the largest Science Center in the Nordic region. The University of Gothenburg are one of the founders of Universeum, which means that we are involved in a number of different ways, among other things, our teachers contribute with expertise in the creation of various exhibitions.
The University of Gothenburg and Chalmers have in many areas a well-developed collaboration with integrated departments, which means that the department conduct research and education in both universities. At the Faculty of Science and Technology, the Department of Computer Science and Technology and the Department of Mathematical Sciences is integrated. In other subjects such as physics and chemistry there are strong collaboration with Chalmers.
Utilization and innovation
Research and innovation are crucial to providing us with the knowledge needed to find solutions to societal challenges and put them into practice. In many cases, our education and research is made in close collaboration with various parts of our society, and has its starting-point in the need of knowledge and the challenges of the society. We collaborate with the private sector, the public sector and non-profit organizations, which means that we have a broad view of utilization and innovation.