Media Services
You are welcome to contact us for any media enquiries. Use our press contacts or find a suitable contact in our expert lists and search directory.
Olof Lönnehed, Communications Officer
+46 766-18 69 70
+46 31-786 69 70
Tanja Thompson, Head of Communications
+46 766-22 98 86
+46 31-786 98 86
Sustainability and environmentMangroves more important to Earth's climate than previously known
OceanIncreased offshore wind potential in a warmer world
OceanA whole new view on glacier melting in Antarctica
Science and Information TechnologyAI model finds the cancer clues at lightning speed
Science and Information TechnologyModel shows how plankton survive in a turbulent world
OceanMuch of the Nord Stream gas remained in the sea
Sustainability and environmentHelp scientists with photographs of seals
Sustainability and environmentConcrete stars to save Sweden's coral reefs
OceanUnknown species discovered on deep-sea expedition
Science and Information TechnologyMethods for finding structure in large-scale data