Research projects within the Mobility research group
On this page you find ongoing and completed projects within the Mobility research group.
Ongoing projects
- Accelerating work from home. A study of teleworkers’ everyday time use, time pressure and well-being
- Urban proximity: to what and for whom? The long-term development and social distribution of sustainable accessibility in selected Swedish urban regions
- Hemarbetet, pandemin och den energisnåla staden – omställningens möjligheter, utmaningar och spänningar
- Telework, the pandemic and the energy-efficient city – transformative opportunities, challenges and tensions
- Accessibility Planning Lab: Joint development with Region Västra Götaland of accessibility planning tools, measures and methods.
- Ageing times. Understanding generational changes in elderly’s use of time and space with implications for health and wellbeing.
- Differences between accessibility estimation as calculated by models and as perceived by individuals
- Disrupting automobility? Accessibility strategies and mobility practices beyond the private car.
- MISTRA Sports & Outdoors: Research and co-creation towards sustainable sports and outdoor recreation actitivities. Work Package 2 – Sustainable Transport Solutions.
- Urban logistics activities: Freight transport efficiency vs. land use conflicts.
Completed projects 2010-2022
- From sedentary behaviors to sedentary moments What constitutes and shapes children’s activities and performances at home
- COMMUTE Changing commuting in large urban areas: Identifying acceptable and effective measures
- Distansarbetets spridning, acceptans och praktik. Analyser av de rumsligt flexibla arbetsformernas snabba expansion i Sverige 2005-2014
- Hur, var och när förtätning av städer leder till energieffektivare vardagsresor.
- New media and the balance of work and home life. How IT-use affects the boundaries of daily activities.
Towards sustainable urban and regional accessibility – reducing implementation deficits with knowledge-based interactive planning tools.
Bertil Vilhelmson (project leader), Ana Gil Solá and Anders Larsson.
Funded by the Swedish Research Council Formas, 2015-2018.
Where does online time come from? The internet influence on people’s use of time and space.
Bertil Vilhelmson (project leader), Eva Thulin and Erik Elldér
Funded by the Swedish Research Council, VR, 2015-2018.
Where are the flexible workers? Investigating the spatial dimension of growing telework adoption in West Sweden.
Eva Thulin (project leader) och Bertil Vilhelmson
Funded by the Foundation for Economic Research in West Sweden, 2014 -2015.
Ways to gender equality in municipal transport planning.
Ana Gil Solá and Merritt Polk (project leader) Dep.t of Global Studies, GU
Funded by the Swedish Innovation Agency, Vinnova, 2014
Accessibility Atlas of Västra Götaland. Updates and further development.
Anders Larsson
Funded by Västra Götalandsregionen (VGR), 2014.
Freight distribution in the city.
Jerry Olsson
Funded by University of Gothenburg/Chalmers Strategic Sustainable Transport Initiative, 2014.
Logistikaktiviteternas tillgänglighet till väg- och järnvägsnät i Västra Götaland.
Jerry Olsson
Funded by the Swedish Government Agency Transport Analysis, 2014.
SPRINT. The West Swedish Node of Public Transportation Research.
Bertil Vilhelmson (project leader), Erik Elldér, Anders Larsson.
Funded by the Swedish Innovation Agency, Vinnova, 2013-2014.
Travel behavior change in Greater Oslo.
Tom Erik Julsrud (project leader), Institute of Transport Economics, Oslo; Bertil Vilhelmson et al.
Funded by the Institute of Transport Economics (TØI), Oslo, 2013-2016
Sustainable port regions: the case of Gothenburg, Sweden.
Jerry Olsson
Funded by the Foundation for Economic Research in West Sweden, 2013–2014.
Location, accessibility and mobility. The changing influence of built environment on daily travel.
Erik Elldér. Supervisor: Bertil Vilhelmson. Assistant supervisor: Anders Larsson.
Doctoral project. Funded by the Faculty GU, 2012-2016.
The year abroad and subsequent transnational life: Mobility implications of going abroad during a period of early adulthood.
Lotta Frändberg
Funded by the Swedish Research Council, VR. 2010–2014.
Virtual mobility and the city. How people's use of ICT affects urban place and space.
Bertil Vilhelmson
Funded by the Swedish Research Council, VR, 2010-2012.
Improved efficiency in present urban transport systems: optimal localization of freight consolidation centres in the Göteborg region.
Jerry Olsson
Funded by the Swedish Retail and Wholesale Council, 2010–2011.
Virtual networks and geographic mobility: On the role of information and communication technology in young peoples’ migration behaviour.
Eva Thulin
Research Associate project. Funded by the Swedish Research Council, VR, 2008–2012.
Structuring sustainable mobility.
Lotta Frändberg, Erik Hysing (post doc) och Bertil Vilhelmson.
Funded by the Swedish Research Council Formas, 2008–2013
Activities on the move? A study of people’s changing use of time when travelling by public transportation.
Eva Thulin (project leader), Daniel Fahlén and Bertil Vilhelmson
Funded by the Swedish Innovation Agency, Vinnova, 2008–2011.
Commuting from a mobility and gender perspective.
Ana Gil Solá. Supervisor: Bertil Vilhelmson. Co-supervisor: Merritt Polk, Dept. of Global Studies, GU
Doctoral project. Funded by the Faculty GU, Swedish Innovation Agency, Vinnova, and Barbro Osher Pro Suecia Foundation. 2007–2013.
(Re)producing tourist destinations in the mass media. Geographical perspectives on journalistic representations and the conditions of their production.
Kristina Lindström. Supervisor: Bertil Vilhelmson. Co-supervisor: Lena Mossberg, Dept. of Business Administration, GU.
Doctoral project. Funded by the Faculty GU and the Adlerbertska Research Foundation. 2006-2011.