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- Stefanie Fruhwürth
Stefanie Fruhwürth
Department of Psychiatry and NeurochemistryAbout Stefanie Fruhwürth
Microglia and Neuroinflammation | University of Gothenburg (gu.se)
Tyro3 and Gas6 are associated with white matter and myelin integrity in multiple
Igal Rosenstein, Lenka Nováková Nyrén, Hlin Kvartsberg, Anna Nordin, Sofia Rasch, Elzbieta Rembeza, Sofia Sandgren, Clas Malmeström, Stefanie Fruhwürth, Markus Axelsson, Kaj Blennow, Henrik Zetterberg, Jan Lycke
Journal of Neuroinflammation - 2024 -
Microglia and amyloid plaque formation in Alzheimer's disease - Evidence, possible mechanisms, and future
Stefanie Fruhwürth, Henrik Zetterberg, Sören R Paludan
Journal of Neuroimmunology - 2024 -
ER stress induces caspase-2-tBID-GSDMEdependent cell death in neurons lytically infected with herpes simplex virus type
Fanghui Ren, Ryo Narita, Ahmad S. Rashidi, Stefanie Fruhwürth, Zongliang Gao, Rasmus O. Bak, Martin K. Thomsen, Georges M. G. M. Verjans, Line S. Reinert, Sören R Paludan
An IKBKE variant conferring functional cGAS/STING pathway deficiency and susceptibility to recurrent HSV-2
Azadeh Reyahi, Marie Studahl, Morten K Skouboe, Stefanie Fruhwürth, Ryo Narita, Fanghui Ren, Moa Bjerhem Viklund, Marie B Iversen, Mette Christiansen, Alexandra Svensson, Trine H Mogensen, Kristina Eriksson, Sören R Paludan
JCI insight - 2023 -
TREM2 is down-regulated by HSV1 in microglia and involved in antiviral defense in the
Stefanie Fruhwürth, L. S. Reinert, Carl Öberg, Marcelina Sakr, M. Henricsson, Henrik Zetterberg, Sören R Paludan
Science Advances - 2023 -
APP-BACE1 Interaction and Intracellular Localization Regulate A beta Production in iPSC-Derived Cortical
Sandra Roselli, Tugce Munise Satir, Rafael Camacho, Stefanie Fruhwürth, Petra Bergström, Henrik Zetterberg, Lotta Agholme
Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology - 2023 -
Herpes Simplex Virus 1 and 2 Infections during Differentiation of Human Cortical
Petra Bergström, Edward Trybala, Charlotta Eriksson, Maria Johansson, Tugce Munise Satir, Sibylle Widehn, Stefanie Fruhwürth, W. Michno, Faisal Hayat Nazir, Jörg Hanrieder, Sören R Paludan, Lotta Agholme, Henrik Zetterberg, Tomas Bergström
Viruses-Basel - 2021 -
Brain immune cells undergo cGAS-STING-dependent apoptosis during herpes simplex virus type 1
Line S Reinert, Ahmad S Rashidi, Diana N Tran, Georgios Katzilieris-Petras, Astrid K Hvidt, Mette Gohr, Stefanie Fruhwürth, Chiranjeevi Bodda, Martin K Thomsen, Mikkel H Vendelbo, Ahmad Raza Khan, Brian Hansen, Petra Bergström, Lotta Agholme, Trine H Mogensen, Maria H Christensen, Jens R Nyengaard, Ganes C Sen, Henrik Zetterberg, Georges Mgm Verjans, Soren R Paluden
The Journal of clinical investigation - 2020 -
HSV1 VP1-2 deubiquitinates STING to block type I interferon expression and promote brain
C. Bodda, L. S. Reinert, Stefanie Fruhwürth, T. Richardo, C. Sun, B. C. Zhang, M. Kalamvoki, A. Pohlmann, T. H. Mogensen, Petra Bergström, Lotta Agholme, P. O'Hare, B. Sodeik, M. Gyrd-Hansen, Henrik Zetterberg, Sören R Paludan
The Journal of experimental medicine - 2020 -
Novel Insights into How Overnutrition Disrupts the Hypothalamic Actions of
Stefanie Fruhwürth, Heike Vogel, Annette Schürmann, Kevin Jon Williams
Frontiers in endocrinology - 2018 -
The unfolded protein response is a negative regulator of scavenger receptor class B, type I (SR-BI)
Tanja Eberhart, Karin Eigner, Yüksel Filik, Stefanie Fruhwürth, Herbert Stangl, Clemens Röhrl
Biochemical and biophysical research communications - 2016 -
Effect of chronic kidney disease on macrophage cholesterol
Sabine M Meier, Anna Wultsch, Marianne Hollaus, Markus Ammann, Elisabeth Pemberger, Felix Liebscher, Brigitte Lambers, Stefanie Fruhwürth, Tatjana Stojakovic, Hubert Scharnagl, Alice Schmidt, Alexander Springer, Julia Becker, Christoph Aufricht, Ammon Handisurya, Stefan Kapeller, Clemens Röhrl, Herbert Stangl, Witta Strobl
Life sciences - 2015 -
2-Deoxy-D-glucose treatment changes the Golgi apparatus architecture without blocking synthesis of complex
Carmen Ranftler, Claudia Meisslitzer-Ruppitsch, Herbert Stangl, Clemens Röhrl, Stefanie Fruhwürth, Josef Neumüller, Margit Pavelka, Adolf Ellinger
Histochemistry and cell biology - 2015 -
Differential basolateral-apical distribution of scavenger receptor, class B, type I in cultured cells and the
Stefanie Fruhwürth, Werner J Kovacs, Robert Bittman, Simon Messner, Clemens Röhrl, Herbert Stangl
Histochemistry and cell biology - 2014 -
Bile acids reduce endocytosis of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) in HepG2
Clemens Röhrl, Karin Eigner, Stefanie Fruhwürth, Herbert Stangl
PloS one - 2014 -
Inhibition of mTOR down-regulates scavenger receptor, class B, type I (SR-BI) expression, reduces endothelial cell migration and impairs nitric oxide
Stefanie Fruhwürth, Sigurd Krieger, Katharina Winter, Margit Rosner, Mario Mikula, Thomas Weichhart, Robert Bittman, Markus Hengstschläger, Herbert Stangl
Biochimica et biophysica acta - 2014 -
High-density lipoprotein endocytosis in endothelial
Stefanie Fruhwürth, Margit Pavelka, Robert Bittman, Werner J Kovacs, Katharina M Walter, Clemens Röhrl, Herbert Stangl
World journal of biological chemistry - 2013 -
Scavenger receptor, Class B, Type I provides an alternative means for beta-VLDL uptake independent of the LDL receptor in tissue
Clemens Röhrl, Stefanie Fruhwürth, Sabine Maria Schreier, Alfred Lohninger, Andrea Dolischka, Manfred Hüttinger, Nina Zemann, Marcela Hermann, Witta Strobl, Herbert Stangl
Biochimica et biophysica acta - 2010