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- Per Cramér
Per Cramér
Juridiska institutionenOm Per Cramér
Per Cramér is full Professor of International Law and holds the Jean Monnet Chair in European Integration Law at the School of Business Economics and Law at the University of Gothenburg.
Since 2010 he is Dean for the School of Business, Economics and Law at the University of Gothenburg.
In his role as Dean he is active in the development of international academic networks for business schools and law schools such as EFMD, AAACSB and ELFA. His primary field of interest in this context concern issues related to academic quality and the societal responsibility of academia. He is, since 2015, a member of the EQUIS Accreditation Board and the AACSB International European Advisory Council.
Professor Cramér was director of the multidisciplinary Centre for European Research, CERGU 2005-2009 and is since a member of Centre’s steering committee. He is a member of the board of the Swedish Institute for European Policy Research, SIEPS and is a working member of the Royal Society of Arts and Sciences in Gothenburg.
His main areas of research concern the external identity of the European Union with a special focus on the relationship between the Common Foreign and Security Policy and the Common Commercial Policy of the EU. In this context has initiated and conducted a number of research projects addressing legal aspects of the Union’s external relations. Professor Cramér has furthermore written a number of articles and book chapters on aspects of the constitutional development of the Union.
Together with Sara Stendahl and Thomas Erhag, starting in 2006, he initiated and led a joint research project, financed by SKB, analysing the development of regulation for the handling nuclear waste and spent nuclear fuel in the EU. Furthermore, professor Cramér, in collaborating with professor Daniel Naurin, initiated and led a multidisciplinary research project on the effects of Member State observations submitted to the European Court of Justice within the preliminary ruling procedure. This project has been financed by the Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation and was concluded in spring 2016.
Ongoing research projects conducted by professor Cramér focuses on the legal effects of treaties concluded by the European Union and the interrelationship between international trade regulation and the negotiations on an multilateral agreement for limiting the emissions of green house gases.
På andra webbplatser
- International Law
- European Law
- Nuclear Law
- WTO Law
Pågående forskning
- Brexit, Trumpism and the structure of the regulation for international trade, 2017-01 -
- International Law
- European Law
- WTO Law
- Theories o f international integration
Our global context calls for global responsibility: Reflections on the role of business schools in meeting the challenges of our
Per Cramer
EFMD Global Focus - 2022 -
Defining the Scope of the Treaty-Making Competence for the Formulation of the Common Commercial Policy: Opinion 1/78 (Natural
Per Cramér
Graham Butler and Ramses A Wessel (eds): EU External Relations Law - 2022 -
Brexit, Trumpism and the Structure of International Trade
Per Cramér
The European Union in a Changing World Order - 2019 -
Hög tid att modernisera Sveriges
Göran Larsson, Per Cramér
Universitetsläraren - 2019 -
Brexit, Trump och den globala
Per Cramér
Engelbrekt A. B., Michalski A. & Oxelheim l. (red) EU i en världsordning under omvandling: Europaperspektiv 2018: årsbok för Europaforskning inom ekonomi, juridik och statskunskap - 2018 -
Akademin och politikerna måste motverka
Per Cramér
Universitetsläraren - 2017 -
See You in Luxembourg? EU Governments´ Observations Under the Preliminary Reference
Per Cramér, Olof Larsson, Andreas Moberg, Daniel Naurin
2016 -
Reflektioner kring frågan om investeringsskyddsregler i
Per Cramér
Gränsöverskridande - Vänbok till Claes G. Alvstam - 2016 -
The implications of Scientific Developments on
Per Cramér
EFMD Deans Conference Budapest 25-26 January 2016 - 2016 -
Architecture - the development of modern physical spaces for
Per Cramér
EFMD Deans Conference Budapest 25-26 January 2016 - 2016 -
Ett kommande transatlantiskt frihandelsavtal - förhoppningar och
Per Cramér
Kungliga Vetenskaps- och vitterhetssamhället, Göteborg - 2015 -
Contentious issues in the TTIP
Per Cramér
SNES Swedish Network for European Studies in Political Studies Annual Spring Conference Stockholm March 19-20 Change and Continuity in Transatlantic Relations - 2015 -
Collegiality vs Management: How to Manage
Per Cramér
EFMD Deans Conference Barcelona 28-30 January 2015 - 2015 -
Sweden's position on Nuclear Energy within a multi-level regulatory
Per Cramér
Linda Berg och Rutger Lindahl (red.), Förhoppningar och farhågor - Sveriges första 20 år i EU - 2014 -
Effects of MOCCs on Learning and
Per Cramér
EFMD Deans Conference Gothenburg 30-31 January 2014 - 2014 -
The effect of international treaties concluded by the
Per Cramér
Europäische Rechtsakademie/Regeringskansliet, Stockholm 17 February 2015 - 2014 -
Who is responsible and for how long?: Final disposal of spent nuclear fuel and the obligation to prevent proliferation of nuclear weapons-a Swedish
Per Cramér
International Law and Changing Perceptions of Security: Liber Amicorum Said Mahmoudi - 2014 -
The 50+20 Agenda; Exploring different paths for the future of management
Per Cramér
EFMD Deans Conference Istanbul 28-30 January 2013 - 2013 -
Coding observations of the Member States and judgements of the Court of Justice of the EU under the preliminary reference procedure
Daniel Naurin, Per Cramér, Olof Larsson, Sara Lyons, Andreas Moberg, Allison Östlund
2013 -
The Doha Round and the search for a functional and legitimate co-ordination between the UNFCCC and the
Per Cramér
RSCAS Policy Papers - 2012 -
Responsibility for Non-proliferation and Final Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel – A Never Ending
Per Cramér
Conference presentation Stockholm Spring Talks for Better Global Nuclear Waste Management Hilton Hotel Stockholm May 3-4 2011. - 2011 -
Använt kärnbränsle och skyldigheten att förhindra spridning av
Per Cramér
Festskrift till Lotta Vahlne Westerhäll - 2011 -
Reflections on European Effective Multilateralism and the Use of
Per Cramér
Evans, Malcolm; Koutrakos Panos, ed: Beyond the Established Legal Orders - 2011 -
A Brief reflection on the Effects of European Effective
Per Cramér
Alvstam, Claes; Jännebring, Birgitta; Naurin, Daniel: I Europamissionens tjänst - 2011 -
Forskning om
Ansvarstagande i kärnbränslecykelns slutsteg - ett rättsligt
Per Cramér, Thomas Erhag, Sara Stendahl
2010 -
Ansvarsfrågor i kärnbränslecykelns slutsteg - ett rättsligt
Per Cramér, Sara Stendahl, Thomas Erhag
2010 -
Nationellt ansvar för använt
Thomas Erhag, Per Cramér, Sara Stendahl
2009 -
The European Court of Justice as a political actor and arena: Analyzing member state's observations under the preliminary reference
Per Cramér, Daniel Naurin
Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift - 2009 -
Forskning om
Reflections on the Roles of Mutual Trust in EU
Per Cramér
Dougan, Michael; Currie, Samantha, ed: "50 Years of the European Treaties - Looking Back and Thinking Forward" - 2009 -
Humanitär intervention vid sidan om
Per Cramér
Socialdemkratin i krig och fred - 2009 -
Om reglering av ansvar i kärnbränslecykelns slutsteg - parallell reglering inom ramarna för Euratom och
Thomas Erhag, Per Cramér, Sara Stendahl
2009 -
Klimat- och energipolitik för ett hållbart
Per Cramér, Sverker Gustavsson, Lars Oxelheim
2008 -
Swedish Studies in European Law - Volyme
Per Cramér, Thomas Bull
2008 -
EU och den globala
Per Cramér, Sverker Gustavsson, Lars Oxelheim
2008 -
Forskning om europafrågor vid Göteborgs universitet
Swedish Studies in European Law
Per Cramér
2008 -
Ansvarstagande i kärnbränslecykelns slutsteg - ett rättsligt
Per Cramér, Thomas Erhag, Sara Stendahl
2008 -
National Sovereignty and Responsibility for Spent Nuclear
Per Cramér
Law at War: The Law as it Was and the Law as it Should Be. Liber Amicorum Ove Bring. International Humanitarian Law Series, 22. ed. Engdahl, Ola; Wrange, Pål. - 2008 -
Europeiska Unionen och FN-stadgans
Per Cramér
EU som aktör i världen, Europaperspektiv 2007 - 2007 -
Nationellt ansvar för använt kärnbränsle i en utvidgad europeisk
Per Cramér, Thomas Erhag, Sara Stendahl
2007 -
EU som aktör i världen. Europaperspektiv
Per Cramér, Sverker Gustavsson, Lars Oxelheim
2007 -
Forskning om Europafrågor Nr
Forskning om Europafrågor vid Göteborgs universitet.
Swedish Studies in European Law, Vol.
Per Cramér, Nils Wahl
2006 -
Does the Codification of the Principle of Supremacy
Per Cramér
Bell, J & Kilpatrick, C. (eds). The Cambridge yearbook of European legal studies. Vol. 7, 2004-2005 - 2006 -
Nationellt eller gemensamt ansvar för kärnavfall i
Thomas Erhag, Per Cramér, Sara Stendahl
Samhällsforskning 2006 : betydelsen för människorna, hembygden och regionen av ett slutförvar för använt kärnbränsle - 2006 -
Political and Legal Implications of Integration into Democratic
Rutger Lindahl, Per Cramér
Transition and EU-enlargement : economic, legal, political and social change in Eastern Europe / ed. Rutger Lindahl - 2005 -
Nationell kärnavfallspolitik i en Europeisk
Per Cramér
Andrén, M. & Strandberg, U. (red). Kärnavfallets politiska utmaningar - 2005 -
Staten och den rättsliga regleringen i den globala
Per Cramér
Rothstein, B. & Vahlne Westerhäll, L. (red). Bortom den starka statens politik? - 2005 -
Review of Andrea Ott and Kristyn Inglis eds. Handbook on European Enlargment – a Commentary on the Enlargement
Per Cramér
European Law Review - 2004 -
The Implementation of UN Sanctions – the case of
Per Cramér, O. Bring, G. Lysén
Gowlland-Debbas, V. (ed). National implementation of United Nations sanctions: a comparative study - 2004 -
A European Constitution or
Per Cramér
The Post-Laeken Process in an Academic Perspective - 2003 -
Recent Swedish Experiences of Targeted UN Sanctions, The Erosion of Trust in the Security
Per Cramér
Review of the Security Council by Member States (de Wet, E., Nollkaemper, A., eds.) - 2003 -
Terrorismens återverkningar i
Per Cramér
Europarättslig tidskrift - 2003 -
Traktatskompetens inom Unionens andra pelare-en utveckling mot
Per Cramér
Festskrift till Ulf Bernitz - 2001 -
Sverige och Ministerrådets beslut rörande EMU, ett exempel på rättslig/politisk
Per Cramér
Europarättslig tidskrift - 1999 -
Neutralitet och integration i ett dimhöljt säkerhetspolitiskt
Per Cramér
Bernitz, Ulf; Gustavsson, Sverker; Oxelheim, Lars red: "Europaperspektiv 1999" - 1999 -
EU:s rätt och folkens
Per Cramér
1998 -
Neutralitet och europeisk
Per Cramér
1998 -
EU och Europatanken - ett rättsligt och historiskt
Per Cramér
1994 -
Noteringar rörande subsidiaritetsprincipens tillämpning i framtidens
Per Cramér
Svensk Juristtidning - 1993 -
Per Cramér