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- Kajsa Henning Abrahamsson
Kajsa Henning Abrahamsson
Sektion 2 - odontologi-
Changing from disease-centred to person-centred – Swedish dental hygienists' views on a theory-based behavioural intervention for improved oral hygiene among
Sandra L. Dimenäs, Birgitta Jönsson, Mona Lundin, Jesper Lundgren, Kajsa H. Abrahamsson
International Journal of Dental Hygiene - 2024 -
The Management of Periodontally Diseased Individuals-A Registry-Based Study on a Swedish
Anna Ydenius Alian, Anna Liss, Cristiano Tomasi, Ingemar Abrahamsson, Kajsa H. Abrahamsson, Maria Welander
Long-term effects of motivational interviewing vs. traditional counseling on dog owners' adherence to veterinary dental home care: a three-year follow-up
Karolina Brunius Enlund, Birgitta Jönsson, Kajsa H. Abrahamsson, Ann Pettersson
Adolescents' self-reported experiences following a person-centred, theory-based educational intervention versus conventional education for improved oral hygiene: Analysis of secondary outcomes of a randomized field
Sandra L. Dimenäs, Jessica Skoogh Andersson, Birgitta Jönsson, Jesper Lundgren, Max Petzold, Anna-Lena Östberg, Kajsa H. Abrahamsson
Cristiano Tomasi, Kajsa H. Abrahamsson, D. Apatzidou
Periodontology 2000 - 2023 -
A person-centred, theory-based, behavioural intervention programme for improved oral hygiene in adolescents: A randomized clinical field
Sandra L. Dimenäs, Birgitta Jönsson, Jessica Skoogh Andersson, Jesper Lundgren, Max Petzold, Ingemar Abrahamsson, Kajsa H. Abrahamsson
Journal of Clinical Periodontology - 2022 -
A randomized multi-centre study on the effectiveness of non-surgical periodontal therapy in general
Cristiano Tomasi, Anna Liss, Maria Welander, Anna Ydenius Alian, Kajsa H. Abrahamsson, Jan Wennström
Journal of Clinical Periodontology - 2022 -
Adolescents' experiences of a theory-based behavioural intervention for improved oral hygiene: A qualitative interview
Sandra L. Dimenäs, Anna-Lena Östberg, Mona Lundin, Jesper Lundgren, Kajsa H. Abrahamsson
International journal of dental hygiene - 2022 -
Patient-reported experiences and outcomes following two different approaches for non-surgical periodontal treatment: a randomized field
Anna Liss, Jan Wennström, Maria Welander, Cristiano Tomasi, Max Petzold, Kajsa H. Abrahamsson
BMC Oral Health - 2021 -
Overcoming behavioral obstacles to prevent periodontal disease: Behavioral change techniques and self-performed periodontal infection
Birgitta Jönsson, Kajsa H. Abrahamsson
Periodontology 2000 - 2020 -
Complexity of best-evidenced practice in periodontal therapy: Views of Swedish Dental
Anna Liss, Kerstin Nilsson, Jan Wennström, Kajsa H. Abrahamsson
International Journal of Dental Hygiene - 2020 -
Så kan vi mäta patientens upplevelse av
Inger von Bültzingslöwen, Kajsa Henning Abrahamsson, Catharina Hägglin, Ann-Christine Larsson Bolle, Elisabeth Wärnberg Gerdin, Sigvard Åkerman, Gunnar Ekbäck
Tandläkartidningen - 2019 -
Professional competencies and work-related support in relation to periodontal therapy and work satisfaction: A questionnaire study among Swedish Dental
Anna Liss, Anna Ydenius Alian, Jan Wennström, Kajsa H. Abrahamsson
International journal of dental hygiene - 2018 -
A brief motivational interviewing as an adjunct to periodontal therapy-A potential tool to reduce relapse in oral hygiene behaviours. A three-year
Jane Stenman, Jan Wennström, Kajsa Henning Abrahamsson
International Journal of Dental Hygiene - 2018 -
Altered expectations on dental implant therapy; views of patients referred for treatment of
Kajsa H. Abrahamsson, Jan Wennström, Tord Berglundh, Ingemar Abrahamsson
Clinical Oral Implants Research - 2017 -
Health investment behaviors and oral/gingival health condition, a cross-sectional study among Swedish 19-year
Jessica S Ericsson, Jan Wennström, Björn Lindgren, Max Petzold, Anna-Lena Östberg, Kajsa H. Abrahamsson
Acta Odontologica Scandinavica - 2016 -
Oral health-related resources - a salutogenic perspective on Swedish
U. Lindmark, Kajsa H. Abrahamsson
International Journal of Dental Hygiene - 2015 -
Tandhygienister i Folktandvården Västra Götaland: En enkätstudier med inriktning mot arbetsförhållanden och parodontala
Anna Liss, Anna Ydenius Alian, Per Ramberg, Jan Wennström, Kajsa H. Abrahamsson
2014 -
The influence of epigenetics in relation to oral
S. Lod, T. Johansson, Kajsa H. Abrahamsson, Lena Larsson
International Journal of Dental Hygiene - 2014 -
Psychometric properties of the Dental Hygienist Anxiety Scale in a group of general dental
Pia Andersson, Magnus Hakeberg, Kajsa H. Abrahamsson
Acta odontologica Scandinavica - 2013 -
Oral health locus of control in a Swedish adolescent
Anna-Lena Östberg, Kajsa H. Abrahamsson
Acta Odontologica Scandinavica - 2013 -
A single session of motivational interviewing as an additive means to improve adherence in periodontal infection control: a randomized controlled
Jane Stenman, Jesper Lundgren, Jan Wennström, Jessica S Ericsson, Kajsa H. Abrahamsson
Journal of clinical periodontology - 2012 -
Oral health-related perceptions, attitudes, and behavior in relation to oral hygiene conditions in an adolescent
Jessica S Ericsson, Anna-Lena Östberg, Jan Wennström, Kajsa H. Abrahamsson
European Journal of Oral Sciences - 2012 -
Evaluation of the Dental Hygienist Beliefs Survey; test-retest assessment in a group of general dental
Kajsa H. Abrahamsson, P Andersson, L Krok, Magnus Hakeberg
International journal of dental hygiene - 2012 -
Socio-economic and lifestyle factors in relation to priority of dental care in a Swedish adolescent
Anna-Lena Ostberg, Jessica S Ericsson, Jan Wennström, Kajsa H. Abrahamsson
Swedish dental journal - 2010 -
Dental hygienists' views on communicative factors and interpersonal processes in prevention and treatment of periodontal
Jane Stenman, Jan Wennström, Kajsa H. Abrahamsson
International journal of dental hygiene - 2010 -
Periodontal health status in Swedish adolescents: an epidemiological, cross-sectional
Jessica S Ericsson, Kajsa H. Abrahamsson, Anna-Lena Östberg, Maj-Karin Hellström, Kerstin Jönsson, Jan Wennström
Swedish Dental Journal - 2009 -
Dental beliefs: factor structure of the revised dental beliefs survey in a group of regular dental
Kajsa H. Abrahamsson, Kerstin Öhrn, Magnus Hakeberg
Eur J Oral Sci - 2009 -
Patients' attitudes towards oral health and experiences of periodontal treatment: a qualitative interview
Jane Stenman, Ulrika Hallberg, Jan Wennström, Kajsa H. Abrahamsson
Oral Health and Preventive Dentistry - 2009 -
Patients´views on periodontal disease; attitutes to oral health and expectancy of periodontal treatment: a qualitative interview
Kajsa H. Abrahamsson, Jan Wennström, Ulrika Hallberg
Oral Health & Preventive Dentistry - 2008 -
Dental beliefs, patients' specific attitudes towards dentists and dental hygienists: a comparative
K Ohrn, Magnus Hakeberg, Kajsa H. Abrahamsson
International journal of dental hygiene - 2008 -
Beteendevetenskap, oral hälsa och
Kajsa H. Abrahamsson
Tandläkartidningen - 2008 -
Parodontal hälsa hos 19-åringar i Västra Götaland: En epidemiologisk
Kajsa H. Abrahamsson, Anna-Lena Östberg, JS Eriksson, Maj-Karin Hellström, K Jönsson, Jan Wennström
Rapport till Folktandvården i Västra Götaland, December 2007 - 2007 -
Attitudes to dental hygienists: evaluation of the Dental Hygienist Beliefs Survey in a Swedish population of patients and
Kajsa H. Abrahamsson, Jane Stenman, K Öhrn, Magnus Hakeberg
International journal of dental hygiene - 2007 -
Constructing grounded theory. A practical guide through qualitative
Eva Brink, Lotta Dellve, Gunilla Klingberg, Ulrika Hallberg, Kajsa H. Abrahamsson, Kerstin Wentz
Qualitative Studies on Health and Wellbeing - 2006 -
Missbruk och munhälsa-ur missbrukarens
J Ericsson, E Eden, Peter Lingström, Kajsa H. Abrahamsson
Tandhygienisttidningen - 2006 -
Constructing grounded theory. A practical guide through qualitative
Eva Brink, Lotta Dellve, Ulrika Hallberg, Kajsa H. Abrahamsson, Gunilla Klingberg, Kerstin Wentz
International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-Being, - 2006 -
Dental beliefs: evaluation of the Swedish version of the revised Dental Beliefs Survey in different patient groups and in a non-clinical student
Kajsa H. Abrahamsson, Magnus Hakeberg, Jane Stenman, Kerstin Öhrn
European journal of oral sciences - 2006 -
Periodontal conditions in a Swedish city population of adolescents: a cross-sectional
Kajsa H. Abrahamsson, Gunilla Koch, Ola Norderyd, Cristina Romao, Jan Wennström
Swedish dental journal - 2006 -
Evaluation of a Swedish version of the OHIP-14 among patients in general and specialist dental
Catharina Hägglin, Kajsa H. Abrahamsson
Community Dental Health - 2005 -
The importance of dental beliefs for the outcome of dental-fear
Kajsa H. Abrahamsson, Ulf Berggren, Magnus Hakeberg, Sven G. Carlsson
European journal of oral sciences - 2003 -
Dental fear and oral health behavior. Studies on psychological and psychosocial
Kajsa H. Abrahamsson
2003 -
Long-term follow-up of effects of different treatments for dental
Catharina Hägglin, Jesper Lundgren, Kajsa H. Abrahamsson, Sven G. Carlsson
J Dent Res - 2002 -
Ambivalence in coping with dental fear and avoidance: A qualitative
Kajsa H. Abrahamsson, Ulf Berggren, Sven G. Carlsson
Journal of Health Psychology - 2002 -
Ambivalence in Coping with Dental Fear and Avoidance: A Qualitative
Kajsa H. Abrahamsson, Ulf Berggren, Lillemor R-M Hallberg, Sven G. Carlsson
Journal of Health Psychology - 2002 -
Dental phobic patients' view of dental anxiety and experiences in dental care: a qualitative
Kajsa H. Abrahamsson, Ulf Berggren, Lillemor R-M Hallberg, Sven G. Carlsson
Scandinavian journal of caring sciences - 2002 -
Grounded theory in public health
Lotta Dellve, Kajsa H. Abrahamsson, Ulrika Trulsson, Lillemor R-M Hallberg
Qualitative Methods in Public Health Research - Theoretical foundations and practical examples - 2002 -
Phobic avoidance and regular dental care in fearful dental patients: a comparative
Kajsa Henning Abrahamsson, Ulf Berggren, Magnus Hakeberg, Sven G. Carlsson
Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences - 2001 -
Phobic avoidance and regular dental care in fearful dental patients: a comparative
Kajsa H. Abrahamsson, Ulf Berggren, Magnus Hakeberg, Sven G. Carlsson
Acta odontologica Scandinavica - 2001 -
Patients´ views of dental anxiety and experiences in dental care: a qualitative study. Qualitative Methods in the Service of
Kajsa H. Abrahamsson, Ulf Berggren, Lillemor R-M Hallberg, Sven G. Carlsson
2nd Nordic Interdisciplinary Conference, Göteborg August 2001 - 2001 -
Psychosocial aspects of dental and general fears in dental phobic
Kajsa H. Abrahamsson, Ulf Berggren, Sven G. Carlsson
Acta odontologica Scandinavica - 2000