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- John Armbrecht
John Armbrecht
Företagsekonomiska institutionenOm John Armbrecht
John Armbrecht, PhD is head of Centre for Tourism and researcher at the School of Business, Economics and Law at Gothenburg University. His PhD thesis “The Value of Cultural Institutions” was published in 2012. It is an application and evaluation of economic models (Contingent valuation and Willingness-to-Pay) on cultural institutions. The aim was to understand the value and welfare contribution of cultural institutions through methods in Cost-benefit Analysis. The project is financed partly by the School of Business, Economics and Law; Västra Götalandsregionen, Vara Konserthus/Nordiska Akvarellmuseet and Barbro Osher Foundation.
John’s major research interests are wihtin cultural tourism, culture management, cultural economics and economic impact studies. He is currently leading and part of several research projects within these areas.
His publications mainly focus on valuation and welfare aspects within the contexts of events, tourism, culture and lately also marine aquaculture. John has lecturing experience from methodological, marketing and tourism courses and is currently responsible for running an event management and a multivariate data analysis course at the masters level.
På andra webbplatser
- Marknadsföring
- Samhällsekonomisk analys
- kulturekonomi
- Turism
- upplevelser
- evenemangsledning
Pågående forskning
- SWEMARC, 2016-11 -
- IKON –: Research on the value of cultural institutions in the Skagerack-Kattegatt region, financed by EU and INTERREGIKON –: Research on the value of cultural institutions in the Skagerack-Kattegatt region, financed by EU and INTERREG, 2008-11 -
- Marknadsföring
- Turism
- Evenemangsledning
- Kvantitativa metoder
Utvalda publikationer
Use value of cultural experiences: A comparison of contingent valuation and travel cost
Armbrecht, John
Tourism Management, 42, s. 141-148, 2014
Estimating Use and Non-use Values of a Music Festival
Andersson, Tommy, Armbrecht, John, Lundberg, Erik
Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, 12:3, s. 215-231, 2012
Use-Value of Music Event Experiences: A “Triple Ex” Model Explaining Direct and Indirect Use-Value of Events
Andersson, Tommy, Armbrecht, John
Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, 14:3, s. 255-274, 2014
Triple impact assessments of the 2013 European athletics indoor championship in Gothenburg
Andersson, Tommy, Armbrecht, John, Lundberg, Erik
Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, 16:2, 2016
The influence of serious leisure, training, and consumption on subjective well-being for sport event
John Armbrecht, Maryam Mehdizadeh Dehkordi, Erik Lundberg
Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism - 2024 -
Media representation of aquaculture in
Jordan Sutherland, John Armbrecht
Aquaculture - 2024 -
How are fans affected by the commercialization of elite sports? A review of the literature and a research
Erik Winell, John Armbrecht, Erik Lundberg, Jonas Nilsson
Sport, Business and Management - 2023 -
A segmentation of fish consumers based on quantity and type of fish: Insights from the Swedish
John Armbrecht, Erik Lundberg, Kåre Skallerud
Food Quality and Preference - 2023 -
Intentions to Consume Sustainably Produced Fish: The Moderator Effects of Involvement and Environmental
Kåre Skallerud, John Armbrecht, Ho Huy Tuu
Sustainability - 2021 -
Event quality, perceived value, satisfaction and behavioural intentions in an event
John Armbrecht
Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism - 2021 -
20 Years of Nordic event and festival research: a review and future research
John Armbrecht, Erik Lundberg, Tommy D. Andersson, Reidar J. Mykletun
Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism - 2021 -
Swedish Sports Clubs and Events during the Covid-19 Pandemic: Impacts and
John Armbrecht, Erik Lundberg, Robert Pettersson, Malin Zillinger
Crisis Management and Recovery for Events: Impacts and Strategies - 2021 -
Covid-19 och hållbara evenemang: Påverkan, anpassning och framtid för evenemang inom idrott och
John Armbrecht, Erik Lundberg, Robert Pettersson, Malin Zillinger
2021 -
John Armbrecht
Event Management - 2020 -
The event experience, hedonic and eudaimonic satisfaction and subjective well-being among sport event
John Armbrecht, Tommy D. Andersson
Journal of Policy Research in Tourism Leisure and Events - 2020 -
A segmentation of residents' attitudes towards mariculture development in
Kåre Skallerud, John Armbrecht
Aquaculture - 2020 -
A research agenda for event
Participant events and the active event
Tommy D. Andersson, John Armbrecht, Erik Lundberg
A Research Agenda for Event Management - 2019 -
Attitudes and intentional reactions towards mariculture development –local residents'
John Armbrecht, Kåre Skallerud
Ocean and Coastal Management - 2019 -
The value of
Donald Getz, Tommy D. Andersson, John Armbrecht, Erik Lundberg
The Routledge Handbook of Festivals/ Mair, Judith (university Of Queensland (redaktör/utgivare) - 2019 -
Innovation in Swedish
Wajda Wikhamn, John Armbrecht, Björn Remneland Wikhamn
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management - 2018 -
Etablera och utveckla vattenbruk i Sverige: Vattenbruksentreprenörers syn på utmaningar och
Helena Strand, John Armbrecht, Kristina Sundell, Lena Mossberg
2018 -
City–Region Food Systems: Scenarios to re-establish urban-rural links through sustainable food
Gunilla Almered Olsson, Anders Burman, Mirek Dymitrow, John Armbrecht, Chiara Rinaldi, Anders Nilsson, Björn Ohlén, Karin Ingelhag, Kristina Fermskog
Tomorrow’s Food Travel (TFT) conference, Centre for Tourism – University of Gothenburg, 8–10 October 2018, Gothenburg, Sweden - 2018 -
Linking event quality to economic impact: A study of quality, satisfaction, use value and expenditure at a music
Tommy D. Andersson, John Armbrecht, Erik Lundberg
Journalof Vacation Marketing - 2017 -
A synthesis, summaries and some ontological
Donald Getz, Tommy D. Andersson, John Armbrecht, Erik Lundberg
The value of events / edited by Erik Lundberg, John Armbrecht, Tommy D. Andersson and Donald Getz. - 2017 -
Definitions and meanings of
Donald Getz, Tommy D. Andersson, John Armbrecht, Erik Lundberg
The Value of Events - 2017 -
Triple impact assessments of the 2013 European athletics Indoor Championship in
Tommy D. Andersson, John Armbrecht, Erik Lundberg
Event Impact - 2017 -
Subjects and objects of event impact
John Armbrecht, Tommy D. Andersson
Event Impact - 2017 -
Experience quality, satisfaction, perceived value behavioral intentions in an event
John Armbrecht, Erik Lundberg, Tommy D. Andersson
Session Proceedings. 26th Nordic Symposium of Tourism and Hospitality Research, October 4-6 2017, Falun, Sweden - 2017 -
The Value of
Erik Lundberg, John Armbrecht, Tommy D. Andersson, Donald Getz
2017 -
Hotel innovations and non-financial performance - The role of sustainable
Wajda Wikhamn, Björn Remneland Wikhamn, John Armbrecht
30th Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management. Brisbane, 6-9 December. - 2016 -
John Armbrecht, Tommy D. Andersson
Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism - 2016 -
Innovations in the Swedish hotel
Wajda Wikhamn, John Armbrecht, Björn Remneland Wikhamn
The 25th Nordic Symposium on Tourism and Hospitality Research, Finland. 27-30 September. - 2016 -
Subjects and objects of event impact
John Armbrecht, Tommy D. Andersson
Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism - 2016 -
Triple impact assessments of the 2013 European athletics indoor championship in
Tommy D. Andersson, John Armbrecht, Erik Lundberg
Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism - 2016 -
Contingent valuation method,
John Armbrecht, Tommy D. Andersson
In J. Jafari & H. Xiao (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Tourism - 2016 -
Turistens klimatpåverkan – modell och beräkning för
Birgit Brunklaus, Frida Hermansson, John Armbrecht, Erik Lundberg
2015 -
Developing a Scale for Measuring the Perceived Value of Cultural
John Armbrecht
Cultural Trends - 2014 -
Use value of cultural experiences: A comparison of contingent valuation and travel
John Armbrecht
Tourism Management - 2014 -
Use-Value of Music Event Experiences: A “Triple Ex” Model Explaining Direct and Indirect Use-Value of
Tommy D. Andersson, John Armbrecht
Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism - 2014 -
Att undersöka hållbarheten av idrottsevenemang - slutrapport för projektet
Factors explaining the use-value of sport event
Tommy D. Andersson, John Armbrecht
International Journal of Event and Festival Management - 2014 -
Från Bob Dylan till Way Out
The value of experiences at a music
John Armbrecht, Tommy D. Andersson
The 23rd Nordic Symposium On Tourism And Hospitality Research THE VALUES OF TOURISM 2-4 October 2014. Köpenhamn, Danmark. - 2014 -
The use and non-use values of events: a conceptual framework for event
Tommy D. Andersson, John Armbrecht, Erik Lundberg, Larry Dwyer
The 23 r d Nordic Symposium On Tourism And Hospitality Research. THE VALUES OF TOURISM 2-4 October 2014. Köpenhamn, Danmark. - 2014 -
Evenemang och Samhällsekonomiskt
John Armbrecht
Från Bob Dylan till Way Out West, RED Armbrecht, Lundberg & Mossberg - 2014 -
Impact Analysis of Sustainable Sports Events: Triple Impact Assessments of the 2013
John Armbrecht, Tommy D. Andersson, Erik Lundberg
Estimating the Impacts of Tourism and Events A research symposium in Gothenburg, Sweden in March 20-21, 2014 - 2014 -
Culture and value creation : an economic analysis of Vara Concert Hall and the Nordic Watercolour
John Armbrecht, Tommy D. Andersson
The Value of Arts and Culture for Regional Development: A Scandinavian Perspective / edited by Lisbeth Lindeberg and Lars Lindkvist - 2013 -
Use-Value of an event
Tommy D. Andersson, John Armbrecht
Innovation and value creation in experience-based tourism, The 22nd Nordic Symposium in Tourism and Hospitality Research, Bodö & Lofoten Islands, Sept. 24-27, 2013 / editor: Frank Lindberg - 2013 -
Web surveys and respondent recruitment - how to reduce survey
John Armbrecht, Erik Lundberg
Innovation and value creation in experience-based tourism, The 22nd Nordic Symposium in Tourism and Hospitality Research, Bodö & Lofoten Islands, Sept. 24-27, 2013 / editor: Frank Lindberg - 2013 -
Estimating Use and Non-use Values of a Music
Tommy D. Andersson, John Armbrecht, Erik Lundberg
Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism - 2012 -
Culture tourism and value creation: An economic analysis of Vara Concert hall and the Nordic Watercolour
John Armbrecht, Tommy D. Andersson
Developing Tourism - Sustaining Regions, 7-10 november 2012, Umeå - 2012 -
The Value of Cultural Institutions-Measurement and
John Armbrecht
2012 -
The Shadow Economy – Its Effects on the Competition in the Swedish Restaurant
John Armbrecht, Mats Carlbäck
ICOT 2012 - 2012 -
Use and non-use values of a music
Tommy D. Andersson, John Armbrecht, Erik Lundberg
Well-being in Tourism and Recreation - 2011 -
The Swedish Tax System: Effects on Competition and Compliance in the National Restaurant
John Armbrecht, Mats Carlbäck
Well-being in Toursim and Recreation - 2011 -
The Value of Cultural Institutions: A Review and Conceptual Development of Value
John Armbrecht
Heritage 2010 – 2nd International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development. 22-26 June, 2010. Évora, Portugal. - 2010 -
Assessing the Welfare contribution of two Cultural Institutions using CVM and
John Armbrecht
The 16th International Conference on Cultural Economics. June 9-12, 2010. Copenhagen, Denmark. - 2010 -
The value of cultural institutions: A review and conceptual development of value
John Armbrecht
HERITAGE 2010 - 2010 -
Kultur och
John Armbrecht, Tommy D. Andersson
Kulturens kraft för regional utveckling - 2010 -
Värdet av kulturinstitutioner: en diskussion om två olika metoder att värdera Norsiska
Tommy D. Andersson, John Armbrecht
Kulturpolitiken under lupp: Forskare om kultur och kulturpolitik i Västra Götaland - 2010 -
Kulturinstitutioners dolda
John Armbrecht
Kultur och samhällsnytta: Hur kan vi mäta värdet av kultur och vill vi göra det?; red Inga-Lill Söderberg - 2009 -
Att värdera det
John Armbrecht
2009 -
Impact of mega events on the
Tommy D. Andersson, John Armbrecht, Erik Lundberg
Asian Business & Management - 2008 -
Tillväxt genom turistnäringen - Rapport om svensk och internationell forskning avseende evenemangsturism m.m. SOU