
Carina Bunse

Universitetslektor, biträdande

Institutionen för marina vetenskaper
Medicinaregatan 7B
413 90 Göteborg

Om Carina Bunse

I am a microbial ecologist, with expertise in traditional microbiology, marine ecology and microbial oceanography. I focus on pelagic bacteria, but have broadened my knowledge in marine ecology with interest for global challenges for the world’s ocean and local initiatives in coastal areas of the Baltic Sea and the North Sea. Many of my studies encompass large datasets of 'omics data or time series efforts, analyzed with traditional and state-of-the-art methods. Multi-disciplinary science matters for a holistic understanding of the marine ecosystem in a changing world and I like to collaborate with other scientists, e.g. chemists, modelers and ecologists to bridge disciplines.

My overarching research interest pertains to disentangle functional microbial dynamics and interactions in the changing ocean. It is crucial that we comprehend the regulation of global nutrient cycles in a manner relevant to interpret ecosystem functions and services in the changing ocean. Therefore, we need to understand microbial community dynamics, for example the functional responses of key bacterial taxa to environmental drivers at different spatio-temporal scales. Further, my research aims to understand how microorganisms interact and who interacts. We study this by looking at metabolites and metabolomic substrate turnover in a marine setting.

You can find more information on our MMEco research group homepage.