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- Ann Towns
Ann Towns
Statsvetenskapliga institutionenOm Ann Towns
Ann Towns är professor vid Statsvetenskapliga institutionen, Göteborgs universitet.
Hon disputerade i statsvetenskap, med en PhD minor i feministiska studier, vid the University of Minnesota 2004. År 2013 utsågs hon av Knut och Alice Wallenbergs stiftelse till Wallenberg Academy Fellow. Hon var gästforskare vid Georgetown University 2017-2018 och vid Universitetet i Oslo 2017-2019.
Towns forskargärning har belönats med ett flertal priser från the American Political Science Association och the International Studies Association. Det senaste av dessa var ett Bertha Lutz Award (Diplomatic Studies Section) från the International Studies Association, 2018, för hennes forskning om diplomati.
• Diplomati och genus • Hierarkier och normer i internationell politik • Civilisationsdiskurser i internationell politik • Nationell identitet / nationalism, genus och mångfald
Pågående forskning
Towns forskning kretsar kring frågor om sociala hierarkier, makt och motstånd i internationell politik, oftast med fokus på genus. Hon driver forskningsprogrammet GenDip om om könsnormer, könad praktik och hierarkier inom diplomatin, en mellanstatlig institution som länge varit mansdominerad men där ett större antal kvinnor tillträtt på kort tid. Hur ser mötet mellan den tidigare mansdominerade diplomatin och dessa kvinnor ut? På vilka sätt är diplomatiska interaktioner, normer och institutioner könade, och hur samverkar könade och internationella hierarkier i diplomatin? I vilken utsträckning och hur gör diplomater motstånd mot rådande normer givet restriktiv diplomatisk kutym? GenDip består även av ett forskarnätverk som knyter samman diplomatiforskare från hela världen.
Forskningen finansieras 2014-2021 av ett Wallenberg Academy Fellowship samt av Vetenskapsrådet. Towns har även rekryterat Birgitta Niklasson (docent i statsvetenskap, Göteborgs universitet) för en studie om genus i det svenska utrikesdepartementet i komparativt perspektiv och Katarzyna Jezierska (docent i statsvetenskap, Högskolan Väst) för en studie om hur diplomater hanterar den feministiska utrikespolitiken i Polen och Ungern, kontexter där motståndet mot feminism och genusperspektiv är stort. Båda dessa projekt finansieras av Vetenskapsrådet.
Towns skriver även fortsatt om internationella sociala hierarkier.
• Internationell politik • Kön och politik • Kvalitativ metod • Uppsatshandledning på grund- och masternivå
Hon har handlett tre doktorander fram till disputation: Angela Wolfe (huvudhandledare, University of Delaware, disputation 2012), Joshua Martineau (huvudhandledare, University of Delaware, disputation 2014) och Anne-Kathrin Kreft (huvudhandledare, Göteborgs universitet, disputation 2018).
Towns är redaktör för Gendering Diplomacy and International Negotiation (med Karin Aggestam, 2018, Palgrave), och hon har författat Women and States: Norms and Hierarchies in International Society (2010, Cambridge University Press). Hennes forskning har dessutom bland annat publicerats i International Organization, European Journal of International Relations, Millennium, Party Politics, NORA, Cooperation & Conflict och Women & Politics. Hon har bidragit till ett antal antologier och handbooks.
För en fullständig publikationslista, se Towns CV.
Iver, the
Ann Towns
Uses of Iver Neumann: Nothing International is Alien - 2024 -
Can a feminist foreign policy be undone? Reflections from
Ann Towns, Elin Bjarnegård, Katarzyna Jezierska
International Affairs - 2024 -
6. Diplomatic
Ann Towns, Katarzyna Jezierska
Feminist Foreign Policy Analysis. A New Subfield. - 2024 -
Gendered labor: Appearance management and the unequal extraction of effort and time among
Ann Towns
Diplomatic Gender Patterns and Symbolic Status Signaling: Introducing the GenDip Dataset on Gender and Diplomatic
Birgitta Niklasson, Ann Towns
International Studies Quarterly - 2023 -
Introduction: Approaching Gender and Ministries of Foreign
Birgitta Niklasson, Ann Towns
The Hague Journal of Diplomacy - 2022 -
Do gender patterns in diplomacy disappear over
A. K. Kreft, Birgitta Niklasson, Ann Towns
European Journal of Politics and Gender - 2022 -
WAW, No Women? Foucault's Reverse Discourse and Gendered Subjects in Diplomatic
Ann Towns
Global Society - 2022 -
Driving liberal change? Global performance indices as a system of normative stratification in liberal international
B. Rumelili, Ann Towns
Cooperation and Conflict - 2022 -
Introduction: Feminist IR in Europe: Knowledge Production in Academic
Maria Stern, Ann Towns
Feminist IR in Europe Knowledge Production in Academic Institutions - 2022 -
Feminist IR in Europe: Knowledge Production in Academic
Maria Stern, Ann Towns
2022 -
“The Rankings Game: A Relational Approach to Country Performance
Paul Beaumont, Ann Towns
International Studies Review - 2021 -
Variations on shared themes: Branding the Nordics as gender
Katarzyna Jezierska, Ann Towns
Gender Equality and Nation Branding in the Nordic Region. Eirinn Larsen, Sigrun Marie Moss, Inger Skjelsbæk (red.) - 2021 -
Gender in historical international
Ann Towns
Routledge Handbook of Historical International Relations. Benjamin de Carvalho, Julia Costa Lopez, Halvard Leira (red.) - 2021 -
“Gender, Nation and the Generation of Cultural Difference Across ‘the
Ann Towns
Culture and Order in World Politics - 2020 -
“Gender and the Politics of Knowledge
Ann Towns
Cambridge Review of International Affairs - 2020 -
Covid-19 and gender: A necessary connection in diplomatic
Ann Towns, Katarzyna Jezierska, Anne-Kathrin Kreft, Birgitta Niklasson
The Hague Journal of Diplomacy - 2020 -
'Diplomacy is a feminine art': Feminised figurations of the
Ann Towns
Review of International Studies - 2020 -
“Gender, Nation and the Generation of Cultural Difference Across ‘the
Ann Towns
Culture and Order in World Politics - 2020 -
The gender turn in diplomacy: a new research
Karin Aggestam, Ann Towns
International Feminist Journal of Politics - 2019 -
"Body Work of Ambassadors. Visual Expressions of Gender and Sexuality in
Ann Towns
European International Studies Association (Sofia, Bulgaria) - 2019 -
“Narrating Gender Expertise: Distinction Games Among the Nordic
Ann Towns
European Conference of Politics and Gender (Amsterdam, Netherlands) - 2019 -
“Gender and the Hierarchies of
Ann Towns
European Conference of Politics and Gender - 2019 -
Global Patterns and Debates in the Granting of Women's
Ann Towns
The Palgrave Handbook of Women's Political Rights - 2019 -
“All These Rankings yet the Bodies Keep Piling Up: Rankings, Public Diplomacy and the Soft-Power Industrial
Ann Towns, Paul Beaumont
European International Studies Association (Prague, Czech Republic) - 2018 -
“Allocation of Moral Status and Its
Ann Towns, Bahar Rumelili
International Studies Association (San Francisco, USA) - 2018 -
"Metoo är långt mer än sexuella
Ann Towns, Lena Wängnerud
Svenska Dagbladet 20180420 - 2018 -
“Gender Equality as a Nordic Brand? Comparing Sweden, Denmark and
Ann Towns, Katarzyna Jezierska
“Gender Equality as Branding: Moving Beyond Nordic Exceptionalism” Workshop, Refsnes Gods (Moss), June 20-21 2018. - 2018 -
“State Instruments of Moral Power: Origins of Sweden as a Moral Superpower,
Ann Towns, Daniel Green
“Instruments of State Power” workshop at Lund University, May 31-June 1, 2018. - 2018 -
“Feminist Foreign Policy and the Battle for Civil Society in
Ann Towns, Katarzyna Jezierska
Activism at a Time of Backslide: Feminist and LGBTQ Responses to Opposition to Gender and Sexual Equality,” Central European University, May 11-12 2018. - 2018 -
“All These Rankings Yet the Bodies Keep Piling Up: Rankings, Public Diplomacy, and the Soft Power Industrial
Ann Towns, Paul Beaumont
International Studies Association, San Francisco, USA, April 7. - 2018 -
“Allocation of Moral Status and Its
Ann Towns, Bahar Rumelili
International Studies Association, San Francisco, USA, April 7 - 2018 -
Taming Feminism? The place of gender equality in the 'Progressive Sweden'
Ann Towns, Katarzyna Jezierska
Place Branding and Public Diplomacy - 2018 -
Where Are the Female Ambassadors? Gender and Status Hierarchies in Ambassador
Ann Towns, Birgitta Niklasson
Aggestam K. & Towns A. E. (eds) Gendering Diplomacy and International Negotiation - 2018 -
The Empowerment of Women in
Ann Towns, Anne-Kathrin Kreft, Birgitta Niklasson
Alexander A. C., Bolzendahl C., Jalalzai F. (Eds.) Measuring Women’s Political Empowerment across the Globe - 2018 -
Gendering Diplomacy and International
Karin. Aggestam, Ann Towns
2018 -
Gender, International Status, and Ambassador
Ann Towns, Birgitta Niklasson
Foreign Policy Analysis - 2017 -
Gender, Status, and Ambassador Appointments to Militarized and Violent
Birgitta Niklasson, Ann Towns
Cassidy J. A. (ed) Gender and Diplomacy: Theory and Practice - 2017 -
Taking the Pressure: Unpacking the Relation between Norms, Social Hierarchies and Social Pressures on
Ann Towns, Bahar Rumelili
European Journal of International Relations - 2017 -
Gender, Power and International
Ann Towns
The Globalization of International Society / Tim Dunne & Christian Reus-Smit (ed.) - 2017 -
Ann Towns
The Oxford Handbook of Feminist Theory - 2016 -
How Grand is this Narrative? Review Symposium on The Global Transformation by Barry Buzan and George
Ann Towns
European Political Science - 2016 -
“The discipline of International Relations (IR) is a child of the twentieth century” Forum on The Global Transformation by Barry Buzan and George
Ann Towns
International Politics Reviews - 2015 -
Prestige, Immunity and Diplomats: Understanding Sexual
Ann Towns
Elites, Institutions and the Quality of Government. Dahlström, Carl; Wängnerud, Lena (Eds.) - 2015 -
Manning the State: Negotiating Masculinity in the New Norway of
Ann Towns
NORA - Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research - 2014 -
Carrying the Load of Civilization: The Status of Women and Challenged
Ann Towns
Millennium: Journal of International Studies - 2014 -
“Norms and Social Hierarchies: Understanding Policy Diffusion from
Ann Towns
International Organization - 2012 -
“The Inter-American Commission of Women and Women’s Suffrage,
Ann Towns
Journal of Latin American Studies - 2010 -
“The Status of Women as a Standard of
Ann Towns
European Journal of International Relations - 2009 -
Fear and Punishment in Sweden: Exploring Penal
Marie Demker, Ann Towns, Göran Duus-Otterström, Joakim Sebring
Punishment & Society, - 2008 -
“Understanding the Effects of Larger Ratios of Women in National Legislatures. Proportions and Gender Differentiation in Sweden and
Ann Towns
Women & politics - 2003 -
“Paradoxes of (In)Equality. Something is Rotten in the Gender Equal State of
Ann Towns
Cooperation and Conflict - 2002