
Lena Wängnerud


Statsvetenskapliga institutionen
Sprängkullsgatan 19
41123 Göteborg
Box 711
40530 Göteborg


Statsvetenskapliga institutionen
Sprängkullsgatan 19
41123 Göteborg
Box 711
40530 Göteborg

Om Lena Wängnerud


Jag forskar om politik och jämställdhet i bred bemärkelse. Mer specifikt handlar min forskning om tre olika områden: politisk representation, korruption samt oro när det gäller samhällets utveckling.  

Urval av böcker:

Gender and Corruption. Historical Roots and New Avenues for Research (redaktör tillsammans med Helena Stensöta), Palgrave 2018.  

The Principles of Gender-Sensitive Parliaments, Routledge 2015.

Elites, institutions and the quality of government (redaktör tillsammans med Carl Dahlström), Palgrave 2015.

Urval av artiklar:

Politisk representation

Testing the politics of presence. Women's representation in the Swedish Riksdag, Scandinavian Political Studies, 2000, 23(1):67-91.

Women in parliaments. Descriptive and substantive representation, Annual Review of Political Science, 2009, 12:51-69.

Testing the impact of political generations: The Class of 94 and Pro-feminist ideas in the Swedish Riksdag. Med Patrik Öhberg. Scandinavian Political Studies, 2014, 37(1):61-81.

The effect of media sexism on women's political ambition. Med Amanda Haraldsson. Feminist Media Studies, 2018, 1-17.


Exclusion or interests? Why females in elected office reduce petty and grand corruption. Med Monika Bauhr och Nicholas Charron. European Journal of Political Research, 2018, 1-23

Corruption as an obstacle to women's political representation: Evidence from local councils in 18 European countries. Med Aksel Sundström, Party Politics, 2016, 22(3), 354-369.

Gender and corruption. The mediating Power of institutional logics. Med Helena Stensöta och Richard Svensson, Governance, 2015, 28(4), 475-496.


Gender and socio-tropic anxiety: Explaining gender differences in anxiety to social risks and threats. Med Monika Djerf-Pierre, International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 2015, 28(2), 217-240.