University of Gothenburg
kinesiska muren

Sinology - research

Sinology is a time-honoured subject at the University of Gothenburg, with a history stretching back to 1918 when the pioneering linguist and cultural theorist Bernhard Karlgren became the Chair Professor of East Asian Linguistics and Culture. The sinological scholars active at the University of Gothenburg today have a solid classical sinological education, with research projects focusing on Chinese history of ideas and religion, on literature and film, and on propaganda and rhetoric.

Within these respective fields we move between the Chinese antiquity and contemporary Chinese and Sinophone cultures, whilst drawing inspiration from contemporary theories and methodologies within the Humanities. Please consult the individual presentations linked below for more information.

The Bernhard Karlgren Seminar Series is a venue for discussions of issues relevant to the broader field of Humanities from a sinological perspective. International guests, as well as sinologists working in Sweden and the Nordic countries, are invited to the seminar on a regular basis to present their works in progress.

The sinologists at the Department of Languages and Literatures are also active within the following research areas at the Department:

Literary studies

Language in society


Fredrik Fällman, Associate Professor

Elena Pollacchi, Senior lecturer

Martin Svensson Ekström, Associate Professor