Heritage Academy
The Heritage Academy aims to be a bridge between the academic world and the surrounding society in line with the University's "third mission". It is a formalization of the objective to strengthen the dialogue between research and practice - a central intersection in the work of cultural heritage. It is a collaboration between the regional administration for cultural development, Västra Götalandsregionen, the University of Gothenburg and several museums in the western Sweden region. Most events within the Heritage Academy are held in Swedish so please visit our Swedish version of this website for more information.
- Jenny Högström Berntson, Centre for Critical Heritage Studies
- Vivian Smits, Kulturförvaltningen VGR
The Heritage Academy i a collaboration between the Centre for Critical Heritage Studies at the University of Gothenburg and Kulturförvaltningen Västra Götalandsregionen, Institutet för språk och folkminnen, The museum of World Culture in Gothenburg, Museinätverk Väst via Museum of Bohuslän, Stiftelsen Hallands Länsmuseer and Länsstyrelsen Västra Götalands län.
Most events within the Heritage Academy are held in Swedish so please visit our Swedish version of this website for more information.
#matarv (culinary heritage) is a platform where researchers and practitioners meet and discuss different topics related to foodways. More information on the Swedish website.
Award for research communication to food and heritage podcast
The Heritage Academy and the podcast on food and heritage (Matarvspodden), received the "Share with you award". Behind the award is the Forum for Science Communication (FFF) and several of Sweden’s large research councils. In the podcast, traditions, culture, and identity linked to food are discussed.
“Food is not only necessary for our survival. Food customs, recipes, and cooking practices are linked to traditions that are passed down over generations and that in different ways reflect the cultural heritage of both individuals and larger groups”, says the podcast producer and coordinator for the Heritage Academy, Jenny Högström Berntson.
This week she received the "Share with you award" at the Forum for Science Communication's annual conference in Stockholm for the initiative to communicate research in an accessible way.