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- Martin Lagging
Martin Lagging
Avd för infektionssjukdomarOm Martin Lagging
Role of Genetic Variations of Innate Immunity in Microbial Infections
Research Focus:
Our group has focused on translational studies and interventional/therapeutic trials on hepatitis C virus (HCV) with the goal of improving outcome as well as minimizing the risk of adverse events. In particular, we evaluated the impact of host factors such as interferon-gamma inducible protein 10 (IP-10; also known as CXCL10) as well human genetic variants, e.g. in the gene coding for interferon-lambda 4 (IFNL4; previously known as IL28B), on liver histopathology, response to therapy, and outcome for HCV treatment.
More recently, we have evaluated the impact of genetic variations in the inosine triphosphate pyrophosphatase (ITPase) gene on HCV infection, and reported a novel ribavirin-like reduced risk of relapse among patients having reduced ITPase activity. The evolutionary conserved ITPase is a cytosolic enzyme that recycles purines by the pyrophosphohydrolysis of ITP to inosine monophosphate (IMP), and thus protects against accumulation of non-canonical nucleotides such as ITP and xanthosine triphosphate (XTP) as well as their deoxy forms (dITP and dXTP), which otherwise incorrectly may be incorporated into RNA and DNA producing genetic instability, anomalous proteins, and altered ATP-dependent signaling.
In the near future, we plan to expand our evaluation of ITPase to include other microbial infections, as we hypothesize that inhibition of ITPase may point to novel antiviral and antibacterial strategies.
Immunogenicity of Comirnaty Omicron XBB.1.5 booster COVID-19 mRNA vaccine in long-term survivors after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell
Sigrun Einarsdottir, Samer Al-Dury, Ellen Fridriksson, Linn Dahlsten Andius, Hao Wang, Sinan Sharba, Amin Mountagui, Johan Waern, Johan Ringlander, Anna Martner, Kristoffer Hellstrand, Jesper Waldenström, Martin Lagging
Scientific reports - 2024 -
High prevalence of hepatitis E and rat hepatitis E viruses in wastewater in Gothenburg,
Marianela Patzi Churqui, Margarita Ghaleb, Timur Tunovic, Miriam Frankal, Lucica Enache, Kristina Nyström, Martin Lagging, Hao Wang
ONE HEALTH - 2024 -
Adjusted estimate of the prevalence of hepatitis delta virus in 25 countries and
Devin M. Razavi-Shearer, Maria Buti, Frank Tacke, Norah A. Terrault, Stefan Zeuzem, Zaigham Abbas, Alessio Aghemo, Ulus S. Akarca, Nasser M. Al Masri, Abduljaleel M. Alalwan, Marianne Alanko Blome, Soo Aleman, Abdullah S. Alghamdi, Mohammed Alghamdi, Saad Alghamdi, Waleed K. Al-Hamoudi, Ela Ali, Abdulrahman A. Aljumah, Ibrahim H. Altraif, Jazag Amarsanaa, Tarik Asselah, Oidov Baatarkhuu, Adriana Babameto, Ziv Ben-Ari, Thomas Berg, Mia J. Biondi, Wornei S. M. Braga, Carlos E. Brandao-Mello, Robert S. Brown Jr, Maurizia R. Brunetto, Joaquin Cabezas, Mariana Cardoso, Henry Lik Yuen Chan, Hugo Cheinquer, Chien-Jen Chen, Pei-Jer Chen, Cheng-Hung Chien, Hailey Child, Wan-Long Chuang, Laura E. Cisneros Garza, Barbara Coco, Carla S. Coffin, Nicola Coppola, Markus Cornberg, Antonio Craxi, Javier Crespo, Liri Cuko, Victor De Ledinghen, Ann-Sofi Duberg, Ohad Etzion, Maria Lucia G. Ferraz, Paulo R. A. Ferreira, Xavier Forns, Graham R. Foster, James Fung, Giovanni B. Gaeta, Javier Garcia-Samaniego, Jordan Genov, Liliana S. Gheorghe, Pierre M. Gholam, Robert G. Gish, Jeffrey Glenn, Adrian Goldis, Saeed S. Hamid, Julian Hercun, Yao-Chun Hsu, Ching-Chih Hu, Jee-Fu Huang, Ramazan Idilman, Wasim S. M. Jafri, Naveed Janjua, Deian Jelev, Anna Jerkeman, Jidong Jia, Martin Kaberg, Kelly D. E. Kaita, Jia-Horng Kao, Aamir G. Khan, Do Young Kim, Loreta A. Kondili, Martin Lagging, Pietro Lampertico, Pablo Lazaro, Jeffrey Lazarus, Mei-Hsuan Lee, Young-Suk Lim, Cirley M. O. Lobato, Guilherme Macedo, Rui T. Marinho, Paul J. Marotta, Alexanda Martins, Maria Cassia Mendes-Correa, Nahum Mendez-Sanchez, Maria-Cristina Navas, Qing Ning, Necati Ormeci, Mauricio Orrego, Carla Osiowy, Calvin Q. Pan, Mario G. Pessoa, Zahra Z. Piracha, Cora Pop, Jose A. Presa Ramos, Huma Qureshi, Giovanni Raimondo, Alnoor Ramji, Kathryn Razavi-Shearer, Sofia Ribeiro, Cielo Y. Rios-Hincapie, Manuel Rodriguez, William M. C. Rosenberg, Dominique Roulot, Stephen D. Ryder, Umar Saeed, Rifaat Safadi, Faisal M. Sanai, Juan F. Sanchez-Avila, Teresa A. Santantonio, Christoph Sarrazin, Wai-Kay Seto, Daniel Shouval, Marieta Y. Simonova, Junko Tanaka, Tammo L. Tergast, Oyunsuren Tsendsuren, Cristina Valente, Juan Miguel Villalobos-Salcedo, Alexis S. Voeller, Yasir Waheed, Grace L-H Wong, Vincent W-S Wong, Jaw-Ching Wu, Hwai- Yang, Terry C-F Yip, Ming-Lung Yu, Man-Fung Yuen, Cihan Yurdaydin, Eli Zuckerman, Homie A. Razavi
Impaired T-cell response to mRNA vaccination heralds risk of COVID-19 in long-term allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
Sigrun Einarsdottir, Jesper Waldenström, Andreas Törnell, Johan Ringlander, Joakim B. Stenbäck, Sebastian Malmström, Kristoffer Hellstrand, Anna Martner, Martin Lagging
Haematologica - 2024 -
Measures against COVID-19 affected the spread of human enteric viruses in a Swedish community, as found when monitoring
Hao Wang, Marianela Patzi Churqui, Timur Tunovic, L. Enache, A. Johansson, Magnus Lindh, Martin Lagging, Kristina Nyström, Helene Norder
Hepatitis D double reflex testing of all hepatitis B carriers in low-HBV- and high-HBV/HDV-prevalence
Homie A. Razavi, Maria Buti, Norah A. Terrault, Stefan Zeuzem, Cihan Yurdaydin, Junko Tanaka, Alessio Aghemo, Ulus S. Akarca, Nasser M. Al Masri, Abduljaleel M. Alalwan, Soo Aleman, Abdullah S. Alghamdi, Saad Alghamdi, Waleed K. Al-Hamoudi, Abdulrahman A. Aljumah, Ibrahim H. Altraif, Tarik Asselah, Ziv Ben-Ari, Thomas Berg, Mia J. Biondi, Sarah Blach, Wornei S. M. Braga, Carlos E. Brandao-Mello, Maurizia R. Brunetto, Joaquin Cabezas, Hugo Cheinquer, Pei-Jer Chen, Myeong-Eun Cheon, Wan-Long Chuang, Carla S. Coffin, Nicola Coppola, Antonio Craxi, Javier Crespo, Victor De Ledinghen, Ann-Sofi Duberg, Ohad Etzion, Maria Lucia G. Ferraz, Paulo R. A. Ferreira, Xavier Forns, Graham R. Foster, Giovanni B. Gaeta, Ivane Gamkrelidze, Javier Garcia-Samaniego, Liliana S. Gheorghe, Pierre M. Gholam, Robert G. Gish, Jeffrey Glenn, Julian Hercun, Yao-Chun Hsu, Ching-Chih Hu, Jee-Fu Huang, Naveed Janjua, Jidong Jia, Martin Kaberg, Kelly D. E. Kaita, Habiba Kamal, Jia-Horng Kao, Loreta A. Kondili, Martin Lagging, Pablo Lazaro, Jeffrey V. Lazarus, Mei-Hsuan Lee, Young-Suk Lim, Paul J. Marotta, Maria-Cristina Navas, Marcelo C. M. Naveira, Mauricio Orrego, Carla Osiowy, Calvin Q. Pan, Mario G. Pessoa, Giovanni Raimondo, Alnoor Ramji, Devin M. Razavi-Shearer, Kathryn Razavi-Shearer, Cielo Y. Rios-Hincapie, Manuel Rodriguez, William M. C. Rosenberg, Dominique M. Roulot, Stephen D. Ryder, Rifaat Safadi, Faisal M. Sanai, Teresa A. Santantonio, Christoph Sarrazin, Daniel Shouval, Frank Tacke, Tammo L. Tergast, Juan Miguel Villalobos-Salcedo, Alexis S. Voeller, Hwai-I Yang, Ming-Lung Yu, Eli Zuckerman
Catch-up antibody responses and hybrid immunity in mRNA vaccinated patients at risk of severe
S. Al-Dury, Jesper Waldenström, Johan Ringlander, Sigrun Einarsdottir, Markus Andersson, H. H. Saed, J. Waern, Anna Martner, Kristoffer Hellstrand, Martin Lagging
Infectious Diseases - 2023 -
Induction and subsequent decline of S1-specific T cell reactivity after COVID-19
Andreas Törnell, Hanna Grauers Wiktorin, Johan Ringlander, Mohammad Arabpour, Staffan Nilsson, Magnus Lindh, Martin Lagging, Kristoffer Hellstrand, Anna Martner
Clinical Immunology - 2023 -
High Exposure to Perfluoroalkyl Substances and Antibody Responses to SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccine-an Observational Study in Adults from Ronneby,
Axel G Andersson, Anna Lundgren, Yiyi Xu, Christel Nielsen, Christian H Lindh, Daniela Pineda, Julia Cederlund, Elisavet Pataridou, Sandra Søgaard Tøttenborg, Kajsa Ugelvig Petersen, Tony Fletcher, Martin Lagging, Mats Bemark, Kristina Jakobsson, Ying Li
Environmental health perspectives - 2023 -
High real-world effectiveness of 12-week elbasvir/grazoprevir without resistance testing in the treatment of patients with HCV genotype 1a infection in
R. A. Leiva, B. M. Bergersen, A. K. Finbråten, P. K. Sandvei, Ø Simonsen, C. M. Rosseland, K. Hagen, L. Young, R. S. Roberts, Y. Mikkelsen, R. Singh, Martin Lagging, O. Dalgard
Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology - 2023 -
Presence of MDSC associates with impaired antigen-specific T cell reactivity following COVID-19 vaccination in cirrhotic
Andreas Törnell, E. Blick, S. Al-Dury, Hanna Grauers Wiktorin, J. Waern, Johan Ringlander, Sigrun Einarsdottir, Magnus Lindh, Kristoffer Hellstrand, Martin Lagging, Anna Martner
Frontiers in Immunology - 2023 -
Transient and durable T cell reactivity after
Anna Martner, Hanna Grauers Wiktorin, Andreas Törnell, J. Ringlander, Mohammad Arabpour, M. Lindh, Martin Lagging, Staffan Nilsson, Kristoffer Hellstrand
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America - 2022 -
Hepatitis E Virus Infection, a Risk for Liver Transplant Recipients in
Miriam Frankal, Catarina Skoglund, Maria Castedal, Martin Lagging, Helene Norder
Transplantation Direct - 2022 -
Reduced immunogenicity of a third COVID-19 vaccination among recipients of allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell
Sigrun Einarsdottir, Anna Martner, Malin Nicklasson, Hanna Grauers Wiktorin, Mohammad Arabpour, Andreas Törnell, Krista Vaht, Jesper Waldenström, Johan Ringlander, Tomas Bergström, Mats Brune, Kristoffer Hellstrand, Per Ljungman, Martin Lagging
Haematologica - 2022 -
Impaired SARS-CoV-2-specific T-cell reactivity in patients with cirrhosis following mRNA COVID-19
Samer Al-Dury, J. Waern, Jesper Waldenström, M. Alavanja, H. H. Saed, Andreas Törnell, Mohammad Arabpour, Hanna Grauers Wiktorin, Sigrun Einarsdottir, Johan Ringlander, G. Ringstroem, Kristoffer Hellstrand, Anna Martner, Martin Lagging
JHEP Reports - 2022 -
Rapid cytokine release assays for analysis of SARS-CoV-2-specific T cells in whole
Andreas Törnell, Hanna Grauers Wiktorin, Johan Ringlander, Mohammad Arabpour, Malin Nilsson, Staffan Nilsson, Roberta Kiffin, Magnus Lindh, Martin Lagging, Kristoffer Hellstrand, Anna Martner
The Journal of infectious diseases - 2022 -
Deficiency of SARS-CoV-2 T-cell responses after vaccination in long-term allo-HSCT survivors translates into abated humoral
Sigrun Einarsdottir, Anna Martner, Jesper Waldenström, Malin Nicklasson, Johan Ringlander, Mohammad Arabpour, Andreas Törnell, Hanna Grauers Wiktorin, Staffan Nilsson, Rudy Bittar, Malin Nilsson, Mikael Lisak, Malin Veje, Vanda Friman, Samer Al-Dury, Tomas Bergström, Per Ljungman, Mats Brune, Kristoffer Hellstrand, Martin Lagging
Blood advances - 2022 -
The amount of SARS-CoV-2 RNA in wastewater relates to the development of the pandemic and its burden on the health
Hao Wang, Marianela Patzi Churqui, Timur Tunovic, L. Enache, A. Johansson, Ambjörn Kärmander, Staffan Nilsson, Martin Lagging, Maria Andersson, L. Dotevall, T. Brezicka, Kristina Nyström, Helene Norder
iScience - 2022 -
Global change in hepatitis C virus prevalence and cascade of care between 2015 and 2020: a modelling
S. Blach, N. A. Terrault, F. Tacke, I. Gamkrelidze, A. Craxi, J. Tanaka, I. Waked, G. J. Dore, Z. Abbas, A. R. Abdallah, M. Abdulla, A. Aghemo, I. Aho, U. S. Akarca, A. M. Alalwan, M. A. Blome, S. A. Al-Busafi, S. Aleman, A. S. Alghamdi, W. K. Al-Hamoudi, A. A. Aljumah, K. Al-Naamani, Y. M. Al Serkal, I. H. Altraif, A. C. Anand, M. Anderson, M. I. Andersson, K. Athanasakis, O. Baatarkhuu, S. R. Bakieva, Z. Ben-Ari, F. Bessone, M. J. Biondi, A. R. N. Bizri, C. E. B. Mello, K. Brigida, K. A. Brown, R. S. Brown, P. Bruggmann, M. R. Brunetto, D. Busschots, M. Buti, M. Butsashvili, J. Cabezas, C. Chae, V. C. Ivanova, H. L. Y. Chan, H. Cheinquer, K. J. Cheng, M. E. Cheon, C. H. Chien, R. N. Chien, G. Choudhuri, P. B. Christensen, W. L. Chuang, V. Chulanov, L. E. Cisneros, B. Coco, F. A. Contreras, M. Cornberg, M. E. Cramp, J. Crespo, F. Cui, C. W. Cunningham, L. D. Abou, O. Dalgard, D. Y. Dao, V. De Ledinghen, M. F. Derbala, K. Deuba, K. Dhindsa, S. Djauzi, S. Drazilova, A. S. Duberg, M. Elbadri, M. H. El-Sayed, G. Esmat, C. Estes, S. Ezzat, M. A. Farkkila, L. Ferradini, M. L. G. Ferraz, P. R. A. Ferreira, T. F. Kanizaj, R. Flisiak, S. Frankova, J. Fung, A. Gamkrelidze, E. J. Gane, V. Garcia, J. Garcia-Samaniego, M. Gemilyan, J. Genov, L. S. Gheorghe, P. M. Gholam, A. G. Null, M. Gottfredsson, R. T. Gray, J. Grebely, M. Gschwantler, B. Hajarizadeh, S. S. Hamid, W. Hamoudi, A. Hatzakis, M. E. Hellard, S. Himatt, H. Hofer, I. Hrstic, B. Hunyady, P. Husa, A. Husic-Selimovic, W. S. M. Jafri, M. Janicko, N. Z. Janjua, P. Jarcuska, J. Jaroszewicz, A. Jerkeman, A. Jeruma, J. D. Jia, J. G. Jonasson, M. Kaberg, K. D. E. Kaita, K. S. K. Null, J. H. Kao, O. T. Kasymov, A. K. Hanku, F. Khamis, J. Khamia, A. G. Khan, L. Khandu, I. Khoudri, K. B. Kielland, D. Kim, N. Kodjoh, L. A. Kondili, M. Krajden, H. B. Krarup, P. Kristian, J. A. Kwon, Martin Lagging, W. Laleman, W. C. Lao, D. Lavanchy, P. Lazaro, J. V. Lazarus, A. U. Lee, M. H. Lee, M. K. K. Li, V. Liakina, Y. S. Lim, A. Love, B. Luksic, S. M. Machekera, A. O. Malu, R. T. Marinho, M. Maticic, H. D. Mekonnen, M. C. Mendes-Correa, N. Mendez-Sanchez, S. Merat, B. R. Meshesha, H. Midgard, M. Mills, R. Mohamed, E. Mooneyhan, C. Moreno, D. H. Muljono, B. Mullhaupt, E. Musabaev, G. Muyldermans, Y. A. Nartey, M. C. M. Naveira, F. Negro, A. V. Nersesov, R. Njouom, R. Ntagirabiri, Z. S. Nurmatov, S. A. Obekpa, S. Oguche, S. Olafsson, J. P. Ong, O. K. Opare-Sem, M. Orrego, A. L. Ovrehus, C. Q. Pan, G. V. Papatheodoridis, M. Peck-Radosavljevic, M. G. Pessoa, R. O. Phillips, N. Pimenov, D. Plaseska-Karanfilska, N. N. Prabdial-Sing, P. Puri, H. Q. Null, A. Rahman, A. Ramji, D. M. Razavi-Shearer, K. Razavi-Shearer, E. Ridruejo, C. Y. Rios-Hincapie, S. M. S. Rizvi, Gkmm Robaeys, L. R. Roberts, S. K. Roberts, S. D. Ryder, S. Sadirova, U. Saeed, R. Safadi, O. Sagalova, S. S. Said, R. Salupere, F. M. Sanai, J. F. Sanchez-Avila, V. A. Saraswat, C. Sarrazin, G. Sarybayeva, C. Seguin-Devaux, A. I. Sharara, M. Sheikh, A. B. Shewaye, W. Sievert, K. Simojoki, M. Y. Simonova, M. W. Sonderup, C. W. Spearman, J. Sperl, R. E. Stauber, C. A. M. Stedman, T. H. Su, A. Suleiman, V. Sypsa, N. T. Antabak, S. S. Tan, T. L. Tergast, P. H. Thurairajah, I. Tolmane, K. Tomasiewicz, M. Tsereteli, B. S. C. Uzochukwu, Damc Van de Vijver, D. K. van Santen, H. Van Vlierberghe, B. Van Welzen, T. Vanwolleghem, P. Velez-Moller, F. G. Villamil, A. Vince, Y. Waheed, N. Weis, V. W. S. Wong, C. G. Yaghi, K. Yesmembetov, A. Yosry, M. F. Yuen, E. Yunihastuti, S. Zeuzem, E. Zuckerman, H. A. Razavi
Lancet Gastroenterology & Hepatology - 2022 -
Surveillance of wastewater revealed peaks of SARS-CoV-2 preceding those of hospitalized patients with
Fredy Saguti, Ellen Magnil, Lucica Enache, Marianela Patzi Churqui, Anette Johansson, Douglas Lumley, Fredrik Davidsson, Leif Dotevall, Ann Mattsson, Edward Trybala, Martin Lagging, Magnus Lindh, Magnus Gisslén, Thomas Brezicka, Kristina Nyström, Helene Norder
Water Research - 2021 -
Presence of interferon-lambda, 4, male vender, absent/mild steatosis and low viral load augment antibody levels to hepatitis C
Jesper Waldenström, Kristoffer Hellstrand, Johan Westin, Staffan Nilsson, P. Christensen, M. Farkkila, K. Morch, N. Langeland, Gunnar Norkrans, Martin Lagging
Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology - 2021 -
Hepatitis C elimination in Sweden: Progress, challenges and opportunities for growth in the time of
S. Blach, M. Blomé, A. S. Duberg, A. Jerkeman, M. Kåberg, P. E. Klasa, Martin Lagging, D. Razavi-Shearer, H. Razavi, S. Aleman
Liver International - 2021 -
Absence of interferon-lambda 4 enhances spontaneous clearance of acute hepatitis C virus genotypes 1-3
Jesper Waldenström, M. Kaberg, M. A. Blome, A. Widell, P. Bjorkman, Staffan Nilsson, A. Hammarberg, O. Weiland, Kristina Nyström, Martin Lagging
Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology - 2021 -
Sick leave and disability pension in patients with chronic hepatitis C compared with a matched general population: a nationwide register
K. Busch, F. Hansson, M. Holton, Martin Lagging, Johan Westin, J. Kovamees, M. Sallberg, J. Soderholm
BMJ Open - 2020 -
The relation of 25-hydroxy vitamin D concentrations to liver histopathology, seasonality and baseline characteristics in chronic hepatitis C virus genotype 2 or 3
Jesper Waldenström, Kristina Nyström, Staffan Nilsson, Gunnar Norkrans, Magdalena Ydreborg, N. Langeland, K. Morch, Johan Westin, Martin Lagging
Plos One - 2020 -
Impact of insufficient ACE2 products and late enterocyte regeneration in severe
Bengt Nellgård, Magnus Gisslén, Mats Börjesson, Martin Lagging, D Kalla, J Savnvil
Science - 2020 -
Sofosbuvir/velpatasvir for the treatment of HCV: excellent results from a phase-3, open-label study in Russia and
V. Isakov, V. Chulanov, D. Abdurakhmanov, E. Burnevich, E. Nurmukhametova, G. Kozhevnikova, N. Gankina, S. Zhuravel, S. Romanova, R. H. Hyland, S. Lu, E. S. Svarovskaia, J. McNally, D. M. Brainard, V. Ivashkin, V. Morozov, I. Bakulin, Martin Lagging, K. Zhdanov, O. Weiland
Infectious Diseases - 2019 -
No need to discontinue hepatitis C virus therapy at the time of liver
Catarina Skoglund, Martin Lagging, Maria Castedal
PloS one - 2019 -
Hepatitis E virus genotype 3 is associated with gallstone-related
Miriam Karlsson, Helene Norder, Maria Bergström, Per-Ola Park, Marie Karlsson, R. Wejstal, A. Alsio, Martin Lagging, A. Mellgren
Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology - 2019 -
Lower risk of multiple sclerosis in patients with chronic hepatitis C: a nationwide population-based registry
J. Soderholm, Aylin Yilmaz, A. Svenningsson, K. Busch, Rune Wejstål, A. Brolund, J. Kovamees, M. Sallberg, Martin Lagging, Magnus Gisslén
Journal of Neurology - 2019 -
Ribavirin: Pharmacology, multiple modes of action and possible future
Kristina Nyström, Jesper Waldenström, Ka-Wei Tang, Martin Lagging
Future Virology - 2019 -
PRO-C3: a new and more precise collagen marker for liver fibrosis in patients with chronic hepatitis
J. F. Hansen, M. J. Nielsen, Kristina Nyström, D. J. Leeming, Martin Lagging, Gunnar Norkrans, P. B. Christensen, M. Karsdal
Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology - 2018 -
Inosine Triphosphate Pyrophosphatase Dephosphorylates Ribavirin Triphosphate and Reduced Enzymatic Activity Potentiates Mutagenesis in Hepatitis C
Kristina Nyström, P. H. Wanrooij, Jesper Waldenström, Ludmila Adamek, Sofia Brunet, Joanna Said, Staffan Nilsson, M. Wind-Rotolo, Kristoffer Hellstrand, Helene Norder, Ka-Wei Tang, Martin Lagging
Journal of Virology - 2018 -
Treatment of hepatitis C virus infection for adults and children: updated Swedish consensus guidelines
Martin Lagging, Rune Wejstål, A. S. Duberg, S. Aleman, O. Weiland, Johan Westin
Infectious Diseases - 2018 -
Reduced ITPase activity and favorable IL28B genetic variant protect against ribavirin-induced anemia in interferon-free
A. Vasanthakumar, J. W. Davis, M. Abunimeh, J. Soderholm, J. H. Zha, E. O. Dumas, D. E. Cohen, J. F. Waring, Martin Lagging
Plos One - 2018 -
Cartilage oligomeric matrix protein associates with hepatic inflammation and fibrosis in hepatitis C virus
Kristofer Andréasson, Jesper Waldenström, Johan Westin, Hans Norrgren, Göran Jönsson, Kristina Nyström, Martin Lagging
Journal of Hepatology - 2017 -
Sofosbuvir based treatment of chronic hepatitis C genotype 3 infections-A Scandinavian real-life
O. Dalgard, O. Weiland, G. Noraberg, L. Karlsen, L. Heggelund, M. Farkkila, U. Balslev, E. Belard, A. Ovrehus, M. S. Kjaer, H. Krarup, B. T. Roge, S. Hallager, L. G. Madsen, A. L. Laursen, Martin Lagging, N. Weis
Plos One - 2017 -
Hepatitis C virus prevalence and level of intervention required to achieve the WHO targets for elimination in the European Union by 2030: a modelling
H. Razavi, S. Robbins, S. Zeuzem, F. Negro, M. Buti, A. S. Duberg, F. Roudot-Thoraval, A. Craxi, M. Manns, R. T. Marinho, B. Hunyady, M. Colombo, S. Aleman, K. Antonov, P. Arkkila, K. Athanasakis, S. Blach, M. Blachier, A. J. Blasco, F. Calinas, J. L. Calleja, P. B. Christensen, M. E. Cramp, E. Croes, R. J. de Knegt, V. de Ledinghen, J. M. Delile, C. Estes, K. Falconer, M. Farkkila, R. Flisiak, S. Frankova, I. Gamkrelidze, J. Garcia-Samaniego, J. Genov, J. Gerstoft, L. Gheorghe, A. Goldis, I. Gountas, S. Gregorcic, M. Gschwantler, J. Gunter, W. Halota, L. Harcouet, C. Hezode, P. Hoffmann, G. Horvath, I. Hrstic, P. Jarcuska, D. Jelev, A. Jeruma, M. Kaberg, J. Kieran, L. A. Kondili, I. Kotzev, H. Krarup, P. Kristian, Martin Lagging, W. Laleman, P. Lazaro, V. Liakina, B. Luksic, M. Maimets, M. Makara, L. Mateva, M. Maticic, F. S. Mennini, R. Mitova, C. Moreno, J. Mossong, K. Murphy, H. Nde, V. Nemecek, D. Nonkovic, S. Norris, M. Oltman, A. L. H. Ovrehus, G. Papatheodoridis, K. Pasini, D. Razavi-Shearer, K. Razavi-Shearer, H. W. Reesink, T. Reic, B. Rozentale, S. D. Ryder, R. Salupere, R. Sarmento-Castro, C. Sarrazin, J. D. Schmelzer, I. Schreter, C. Seguin-Devaux, K. Simojoki, M. Simonova, P. J. Smit, K. Souliotis, D. Speiciene, J. Sperl, P. Starkel, D. Struck, V. Sypsa, L. Thornton, I. Tolmane, K. Tomasiewicz, J. Valantinas, P. Van Damme, D. V. de Vijver, A. J. van der Meer, D. van Santen, H. Van Vlierberghe, D. Vandijck, S. Vella, J. Videcnik-Zorman, W. Vogel, N. Weis, A. Hatzakis
Lancet Gastroenterology & Hepatology - 2017 -
Treatment of hepatitis C virus infection: updated Swedish Guidelines
Martin Lagging, Rune Wejstål, Gunnar Norkrans, Olle Karlström, Soo Aleman, Ola Weiland, Maria Castedal, Johan Westin
Infectious diseases (London, England) - 2017 -
High seroprevalence against hepatitis E virus in patients with chronic hepatitis C virus
A. Mellgren, M. Karlsson, Marie Karlsson, Martin Lagging, Rune Wejstål, Helene Norder
Journal of Clinical Virology - 2017 -
Prevalence and comorbidities of chronic hepatitis C: a nationwide population-based register study in
K. Busch, Jesper Waldenström, Martin Lagging, S. Aleman, O. Weiland, J. Kovamees, A. S. Duberg, J. Soderholm
Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology - 2017 -
Diagnostic Performance of Five Assays for Anti-Hepatitis E Virus IgG and IgM in a Large Cohort
Helene Norder, Marie Karlsson, Åsa Mellgren, Jan Konar, Elisabeth Sandberg, Anders Lasson, Maria Castedal, Lars Magnius, Martin Lagging
Journal of clinical microbiology - 2016 -
Grazoprevir plus peginterferon and ribavirin in treatment-naive patients with hepatitis C virus genotype 1 infection: a randomized
Martin Lagging, A. Brown, P. S. Mantry, A. Ramji, F. Weilert, J. M. Vierling, A. Howe, I. N. Gendrano, P. Hwang, B. Zhang, J. Wahl, M. Robertson, N. Mobashery
Journal of Viral Hepatitis - 2016 -
Short interferon and ribavirin treatment for HCV genotype 2 or 3 infection: NORDynamIC trial and real-life
Jesper Waldenström, M. Farkkila, Karolina Rembeck, Gunnar Norkrans, N. Langeland, K. Morch, C. Pedersen, M. Rauning Buhl, U. Nieminen, H. Nuutinen, Åsa Alsiö, L. Holmstrom, R. Jungnelius, K. Lund, A. Rubensson, E. Torell, Johan Westin, Martin Lagging
Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology - 2016 -
Treatment of hepatitis C virus infection for adults and children: Updated Swedish consensus
Martin Lagging, Rune Wejstål, Gunnar Norkrans, Olle Karlström, Soo Aleman, Ola Weiland, Maria Castedal, Filip Josephson
Infectious diseases (London, England) - 2016 -
Imported case of lassa fever in Sweden with encephalopathy and sensorineural hearing
Anna Grahn, Andreas Bråve, Martin Lagging, Leif Dotevall, David Ekqvist, Helena Hammarström, Helen Karlberg, Nina Lagerqvist, Martina Sansone, Anders Tegnell, Peter Ulleryd, Marie Studahl
Open Forum Infectious Diseases - 2016 -
Randomized Trial Evaluating the Impact of Ribavirin Mono-Therapy and Double Dosing on Viral Kinetics, Ribavirin Pharmacokinetics and Anemia in Hepatitis C Virus Genotype 1
Jesper Waldenström, Johan Westin, Kristina Nyström, P. Christensen, O. Dalgard, M. Farkkila, K. Lindahl, Staffan Nilsson, Gunnar Norkrans, H. Krarup, H. Norrgren, M. R. Buhl, S. Stenmark, Martin Lagging
PLoS ONE - 2016 -
Impact of IL28B, ITPA and PNPLA3 genetic variants on therapeutic outcome and progression of hepatitis C virus
Karolina Rembeck, Martin Lagging
Pharmacogenomics - 2015 -
Chronic hepatitis E infection with an emerging virus strain in a heart transplant recipient successfully treated with ribavirin: a case
Jesper Waldenström, Maria Castedal, Jan Konar, Kristjan Karason, Martin Lagging, Helene Norder
Journal of medical case reports - 2015 -
Efficacy and safety of 12 weeks versus 18 weeks of treatment with grazoprevir (MK-5172) and elbasvir (MK-8742) with or without ribavirin for hepatitis C virus genotype 1 infection in previously untreated patients with cirrhosis and patients with previous null response with or without cirrhosis (C-WORTHY): a randomised, open-label phase 2
E. Lawitz, E. Gane, B. Pearlman, E. Tam, W. Ghesquiere, D. Guyader, L. Alric, J. P. Bronowicki, L. Lester, W. Sievert, R. Ghalib, L. Balart, F. Sund, Martin Lagging, F. Dutko, M. Shaughnessy, P. Hwang, A. Y. M. Howe, J. Wahl, M. Robertson, E. Barr, B. Haber
Lancet - 2015 -
Variants of the inosine triphosphate pyrophosphatase gene are associated with reduced relapse risk following treatment for HCV genotype
Karolina Rembeck, Jesper Waldenström, Kristoffer Hellstrand, Staffan Nilsson, Kristina Nyström, Anna Martner, Magnus Lindh, Gunnar Norkrans, Johan Westin, Court Pedersen, Martti Färkkilä, Nina Langeland, Mads Rauning Buhl, Kristine Mörch, Peer Brehm Christensen, Martin Lagging
Hepatology (Baltimore, Md.) - 2014 -
A Novel Fibrosis Index Comprising a Non-Cholesterol Sterol Accurately Predicts HCV-Related Liver
Magdalena Ydreborg, Vera Lisovskaja, Martin Lagging, P. B. Christensen, N. Langeland, M. R. Buhl, C. Pedersen, K. Morch, Rune Wejstål, Gunnar Norkrans, Magnus Lindh, M. Farkkila, Johan Westin
Plos One - 2014 -
Elevated antibody reactivity to measles virus Ncore protein among patients with multiple sclerosis and their healthy siblings with intrathecal oligoclonal immunoglobulin G
Linn Persson, Sonia Longhi, Johanna Enarsson, Oluf Andersen, Sara Haghighi, Staffan Nilsson, Martin Lagging, Maria Johansson, Tomas Bergström
Journal of Clinical Virology - 2014 -
Chronic hepatitis C in Swedish subjects receiving opiate substitution therapy-Factors associated with advanced
A. Jerkeman, Johan Westin, Martin Lagging, Gunnar Norkrans, C. Lidman, J. Frimand, C. Simonsberg, J. Kakko, A. Widell, P. Björkman
Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases - 2014 -
Martin Lagging, Karolina Rembeck, Jesper Waldenström, Staffan Nilsson, Kristina Nyström, Anna Martner, Magnus Lindh, Gunnar Norkrans, Johan Westin, Court Pedersen, Martti Färkkilä, Nina Langeland, Mads Rauning Buhl, Kristine Mørch, Peer B Christensen, Kristoffer Hellstrand
Hepatology (Baltimore, Md.) - 2014 -
The novel ss469415590 variant predicts virological response to therapy in patients with chronic hepatitis C virus type 1
L. Covolo, S. Bibert, F. Donato, P. Y. Bochud, Martin Lagging, F. Negro, G. Fattovich
Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics - 2014 -
Treatment for chronic hepatitis C in a cohort of opiate substitution therapy recipients in three Swedish cities - completion rates and
A. Jerkeman, Gunnar Norkrans, C. Lidman, Johan Westin, Martin Lagging, J. Frimand, C. Simonsberg, J. Kakko, A. Widell, P. Bjorkman
European Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology - 2014 -
Dynamic tailoring of treatment durations improves efficiency of hepatitis C treatment with pegylated interferon and
Magnus Lindh, B. Arnholm, P. Bjorkman, Kristoffer Hellstrand, Martin Lagging, Staffan Nilsson, T. Wahlberg, E. Wallmark, O. Weiland, Rune Wejstål, Johan Westin, A. Widell, Gunnar Norkrans
Journal of Viral Hepatitis - 2013 -
Impact of IL28B-Related Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms on Liver Transient Elastography in Chronic Hepatitis C
Magdalena Ydreborg, Johan Westin, Karolina Rembeck, Magnus Lindh, H. Norrgren, A. Holmberg, Rune Wejstål, Gunnar Norkrans, K. Cardell, O. Weiland, Martin Lagging
Plos One - 2013 -
Neonatal transfusion-transmitted hepatitis C virus infection following a pre-seroconversion window-phase donation in
Jesper Waldenström, J. Konar, B. Ekermo, Helene Norder, Martin Lagging
Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases - 2013 -
Impact of Soluble CD26 on Treatment Outcome and Hepatitis C Virus-Specific T Cells in Chronic Hepatitis C Virus Genotype 1
Jonas Söderholm, Jesper Waldenström, Galia Askarieh, M. Pilli, P. Y. Bochud, F. Negro, J. M. Pawlotsky, S. Zeuzem, C. Ferrari, Gunnar Norkrans, Rune Wejstål, Johan Westin, A. U. Neumann, B. L. Haagmans, Magnus Lindh, G. Missale, Kristoffer Hellstrand, Martin Lagging
PLoS ONE - 2013 -
Retreatment with peg-interferon and ribavirin in patients with chronic hepatitis C virus genotype 2 or 3 infection with prior
Martin Lagging, Karolina Rembeck, M. R. Buhl, P. Christensen, O. Dalgard, M. Farkkila, Kristoffer Hellstrand, N. Langeland, Magnus Lindh, Johan Westin, Gunnar Norkrans
Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology - 2013 -
Intrahepatic mRNA levels of SOCS1 and SOCS3 are associated with cirrhosis but do not predict virological response to therapy in chronic hepatitis
S. Pascarella, S. Clément, M. Dill, S. Conzelmann, Martin Lagging, G. Missale, A. Neumann, J. Pawlotsky, S Zeuzem, L. Rubbia-Brandt, P. Bochud, F. Negro
Liver international - 2013 -
Long-term effects of treatment and response in patients with chronic hepatitis C on quality of
Geert Bezemer, Arthur R van Gool, Elke Verheij-Hart, Bettina E Hansen, Yoav Lurie, Juan I Esteban, Martin Lagging, Francesco Negro, Stefan Zeuzem, Carlo Ferrari, Jean-Michel Pawlotsky, Avidan U Neumann, Solko W Schalm, Robert J de Knegt
BMC Gastroenterology - 2012 -
Early quantification of HCV core antigen may help to determine the duration of therapy for chronic genotype 2 or 3 HCV
Åsa Alsiö, A. Jannesson, N. Langeland, C. Pedersen, M. Farkkila, M. R. Buhl, K. Morch, Johan Westin, Kristoffer Hellstrand, Gunnar Norkrans, Martin Lagging
European Journal of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases - 2012 -
Association between interleukin-28B-related genetic variants and liver histopathology differs between hepatitis C virus
Karolina Rembeck, Johan Westin, Magnus Lindh, Kristoffer Hellstrand, Gunnar Norkrans, Martin Lagging
Hepatology - 2012 -
Treatment of hepatitis C virus infection in adults and children: Updated Swedish consensus
Martin Lagging, A. S. Duberg, Rune Wejstål, O. Weiland, Magnus Lindh, S. Aleman, F. Josephson
Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases - 2012 -
Impact of donor histology on survival following liver transplantation for chronic hepatitis C virus infection: a Scandinavian single-center
Magdalena Ydreborg, Johan Westin, Martin Lagging, Maria Castedal, Styrbjörn Friman
Scandinavian journal of gastroenterology - 2012 -
PNPLA 3 I148M genetic variant associates with insulin resistance and baseline viral load in HCV genotype 2 but not in genotype 3
Karolina Rembeck, Cristina Maglio, Martin Lagging, Peer Brehm Christensen, Martti Färkkilä, Nina Langeland, Mads Rauning Buhl, Court Pedersen, Kristine Mørch, Gunnar Norkrans, Kristoffer Hellstrand, Magnus Lindh, Carlo Pirazzi, Maria Antonella Burza, Stefano Romeo, Johan Westin
BMC medical genetics - 2012 -
The impact of fibrosis and steatosis on early viral kinetics in HCV genotype 1-infected patients treated with Peg-IFN-alfa-2a and
H. Guedj, J. Guedj, F. Negro, Martin Lagging, Johan Westin, P. Y. Bochud, S. Bibert, A. U. Neumann
Journal of Viral Hepatitis - 2012 -
Impact of IL28B-related single nucleotide polymorphisms on liver histopathology in chronic hepatitis C genotype 2 and
Karolina Rembeck, Åsa Alsiö, Peer Brehm Christensen, Martti Färkkilä, Nina Langeland, Mads Rauning Buhl, Court Pedersen, Kristine Mørch, Johan Westin, Magnus Lindh, Kristoffer Hellstrand, Gunnar Norkrans, Martin Lagging
PloS one - 2012 -
Impact of Obesity on the Bioavailability of Peginterferon-α2a and Ribavirin and Treatment Outcome for Chronic Hepatitis C Genotype 2 or
Åsa Alsiö, Karolina Rembeck, Galia Askarieh, Peer Brehm Christensen, Martti Färkkilä, Nina Langeland, Mads Rauning Buhl, Court Pedersen, Kristine Mørch, Bart L Haagmans, Salmir Nasic, Johan Westin, Kristoffer Hellstrand, Gunnar Norkrans, Martin Lagging
PloS one - 2012 -
Impact of IL28B SNPs on therapeutic outcome and liver histology differs between hepatitis C virus
Martin Lagging
Pharmacogenomics - 2012 -
Response prediction in chronic hepatitis C by assessment of IP-10 and IL28B-related single nucleotide
Martin Lagging, Galia Askarieh, Francesco Negro, Stephanie Bibert, Jonas Söderholm, Johan Westin, Magnus Lindh, Ana Romero, Gabriele Missale, Carlo Ferrari, Avidan U Neumann, Jean-Michel Pawlotsky, Bart L Haagmans, Stefan Zeuzem, Pierre-Yves Bochud, Kristoffer Hellstrand
PloS one - 2011 -
Core mutations, IL28B polymorphisms and response to peginterferon/ribavirin treatment in Swedish patients with hepatitis C virus genotype 1
Erik Alestig, B. Arnholm, Anders Eilard, Martin Lagging, Staffan Nilsson, Gunnar Norkrans, T. Wahlberg, Rune Wejstål, Johan Westin, Magnus Lindh
BMC Infectious Diseases - 2011 -
Hepatitis C treatment response kinetics and impact of baseline
Magnus Lindh, B Arnholm, Anders Eilard, M Färkkilä, Kristoffer Hellstrand, Martin Lagging, N Langeland, K Mørch, Staffan Nilsson, C Pedersen, M R Buhl, T Wahlberg, Rune Wejstål, Johan Westin, Gunnar Norkrans
Journal of viral hepatitis - 2011 -
Interleukin 28B Gene Variation at rs12979860 Determines Early Viral Kinetics During Treatment in Patients Carrying Genotypes 2 or 3 of Hepatitis C
Magnus Lindh, Martin Lagging, M. Färkkilä, N. Langeland, K. Mörch, Staffan Nilsson, Gunnar Norkrans, C. Pedersen, M. R. Buhl, Johan Westin, Kristoffer Hellstrand
Journal of Infectious Diseases - 2011 -
IL28B polymorphisms determine early viral kinetics and treatment outcome in patients receiving peginterferon/ribavirin for chronic hepatitis C genotype
Magnus Lindh, Martin Lagging, B Arnholm, Anders Eilard, Staffan Nilsson, Gunnar Norkrans, Jonas Söderholm, T Wahlberg, Rune Wejstål, Johan Westin, Kristoffer Hellstrand
Journal of Viral Hepatitis - 2011 -
A systematic review of hepatitis C virus epidemiology in Europe, Canada and
Martin Lagging
Liver international - 2011 -
IL28B polymorphisms, IP-10 and viral load predict virological response to therapy in chronic hepatitis
Martin Lagging
Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics - 2011 -
IL28B polymorphisms predict reduction of HCV RNA from the first day of therapy in chronic hepatitis
PY Bochud, S Bibert, F Negro, B Haagmans, A Soulier, C Ferrari, G Missale, S Zeuzem, JM Pawlotsky, S Schalm, Kristoffer Hellstrand, AU Neumann, Martin Lagging
Look-back screening for the identification of transfusion-induced hepatitis C virus infection in
Magdalena Ydreborg, Ann Söderström, Agneta Håkanson, Åsa Alsiö, B Arnholm, P Malmstrom, Kristoffer Hellstrand, Johan Westin, Martin Lagging
Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases - 2011 -
Is HCV RNA analysis at day 7 cost-effective in deciding the duration of therapy in chronic HCV genotype 2/3
Martin Lagging, Åsa Alsiö, Kristoffer Hellstrand, Gunnar Norkrans
Journal of hepatology - 2011 -
Are FoxP3(+) cells involved in hyporesponsiveness to interferon/ribavirin therapy in chronic hepatitis
Johan Westin, Kristoffer Hellstrand, A P Dhillon, Martin Lagging
Journal of viral hepatitis - 2011 -
Ribavirin plasma concentration is a predictor of sustained virological response in patients treated for chronic hepatitis C virus genotype 2/3
C Pedersen, Åsa Alsiö, Martin Lagging, N Langeland, M Färkkilä, M Rauning Buhl, K Mørch, Johan Westin, P Sangfelt, Gunnar Norkrans, P Brehm Christensen
Journal of viral hepatitis - 2011 -
IP-10 predicts the first phase decline of HCV RNA and overall viral response to therapy in patients co-infected with chronic hepatitis C virus infection and
Karolin Falconer, Galia Askarieh, Nina Weis, Kristoffer Hellstrand, Annette Alaeus, Martin Lagging
Scandinavian journal of infectious diseases - 2010 -
Systemic and intrahepatic interferon-gamma-inducible protein 10 kDa predicts the first-phase decline in hepatitis C virus RNA and overall viral response to therapy in chronic hepatitis
Galia Askarieh, Åsa Alsiö, Paolo Pugnale, Francesco Negro, Carlo Ferrari, Avidan U Neumann, Jean-Michel Pawlotsky, Solko W Schalm, Stefan Zeuzem, Gunnar Norkrans, Johan Westin, Jonas Söderholm, Kristoffer Hellstrand, Martin Lagging
Hepatology - 2010 -
Observed and calculated interleukin-28B genotype frequencies in hepatitis C virus
Magnus Lindh, Martin Lagging, Gunnar Norkrans, Kristoffer Hellstrand
Hepatology (Baltimore, Md.) - 2010 -
A model explaining the correlations between IL28B-related genotypes, hepatitis C virus genotypes, and viral RNA
Magnus Lindh, Martin Lagging, Gunnar Norkrans, Kristoffer Hellstrand
Gastroenterology - 2010 -
Evaluation of depression as a risk factor for treatment failure in chronic hepatitis
Peter Derek Christian Leutscher, Martin Lagging, Mads Rauning Buhl, Court Pedersen, Gunnar Norkrans, Nina Langeland, Kristine Mørch, Martti Färkkilä, Simon Hjerrild, Kristoffer Hellstrand, Per Bech
Hepatology - 2010 -
Nonresponder patients with hepatitis C virus genotype 2/3 infection: a question of low systemic interferon
Åsa Alsiö, Peer Brehm Christensen, Martti Färkkilä, Nina Langeland, Mads Rauning Buhl, Court Pedersen, Kristine Mørch, Bart L Haagmans, Johan Westin, Kristoffer Hellstrand, Gunnar Norkrans, Martin Lagging
Clinical infectious diseases - 2010 -
Treatment of hepatitis C virus infection: updated Swedish Consensus
Martin Lagging, Rune Wejstål, Ingrid Uhnoo, Barbro Gerdén, Björn Fischler, Styrbjörn Friman, Filip Josephson, Olle Karlström, Per Sangfelt, Robert Schvarz, Ola Weiland, Swedish Consensus Group
Scandinavian journal of infectious diseases - 2009 -
A non-invasive fibrosis score predicts treatment outcome in chronic hepatitis C virus
Johan Westin, Magdalena Ydreborg, Sara Islam, Åsa Alsiö, Amar P Dhillon, Jean-Michel Pawlotsky, Stefan Zeuzem, Solko W Schalm, Carlo Ferrari, Avidan U Neumann, Kristoffer Hellstrand, Martin Lagging
Scandinavian journal of gastroenterology - 2008 -
Randomized comparison of 12 or 24 weeks of peginterferon alpha-2a and ribavirin in chronic hepatitis C virus genotype 2/3
Martin Lagging, Nina Langeland, Court Pedersen, Martti Färkkilä, Mads Rauning Buhl, Kristine Mørch, Amar P Dhillon, Åsa Alsiö, Kristoffer Hellstrand, Johan Westin, Gunnar Norkrans
Hepatology (Baltimore, Md.) - 2008 -
Weight-adjusted dosing of ribavirin and importance of hepatitis C virus RNA below 1000 IU/mL by day 7 in short-term peginterferon therapy for chronic genotype 2/3 hepatitis C virus
Martin Lagging, Nina Langeland, Court Pedersen, Martti Färkkilä, Mads Rauning Buhl, Kristine Mørch, Amar P Dhillon, Åsa Alsiö, Kristoffer Hellstrand, Johan Westin, Peer Christensen, Peter Leutscher, Gunnar Norkrans
Hepatology (Baltimore, Md.) - 2008 -
Response prediction and treatment tailoring for chronic hepatitis C virus genotype 1
Magnus Lindh, Erik Alestig, Birgitta Arnholm, Anders Eilard, Kristoffer Hellstrand, Martin Lagging, Thomas Wahlberg, Rune Wejstål, Johan Westin, Gunnar Norkrans
J Clin Microbiol - 2007 -
Impact of hepatic steatosis on viral kinetics and treatment outcome during antiviral treatment of chronic HCV
Johan Westin, Martin Lagging, Amar P Dhillon, Gunnar Norkrans, Ana Romero, Jean-Michel Pawlotsky, S. Zeuzem, Solko W Schalm, Elke Verheij-Hart, Francesco Negro, Gabriele Missale, Avidan U Neumann, Kristoffer Hellstrand
J Viral Hepat - 2007 -
Predicting treatment outcome following 24 weeks peginterferon alpha-2a/ribavirin therapy in patients infected with HCV genotype 1: utility of HCV-RNA at day 0, day 22, day 29, and week
Esther Lukasiewicz, Kristoffer Hellstrand, Johan Westin, Carlo Ferrari, Avidan U Neumann, Jean-Michel Pawlotsky, Solko W Schalm, Stefan Zeuzem, Bart J Veldt, Bettina E Hansen, Elke Verhey-Hart, Martin Lagging
Hepatology - 2007 -
Impact of disease severity on outcome of antiviral therapy in treatment-naive patients with chronic hepatitis
Johan Westin, Kristoffer Hellstrand, Åsa Alsiö, Magdalena Ydreborg, Carlo Ferrari, Avidan U Neumann, Jean-Michel Pawlotsky, Solko W Schalm, Stefan Zeuzem, Elke Verhey-Hart, Martin Lagging
Hepatology - 2007 -
HCV-specific T-cell response in relation to viral kinetics and treatment outcome (DITTO-HCV
Massimo Pilli, Alessandro Zerbini, Amalia Penna, Alessandra Orlandini, Esther Lukasiewicz, Jean-Michel Pawlotsky, Stefan Zeuzem, Solko W. Schalm, Michael von Wagner, Georgios Germanidis, Yoav Lurie, Juan I. Esteban, Bart L. Haagmans, Christophe Hezode, Martin Lagging, Francesco Negro, Yonit Homburger, Avidan U. Neumann, Carlo Ferrari, Gabriele Missale
IP-10 predicts viral response and therapeutic outcome in difficult-to-treat patients with HCV genotype 1
Martin Lagging, Ana Romero, Johan Westin, Gunnar Norkrans, Amar P Dhillon, Jean-Michel Pawlotsky, Stefan Zeuzem, Michael von Wagner, Francesco Negro, Solko W Schalm, Bart L Haagmans, Carlo Ferrari, Gabriele Missale, Avidan U Neumann, Elke Verheij-Hart, Kristoffer Hellstrand
Hepatology - 2006 -
Interferon (IFN)-gamma-inducible protein-10: association with histological results, viral kinetics, and outcome during treatment with pegylated IFN-alpha 2a and ribavirin for chronic hepatitis C virus
Ana Romero, Martin Lagging, Johan Westin, Amar P Dhillon, Lynn B Dustin, Jean-Michel Pawlotsky, Avidan U Neumann, Carlo Ferrari, Gabriele Missale, Bart L Haagmans, Solko W Schalm, Stefan Zeuzem, Francesco Negro, Elke Verheij-Hart, Kristoffer Hellstrand
J Infect Dis - 2006 -
Monitoring treatment response by the hepatitis C virus core antigen
Magnus Lindh, Martin Lagging, Johan Westin, Rune Wejstål, Gunnar Norkrans
European journal of clinical microbiology & infectious diseases : official publication of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology - 2005 -
Cirrhosis in hepatitis C virus-infected patients can be excluded using an index of standard biochemical serum
Sara Islam, Linda Antonsson, Johan Westin, Martin Lagging
International, multicenter, randomized, controlled study comparing dynamically individualized versus standard treatment in patients with chronic hepatitis
Stefan Zeuzem, Jean-Michel Pawlotsky, Esther Lukasiewicz, Michael von Wagner, Ioannis Goulis, Yoav Lurie, Elia Gianfranco, Jan-Maarten Vrolijk, Juan I. Esteban, Christophe Hezode, Martin Lagging, Francesco Negro, Alexandre Soulier, Elke Verheij-Hart, Bettina Hansen, Ronen Tal, Carlo Ferrari, Solko W. Schalm, Avidan U. Neumann
Indeterminate third-generation hepatitis C recombinant immunoblot assay and HCV RNA analysis: Isolated reactivity against NS5 associated with HCV viraemia in clinical patients but not blood
Stefania Cavazza, Martin Lagging
Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases - 2005 -
Hepatitis C virus. Aspects on natural history, antibody response, and viral
Martin Lagging