
KRIT - Critical Theories

Research group
Active research
Project owner
The Department of Education and Special Education, University of Gothenburg

Short description

KRIT has as its main focus the complex issue of power relations, subjectivity formation and democratic participation in educational institutions and how this relates to structures such as gender, social class and ethnicity. Theoretically, the group works from a critical tradition. Critical ethnography and policy research, e.g. policy ethnography, has been substantial within the group as a whole and in particular in the work of some individuals.

The research conducted by the group is characterized by a strong interest in power processes and democratic socialization in educational institutions in relation to the structural conditions of society and group resources. Empirically, the shifting character of higher education as well as the effects of school marketization have often been in focus in recent studies.


Active research

Rethinking the relation between gender and STEM education: a theoretical engagement with a fragmented research terrain. Swedish Research Council (2022-2026). Main applicant: Andreas Ottemo, KRIT. 2,9M SEK.

Mental health issues and victimization among LGBTQI-youth: a comparative study in Swedish and Danish schools. Swedish Research Council (2022-2025). Main applicant: Ylva Odenbring, KRIT. 6M SEK.

Implementing HPV vaccination for all children in Sweden: gender equality and sexual health among young people. Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare (2021-2024). Main applicant: Lisa Lindén, Chalmers University of Technology. Co-applicant from KRIT: Ylva Odenbring. 5M SEK.

Challenging segregation through education - a comparative study of local initiatives to challenging school segregation. Swedish Research Council (2021–2025). Main applicant Jan Jämte, ÖU. Co-applicants from KRIT: Emma Arneback, 6M SEK.

What Happens with Education when the Convention on the Rights of the Child becomes Law? Riksbankens jubileumsfond (2022–2025). Main applicant Anderas Bergh, UU. Co-applicants from KRIT: Emma Arneback, 6M SEK.

Education and integration of newly arrived migrants in rural areas, Swedish Research Council (2019–2022). Main applicant Elisabet Öhrn, KRIT. Co-applicants from KRIT: Dennis Beach and Monica Johansson. 6M SEK.
Going global, Swedish research council (2019-2021). Main applicant: Linda Rönnberg, Umeå University. Co-applicant Ann-Sofie Holm, KRIT. 4,5M SEK.

Lärares tolkning och tillämpning av läroplan och andra styrdokument i komvux. Skolverket (2020-2022). Main applicant: Andreas Fejes and Per Andersson, Linköpings universitet. Co-applicant from KRIT: Mattias Nylund