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- Anna-Maria Fjellman
Anna-Maria Fjellman
Senior Lecturer
Department of Education and Special EducationAbout Anna-Maria Fjellman
My research interests include school choice, school markets, segregation, marketization, educational privatization, processes of differentiation, changes in educational opportunities and consequences for equity in the Swedish educational system, rural education and spatial analyses. I am particularly interested in the meaning of place for education. I work foremost with register data from Gothenburg Longitudinal Database (GOLD).
Current projects:
- School segregation in Sweden: Challenges, opportunities and interventions (SSIS). Project leader is Kajsa Yang Hansen.
- School, learning and mental health: determinants, consequences and prevention of school failure. Project leader is Jan- Eric Gustafsson.
Previous projects:
- FLECSLAB. Investigator in Workpackage 2 - Lifelong Learning Business Model.
- On the Outskirts of the School and Residential Market. Choice of Upper Secondary Education among Immigrant Families inEthnically and Socioeconomically Heterogeneous Residential Areas. Project leader is Håkan Forsberg, Uppsala University.
- Nordic Multiagency Approaches to Handling Extremism: Policies, Perceptions and Practices (2018-2021). Project leader is Tore Björgo, University of Oslo.
- EUTOPIA. Investigator "Barrier & Enablers" - Workpackage 2, Education.
I belong to the research environments FUR - Prerequisites, Education, and Outcomes and KRIT.
FLECSLAB: Lifelong Learning Business model - Identifying barriers and enablers for maintaining LLL
Examining trends in school segregation in compulsory and upper secondary education in Sweden: the showcase of an urban school
Anna Maria Fjellman, Kajsa Yang Hansen
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research - 2024 -
Urban geographies of countering violent extremism: spatial patterns in Nordic
Anna Maria Fjellman, Lasse Lindekilde, Oluf Gøtzsche-Astrup
Behavioral Sciences of Terrorism and Political Aggression - 2023 -
Trust in interagency collaboration: The role of institutional logics and hybrid
Oluf Gøtzsche-Astrup, Lasse Lindekilde, Anna Maria Fjellman, Tore Bjorgo, Randi Solhjell, Håvard Haugstvedt, Jennie Sivenbring, Robin Andersson, Mari Kangasniemi, Tanja Moilanen, Ingvild Magnæs, Tina Wilchen Christensen, Christer Mattsson
Journal of Professions and Organization - 2023 -
Public Perceptions of CVE Policies and Attitudes Towards Reporting Concerns of Radicalization in the Nordic
Christian Noer, Oluf Gøtzsche-Astrup, Lasse Lindekilde, Anna Maria Fjellman, Tore Bjorgo, Randi Solhjell, Håvard Haugstedt, Yngve Carlsson , Jennie Sivenbring, Robin Andersson, Mari Kangasniemi, Tanja Moilanen, Hanna Kallio, ingvild Magnes, Tina Wilchen Christensen, Christer Mattsson
2023 -
The Natural Resource Use Programme and a resilient
Anna Maria Fjellman, Janna Lundberg, Elin Ennerberg
Ruralities and Regions in Transitions, Uppdrag Landsbygd, 8-9 november, Stockholm - 2023 -
The plague of privatization: A futures analysis of the zombification of
Anna Maria Fjellman, Aimee Haley
Policy Futures in Education - 2023 -
Perceived Legitimacy of CVE Policies and the Willingness to Report Concerns of Radicalization to Authorities in the Nordic
Oluf Gøtzsche-Astrup, Lasse Lindekilde, Anna Maria Fjellman
Terrorism and Political Violence - 2023 -
Sweden's experiment with marketization: evidence on two decades of school segregation in an urban school
Anna Maria Fjellman, Andreas Alm Fjellborg , Håkan Forsberg
NERA conference, Oslo, Norway, March 15-17, 2023, Oslomet - 2023 -
School failure and school choice: an examination of the reproduction of social and academic segregation between compulsory education and upper secondary education in a regional school
Anna Maria Fjellman, Kajsa Yang Hansen
NERA conference, Oslo, Norway, March 15-17, 2023, Oslomet - 2023 -
The Spatiality of School Choice – A Critical Realist Quantitative Geography of
Anna Maria Fjellman
Working with Critical Realism - Stories of Methodological Encounters - 2022 -
Opportunities in rural upper secondary education – variations in space and
Anna Maria Fjellman, Monica Johansson, Elisabet Öhrn
AARE conference, Adelaide, Australia, 27 nov - 1 dec, University of South Australia - 2022 -
Facilitating EUTOPIA’s curriculum – Barriers and
Anna Maria Fjellman
2022 -
Trust across institutional logics? Perceptions of countering violent extremism and interagency collaboration among social workers, teachers and police in the Nordic
Oluf Gøtzsche-Astrup, Lasse Lindekilde, Anna Maria Fjellman, Tore Bjørgo, Randi Solhjell, Håvard Haugstvedt, Jennie Sivenbring, Robin Andersson, Mari Kangasniemi, Tanja Moilanen, Ingvild Magnæs, Tina Wilchen Christensen, Christer Mattsson
Nordic Conference on Violent Extremism 2022, 19-21 sep, in Gothenburg, Sweden. - 2022 -
Urban geographies of countering violent extremism: spatial patterns in Nordic
Anna Maria Fjellman, Lasse Lindekilde, Oluf Gøtzsche-Astrup
Nordic Conference on Violent Extremism 2022, 19-21 September, in Gothenburg, Sweden. - 2022 -
Opportunities in rural upper secondary education – variations in space and
Anna Maria Fjellman, Monica Johansson
NERA conference, Reykjavik, Iceland, June 1-3, 2022, University of Iceland - 2022 -
Long-term determinants of upper secondary school failure: a rural
Anna Maria Fjellman
International Emerging Rural Scholars Summit, 2021, 2 aug (virtual), University of Highlands and Islands - 2021 -
The Nordic geographies of counter violent extremism - an analysis of spatial patterns in public perceptions of policies and willingness to report concerns of
Anna Maria Fjellman, Lasse Lindekilde, Oluf Gøtzsche-Astrup
Nordic Conference on Violent Extremism 2021, 10-12 March, in Helsinki, Finland. - 2021 -
School choice and implications for equity: the
new political geography of the Swedish upper
secondary school
Anna Maria Fjellman, Kajsa Yang Hansen, Dennis Beach
Educational review - 2019 -
Perceptions of CVE Policies and the Willingness to Report Concerns of Radicalization to Authorities in the Nordic
Lasse Lindekilde, Oluf Gøtzsche-Astrup, Anna Maria Fjellman
Nordic Conference on Violent Extremism 2019. Expanding the Field: New Inter-disciplinary Perspectives and Question conference, 31 October - 1 November, 2019 in Aarhus, Denmark. - 2019 -
School choice, Private providers and Differentiated Mobilities in Swedish Metropolitan School Markets - Exploring through a Counterfactual
Anna Maria Fjellman
ECER conference 3-6 September 2019, Hamburg, Germany - 2019 -
School choice, private providers and differentiated mobilities in Swedish metropolitan school markets: Exploring through a counterfactual
Anna Maria Fjellman
International Journal of Educational Research - 2019 -
School choice, space and the geography of marketization- Analyses of educational restructuring in upper secondary education in
Anna Maria Fjellman
2019 -
Differentiering genom reglerad marknadsanpassning - Uppkomsten av en regional
Anna Maria Fjellman
Utbildning och Demokrati - 2017 -
Consequences of School Choice? - Changes in Social and Ethnic Composition of Upper Secondary School Markets in Sweden between 1998 and
Anna Maria Fjellman, Kajsa Yang Hansen
Paper presented at ECER conference 2016 in Dublin, Ireland, Aug 24-26 - 2016 -
Equal opportunity in the quasi-markets - changes in schools and educational offerings in Sweden between 1995 and
Anna Maria Fjellman
Paper presented at the Emerging researchers conference 2015 in Budapest, Hungary, Sep 7-8 - 2015 -
Changes in social composition inequality of quasi-markets in Swedish upper secondary education between 1993 and
Anna Maria Fjellman
NERA conference in Gothenburg, Sweden, March 4-6,. - 2015 -
Changes in Upper Secondary School Market Geography in Sweden between 1994 and
Anna Maria Fjellman, Kajsa Yang Hansen
Paper presented at the ECER conference 2014 in Porto, Portugal, September 2-5. - 2014