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"It's easy to apply for scholarships"
A student plays the violin

Scholarships at the Academy of Music and Drama

As a student at the Academy of Music and Drama, you have many options to apply for scholarships. Some of them can cover your tuition fees, entirely or partially, while others have the purpose to contribute to your development during your studies. While some of the scholarships are distributed by the Academy of Music and Drama, there are also others that you must apply for from the University of Gothenburg or from the Swedish Institute.

Scholarships during your studies

Scholarships amounting to a total of approximately 3 Million SEK annually are distributed by the Academy of Music and Drama. You may apply to them according to instructions and application periods presented in the Student Portal. Furthermore, a number of scholarships are distributed by the scholarship board without application procedure.

Most of these scholarships have the purpose to contribute to our student's development of artistic and pedagogical skills. This may include summer courses, private lessons or travel and lodging in connection with a master class. Exceptionally, it may also apply to the purchase of instruments, materials or technical equipment directly related to the education.

Scholarship holders

We interviewed some students who have recently received scholarships. Read what they have to say about the scholarship, how it has influenced their studies, and get valuable tips and inspiration for your own application.

Danijel Trajkovic

Student at the Master's Programme in Symphonic Orchestra Performance
SEK 57 300 from the Carl Larsson scholarship fund

What does the scholarship mean for your studies?

The scholarship is a significant milestone in my academic journey. It not only helps cover essential needs for my studies but also validates my hard work. This recognition gives me a tremendous boost to continue my academic pursuits with renewed motivation.

How do you plan to use the grant?

I plan to use the grant to cover essential needs for my second year of my master's programme. Additionally, I will invest in workshops and masterclasses to further enhance my skills and knowledge in my field.


For those applying for scholarships, my advice is to be confident and clear when presenting your achievements. Don't be shy or modest; showcase your awards, accomplishments, and anything that demonstrates why your application is deserving.

Portrait of Danijel Trajkovic
Danijel Trajkovic
Photo: Maria Salome Tur

Sally Lundgren

Student at the Master's Programme in Opera
SEK 57 300 from the Carl Larsson scholarship fund

What does the scholarship mean to you?

Of course it means a lot, both financially and in terms of encouraging my artistic endeavours. It allows me to continue my studies with peace of mind, so I am very grateful for this support.

How do you plan to use the scholarship funds?

Amongst other things, I will be taking two singing courses in the summer, which I am very much looking forward to.

Thoughts and tips for grant applicants

Apply for everything! It's worth spending time on applications, even if it sometimes feels like you're getting nowhere.

Portrait of Sally Lundgren
Sally Lundgren
Photo: David Lagerlöf

Josefine Johansson

Student at the Bachelor's Programme in Musical Theatre (in Swedish only)
SEK 70 000 from the Anders Sandrews Foundation

What does the scholarship mean to you?

The scholarship means a lot to me and I am eternally grateful! I was anxious about my final year at the Academy of Music and Drama, worried about how I would manage financially and whether I would be able to complete the programme. Thanks to this generous grant, I now have peace of mind and can concentrate on enjoying my education. Thank you so much!

How will you use the scholarship funds?

As I have used up all my 6 years of CSN student grants and have one year left at the Academy of Music and Drama without student grants, the scholarship will cover costs for travel, equipment, courses and more. It will also allow me to continue to develop in my field, for example by going on auditions abroad, taking more courses and singing for a vocal coach.

Thoughts and tips for grant applicants

Apply for everything you can! Take the opportunity to maximise your development and apply for a grant to do things you could not otherwise afford. Be honest and genuine in your application letters, it will get you far!

Portrait of Josefine Johansson
Josefine Johansson
Photo: Hugo Herrman

Love Carbin

Student at the Bachelor's Programme in Composition
SEK 57 300 from the Carl Larsson scholarship fund

What does the scholarship mean to you?

The scholarship means a lot to me! It is a freedom and allows me to spend time on what is important.

How do you plan to use the scholarship?

The funds will be used already this summer, when I will travel to Italy for a summer course and take lessons with Lisa Streich and Pierluigi Billone. Then I plan to attend the Impuls Festival in Graz next year. Without a scholarship like this, these plans would not be possible, so I am very grateful.

Thoughts and tips for grant applicants

Apply for as many grants as you can. I have tried to find a 'marketable' angle to my own work. Even if it feels strange to present it that way.

What are your plans now that you have graduated?

I will be continuing my studies at the Academy of Music and Drama on the Master's Programme in Experimental Composition and Creation! I am looking forward to writing more music.

Portrait of Love Carbin
Love Carbin
Photo: Sara Franck

Jonas Egfors

Student at the Bachelor's Programme in Opera
SEK 52 500 from the Ingrid and Erland Glimstedt Fund

What does the scholarship mean for your studies?

- First of all, thank you so much for this scholarship! It is an incredible help for my education and development. As I have been studying for many years now, my CSN has run out, so this scholarship will be a huge support in my final year at the Academy of Music and Drama. It gives me the freedom to focus more on my studies and opens doors for further specialisation.

How do you plan to use the grant?

- In a number of ways. Firstly, I have already ordered several piano scores of various Mozart operas published by Bärenreiter. These are quite expensive, but having them on my bookshelf makes my studies easier and is a great source of inspiration! Secondly, the money will pay for future audition trips. In addition, the money is a grant that will ease my personal finances for a few months. It means that both time and energy will be freed up to concentrate fully on singing and studying.

Thoughts about the scholarship fund and tips for scholarship applicants

- The scholarship fund is a fantastic opportunity for us students to finance our studies and career plans. Many of us who are studying at the Academy of Music and Drama have already completed several years of study and therefore no longer receive any financial support from CSN. So the fact that this opportunity exists means an incredible amount; it allows us to focus and take certain financial risks that this industry sometimes requires. My advice to other students is to keep a close eye on the scholarships available and really take the time to apply.

Portrait of Jonas Egfors
Jonas Egfors
Photo: Lennart Sjöberg

Ruxanda Efros

Student at the Master's Programme in Symphonic Orchestra Performance
SEK 52 500 from the Ingrid and Erland Glimstedt Fund

What does the scholarship mean for your studies?

- I am delighted to be awarded this scholarship in my final year of the Master's in Symphonic Orchestra Performance. The scholarship will provide me with significant support to continue my development as a pianist, both now in my final year at the Academy and later in preparation for professional life.

How do you plan to use the grant?

- During my Master's studies I have developed a great interest in becoming a good rehearsal pianist, so I will use part of the sum to attend the Nordic Song Festival in Trollhättan and to take private lessons and coaching to broaden my knowledge and prepare myself for professional activities as an accompanist and rehearsal pianist in opera and musical theatre.

Thoughts about the scholarship fund and tips for scholarship applicants

- I am very grateful that the Ingrid and Erland Glimstedt Fund supports both opera singers and pianists. My advice to applicants is to choose the scholarship that best suits their programme and personal qualities, to be clear in their letter of motivation, and to be punctual in submitting their applications.

Ruxanda Efros behind a grand piano
Ruxanda Efros
Photo: Elisabeth Nilsson