Doctoral programmes - list of subjects
Below we have listed all the subject areas in which we offer third-cycle studies. All doctoral studentships are advertised in the University’s recruitment portal.
For entry requirements for admission to third-cycle studies, please refer to the general syllabus for the subject area you are interested in.
Admission to third-cycle studies is determined by the departments so if you have any questions about a subject area, you should talk to the contact person at the relevant department. An overview of the departments and the subject areas that they cover can be found below.
Subjets in alphabetical orderSubjets in alphabetical order
- African Languages
- Arabic
- Archaeology
- Art History and Visual Studies
- Classical Archaeology and Ancient History
- Comparative Literature
- Computational Linguistics
- Cultural Studies
- Educational Science and the Humanities (positions announced in special order)
- English
- Ethnology
- Film Studies
- General Linguistics
- Gender Studies
- German
- Greek
- History
- History of Science and Ideas
- Japanese
- Language technology
- Latin
- Logic
- Multilingualism
- Musicology
- Nordic Languages
- Religious Studies
- Romance Languages
- Practical Philosophy
- Sinology
- Slavic Languages
- Theoretical Philosophy
- Theory of Science
Subject sorted by department
Department of Cultural Sciences
- Art History and Visual Studies
- Cultural Studies
- Ethnology
- Film Studies
- Gender Studies
- Musicology
To Department of Cultural Sciences
Department of Historical Studies
- Archaeology
- Classical Archaeology and Ancient History
- History
To Department of Historical Studies
Department of Languages and Literatures
- African languages
- Arabic
- English
- German
- Greek
- Japanese
- Latin
- Romance languages
- Slavic languages
To Department of Languages and Literatures
Department of Literature, History of Ideas, and Religion
- Comparative Literature
- History of Science and Ideas
- Religious Studies
To Department of Literature, History of Ideas, and Religion
Department of Philosophy, Linguistics and Theory of Science
- Theoretical Philosophy
- Practical Philosophy
- Logic
- Computational Linguistics
- General Linguistics (including Language Technology and Phonetics)
- Theory of Science
To Department of Philosophy, Linguistics and Theory of Science
Department of Swedish , Multilingualism, Language Technology
- Multilingualism
- Language technology
- Nordic languages
To Department of Swedish, Multilingualism, Language Technology
General sybyllabi for doctoral studies
For entry requirements for admission to third-cycle studies, please refer to the general syllabus for the subject area you are interested in.
General syllabi for third-cycle study programmes
All doctoral studentships are advertised in the University’s recruitment portal. Admission to third-cycle studies is determined by the departments so if you have any questions about a subject area, you should contact the relevant department.