Management and Administration
CERGU is led by an administrative team with a director, deputy director, and program coordinator.
Andreas Moberg senior lecturer at the Department of Law, University of Gothenburg
School of Business, Economics, and Law
031-786 5677 andreas.moberg@law.gu.se
Areas of interest: EU-law, public international law
Deputy Director:
Markus Johansson, researcher at the Department of Political Science, University of Gothenburg
Room C405, Sprängkullsgatan 19
031-786 1200, markus.johansson@pol.gu.se
Areas of interest: European integration, EU politics, EU institutions, Council of the EU, negotiations, non-compliance in the EU, the common EU foreign policy, leadership, collective action.
Program Coordinator:
Kristina Gurok Centre for European Research, University of Gothenburg
Room K112, Pilgatan 19A
031-786 58 55, kristina.gurok@gu.se
Responsible for: Economy, accounting, information, publications, conferences, project support, etc.
Research Administrator:
Angie Sohlberg Centre for European Research at the University of Gothenburg
Responsible for: Purchasing, conferences, communication, website, translation.