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- Swantje Enge
Swantje Enge
Institutionen för marina vetenskaperOm Swantje Enge
I’m a marine chemical ecologist with a primary research interest in chemical mediated interactions in marine benthic communities and a special focus on herbivore-seaweed and host-pathogen interactions. My work includes ecological experimentation, the isolation, identification and quantification of active compounds as wells as metabolomics approaches. My aim is to provide knowledge about how secondary metabolites determine species interactions and as a result the structure of benthic communities.
Unlocking economic potential of the Ulva crop for low salinity environments: exploring the effect of salinity gradients on the performance and valuable compounds of Baltic Sea
Sophie Steinhagen, Ida Johansson, Julia Specht, Swantje Enge, Karin Larsson, Ingrid Undeland, Gunilla B. Toth
Botanica Marina - 2025 -
A supergene in seaweed flies modulates male traits and female
Swantje Enge, Claire Mérot, Raimondas Mozūraitis, Violeta Apšegaitė, Louis Bernatchez, Gerrit A. Martens, Sandra Radž Iutė, Henrik Pavia, Emma L Berdan
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Biological Sciences - 2023 -
Co-cultivation with blue mussels increases yield and biomass quality of
Matthew Hargrave, Göran M. Nylund, Swantje Enge, Henrik Pavia
Aquaculture - 2022 -
Harvest time can affect the optimal yield and quality of sea lettuce (Ulva fenestrata) in a sustainable sea-based
Sophie Steinhagen, Swantje Enge, Gunnar Cervin, Karin Larsson, Ulrica Edlund, Alina Schmidt, Niklas Wahlström, Barbro Kollander, Henrik Pavia, Ingrid Undeland, Gunilla Toth
Frontiers in Marine Science - 2022 -
Sustainable large-scale aquaculture of the northern hemisphere Sea Lettuce, Ulva fenestrata, in an off-shore
Sophie Steinhagen, Swantje Enge, Karin Larsson, Joakim Olsson, Göran M. Nylund, Eva Albers, Henrik Pavia, Ingrid Undeland, Gunilla B. Toth
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering - 2021 -
Kelp in IMTAs: small variations in inorganic nitrogen concentrations drive different physiological responses of Saccharina
Luca Rugiu, Matthew Hargrave, Martin Sterner, Swantje Enge, Göran M. Nylund, Henrik Pavia
Journal of Applied Phycology - 2021 -
Genetic divergence and phenotypic plasticity contribute to variation in cuticular hydrocarbons in the seaweed fly Coelopa
Emma L Berdan, Swantje Enge, Göran M. Nylund, M. Wellenreuther, G. A. Martens, Henrik Pavia
Ecology and Evolution - 2019 -
Low feeding preference of native herbivores for the successful non-native seaweed Heterosiphonia
J. Sagerman, Swantje Enge, Henrik Pavia, S. A. Wikström
Marine Biology - 2015 -
Divergent ecological strategies determine different impacts on community production by two successful non-native
Josefin Sagerman, Swantje Enge, Henrik Pavia, Sofia A. Wikström
Oecologia - 2014 -
Costs and Benefits of Chemical Defence in the Red Alga Bonnemaisonia
Göran M. Nylund, Swantje Enge, Henrik Pavia
Plos One - 2013 -
Native generalist herbivores promote invasion of a chemically defended seaweed via refuge-mediated apparent
Swantje Enge, Göran M. Nylund, Henrik Pavia
Ecology Letters - 2013 -
Chemical defences against
Henrik Pavia, Finn A. Baumgartner, Gunnar Cervin, Swantje Enge, Julia Kubanek, Göran M. Nylund, Erik Selander, J. Robin Svensson, Gunilla B. Toth
Chemical ecology in aquatic systems - 2012 -
An exotic chemical weapon explains low herbivore damage in an invasive
Swantje Enge, Göran M. Nylund, T. Harder, Henrik Pavia
Ecology - 2012 -
Seaweed Invasions and Novel Chemical
Swantje Enge
2012 -
A novel chemical releases the invasive red alga Bonnemaisonia Hamifera from new
Swantje Enge, Göran M. Nylund, T. Harder, Henrik Pavia
Phycologia - 2009