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- Agnes Gagyi
Agnes Gagyi
Affilierad forskare
Institutionen för sociologi och arbetsvetenskapOm Agnes Gagyi
Background Agnes Gagyi is a Researcher at the Department of Sociology and Work Science at University of Gothenburg since 2017. Before that she taught sociology and communication in Hungary, and conducted research projects at George Mason University, USA, and New Europe College, Romania. In 2020 and 2021, she conducted guest research projects at the Imre Kertész Kolleg and the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology in Germany.
Specialist Fields Dr. Gagyi is a social movement researcher, focusing on East European movements and politics from the perspective of the region’s long-term world market and geopolitical integration. Her previous research projects involved the international embeddedness of the alterglobalization movement in Hungary and Romania, the politics of post-2008 anti-austerity movements in Eastern Europe, comparative perspectives on waves of economic crisis and political mobilization in Hungary and Romania, and reorganizations of intellectual and expert knowledge structures during changes in modes of world market integration.
Current research
”Housing, Social Mobilisations and Urban Governance in Central and Eastern Europe”. The Swedish Research Council Formas, 2017-2022
“Urban Gardens as Meeting Places in Göteborg, Budapest and Bucharest: Building Collaborative Capacity for Sustainability in Different Socio-economic Contexts”. The Swedish Research Council Formas, 2020- 2023.
Research Areas
- Political sociology
- Political economy
- Social movements
- Central and Eastern Europe
Recent publications
Florea, I., A., Gagyi and K., Jacobsson (2021). Antagonisms and solidarities in housing movements in Bucharest and Budapest. In Ege, M., Moser, J. (Eds.) Urban Ethics. Conflicts Over the Good and Proper Life in Cities. Routledge, 180-195.
Gagyi, A. (2021). The Political Economy of Middle Class Politics and the Global Crisis in Eastern Europe: The Case of Hungary and Romania. Palgrave Macmillan.
Gagyi, A. and O. Slačálek (Eds.) (2021). The Political Economy of Eastern Europe 30 years into the ‘Transition’. New Left Perspectives from the Region. Palgrave Macmillan.
Poly-alignment as geoeconomic bridging: Hungary’s reindustrialization amid global
Agnes Gagyi, Tamás Gerőcs
Second Cold War Observatory Poly-alignment workshop 2024 - 2024 -
Urban Gardens Beyond Ideals: Structural Limits, Institutional Needs, and the Scale of
Agnes Gagyi
Historical Materialism Istanbul 2024 - 2024 -
A structural field of contention approach to urban
Ioana Florea, Agnes Gagyi, Kerstin Jacobsson
Handbook on Urban Social Movements, eds. Anna Domaradzka and Pierre Hamel - 2024 -
Urban Gardens as Meeting Places: Experiences from Bucharest, Budapest, Göteborg and
Ioana Florea, Agnes Gagyi, Ylva Wallinder, Kerstin Jacobsson
Urban Gardens as Meeting Places in Göteborg, Budapest and Bucharest: Building Collaborative Capacity for Sustainability in Different Socio-economic Contexts - 2024 -
Degrowth from the East – between quietness and contention. Collaborative learnings from the Zagreb Degrowth
Lilian Pungas, Ondřej Kolínský, Thomas S.J. Smith, Ottavia Cima, Eva Fraňková, Agnes Gagyi, Markus Sattler, Lucie Sovová
Czech Journal of International Relations - 2024 -
Structural conditions of the East European left: Mass protests and cycle
Agnes Gagyi
Historical Materialism Cluj 2024, keynote - 2024 -
Hungary’s reindustrialization: Hedging geopolitical
Agnes Gagyi, Tamás Gerőcs, Linda Szabó
2024 -
The ‘new Darwinian’ world of the energy transition: CATL, capitalist strategies and emerging state-capital
Mads Barbesgaard, Hao Zhang, Rachmi Hertanti, Agnes Gagyi, Pietje Vervest
2024 -
A structural field of contention approach to urban
Ioana Florea, Agnes Gagyi, Kerstin Jacobsson
Handbook on Urban Social Movements - 2024 -
A structural view on housing
Ioana Florea, Agnes Gagyi, Kerstin Jacobsson
Radical Housing Journal - 2024 -
Assembling social conditions of sustainability through urban gardening: policy, infrastructure
and social
Agnes Gagyi, Ioana Florea, Kerstin Jacobsson, Ylva Wallinder
International online workshop, 19-20 June 2023, University of Gothenburg, Sweden - 2023 -
Crise global e o realinhamento das alianças da classe capitalista do Leste Europeu: o caso do illiberalismo
Agnes Gagyi, Tamás Gerőcs
Revista Fim do Mundo - 2023 -
FX mortgages in Hungary: political crisis and capitalist
Agnes Gagyi
City - 2023 -
Introduction: boom, crisis and politics of Swiss franc mortgages in Eastern Europe: comparing trajectories of dependent financialization of
Agnes Gagyi, Marek Mikuš
City - 2023 -
Decoupling, green transition and the matter of third country autonomy on EU’s
periphery: the battery boom in
Agnes Gagyi, Linda Szabó
Europe in US-China Rivalry, CHERN workshop, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 8-10 October 2023 - 2023 -
Battery factories and peri-urban gardens: notes on the place and scale of degrowth alternatives in
Agnes Gagyi
9th International Degrowth Conference, Zagreb - 2023 -
Sustainability potentials of peri-urban gardening in the context of post-socialist extended
urbanization: a case from
Agnes Gagyi, András Vigvári
Assembling social conditions of sustainability through urban gardening: policy, infrastructure and social dynamics International online workshop, 19-20 June 2023, University of Gothenburg, Sweden - 2023 -
Housing Finance in the Aftermath of the Foreign-Currency Mortgage Crisis in Eastern
Agnes Gagyi, Marek Mikuš
Critical Housing Analysis - 2022 -
Contemporary Housing
Forex Mortgages and Housing Access in the Reconfiguration of Hungarian Politics after
Agnes Gagyi
Critical Housing Analysis - 2022 -
Global Crisis and the Realignment of Eastern European Capitalist Class
Agnes Gagyi, Tamás Gerőcs
The Radical Right - 2022 -
Co-Producing Innovation in Face of the Crisis: Urban Agriculture in
Agnes Gagyi
2022 RSA Central and Eastern Europe Conference, Leipzig - 2022 -
Housing Finance in the Aftermath of the Foreign-Currency Mortgage Crisis in Eastern
Agnes Gagyi, Marek Mikuš
Critical Housing Analysis - 2022 -
Bridge position and regime fixes: semi-peripheral contexts to "illiberalism" in
Agnes Gagyi
New Times? Confronting the Escalating Crises of Global Capitalism. conference organized by Karl Polanyi Research Center for Global Social Studies and the Committee on Global Transformations (IUAES), Budapest. - 2022 -
New and old modernities - global investments and geopolitical tensions in Eastern
Agnes Gagyi
Eastern Europe Postcolonial - New Approaches to an Ongoing Debate. Imre Kertézs Kolleg, Jena - 2022 -
The new left in Eastern Europe and the global
Agnes Gagyi
Keynote, Subversive Festival, Zagreb - 2022 -
Global crisis and the realignment of Eastern European capitalist class alliances: The case of Hungarian
Agnes Gagyi, Tamás Gerőcs
The Radical Right. Politics of hate at the margins of global capital - 2022 -
Reconfiguring Regimes of Capitalist Integration: Hungary Since the
Agnes Gagyi, T. Gerőcs
The Political Economy of Eastern Europe 30 years into the ‘Transition’. Agnes Gagyi, Ondřej Slačálek (Red.) - 2022 -
Agnes Gagyi
The Political Economy of Eastern Europe 30 years into the ‘Transition’. Agnes Gagyi, Ondřej Slačálek (red.) - 2022 -
Antagonisms and solidarities in housing movements in Bucharest and
Ioana Florea, Agnes Gagyi, Kerstin Jacobsson
Urban Ethics. Conflicts Over the Good and Proper Life in Cities. Ege, M., Moser, J. (red.) - 2021 -
Semi-peripheral financialization and informal household solutions: Embedded scales of uneven development in Hungarian urban
Agnes Gagyi, András Vigvári, Csaba Jelinek, Zsuzsanna Pósfai
Mikuš, Marek, and Petra Rodik, eds. Households and Financialization in Europe: Mapping Variegated Patterns in Semi-peripheries. - 2021 -
The Political Economy of Eastern Europe 30 years into the ‘Transition’: New Left Perspectives from the
Agnes Gagyi, Ondrej Slacalek
2021 -
Utopias and Dystopias of Ecological Self-Sufficiency: Homesteading in Popular Crisis
Agnes Gagyi
Council for European Studies 2021 Convention - 2021 -
Dynamics of housing and labor: Semi-informal dwelling in peri-urban
Agnes Gagyi, András Vigvári
Interactions between formality and informality in urban contexts: Insights from the margins conference of CESCAME (Centre for the Study of Social Change and the Material Environment), Czech Academy of Sciences. - 2021 -
Housing struggles in Eastern Europe as a structural field of
Agnes Gagyi
CEFRES - 2021 -
Nationalist movements against financial nationalism? Forex debtors' activism and Hungary's new financial
Agnes Gagyi
https://www.eth.mpg.de/5942010/news-2021-09-21-01 - 2021 -
The political economy of middle class politics and the global crisis in Eastern Europe. The case of Hungary and
Agnes Gagyi
2021 -
A Structural Field of Contention Approach to Social
Ioana Florea, Agnes Gagyi, Kerstin Jacobsson
Paper presented at the ESA online conference, September 4-7 2021. - 2021 -
Civic Organization beyond the 'Open Society' Battle: Cases from
Agnes Gagyi, M. Szarvas, A. Vigvari
Politologicky Casopis-Czech Journal of Political Science - 2020 -
Szolidáris gazdaság és
Agnes Gagyi
Fordulat - 2020 -
Book review: Frontiers of civil society: government and hegemony in Serbia
by Marek Mikuš, Oxford, Berghahn Books, 2018, 358
Agnes Gagyi
Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe - 2020 -
Review: Daniel Ozarow, 2019, The Mobilization and Demobilization of Middle-class Revolt. Comparative insights from Argentina. New York: Routledge
Agnes Gagyi
Interface - 2020 -
Housing struggles in Bucharest and Budapest: mapping urban civil society in terms of a field of
Ioana Florea, Agnes Gagyi, Kerstin Jacobsson
Presentation at The XVI Polish Sociological Congress in Wroclaw - 2019 -
Félelem helyett kölcsönös segítség: a katasztrófaszociológia tanulságai a klímaválságra való
Agnes Gagyi
Fordulat - 2019 -
The reinvention of 'civil society': transnational conceptions of development in East-Central
Agnes Gagyi, Mariya Ivancheva
McCrea, Niamh, and Fergal Finnegan, eds. Funding, power and community development. Policy Press, 2019. - 2019 -
Lakhatási helyzet a válság után. Financializációs folyamatok, kettészakadó lakáspolitikák és a háztartások túlélési stratégiái (Housing after the crisis. Financialization, the two faces of housing policiy and households' survival strategies in
Agnes Gagyi, Csaba Jelinek, Zsuzsanna Pósfai, Andras Vigvari
Fordulat - 2019 -
2008-2018: Válság és hegemónia Magyarországon (2008-2018: Crisis and hegemony in
Agnes Gagyi, Eber Mark
Fordulat - 2019 -
A válság politikái. Új kelet-közép-európai mozgalmak globális perspektívában (Politics of the crisis. New East-Central-European Movements in Global
Agnes Gagyi
2019 -
Antagonism and Solidarity in Housing Movements in Bucharest and Budapest: A Field of Contention
Ioana Florea, Agnes Gagyi, Kerstin Jacobsson
Urban Ethics: Conflicts Over the ‚Good’ and Proper Life in Cities, 17-19 January, Munich, Germany - 2018 -
Informal Practices in Housing Financialisation: The Transformation of an Allotment Garden in
Agnes Gagyi, Andras Vigvari
Critical Housing Analysis - 2018 -
Reform Economics in Late-Socialist Hungary: A Case of Globally Embedded Knowledge
Agnes Gagyi
Adela Hîncu and Victor Karady, eds., „Social Sciences in the other Europe since 1945” - 2018 -
Dependent development under geopolitical reconfiguration: the case of
Agnes Gagyi, Tamas Gerocs
5th EISA European Workshops in International Studies (EWIS), Groeningen - 2018 -
Semi-peripheral financialization and informal household solutions: embedded scales of uneven development in a Hungarian agglomeration
Agnes Gagyi, Csaba Jelinek, Zsuzsanna Posfai, Andras Vigvari
Households and Peripheral Financialization in Europe workshop, Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology - 2018 -
Financialization in historical cycles of uneven development in
Agnes Gagyi
The Financialization of Housing on the Semi-Periphery conference, CEU, 20-22 July, Budapest - 2018 -
Financialization and right-wing nationalist politics in Hungary - a case through
Agnes Gagyi, Csaba Jelinek, Zsuzsanna Posfai
Fifth Global Conference on Economic Geography, 24-28 July, Cologne, Germany - 2018 -
Taking back what is "ours": ideological ambiguities and capacity-building in housing mortgage debtors' struggles under Hungary's newly nationalizing financial
Agnes Gagyi, Natasa Szabo
European Association of Social Anthropologists 2018 Conference, 14-17 August, Stockholm - 2018 -
Reindustrialisation, financialisation and the role of state in Hungarian uneven
Marton Czirfusz, Agnes Gagyi, Tamas Gerocs, Csaba Jelinek, Tibor Meszmann, Zsuzsanna Posfai
4th The Role of State in Varieties of Capitalism Conference, 29-30 November, Budapest - 2018 -
Labor, Financialization of Housing and the Re-Scaling State in Hungarian Second-Tier
Marton Czirfusz, Agnes Gagyi, Tamas Gerocs, Csaba Jelinek, Tibor Meszmann, Zsuzsanna Posfai
Fifth Global Conference on Economic Geography, 24-28 July 2018, Cologne, Germany - 2018 -
Társadalmi reprodukció. Az élet újratermelése a kapitalizmusban (Social Reproduction. The Reproduction of Life under
Gergely Csanyi, Agnes Gagyi, Agnes Kerekgyarto
Fordulat - 2018 -
Ruling Ideas: How Global Neoliberalism Goes
Agnes Gagyi
Contemporary Sociology - 2018 -
A Field of Contention: Evidence from Housing Struggles in Bucharest and
Ioana Florea, Agnes Gagyi, Kerstin Jacobsson
Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations - 2018 -
Informal Housing in Hungary: History and Present
Agnes Gagyi, Andras Vigvari
Informal Housing and Property Rights in the Countries of the Former Soviet Bloc workshop, University of Zurich - 2018 -
The MOBA Housing Network: building finance opportunities for cooperative housing in
Central and South-Eastern Europe, from the bottom
Agnes Gagyi
2nd Change Finance Conference, Brussels - 2018 -
Informális gazdaság, népi önszerveződés és „posztneoliberális” baloldali rezsimek Latin-Amerikában (Informal economy, popular self-organization and "post-neoliberal" left regimes in Latin America. Verónica Gago: Neoliberalism from
Agnes Gagyi
Fordulat - 2018 -
Martha Lampland: The value of labor: the science of commodification in Hungary,
Agnes Gagyi, T Gerocs
Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe - 2017 -
Szolidaritás, reprezentáció és képviselet a szegénységkutatásban és az új középosztálybeli aktivizmusban (Solidarity and representation in poverty research and in new middle class
Agnes Gagyi, G Pulay
Replika - 2017 -
Válság, művészet és politikai aktivizmus – A kortárs kulturális mező újrapolitizálódásának társadalmi környezete (Crisis, art and political activism - On the social context of the contemporary repoliticization of the cultural
Agnes Gagyi, M Szarvas
Eszmélet (Consciousness) - 2017 -
East-Central European feminist activism in the context of uneven development in the EU, and ways to move
Agnes Gagyi, G Csanyi, E Barna, T Gerocs
The Future of the European Union - Feminist Perspectives from East-Central Europe - 2017 -
Housing on the frontier of uneven development and social struggles on Europe's eastern
Agnes Gagyi, Zs Pósfai
13th Conference of the European Sociological Association. Athens: 29 august - 01 september - 2017 -
State, forex mortgages and real estate: some theoretical aspects of the Hungarian
Agnes Gagyi, Zs Pósfai, Cs Jelinek
The Real Estate/Financial Complex International Conference. Leuven, Belgium : 13-15 january - 2017 -
Rákóczi Collective - Alternatives to individual
Agnes Gagyi, Cs Jelinek, Zs Pósfai, M Szarvas
Autoportret / The Cooperative City - 2017 -
Class and Intellectual Politics: Some Notes on the Contexts of a New Intellectual Left in Hungary and
Agnes Gagyi
Spectrum of Communism - Symposium at Blinken OSA. Budapest: 16-17 november - 2017 -
Anti-Migration as State Politics in the Lack of Immigration: How the International Political
Economy of Hungary's Anti-Migration Stance Produces a Trap for Human Rights
Agnes Gagyi
6th Bi-annual meeing, Peace and Conflict Studies in Anthropology (PACSA). Amsterdam:28-30 august - 2017 -
Hungary’s 'Lex CEU' and the State of the Open Society: Looking Beyond the Story of Democratic
Agnes Gagyi
Cultures of History Forum - 2017 -
Bringing back Uneven Development to the Urbanization of Politics: Understanding Right Wing Reactions to the Forex Mortgage Crisis in
Agnes Gagyi, Cs Jelinek
RC21 Conference, Leeds - 2017 -
The rise and fall of civil society in East-Central
Agnes Gagyi, M Ivancheva
Moskalewicz M. & Przybylski W. (eds) Understanding Central Europe - 2017