
Adrian Hyde-Price

Professor emeritus

Statsvetenskapliga institutionen
Sprängkullsgatan 19
41123 Göteborg
Box 711
40530 Göteborg

Om Adrian Hyde-Price


Adrian Hyde-Price joined the Department of Political Science in August 2014 and is a member of the Centre for European Research (CERGU).

He was previously Professor of International Politics at Bath University, and has served as Head of Politics and International Relations at Leicester University. He has also held tenured positions at the universities of Birmingham, Southampton and Manchester. During the critical years at the end of the Cold War, he was a Research Fellow at Chatham House (the Royal Institute of International Affairs) in London, working on the International Security Programme. He is a graduate of the University of College of Wales, Aberystwyth, where he read Political Science, and received his doctorate from the University of Kent at Canterbury.

He has been a visiting research fellow at the Stockholm Institute of International Affairs; the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Bonn; the Friedrich-Ebert Foundation, Bonn; the Humboldt University, Berlin; and the Department of Politics at Lund University. He has also worked as a British Council sponsored post-doctoral researcher in the former German Democratic Republic.

Research interests

His research focuses on European international relations, with a particular focus on the nature of power and international order in Europe. Specific areas of interest include:

• The European security system

• The EU as an international security actor

• NATO and transatlantic security relations

• German foreign and security policy

• The ethics of statecraft

• Theoretical approaches to the study of international security

 Current research 

• Contemporary German security and defence policy

• NATO after Afghanistan (including an edited volume on ‘Theorising NATO’)

• Military transformation in contemporary Europe (a collaborative research project funded by the ESRC)

• European strategic culture

• Security Communities and the democratic peace