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- Henrik Lund
Henrik Lund
Sektion 1 - odontologiOm Henrik Lund
Henrik Lund är docent i Oral och Maxillofacial radiologi med anställning som universitetslektor/Övertandläkare vid Institutionen för Odontologi, Sahlgrenska akademin.
Henrik undervisar inom grund- och avancerad nivå på tandläkarprogrammet, tandhygienistprogrammet och vid programmet för kompletterande utbildning för tandläkare med examen från länder utanför EU/EES/Schweiz (KUT). Han är kursansvarig och examinator inom grund- och avancerad nivå, samt handledare för tandläkarstudenter på magisternivå. Vidare är Henrik huvudhandledare för forskarstuderande med anknytning till avdelningen, och bihandledare för ett antal forskarstuderande inom andra ämnesområden.
Fokus för Henrik Lunds forskning är avancerade avbildningstekniker med tonvikt på Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) tekniska aspekter, dess tillämpning inom diagnostik och olika frågeställningar där en tredimensionell avbildningsteknik kan bidra. Henrik disputerade 2011 med en avhandling om bieffekter i samband med ortodontisk behandling (tandreglering) och driver fortsatt denna inriktning i ett multidisciplinärt forskarteam. Henrik har såväl nationella som internationella samarbetsprojekt, och samarbeten med hälso-och sjukvård. Genom åren har han även varit inblandad i forskningsprojekt kopplade till industrin och Chalmers tekniska högskola.
Outcome of Orthognathic Surgery in Craniofacial Syndrome
Lars Rasmusson, Java Walladbegi, Sofia Rasmusson, Peter Tarnow, Lars Kölby, Henrik Lund, Anna Larsson
Clinics in Surgery - 2024 -
Visibility of alveolar bone thicknesses on CBCT images-a study on minimum bone requirements using various reconstruction techniques, viewing modes, and
Camilla Lennholm, Hanna Andreasen, Anna Westerlund, Henrik Lund
Skeletal effects of posterior crossbite treatment with either quad helix or rapid maxillary expansion: a randomized controlled trial with 1-year
Stina Hansson, Eva Josefsson, Henrik Lund, Silvia Miranda-Bazargani, Anders Magnuson, Rune Lindsten, Farhan Bazargani
The Angle orthodontist - 2024 -
Endodontic Inflammatory Disease and Future Cardiovascular Events and Mortality: A Report from the PAROKRANK
Dan Sebring, Kåre Buhlin, Henrik Lund, Anna Norhammar, Lars Rydén, Thomas Kvist
Journal of Endodontics - 2024 -
Primary apical periodontitis correlates to elevated levels of interleukin-8 in a Swedish population: A report from the PAROKRANK
Dan Sebring, Thomas Kvist, Henrik Lund, P. Jonasson, R. Lira-Junior, A. Norhammar, L. Rydén, K. Buhlin
International Endodontic Journal - 2024 -
Is cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) an alternative to plain radiography in assessments of dental disease? A study of method agreement in a medically compromised patient
Ninita Lindfors, Annika Ekestubbe, Fredrik Frisk, Henrik Lund
Assessment of thin bony structures using cone-beam computed
Camilla Lennholm, Anna Westerlund, Henrik Lund
The Angle orthodontist - 2023 -
Caries prevalence and other dental pathological conditions in Vikings from Varnhem,
Carolina Bertilsson, Maria Vretemark, Henrik Lund, Peter Lingström
PloS one - 2023 -
A1Meighted Composite of Endodontic Inflammatory Disease is Linked to a First Myocardial
Dan Sebring, N. G. Pehrsson, K. Buhlin, P. Jonasson, Henrik Lund, Thomas Kvist
Oral Health & Preventive Dentistry - 2023 -
Long-term performance of implants with moderately rough anodized surface supporting single-tooth restorations: A retrospective analysis with an up to 15-year
Jan Kowar, Henrik Lund, Victoria Franke Stenport
Clinical Oral Implants Research - 2023 -
Endodontic inflammatory disease: A risk indicator for a first myocardial
Dan Sebring, K. Buhlin, A. Norhammar, L. Ryden, Peter Jonasson, Henrik Lund, Thomas Kvist
International Endodontic Journal - 2022 -
Accuracy of bone-level assessments following reconstructive surgical treatment of experimental
Ahmed Almohandes, Henrik Lund, Olivier Carcuac, Max Petzold, Tord Berglundh, Ingemar Abrahamsson
Clinical Oral Implants Research - 2022 -
Skeletal and dentoalveolar effects using tooth-borne and tooth-bone-borne RME appliances: a randomized controlled trial with 1-year
Farhan Bazargani, Henrik Lund, Anders Magnuson, Björn Ludwig
European journal of orthodontics - 2021 -
Trabecular bone patterns as a fracture risk predictor: a systematic
Astera Johanen, Grethe Jonasson, Henrik Lund, Susanne Bernhardsson, Jennie Hagman, Dominique Hange, Cecilia Persson, Magnus Hakeberg
Acta odontologica Scandinavica - 2021 -
Open vs closed surgical exposure of palatally displaced canines: a comparison of clinical and patient-reported outcomes-a multicentre, randomized controlled
M. Bjorksved, K. Arnrup, S. M. Bazargani, Henrik Lund, A. Magnusson, A. Magnuson, R. Lindsten, F. Bazargani
European Journal of Orthodontics - 2021 -
Calibration improves observer reliability in detecting periapical pathology on panoramic
Dan Sebring, Thomas Kvist, K. Buhlin, Peter Jonasson, Henrik Lund
Acta Odontologica Scandinavica - 2021 -
Re-osseointegration following reconstructive surgical therapy of experimental peri-implantitis. A pre-clinical in vivo
Ahmed Almohandes, Olivier Carcuac, Ingemar Abrahamsson, Henrik Lund, Tord Berglundh
Clinical Oral Implants Research - 2019 -
Outcome of orthodontic treatment in subjects with periodontal disease. Part III: a CBCT study of external apical root
Eglė Zasčiurinskienė, Henrik Lund, Rune Lindsten, Henrik Jansson, Krister Bjerklin
European journal of orthodontics - 2019 -
Outcome of periodontal-orthodontic treatment in subjects with periodontal disease. Part II: a CBCT study of alveolar bone level
Eglė Zasčiurinskienė, Henrik Lund, Rune Lindsten, Henrik Jansson, Krister Bjerklin
European journal of orthodontics - 2019 -
Trabecular bone pattern assessment in dental radiographs for prediction of bone fracture
Astera Johanen, Susanne Bernhardsson, Jennie Hagman, Magnus Hakeberg, Dominique Hange, Grethe Jonasson, Christine M. Laine, Ann Liljegren, Henrik Lund, Cecilia Persson, Ida Stadig, Mikael Svensson, Wartenberg Constanze, Petteri Sjögren
2019 -
Henrik Lund, Annika Ekestubbe, Agneta Lith, Björn Molander, Astera Johanen, Erik Sundin
2019 -
Cone-beam computed tomographic evaluation of the long-term effects of orthodontic retainers on marginal bone
Anna Westerlund, C. Oikimoui, Maria Ransjö, Annika Ekestubbe, A. Bresin, Henrik Lund
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics - 2017 -
Influence of patient position and other inherent factors on image quality in two different cone beam computed tomography (CBCT)
Ninita Lindfors, Henrik Lund, H. Johansson, Annika Ekestubbe
European Journal of Radiology Open - 2017 -
The Bone Conduction Implant-First Implantation, Surgical and Audiologic
Måns Eeg-Olofsson, Bo Håkansson, Sabine Reinfeldt, Hamidreza Taghavi, Henrik Lund, Karl-Johan Fredén Jansson, Emil Håkansson, Joacim Stalfors
Otology and Neurotology - 2014 -
Root resorption diagnosed with cone beam computed tomography after 6 months and at the end of orthodontic treatment with fixed
Dimitrios Makedonas, Henrik Lund, Ken Hansen
Angle orthodontist - 2013 -
Apical root resorption during orthodontic treatment: A prospective study using cone beam
Henrik Lund, Kerstin Gröndahl, Ken Hansen, Hans-Göran Gröndahl
The Angle Orthodontist - 2012 -
Root resorption diagnosed with cone beam computed tomography after 6 months of orthodontic treatment with fixed appliance and the relation to risk
Dimitrios Makedonas, Henrik Lund, Kerstin Gröndahl, Ken Hansen
The Angle Orthodontist - 2012 -
Cone beam computed tomography evaluations of marginal alveolar bone before and after orthodontic treatment combined with premolar
Henrik Lund, Kerstin Gröndahl, Hans-Göran Gröndahl
European Journal of Oral Sciences - 2012 -
Cone Beam Computed Tomography in Evaluations of Some Side Effects of Orthodontic
Henrik Lund
2011 -
Cone beam computed tomography for assessment of root length and marginal bone level during orthodontic
Henrik Lund, Kerstin Gröndahl, Hans-Göran Gröndahl
Angle Orthodontist - 2010 -
Accuracy and precision of linear measurements in cone beam computed tomography Accuitomo tomograms obtained with different reconstruction
Henrik Lund, Kerstin Gröndahl, Hans-Göran Gröndahl
Dentomaxillofacial Radiology - 2009