Health & Demography
Within this theme, we are performing research on both determinants of health and health behaviours and on supply of health care in low-income countries.
The group has for example produced research on HIV and associated risk behaviours and on quality of care. We are currently working on, for example, projects on health care in Brazil, impacts of aid on stunting, and determinants of intimate partner violence and female genital cutting. We are also performing research on demographic issues such as marriage timing and fertility. One example is a study on the impacts of cash incentives on early marriage.
Works in progress (selection)
Congdon-Fors, H., Isaksson, A-S. and A. Lindskog (2021) “Why do harmful norms persist? The case of female genital cutting in Africa”
Recent publications
Kovacs, R. J., Lagarde, M., & Cairns, J. (forthcoming). "Can patients improve the quality of care they receive? Experimental evidence from Senegal." World Development.
Kovacs, R. J., Barreto, J., Nunes da Silva, E., et al. (2021). "Socioeconomic inequalities in the quality of primary care under Brazil’s national pay-for-performance programme: a longitudinal study of family health teams." The Lancet Global Health.
Dick Durevall (2021), "Gender Policy and Intimate Partner Violence in Colombia", Scandinavian Working Papers in Economics No 809.
Kaymarlin Govender, Dick Durevall, Richard G Cowden, et al. (2020). "Depression symptoms, HIV testing, linkage to ART, and viral suppression among women in a high HIV burden district in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa: A cross-sectional household study", Journal of Health Psychology.
Kovacs, R. J., Lagarde, M., & Cairns, J. (2019). "Measuring patient trust: Comparing measures from a survey and an economic experiment." Health Economics.
Lindskog, A. & D. Durevall (2021). "To educate a woman and to educate a man: Gender-specific sexual behavior and human immunodeficiency virus responses to an education reform in Botswana", Health Economics
Durevall, D., A. Lindskog & G. George (2019). "Education and HIV incidence among young women in KwaZulu-Natal: An association but no evidence of a causal protective effect" (2019). PloS one, 14(3), e0213056.
George, G., S. Nene, S. Becket, A. Lindskog, D. Durevall, and K. Govender (2019). "Greater risk for more money: The economics of negotiating condom use amongst Sex Workers in South Africa" (2019), AIDS Care.