University of Gothenburg
Statistisk kompetens efterfrågas i många branscher

Undergraduate Studies in Statistics

Statistics is the science of collecting, analyzing and interpreting empirical data, which means there is a wide range of applications.

In social science subjects such as economics and various behavioral sciences, statistical methods are invaluable for the collection and analysis of quantitative data. All decisions, small and large, all planning in economic activities, all control and monitoring of the environment and nature require statistically accurate data.

Statistics are only given as stand-alone courses, from the basic to the advanced level. For studies of 90 credits in statistics and additional subjects, you can get a bachelor's degree in statistics. Keep in mind that the intermediate courses are only given in the spring term and the advanced course only in the autumn term.

All single subject courses in Statistics are held in Swedish. For more information on our courses, please see the Swedish version of this page.