University of Gothenburg
Development Economics covers a wide range of topics

Development economics

Development economics is a branch of economics that deals with economic aspects of the development process in low-income countries.

Our research in development economics revolves around a variety of topics, e.g. aid and development, education and learning, health, political economy and institutions, poverty, and the performance of firms and farms.

Much of our research builds on insights and perspectives from other fields in economics including behavioral economics, experimental economics, and applied microeconomics. Our research is funded by a wide range of sources including the Swedish Research Council, Sida, the World Bank, and Torsten Söderbergs Foundation.

Studying Development Economics

Gothenburg is an excellent place to study development economics. We offer courses in development economics at the bachelor level and Master level, and many of our students are specializing in development economics for their bachelor and Master theses.

Collaboration and outreach

Researchers in the development economics group take part in national and international research organizations and networks, such as Association of Swedish Development Economists (ASWEDE), Environment for Development (EfD), European Development Research Network (EUDN) and African Economic Research Consortium (AERC).

Research themes

Research projects

A selection of externally funded research projects within the field of development economics.

“School impacts of violent religious extremism” (Vetenskapsrådet/Swedish research council)

Participants: Annika Lindskog (principal investigator), Ann-Sofie Isaksson, Heather Congdon-Fors, Mohammad Sepahvand. Date: 2022-2024

“Digital development and educational outcomes in Sub-Saharan Africa: A recipe for inclusive development or deepening divides?” (Vetenskapsrådet/Swedish research council)

Participants: Pelle Ahlerup, Ann-Sofie Isaksson and Dick Durevall. Date: 2022-2024

"Patient behaviour: Investigating new determinants and exploring effects on maternal and neonatal health in Kenya”. (Wellcome Trust Research Fellowship in Humanities and Social Science)

Participants: Roxanne Kovacs

“Climate change and the prospects for economic growth: How extreme weather events affect regime stability.” (Vetenskapsrådet)

Participants: Pelle Ahlerup, Sverker Jagers, Martin Sjöstedt (PI), Aksel Sundström.