Skogaryd Research Catchment
The Skogaryd Research Catchment offers a mix of different ecosystems: mires, mature and young forests, lakes and streams. Here, research is conducted to quantify greenhouse gas balances at the landscape scale, including land-atmosphere, land-water, and water-atmosphere exchange, promoting cross-habitat-boundary research.
The Skogaryd Research Catchment is part of SITES (Swedish Infrastructure for Ecosystem Science) and ICOS-Sweden (Integrated Carbon Observation System) and is open to all researchers, regardless of affiliation. It is located 100 km north of Gothenburg, Sweden. The base measurement program at Skogaryd includes greenhouse gas (GHG) flux measurements from terrestrial and limnic ecosystem, using a range of different methodologies, as well as stream flow and chemical analyses. The Skogaryd Research Catchment promotes biogeochemical, ecological, ecophysiological and within-canopy chemical research.

Skogaryd sub sites
Skogaryd Research Cathment consist of six subsites: Mycklemossen, Erssjön, Följesjön, Följemaden, Stordalen and Central. On the map above, these sub sites are marked with different colors. You can find more information of what each sub site has to offer in the descriptions below.
Mycklemossen - mire
At the mire site, land-atmosphere, stream chemistry and stream-atmosphere studies are ongoing. It is one of few mire sites where one can determine the Net Ecosystem Carbon Balance (NECB). This subsite promotes biogeochemical/physiology mire ecosystem studies in relation to global change, process modelling and remote sensing.mire ecosystem studies.
Mycklemossen is the area with blue color marking on the map.
More information about research and services at subsite Mycklemossen
Erssjön - lake
This lake station is an mportant part of the Skogaryd catchment concept, which combines terrestrial, stream and lake ecosystems at a landscape level. It provides a standardized infrastructure for mesocosm experiments in lakes. It can show how local differences in key variables across space, such as temperature, altitude and nutrients affect the results of experimental manipulations.
Erssjön is the area with dark green color marking on the map.
More information about research and services at subsite Erssjön
Följesjön - swamp/lake
This subsite is a swamp/lake and has electric power, fiber optic internet connection, cabin boardwalks, tower and bridges. Följesjön has a testbed for measurements of CH4 emissions.
Följesjön is the area with purple color markings on the map.
More information about research and services at subsite Följesjön
Följemaden - rewetted peatlands
This subsite has been divided into two sections, one rewetted, and the other one planted with new trees after clear cut. Three eddy-covariance towers are in operation here, together with chamber systems and auxiliary measurements.
Följemaden is the area with pink color marking on the map.
More information about research and services at subsite Följemaden
Stordalen - replanted clear-cut site
This subsite measures fluxes of GHG’s in forest ecosystems at different development stages.
Stordalen is the area with red color marking on map.
More information about research and services at subsite Stordalen
Central - forest on mineral soils
This subsite promotes biogeochemical/physiology forest ecosystem studies in relation to global change, process modelling and remote sensing.
Central is the area with light green color marking on the map below
More information about research and services at subsite Central

Service for researchers
Researchers using the Skogaryd Resarch Catchment are provided with a high tech infrastructure in the field. There are cabins in Skogaryd used for lodging, office, education, and storage. Field crew, with local knowledge, high tech sensor and instrument knowledge can assist during fieldwork.
A workshop for wood and plastics hand craft as well as work related to electronic repairs and development are provided. A nearby farm provides an advance workshop for repair of field equipment.
Data from Skogaryd
Our measurement program in Skogaryd includes flux measurements from forests as well as streams and lakes along with chemical analyses. Data collected at Skogaryd is freely available and can be used by anyone as long as the data is cited as specified in the SITES data policy.

Skogaryd collaboration
Skogaryd is part of Swedish Infrastructure for Ecosystem Science (SITES) and its infrastructures SITES Water, SITES AquaNet and SITES Spectral.
Skogaryd is also a partner of Long term ecological research (LTER) - a network for Swedish research and monitoring stations conducting ecological research.
The European national research infrastructure Integrated Carbon Observation System (ICOS) is another important partner. ICOS Sweden operates a network of seven field stations in total, providing accessible, high-quality data to improve our understanding of greenhouse gas sinks and emissions.