University of Gothenburg

Application and entry requirements

Vacancies for the third-cycle programme are announced on a continuous basis on the University of Gothenburg's common Job Application Portal.


Vacancies for the third-cycle programme are announced on a continuous basis on the University of Gothenburg's common Job Application Portal.  Doctoral students at the Department of Psychology are often connected to one (or more) of the department's research teams.


Anyone who satisfies the following entry requirements can apply for a third-cycle programme. Each vacancy notification specifies in detail what you need to include in your application and what the procedure entails.

Entry requirements

General entry requirements

General entry requirements for a third-cycle programme are satisfied by anyone who:

  • has passed an exam at second-cycle level,
  • satisfied course requirements of at least 240 credits, of which at least 60 credits are at second-cycle level, or
  • has, in some other way, acquired documented equivalent knowledge in Sweden or abroad.

Specific entry requirements

In order to be admitted to a third-cycle programme in psychology, the following is required:

  • completion of courses worth at least 90 credits in psychology at first-cycle level, and
  • at least 60 credits in psychology at second-cycle level, comprising courses of at least 15 HE credits in scientific method and an academic paper worth at least 15 credits, or
  • has, in some other way, acquired documented knowledge equivalent to the above requirements.


Studies at third-cycle level are financed by means of a doctoral studentship, or by a particular agreement with an employer (referred to as a collaborative doctoral position).


An applicant is admitted only if there is an intention to complete the doctoral course with an examination. The Committee for Third Cycle Education (FUB) assesses applicants for the third-cycle programme according to the following criteria:

  1. Formal entry requirements
  2. The capacity to benefit from the education
  3. Available supervisory resources