The Swedish NMR Centre takes part in a number of national and international networks.
Science for Life Laboratory (SciLifeLab)
SciLifeLab is a national resource of unique technologies and expertise available to life scientists, closely intertwined with our community of researchers in areas such as biomedicine, ecology and evolution. We bring scientists together across traditional boundaries and foster collaborations with industry, health care, public research organizations and international partners.
The Swedish NMR Centre is part of the Integrated Structural Biology (ISB) platform at SciLifeLab, a research infrastructure aimed at macromolecular structure and dynamics, and molecular interactions. Being part of SciLifeLab since 2016, we also offer services within NMR metabolomics. Project support can be applied for via the web page nmraccess.se
Relevant SciLifeLab links
SwedNMR is a national NMR network, connecting laboratories in Sweden which all have unique instrumentation and expertise within a broadened field of NMR applications, so that most aspects of NMR that can be offered to the wider research community. SwedNMR offers courses and workshops in all areas, but can also be contacted for individual support.
Project support can be applied for through the form at nmraccess.se.
SNC in Gothenburg hosts 7 spectrometers ranging from 400 to 900 MHz available for independent use for academics as well as industrial users. Expert support is available in the areas Structural Biology, Metabolomics and DNP.
The spectrometers have dedicated applications:
- 400 (pink). DNP in solid state, used for pharmaceutical applications as well as material science.
- 600B IVDr (white). Metabolomics according to the Bruker IVDr standard setup. Can be switched to microimaging mode upon request.
- 600#2 (violet). 31P and 19F detection, used as walkup system for organic chemistry and for in-cell NMR.
- 700 (green). QCIP probe for 1H-19F correlation spectra, suitable for FBS screens of fluorinated compounds.
- 800#1 (indigo). 3mm TCI cryoprobe ensuring highest possible sensitivity.
- 800#2 (red). 5mm TXO cryoprobe for superior 13C direct detection.
- 900 (blue) with a 3mm TCI cryoprobe is the most sensitive spectrometer for proton detection.
Umeå University provides access to local and national users on 4 spectrometers ranging from 400 MHz to 850 MHz, with focus on solid-state NMR through cutting-edge equipment (0.7mm MAS probe at 850 MHz and MAS cryoprobe at 600 MHz). We provide support in the areas of materials science, metabolomics, structure biology and chemical biology.
Uppsala University provides access to solution NMR spectrometers from 400-600 MHz, for academic and industrial users nationally and internationally. This node has its key expertise in small molecule NMR (Erdelyi), the NMR investigation of RNA (Petzold) and of proteins and their complexes (Alderson).
Lund University serves as an expert node within the Biomolecular Module, focusing on development and applications of relaxation methods for protein dynamics studies. LU has 500 MHz, 600 MHz and 800 MHz spectrometers.
Relevant SwedNMR links
PANACEA, Pan-European solid-state NMR Infrastructure for Chemistry-Enabling Access, comprises eight national NMR infrastructures, seven European and one in the USA. PANACEA offers researchers free of charge access for up to two weeks on 27 NMR spectrometers with frequencies up to 1500 MHz. The PANACEA joint research activities include advancements in DNP (dynamic nuclear polarization) methods and instrumentation, the development of ultra-high magnetic field and ultra-fast MAS (magic angle spinning) solid-state NMR technologies for chemistry and the setup and maintenance of a single platform with integrated softwares for solid-state NMR data sharing, and analysis.
The Swedish NMR Centre offers as part of PANACEA up to two weeks of free access to our 400 MHz DNP – NMR instrument, including expert support. Our PANACEA joint research activities include establishing a unique triple-channel, low temperature solid-state DNP – NMR probe with separate radiofrequency channels for 1H and 19F Larmor frequencies. The probe will be available at the Swedish NMR Centre from 2024 and will be used to investigate pharmaceutical formulations and to perform in-cell detection of 19F-containing pharmaceuticals.
More information on the 1H19F probe available at SNC from 2024
Remote NMR (R-NMR)
Remote NMR (R-NMR) is a EU Horizon-funded project by 26 European NMR groups/entities that aims to design and deliver a platform for remote access capabilities to NMR research infrastructures.
This project aims to establish an inclusive network of NMR-infrastructures throughout Europe, to survey if and how remote access can be made possible according to the needs of the community, and to implement GDPR at facilities and sample shipment procedures. Routines for remote NMR-usage will be also established, including dissemination of research and teaching protocols, archiving of data, and sample shipment.
Relevant R-NMR links
Protein Production Sweden (PPS)
Protein Production Sweden (PPS) is a national, VR-funded distributed infrastructure with the expressed intent to provide high quality proteins for research. PPS gives access for researchers to a broad palette of expression systems, allowing the possibility to match a given project with the most suitable production methodology.
The Swedish NMR Centre offers as part of PPS access to and support with cell-free protein synthesis, especially for isotope labelling purposes.
Expression systems within PPS
- Escherichia coli-based production in Stockholm with PSF at Karolinska Institutet or with the Protein Expertise Platform at Umeå University.
- Mammalian cell-based expression with MPE at the University of Gothenburg or with the Protein Factory at KTH
- Baculovirus-driven expression and deuteration expertise with the Lund Protein Production platform at Lund University
- Pichia pastoris-based production with the unit at Chemistry and Molecular Biology at the University of Gothenburg
- Cell-free protein synthesis and isotope labelling with the Swedish NMR Centre at the University of Gothenburg
Chemical Biology Consortium Sweden (CBCS)
CBCS, Chemical Biology Consortium Sweden, is a national research infrastructure offering small molecule phenotypic screens in cells and model organisms to all researchers in Sweden. CBCS also offers cell painting, fragment-based screening with NMR, biochemical assays and automated patch clamp profiling, all with the aim of understanding and deciphering the function of biological pathways. CBCS provides in-house expertise on computational and organic chemistry aspects, and harbors a state-of-the-art compound collection with more than 300’000 molecules available for screening. CBCS also provides access to biosafety level 2 and 3 laboratories for screening infectious pathogens.
The Swedish NMR Centre harbors one of the six CBCS nodes distributed at Swedish universities. CBCS staff work in close collaboration with local researchers who have asked for our support, and focus on the development and adaption of bioassays to microtiter-based high-throughput format. With a robust assay at hand, the user can move on to extensive phenotypic or biochemical screening using the CBCS basis set of 37’000 compounds. We also offer detection of protein – ligand interactions using fragment-based screening with NMR, with both CBCS and in-house fragment libraries or user supplied compound libraries.
For more info, please contact Weixiao, weixiao.yuan.wahlgren@gu.se