The NMR Centre staff has broad experience and competence with the supported research areas.
B. Göran Karlsson, Prof.
Professor and Director of the NMR Centre
Research interests and responsibilities at the NMR Centre
Director with budget responsibility and staff liability. Has a broad NMR interest with special focus on life science, e.g. structural biology, metabolomics and chemical biology. Tries to develop new drugs against Covid-19, studies protein interactions with NMR methodology and closely follows the development within DNP-NMR and UF-MAS.

Vladislav Y. Orekhov, Prof.
Research interests and responsibilities at the NMR Centre
Professor in biophysics.

Cecilia Persson, PhD
Principal research engineer and site manager
Competence areas and responsibilities at the NMR Centre
Spectroscopist. Active primarily in the structural biology area of supported research. Contact person for structural biology.
Booking responsible.

Ulrika Brath, PhD
Principal research engineer
Competence areas and responsibilities at the NMR Centre
Spectroscopist. Active primarily in the structural biology, small-molecule NMR and chemical biology areas of supported research. Contact person for chemical biology and materials science.
Equal opportunities representative.

Ashish Kawale, PhD
Principal research engineer
Competence areas and responsibilities at the NMR Centre
Protein chemist and spectroscopist. Active in protein expression and analysis of protein-NMR data with structural biology.
Resposnible for cell-free protein synthesis activity within the VR-RFI-funded infrastructure PPS.

Daniel Malmodin, PhD
Principal research engineer
Competence areas and responsibilities at the NMR Centre
Physicist. Active primarily in analysis of NMR data in the metabolomics and structural biology areas of supported research.
NBIS-contact for metabolomics. Environmental representative.

Sivanandam Natarajan, PhD
Principal research engineer
Competence areas and responsibilities at the NMR Centre
Spectroscopist. Active primarily in the field of structural biology, focused on the application of NMR spectroscopy to understand protein dynamics, enzyme catalysis, protein stability, and paramagnetic protein structure & dynamics.

Anders Bay Nord, PhD
Principal research engineer
Competence areas and responsibilities at the NMR Centre
Protein chemist. Active in mainly in the metabolomics area of supported research. Contact person for metabolomics and cell-free protein synthesis.
Arbetsmiljöombud. Wet lab responsible.

Arthur Pinon, PhD
Principal research engineer
Competence areas and responsibilities at the NMR Centre
Physical chemist. Solid-state NMR and DNP spectroscopist. Active in materials science area of supported research. Responsible for the 400 MHz DNP system.

Mária Šoltésová, PhD
Post-doctoral researcher

Weixiao Yuan Wahlgren, PhD
Principal research engineer
Competence areas and responsibilities at the NMR Centre
Civil engineer in biotechnology. Responsible for assay development and screening within the VR-RFI-funded infrastructure Chemical Biology Consortium Sweden (CBCS, www.cbcs.se). Active within fragment-based screening with NMR.